
sh-builtins is a variable defined in `sh-script.el'.
Its value is shown below.

List of all shell builtins for completing read and fontification.
Note that on some systems not all builtins are available or some are
implemented as aliases. See `sh-feature'.

You can customize this variable.

This variable was introduced, or its default value was changed, in version 24.4 of Emacs.


((bash sh-append posix "." "alias" "bg" "bind" "builtin" "caller" "compgen" "complete" "declare" "dirs" "disown" "enable" "fc" "fg" "help" "history" "jobs" "kill" "let" "local" "popd" "printf" "pushd" "shopt" "source" "suspend" "typeset" "unalias" "mapfile" "readarray" "coproc") (bourne sh-append shell "eval" "export" "getopts" "newgrp" "pwd" "read" "readonly" "times" "ulimit") (csh sh-append shell "alias" "chdir" "glob" "history" "limit" "nice" "nohup" "rehash" "setenv" "source" "time" "unalias" "unhash") (dtksh sh-append wksh) (es "access" "apids" "cd" "echo" "eval" "false" "let" "limit" "local" "newpgrp" "result" "time" "umask" "var" "vars" "wait" "whatis") (jsh sh-append sh "bg" "fg" "jobs" "kill" "stop" "suspend") (jcsh sh-append csh "bg" "fg" "jobs" "kill" "notify" "stop" "suspend") (ksh88 sh-append bourne "alias" "bg" "false" "fc" "fg" "jobs" "kill" "let" "print" "time" "typeset" "unalias" "whence") (oash sh-append sh "checkwin" "dateline" "error" "form" "menu" "newwin" "oadeinit" "oaed" "oahelp" "oainit" "pp" "ppfile" "scan" "scrollok" "wattr" "wclear" "werase" "win" "wmclose" "wmmessage" "wmopen" "wmove" "wmtitle" "wrefresh") (pdksh sh-append ksh88 "bind") (posix sh-append sh "command") (rc "builtin" "cd" "echo" "eval" "limit" "newpgrp" "shift" "umask" "wait" "whatis") (sh sh-append bourne "hash" "test" "type") (shell "cd" "echo" "eval" "set" "shift" "umask" "unset" "wait") (wksh sh-append ksh88 "Xt[A-Z][A-Za-z]*") (zsh sh-append ksh88 "autoload" "bindkey" "builtin" "chdir" "compctl" "declare" "dirs" "disable" "disown" "echotc" "enable" "functions" "getln" "hash" "history" "integer" "limit" "local" "log" "popd" "pushd" "r" "readonly" "rehash" "sched" "setopt" "source" "suspend" "true" "ttyctl" "type" "unfunction" "unhash" "unlimit" "unsetopt" "vared" "which"))