reftex-label-alist-builtin is a variable defined in `
Its value is shown
- This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.
The default label environment descriptions.
Lower-case symbols correspond to a style file of the same name in the LaTeX
distribution. Mixed-case symbols are convenience aliases.
((Sideways "Alias for -->rotating"
(AMSTeX "amsmath with eqref macro"
((nil 101 nil "~\\eqref{%s}")
(amsmath "AMS-LaTeX math environments"
(("align" 101 nil nil eqnarray-like)
("gather" 101 nil nil eqnarray-like)
("multline" 101 nil nil t)
("flalign" 101 nil nil eqnarray-like)
("alignat" 101 nil nil alignat-like)
("xalignat" 101 nil nil alignat-like)
("xxalignat" 101 nil nil alignat-like)
("subequations" 101 nil nil t)))
(endnotes "The \\endnote macro"
(("\\endnote[]{}" 78 "en:" "~\\ref{%s}" 2
(regexp "endnotes?" "notes?" "Anmerkung\\(en\\)?" "Anm\\."))))
(fancybox "The Beqnarray environment"
(("Beqnarray" 101 nil nil eqnarray-like)))
(floatfig "The floatingfigure environment"
(("floatingfigure" 102 nil nil caption)))
(longtable "The longtable environment"
(("longtable" 116 nil nil caption)))
(picinpar "The figwindow and tabwindow environments"
(("figwindow" 102 nil nil 1)
("tabwindow" 102 nil nil 1)))
(rotating "Sidewaysfigure and table"
(("sidewaysfigure" 102 nil nil caption)
("sidewaystable" 116 nil nil caption)))
(sidecap "CSfigure and SCtable"
(("SCfigure" 102 nil nil caption)
("SCtable" 116 nil nil caption)))
(subfigure "Subfigure environments/macro"
(("subfigure" 102 nil nil caption)
("subfigure*" 102 nil nil caption)
("\\subfigure[]{}" 102 nil nil 1)))
(supertab "Supertabular environment"
(("supertabular" 116 nil nil "\\tablecaption{")))
(wrapfig "The wrapfigure environment"
(("wrapfigure" 102 nil nil caption)))
(ctable "The ctable package"
(("\\ctable[]{}{}{}" 116 "tab:" "~\\ref{%s}" 1
("table" "Tabelle"))))
(listings "The listings package"
(("lstlisting" 108 "lst:" "~\\ref{%s}" nil
(regexp "[Ll]isting"))))
(minted "The minted package"
(("minted" 108 "lst:" "~\\ref{%s}" nil
(regexp "[Ll]isting"))))
(LaTeX "LaTeX default environments"
(("section" 115 "%S" "~\\ref{%s}"
(nil . t)
(regexp "parts?" "chapters?" "chap\\." "sections?" "sect?\\." "paragraphs?" "par\\." "\\\\S" "\247" "Teile?" "Kapitel" "Kap\\." "Abschnitte?" "appendi\\(x\\|ces\\)" "App\\." "Anh\"?ange?" "Anh\\."))
("enumerate" 105 "item:" "~\\ref{%s}" item
(regexp "items?" "Punkte?"))
("equation" 101 "eq:" "~(\\ref{%s})" t
(regexp "equations?" "eqs?\\." "eqn\\." "Gleichung\\(en\\)?" "Gl\\."))
("eqnarray" 101 "eq:" nil eqnarray-like)
("figure" 102 "fig:" "~\\ref{%s}" caption
(regexp "figure?[sn]?" "figs?\\." "Abbildung\\(en\\)?" "Abb\\."))
("figure*" 102 nil nil caption)
("table" 116 "tab:" "~\\ref{%s}" caption
(regexp "tables?" "tab\\." "Tabellen?"))
("table*" 116 nil nil caption)
("\\footnote[]{}" 110 "fn:" "~\\ref{%s}" 2
(regexp "footnotes?" "Fussnoten?"))
("any" 32 " " "~\\ref{%s}" nil)))
(Texinfo "Texinfo default environments" nil))