
reftex-ref-style-alist is a variable defined in `reftex-vars.el'.
Its value is shown below.

Alist of reference styles.
Each element is a list of the style name, the name of the LaTeX
package associated with the style or t for any package, and an
alist of macros where the first entry of each item is the
reference macro and the second a key for selecting the macro when
the macro type is being prompted for. (See also
`reftex-ref-macro-prompt'.) The keys, represented as characters,
have to be unique.

You can customize this variable.

This variable was introduced, or its default value was changed, in version 24.3 of Emacs.


(("Default" t (("\\ref" 13) ("\\pageref" 112))) ("Varioref" "varioref" (("\\vref" 118) ("\\vpageref" 103) ("\\Vref" 86) ("\\Ref" 82))) ("Fancyref" "fancyref" (("\\fref" 102) ("\\Fref" 70))) ("Hyperref" "hyperref" (("\\autoref" 97) ("\\autopageref" 117))) ("Cleveref" "cleveref" (("\\cref" 99) ("\\Cref" 67) ("\\cpageref" 100) ("\\Cpageref" 68))))