semantic-highlight-func-mode-map is a variable defined in `util-modes.el
'.Its value is shown below.
- This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.
Keymap for highlight-func minor mode.
(keymap (menu-bar keymap (Highlight-Func\ Mode menu-item "Highlight-Func Mode" (keymap "Highlight-Func Mode" (Copy\ Tag menu-item "Copy Tag" senator-copy-tag :enable (semantic-current-tag) :help "Copy the current tag to the tag ring") (Kill\ Tag menu-item "Kill Tag" senator-kill-tag :enable (semantic-current-tag) :help "Kill tag text to the kill ring, and copy the tag to the tag ring") (Copy\ Tag\ to\ Register menu-item "Copy Tag to Register" senator-copy-tag-to-register :enable (semantic-current-tag) :help "Copy the current tag to a register") (Narrow\ To\ Tag menu-item "Narrow To Tag" senator-narrow-to-defun :enable (semantic-current-tag) :help "Narrow to the bounds of the current tag") (Fold\ Tag menu-item "Fold Tag" senator-fold-tag-toggle :enable (semantic-current-tag) :button (:toggle let ((tag (semantic-stickyfunc-tag-to-stick))) (and tag (semantic-tag-folded-p tag))) :help "Fold the current tag to one line") (nil-9 menu-item "---") (About\ This\ Tag menu-item "About This Tag" semantic-describe-tag)) :visible (progn nil))) (mouse-3 . semantic-highlight-func-menu))