vhdl-compiler-alist is a variable defined in `
Its value is shown
List of available VHDL compilers and their properties.
Each list entry specifies the following items for a compiler:
Compiler name : name used in option `vhdl-compiler' to choose compiler
Compile command : command used for source file compilation
Compile options : compile options ("\1" inserts library name)
Make command : command used for compilation using a Makefile
Make options : make options ("\1" inserts Makefile name)
Generate Makefile: use built-in function or command to generate a Makefile
("\1" inserts Makefile name, "\2" inserts library name)
Library command : command to create library directory ("\1" inserts
library directory, "\2" inserts library name)
Compile directory: where compilation is run and the Makefile is placed
Library directory: directory of default library
Makefile name : name of Makefile (default is "Makefile")
ID string : compiler identification string (see `vhdl-project-alist')
Error message:
Regexp : regular expression to match error messages (*)
File subexp index: index of subexpression that matches the file name
Line subexp index: index of subexpression that matches the line number
Column subexp idx: index of subexpression that matches the column number
File message:
Regexp : regular expression to match a file name message
File subexp index: index of subexpression that matches the file name
Unit-to-file name mapping: mapping of library unit names to names of files
generated by the compiler (used for Makefile generation)
To string : string a name is mapped to ("\1" inserts the unit name,
"\2" inserts the entity name for architectures,
"\3" inserts the library name)
Case adjustment : adjust case of inserted unit names
(*) The regular expression must match the error message starting from the
beginning of the line (but not necessarily to the end of the line).
Compile options allows insertion of the library name (see `vhdl-project-alist')
in order to set the compilers library option (e.g. "vcom -work my_lib").
For Makefile generation, the built-in function can be used (requires
specification of the unit-to-file name mapping). Alternatively, an
external command can be specified. Work directory allows specification of
an alternative "work" library path (e.g. "WORK/" instead of "work/",
used for Makefile generation). To use another library name than "work",
customize `vhdl-project-alist'. The library command is inserted in Makefiles
to automatically create the library directory if not existent.
Compile options, compile directory, library directory, and Makefile name are
overwritten by the project settings if a project is defined (see
`vhdl-project-alist'). Directory paths are relative to the source file
Some compilers do not include the file name in the error message, but print
out a file name message in advance. In this case, set "File Subexp Index"
under "Error Message" to 0 and fill out the "File Message" entries.
If no file name at all is printed out, set both "File Message" entries to 0
(a default file name message will be printed out instead, does not work in
A compiler is selected for syntax analysis (`M-x vhdl-compile') by
assigning its name to option `vhdl-compiler'.
Please send any missing or erroneous compiler properties to the maintainer for
NOTE: Activate new error and file message regexps and reflect the new setting
in the choice list of option `vhdl-compiler' by restarting Emacs.
You can customize this variable.
This variable was introduced, or its default value was changed, in
version 24.4 of Emacs.
(("ADVance MS" "vacom" "-work \\1" "make" "-f \\1" nil "valib \\1; vamap \\2 \\1" "./" "work/" "Makefile" "adms"
("^\\s-+\\([0-9]+\\):\\s-+" nil 1 nil)
("^Compiling file \\(.+\\)" 1)
("ENTI/\\1.vif" "ARCH/\\1-\\2.vif" "CONF/\\1.vif" "PACK/\\1.vif" "BODY/\\1.vif" upcase))
("Aldec" "vcom" "-work \\1" "make" "-f \\1" nil "vlib \\1; vmap \\2 \\1" "./" "work/" "Makefile" "aldec"
("^.* ERROR [^:]+: \".*\" \"\\([^ \n]+\\)\" \\([0-9]+\\) \\([0-9]+\\)" 1 2 3)
("" 0)
("Cadence Leapfrog" "cv" "-work \\1 -file" "make" "-f \\1" nil "mkdir \\1" "./" "work/" "Makefile" "leapfrog"
("^duluth: \\*E,[0-9]+ (\\([^ \n]+\\),\\([0-9]+\\)):" 1 2 nil)
("" 0)
("\\1/entity" "\\2/\\1" "\\1/configuration" "\\1/package" "\\1/body" downcase))
("Cadence NC" "ncvhdl" "-work \\1" "make" "-f \\1" nil "mkdir \\1" "./" "work/" "Makefile" "ncvhdl"
("^ncvhdl_p: \\*E,\\w+ (\\([^ \n]+\\),\\([0-9]+\\)|\\([0-9]+\\)):" 1 2 3)
("" 0)
("\\1/entity/pc.db" "\\2/\\1/pc.db" "\\1/configuration/pc.db" "\\1/package/pc.db" "\\1/body/pc.db" downcase))
("GHDL" "ghdl" "-i --workdir=\\1 --ieee=synopsys -fexplicit " "make" "-f \\1" nil "mkdir \\1" "./" "work/" "Makefile" "ghdl"
("^ghdl_p: \\*E,\\w+ (\\([^ \n]+\\),\\([0-9]+\\)|\\([0-9]+\\)):" 1 2 3)
("" 0)
("\\1/entity" "\\2/\\1" "\\1/configuration" "\\1/package" "\\1/body" downcase))
("IBM Compiler" "g2tvc" "-src" "precomp" "\\1" nil "mkdir \\1" "./" "work/" "Makefile" "ibm"
("^[0-9]+ COACHDL.*: File: \\([^ \n]+\\), *line.column: \\([0-9]+\\).\\([0-9]+\\)" 1 2 3)
(" " 0)
("Ikos" "analyze" "-l \\1" "make" "-f \\1" nil "mkdir \\1" "./" "work/" "Makefile" "ikos"
("^E L\\([0-9]+\\)/C\\([0-9]+\\):" nil 1 2)
("^analyze +\\(.+ +\\)*\\(.+\\)$" 2)
("ModelSim" "vcom" "-93 -work \\1" "make" "-f \\1" nil "vlib \\1; vmap \\2 \\1" "./" "work/" "Makefile" "modelsim"
("^\\(ERROR\\|WARNING\\|\\*\\* Error\\|\\*\\* Warning\\)[^:]*:\\( *[[0-9]+]\\)? \\([^ \n]+\\)(\\([0-9]+\\)):" 3 4 nil)
("" 0)
("\\1/_primary.dat" "\\2/\\1.dat" "\\1/_primary.dat" "\\1/_primary.dat" "\\1/body.dat" downcase))
("LEDA ProVHDL" "provhdl" "-w \\1 -f" "make" "-f \\1" nil "mkdir \\1" "./" "work/" "Makefile" "provhdl"
("^\\([^ \n:]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\): " 1 2 nil)
("" 0)
("ENTI/\\1.vif" "ARCH/\\1-\\2.vif" "CONF/\\1.vif" "PACK/\\1.vif" "BODY/BODY-\\1.vif" upcase))
("Quartus" "make" "-work \\1" "make" "-f \\1" nil "mkdir \\1" "./" "work/" "Makefile" "quartus"
("^\\(Error\\|Warning\\): .* \\([^ \n]+\\)(\\([0-9]+\\))" 2 3 nil)
("" 0)
("QuickHDL" "qvhcom" "-work \\1" "make" "-f \\1" nil "mkdir \\1" "./" "work/" "Makefile" "quickhdl"
("^\\(ERROR\\|WARNING\\)[^:]*: \\([^ \n]+\\)(\\([0-9]+\\)):" 2 3 nil)
("" 0)
("\\1/_primary.dat" "\\2/\\1.dat" "\\1/_primary.dat" "\\1/_primary.dat" "\\1/body.dat" downcase))
("Savant" "scram" "-publish-cc -design-library-name \\1" "make" "-f \\1" nil "mkdir \\1" "./" "work._savant_lib/" "Makefile" "savant"
("^\\([^ \n:]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\): " 1 2 nil)
("" 0)
("\\1_entity.vhdl" "\\2_secondary_units._savant_lib/\\2_\\1.vhdl" "\\1_config.vhdl" "\\1_package.vhdl" "\\1_secondary_units._savant_lib/\\1_package_body.vhdl" downcase))
("Simili" "vhdlp" "-work \\1" "make" "-f \\1" nil "mkdir \\1" "./" "work/" "Makefile" "simili"
("^\\(Error\\|Warning\\): \\w+: \\([^ \n]+\\): (line \\([0-9]+\\)): " 2 3 nil)
("" 0)
("\\1/prim.var" "\\2/_\\1.var" "\\1/prim.var" "\\1/prim.var" "\\1/_body.var" downcase))
("Speedwave" "analyze" "-libfile vsslib.ini -src" "make" "-f \\1" nil "mkdir \\1" "./" "work/" "Makefile" "speedwave"
("^ *ERROR[[0-9]+]::File \\([^ \n]+\\) Line \\([0-9]+\\):" 1 2 nil)
("" 0)
("Synopsys" "vhdlan" "-nc -work \\1" "make" "-f \\1" nil "mkdir \\1" "./" "work/" "Makefile" "synopsys"
("^\\*\\*Error: vhdlan,[0-9]+ \\([^ \n]+\\)(\\([0-9]+\\)):" 1 2 nil)
("" 0)
("\\1.sim" "\\2__\\1.sim" "\\1.sim" "\\1.sim" "\\1__.sim" upcase))
("Synopsys Design Compiler" "vhdlan" "-nc -spc -work \\1" "make" "-f \\1" nil "mkdir \\1" "./" "work/" "Makefile" "synopsys_dc"
("^\\*\\*Error: vhdlan,[0-9]+ \\([^ \n]+\\)(\\([0-9]+\\)):" 1 2 nil)
("" 0)
("\\1.syn" "\\2__\\1.syn" "\\1.syn" "\\1.syn" "\\1__.syn" upcase))
("Synplify" "n/a" "n/a" "make" "-f \\1" nil "mkdir \\1" "./" "work/" "Makefile" "synplify"
("^@[EWN]:\"\\([^ \n]+\\)\":\\([0-9]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\):" 1 2 3)
("" 0)
("Vantage" "analyze" "-libfile vsslib.ini -src" "make" "-f \\1" nil "mkdir \\1" "./" "work/" "Makefile" "vantage"
("^\\*\\*Error: LINE \\([0-9]+\\) \\*\\*\\*" nil 1 nil)
("^ *Compiling \"\\(.+\\)\" " 1)
("VeriBest" "vc" "vhdl" "make" "-f \\1" nil "mkdir \\1" "./" "work/" "Makefile" "veribest"
("^ +\\([0-9]+\\): +[^ ]" nil 1 nil)
("" 0)
("Viewlogic" "analyze" "-libfile vsslib.ini -src" "make" "-f \\1" nil "mkdir \\1" "./" "work/" "Makefile" "viewlogic"
("^\\*\\*Error: LINE \\([0-9]+\\) \\*\\*\\*" nil 1 nil)
("^ *Compiling \"\\(.+\\)\" " 1)
("Xilinx XST" "xflow" "" "make" "-f \\1" nil "mkdir \\1" "./" "work/" "Makefile" "xilinx"
("^ERROR:HDLParsers:[0-9]+ - \"\\([^ \n]+\\)\" Line \\([0-9]+\\)." 1 2 nil)
("" 0)