
vhdl-file-header is a variable defined in `vhdl-mode.el'.
Its value is

"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-- Title : \n-- Project : <project>\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-- File : <filename>\n-- Author : <author>\n-- Company : <company>\n-- Created : <date>\n-- Last update: <date>\n-- Platform : <platform>\n-- Standard : <standard>\n<projectdesc>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-- Description: <cursor>\n<copyright>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-- Revisions :\n-- Date Version Author Description\n-- <date> 1.0 <login> Created\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"</pre></br> </br> <strong id="documentation">Documentation:</strong></br> String or file to insert as file header.</br> If the string specifies an existing file name, the contents of the file is</br> inserted, otherwise the string itself is inserted as file header.</br> Type `C-j' for newlines.</br> If the header contains RCS keywords, they may be written as <RCS>Keyword<RCS></br> if the header needs to be version controlled.</br> </br> The following keywords for template generation are supported:</br> <filename> : replaced by the name of the buffer</br> <author> : replaced by the user name and email address</br> (`user-full-name',`mail-host-address', `user-mail-address')</br> <authorfull> : replaced by the user full name (`user-full-name')</br> <login> : replaced by user login name (`user-login-name')</br> <company> : replaced by contents of option `vhdl-company-name'</br> <date> : replaced by the current date</br> <year> : replaced by the current year</br> <project> : replaced by title of current project (`vhdl-project')</br> <projectdesc> : replaced by description of current project (`vhdl-project')</br> <copyright> : replaced by copyright string (`vhdl-copyright-string')</br> <platform> : replaced by contents of option `vhdl-platform-spec'</br> <standard> : replaced by the VHDL language standard(s) used</br> <... string> : replaced by a queried string ("..." is the prompt word)</br> <title string>: replaced by file title in automatically generated files</br> <cursor> : final cursor position</br> </br> The (multi-line) project description <projectdesc> can be used as a project</br> dependent part of the file header and can also contain the above keywords.</br> </br> You can customize this variable. </div> </section> <!-- <hr/> --> <!-- <section id="downloads" class="clearfix"> --> <!-- <a href="https://github.com/Bruce-Connor/emacs-online-documentation/zipball/gh-pages" id="download-zip" class="button"><span>Download .zip</span></a> --> <!-- <a href="https://github.com/Bruce-Connor/emacs-online-documentation/tarball/gh-pages" id="download-tar-gz" class="button"><span>Download .tar.gz</span></a> --> <!-- </section> --> <footer> <a href="http://doc.endlessparentheses.com">Emacs Online Documentation</a> is a courtesy of <a href="http://endlessparentheses.com">Endless Parentheses</a>.<br> Content of the documentation pages is part of GNU Emacs and available under GPL. Tactile theme by Jason Long. </footer> </div> </div> </body> </html>