
r2b-booktitle-abbrevs is a variable defined in `refbib.el'.
Its value is

Abbreviation list for book and proceedings names.
If the car of an element matches a title or booktitle exactly, it is
replaced by the cadr when output. Braces must be included if
replacement is a {string}, but not if replacement is a bibtex
abbreviation. The cadr may be eliminated if is exactly the same as
the car.
Because titles are capitalized before matching, the abbreviated title
should be listed as beginning with a capital letter, even if it doesn't.
For example, a value of '(("Aij" "{Artificial Intelligence}")
("Ijcai81" "ijcai7")) would expand Aij to the text string
"Artificial Intelligence", but would replace Ijcai81 with the
BibTeX macro "ijcai7".

You can customize this variable.