
url-http-codes is a variable defined in `url-http.el'.
Its value is shown below.
  • This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.

The HTTP return codes and their text.


((100 continue "Continue with request") (101 switching-protocols "Switching protocols") (102 processing "Processing (Added by DAV)") (200 OK "OK") (201 created "Created") (202 accepted "Accepted") (203 non-authoritative "Non-authoritative information") (204 no-content "No content") (205 reset-content "Reset content") (206 partial-content "Partial content") (207 multi-status "Multi-status (Added by DAV)") (300 multiple-choices "Multiple choices") (301 moved-permanently "Moved permanently") (302 found "Found") (303 see-other "See other") (304 not-modified "Not modified") (305 use-proxy "Use proxy") (307 temporary-redirect "Temporary redirect") (400 bad-request "Bad Request") (401 unauthorized "Unauthorized") (402 payment-required "Payment required") (403 forbidden "Forbidden") (404 not-found "Not found") (405 method-not-allowed "Method not allowed") (406 not-acceptable "Not acceptable") (407 proxy-authentication-required "Proxy authentication required") (408 request-timeout "Request time-out") (409 conflict "Conflict") (410 gone "Gone") (411 length-required "Length required") (412 precondition-failed "Precondition failed") (413 request-entity-too-large "Request entity too large") (414 request-uri-too-large "Request-URI too large") (415 unsupported-media-type "Unsupported media type") (416 requested-range-not-satisfiable "Requested range not satisfiable") (417 expectation-failed "Expectation failed") (422 unprocessable-entity "Unprocessable Entity (Added by DAV)") (423 locked "Locked") (424 failed-Dependency "Failed Dependency") (500 internal-server-error "Internal server error") (501 not-implemented "Not implemented") (502 bad-gateway "Bad gateway") (503 service-unavailable "Service unavailable") (504 gateway-timeout "Gateway time-out") (505 http-version-not-supported "HTTP version not supported") (507 insufficient-storage "Insufficient storage"))