
proced-filter-alist is a variable defined in `proced.el'.
Its value is shown below.

Alist of process filters.
The car of each element is a symbol, the name of the filter.
The cdr is a list of elementary filters that are applied to every process.
A process is displayed if it passes all elementary filters of a selected

An elementary filter can be one of the following:
(KEY . REGEXP) If value of attribute KEY matches REGEXP,
accept this process.
(KEY . FUN) Apply function FUN to attribute KEY. Accept this process,
if FUN returns non-nil.
(function . FUN) For each process, apply function FUN to list of attributes
of each. Accept the process if FUN returns non-nil.
(fun-all . FUN) Apply function FUN to entire process list.
FUN must return the filtered list.

You can customize this variable.


((user (user . "\\`artur\\'")) (user-running (user . "\\`artur\\'") (state . "\\`[Rr]\\'")) (all) (all-running (state . "\\`[Rr]\\'")) (emacs (fun-all lambda (list) (proced-filter-children list 4224))))