
prolog-compile-string is a variable defined in `prolog.el'.
Its value is shown below.

Alist of strings and lists defining predicate for recompilation.

Some parts of the string are replaced:
`%f' by the name of the compiled file (can be a temporary file)
`%b' by the file name of the buffer to compile
`%m' by the module name and name of the compiled file separated by colon
`%l' by the line offset into the file. This is 0 unless compiling a
region of a buffer, in which case it is the number of lines before
the region.

If `prolog-program-name' is non-nil, it is a string sent to a Prolog process.
If `prolog-program-name' is nil, it is an argument to the `compile' function.

You can customize this variable.


((eclipse "[%f].") (mercury "mmake ") (sicstus (eval (if (prolog-atleast-version '(3 . 7)) "prolog:zap_file(%m,%b,compile,%l)." "prolog:zap_file(%m,%b,compile)."))) (swi "[%f].") (t "compile(%f)."))