tex-shell-map is a variable defined in `
Its value is shown
- This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.
Keymap for the TeX shell.
Inherits `shell-mode-map' with a few additions.
(menu-bar keymap
(tex "TeX" keymap
(tex-view menu-item "Tex View" tex-view :enable
(stringp tex-print-file))
(tex-print menu-item "Tex Print" tex-print :enable
(stringp tex-print-file))
(tex-alt-print menu-item "Tex Print (alt printer)" tex-alt-print :enable
(stringp tex-print-file))
(tex-show-print-queue "Show Print Queue" . tex-show-print-queue)
(tex-recenter-output-buffer menu-item "Tex Recenter" tex-recenter-output-buffer :enable
(get-buffer "*tex-shell*"))
(tex-kill-job menu-item "Tex Kill" tex-kill-job :enable
(3 keymap
(22 . tex-view)
(16 . tex-print)
(17 . tex-show-print-queue)
(12 . tex-recenter-output-buffer)
(11 . tex-kill-job))
(10 . kermit-send-input-cr)
(28 . kermit-esc)
(menu-bar keymap
(completion "Complete" keymap
(complete "Complete at Point" . completion-at-point)
(complete-file "Complete File Name" . comint-dynamic-complete-filename)
(complete-env-variable "Complete Env. Variable Name" . shell-dynamic-complete-environment-variable)
(complete-listing "File Completion Listing" . comint-dynamic-list-filename-completions)
(complete-expand "Expand File Name" . comint-replace-by-expanded-filename)
(expand-directory "Expand Directory Reference" . shell-replace-by-expanded-directory)
(27 keymap
(63 . comint-dynamic-list-filename-completions)
(13 . shell-resync-dirs))
(9 . completion-at-point)
(3 keymap
(92 . kermit-esc)
(17 . kermit-send-char)
(2 . shell-backward-command)
(6 . shell-forward-command))
(menu-bar keymap
(signals "Signals" keymap
(break "BREAK" . comint-interrupt-subjob)
(stop "STOP" . comint-stop-subjob)
(cont "CONT" . comint-continue-subjob)
(quit "QUIT" . comint-quit-subjob)
(kill "KILL" . comint-kill-subjob)
(eof "EOF" . comint-send-eof)
(inout "In/Out" keymap
(expand-history "Expand History Before Point" . comint-replace-by-expanded-history)
(list-history "List Input History" . comint-dynamic-list-input-ring)
(previous-history "Previous Input" . comint-previous-input)
(next-history "Next Input" . comint-next-input)
(previous-matching-history-from-input "Previous Matching Current Input" . comint-previous-matching-input-from-input)
(next-matching-history-from-input "Next Matching Current Input" . comint-next-matching-input-from-input)
(previous-matching-history "Previous Matching Input..." . comint-previous-matching-input)
(next-matching-history "Next Matching Input..." . comint-next-matching-input)
(backward-matching-history "Backward Matching Input..." . comint-backward-matching-input)
(forward-matching-history "Forward Matching Input..." . comint-forward-matching-input)
(history-isearch-backward "Isearch Input String Backward..." . comint-history-isearch-backward)
(history-isearch-backward-regexp "Isearch Input Regexp Backward..." . comint-history-isearch-backward-regexp)
(copy-input "Copy Old Input" . comint-copy-old-input)
(kill-input "Kill Current Input" . comint-kill-input)
(show-output "Show Current Output Group" . comint-show-output)
(show-maximum-output "Show Maximum Output" . comint-show-maximum-output)
(previous-prompt "Backward Output Group" . comint-previous-prompt)
(next-prompt "Forward Output Group" . comint-next-prompt)
(write-output "Write Current Output Group to File" . comint-write-output)
(append-output-to-file "Append Current Output Group to File" . comint-append-output-to-file)
(delete-output "Delete Current Output Group" . comint-delete-output)
(completion "Complete" keymap
(complete "Complete at Point" . completion-at-point)
(complete-file "Complete File Name" . comint-dynamic-complete-filename)
(complete-listing "File Completion Listing" . comint-dynamic-list-filename-completions)
(complete-expand "Expand File Name" . comint-replace-by-expanded-filename)
(mouse-2 . comint-insert-input)
(kp-delete . delete-forward-char)
(delete . delete-forward-char)
(4 . comint-delchar-or-maybe-eof)
(13 . comint-send-input)
(3 keymap
(46 . comint-insert-previous-argument)
(19 . comint-write-output)
(4 . comint-send-eof)
(16 . comint-previous-prompt)
(14 . comint-next-prompt)
(12 . comint-dynamic-list-input-ring)
(5 . comint-show-maximum-output)
(18 . comint-show-output)
(15 . comint-delete-output)
(13 . comint-copy-old-input)
(28 . comint-quit-subjob)
(26 . comint-stop-subjob)
(3 . comint-interrupt-subjob)
(23 . backward-kill-word)
(21 . comint-kill-input)
(1 . comint-bol-or-process-mark)
(24 . comint-get-next-from-history)
(32 . comint-accumulate)
(27 keymap
(115 . comint-next-matching-input-from-input)
(114 . comint-previous-matching-input-from-input)))
(C-down . comint-next-input)
(C-up . comint-previous-input)
(27 keymap
(12 . comint-show-output)
(114 . comint-history-isearch-backward-regexp)
(110 . comint-next-input)
(112 . comint-previous-input)))