term-signals-menu is a variable defined in `
Its value is
(keymap "Signals"
(BREAK menu-item "BREAK" term-interrupt-subjob :help "Interrupt the current subjob")
(STOP menu-item "STOP" term-stop-subjob :help "Stop the current subjob")
(CONT menu-item "CONT" term-continue-subjob :help "Send CONT signal to process buffer's process group")
(QUIT menu-item "QUIT" term-quit-subjob :help "Send quit signal to the current subjob")
(KILL menu-item "KILL" term-kill-subjob :help "Send kill signal to the current subjob")
(EOF menu-item "EOF" term-send-eof :help "Send an EOF to the current buffer's process"))
Signals menu for Term mode.