
reftex-index-help is a variable defined in `reftex-index.el'.
Its value is

" AVAILABLE KEYS IN INDEX BUFFER\n ==============================\n! A..Z Goto the section of entries starting with this letter.\nn / p next-entry / previous-entry\nSPC / TAB Show/Goto the corresponding entry in the LaTeX document.\nRET Goto the entry and hide the *Index* window (also on mouse-2).\nq / k Hide/Kill *Index* buffer.\nC-c = Switch to the TOC buffer.\nf / c Toggle follow mode / Toggle display of [c]ontext.\ng Refresh *Index* buffer.\nr / C-u r Reparse the LaTeX document / Reparse entire LaTeX document.\ns Switch to a different index (for documents with multiple indices).\ne / C-k Edit/Kill the entry.\n* | @ Edit specific part of entry: [*]key [|]attribute [@]visual\n With prefix: kill that part.\n( ) Toggle entry's beginning/end of page range property.\n_ ^ Add/Remove parent key (to make this item a subitem).\n} / { Restrict Index to a single document section / Widen.\n< / > When restricted, move restriction to previous/next section."

  • This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.

Not documented as a variable.