
tex-compile-commands is a variable defined in `tex-mode.el'.
Its value is shown below.
  • This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.

List of commands for `tex-compile'.
Each element should be of the form (FORMAT IN OUT) where
FORMAT is an expression that evaluates to a string that can contain
- `%r' the main file name without extension.
- `%f' the main file name.
IN can be either a string (with the same % escapes in it) indicating
the name of the input file, or t to indicate that the input is all
the TeX files of the document, or nil if we don't know.
OUT describes the output file and is either a %-escaped string
or nil to indicate that there is no output file.


(((concat "pdf" tex-command " " (if (< 0 (length tex-start-commands)) (shell-quote-argument tex-start-commands)) " %f") t "%r.pdf") ((concat tex-command " " (if (< 0 (length tex-start-commands)) (shell-quote-argument tex-start-commands)) " %f") t "%r.dvi") ("xdvi %r &" "%r.dvi") ("\\doc-view \"%r.pdf\"" "%r.pdf") ("xpdf %r.pdf &" "%r.pdf") ("gv %r.ps &" "%r.ps") ("yap %r &" "%r.dvi") ("advi %r &" "%r.dvi") ("gv %r.pdf &" "%r.pdf") ("bibtex %r" "%r.aux" "%r.bbl") ("makeindex %r" "%r.idx" "%r.ind") ("texindex %r.??") ("dvipdfm %r" "%r.dvi" "%r.pdf") ("dvipdf %r" "%r.dvi" "%r.pdf") ("dvips -o %r.ps %r" "%r.dvi" "%r.ps") ("ps2pdf %r.ps" "%r.ps" "%r.pdf") ("lpr %r.ps" "%r.ps"))