
whitespace-help-text is a variable defined in `whitespace.el'.
Its value is

" Whitespace Toggle Options | scroll up : SPC or > |\n | scroll down: M-SPC or < |\n FACES \\__________________________/\n [] f - toggle face visualization\n [] t - toggle TAB visualization\n [] s - toggle SPACE and HARD SPACE visualization\n [] r - toggle trailing blanks visualization\n [] l - toggle \"long lines\" visualization\n [] L - toggle \"long lines\" tail visualization\n [] n - toggle NEWLINE visualization\n [] e - toggle empty line at bob and/or eob visualization\n [] C-i - toggle indentation SPACEs visualization (via `indent-tabs-mode')\n [] I - toggle indentation SPACEs visualization\n [] i - toggle indentation TABs visualization\n [] C-t - toggle big indentation visualization\n [] C-a - toggle SPACEs after TAB visualization (via `indent-tabs-mode')\n [] A - toggle SPACEs after TAB: SPACEs visualization\n [] a - toggle SPACEs after TAB: TABs visualization\n [] C-b - toggle SPACEs before TAB visualization (via `indent-tabs-mode')\n [] B - toggle SPACEs before TAB: SPACEs visualization\n [] b - toggle SPACEs before TAB: TABs visualization\n\n DISPLAY TABLE\n [] T - toggle TAB visualization\n [] S - toggle SPACE and HARD SPACE visualization\n [] N - toggle NEWLINE visualization\n\n x - restore `whitespace-style' value\n\n ? - display this text\n\n"

  • This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.

Text for whitespace toggle options.