pr-help-message is a variable defined in `printing.el
'.Its value is
"printing.el version 6.9.3 ps-print.el version 7.3.5\n\n\nMenu Layout\n-----------\n\nThe `printing' menu (Tools/Printing or File/Print) has the following layout:\n\n +-----------------------------+\nA 0 | Printing Interface |\n +-----------------------------+ +-A---------+ +-B------+\nI 1 | PostScript Preview >|-------|Directory >|-----|1-up |\n 2 | PostScript Print >|---- A |Buffer >|-- B |2-up |\n 3 | PostScript Printer: name >|---- C |Region >|-- B |4-up |\n +-----------------------------+ |Mode >|-- B |Other...|\nII 4 | Printify >|-----\\ |File >|--\\ +--------+\n 5 | Print >|---\\ | |Despool... | |\n 6 | Text Printer: name >|-\\ | | +-----------+ |\n +-----------------------------+ | | | +---------+ +------------+\nIII 7 |[ ]Landscape | | | \\-|Directory| | No Prep... | Ia\n 8 |[ ]Print Header | | | |Buffer | +------------+ Ib\n 9 |[ ]Print Header Frame | | | |Region | | name >|- C\n 10 |[ ]Line Number | | | +---------+ +------------+\n 11 |[ ]Zebra Stripes | | | +---------+ | 1-up... | Ic\n 12 |[ ]Duplex | | \\---|Directory| | 2-up... |\n 13 |[ ]Tumble | \\--\\ |Buffer | | 4-up... |\n 14 |[ ]Upside-Down | | |Region | | Other... |\n 15 | Print All Pages >|--\\ | |Mode | +------------+\n +-----------------------------+ | | +---------+ |[ ]Landscape| Id\nIV 16 |[ ]Spool Buffer | | | +-C-------+ |[ ]Duplex | Ie\n 17 |[ ]Print with faces | | \\--|( )name A| |[ ]Tumble | If\n 18 |[ ]Print via Ghostscript | | |( )name B| +------------+\n +-----------------------------+ | |... |\nV 19 |[ ]Auto Region | | |(*)name |\n 20 |[ ]Auto Mode | | |... |\n 21 |[ ]Menu Lock | | +---------+ +--------------+\n +-----------------------------+ \\------------------|(*)All Pages |\nVI 22 | Customize >|--- D +-D------+ |( )Even Pages |\n 23 | Show Settings >|-------|printing| |( )Odd Pages |\n 24 | Help | |ps-print| |( )Even Sheets|\n +-----------------------------+ |lpr | |( )Odd Sheets |\n +--------+ +--------------+\n\nSee `pr-visible-entry-list' for hiding some parts of the menu.\n\nThe menu has the following sections:\n\nA. Interface:\n\n 0. You can use a buffer interface instead of menus. It looks like the\n customization buffer. Basically, it has the same options found in the\n menu and some extra options, all this on a buffer.\n\nI. PostScript printing:\n\n 1. You can generate a PostScript file (if you type C-u before activating\n menu) or PostScript temporary file for a directory, a buffer, a region\n or a major mode, choosing 1-up, 2-up, 4-up or any other n-up printing;\n after file generation, ghostview is activated using the file generated\n as argument. This option is disabled if spooling is on (option 16).\n Also, if you already have a PostScript file you can preview it.\n Instead of previewing each buffer, region or major mode at once, you\n can save temporarily the PostScript code generated in a buffer and\n preview it later. The option `Despool...' despools the PostScript\n spooling buffer in a temporary file and uses ghostview to preview it.\n If you type C-u before choosing this option, the PostScript code\n generated is saved in a file instead of saving in a temporary file. To\n spool the PostScript code generated you need to turn on the option 16.\n The option `Despool...' is enabled if spooling is on (option 16).\n\n NOTE 1: It's possible to customize a major mode printing, just declare\n the customization in `pr-mode-alist' and invoke some of\n `*-mode*' commands or select Mode option in Printing menu. An\n example for major mode usage is when you're using gnus (or mh,\n or rmail, etc.) and you're in the *Summary* buffer, if you\n forget to switch to the *Article* buffer before printing,\n you'll get a nicely formatted list of article subjects shows\n up at the printer. With major mode printing you don't need to\n switch from gnus *Summary* buffer first.\n\n NOTE 2: There are the following options for PostScript file processing:\n Ia. Print the file *No Preprocessing*, that is, send it\n directly to PostScript printer.\n Ib. PostScript utility processing selection.\n See `pr-ps-utility-alist' and `pr-setting-database' for\n documentation.\n Ic. Do n-up processing before printing.\n Id. Toggle on/off landscape for PostScript file processing.\n Ie. Toggle on/off duplex for PostScript file processing.\n If. Toggle on/off tumble for PostScript file processing.\n\n NOTE 3: Don't forget to download and install the utilities declared on\n `pr-ps-utility-alist'.\n\n 2. Operate the same way as option 1, but it sends directly the PostScript\n code (or put in a file, if you've typed C-u) or it uses ghostscript to\n print the PostScript file generated. It depends on option 18, if it's\n turned on, it uses ghostscript; otherwise, it sends directly to\n printer. If spooling is on (option 16), the PostScript code is saved\n temporarily in a buffer instead of printing it or saving it in a file.\n Also, if you already have a PostScript file you can print it.\n Instead of printing each buffer, region or major mode at once, you can\n save temporarily the PostScript code generated in a buffer and print it\n later. The option `Despool...' despools the PostScript spooling buffer\n directly on a printer. If you type C-u before choosing this option,\n the PostScript code generated is saved in a file instead of sending it to\n the printer. To spool the PostScript code generated you need to turn on\n option 16. This option is enabled if spooling is on (option 16).\n See also the NOTE 1, NOTE 2 and NOTE 3 on option 1.\n\n 3. You can select a new PostScript printer to send PostScript code\n generated. For selection it's used all PostScript printers defined\n in `pr-ps-printer-alist' variable (see it for documentation).\n See also `pr-setting-database'.\n\nII. Text printing:\n\n 4. If you have control characters (character code from \\000 to \\037) in a\n buffer and you want to print them in a text printer, select this\n option. All control characters in your buffer or region will be\n replaced by a printable representation. The printable representations\n use ^ (for ASCII control characters) or hex. The characters tab,\n linefeed, space, return and formfeed are not affected.\n You don't need to select this option if you use any option of section\n I, the PostScript engine treats control characters properly.\n\n 5. If you want to print a directory, buffer, region or major mode in a\n text printer, select this option. See also the NOTE 1 on option 1.\n\n 6. You can select a new text printer to send text generated. For\n selection it's used all text printers defined in `pr-txt-printer-alist'\n variable (see it for documentation).\n See also `pr-setting-database'.\n\nIII. PostScript page toggle options:\n\n 7. If you want a PostScript landscape printing, turn on this option.\n\n 8. If you want to have a header in each page in your PostScript code,\n turn on this option.\n\n 9. If you want to draw a gaudy frame around the header, turn on this\n option. This option is enabled if print header is on (option 8).\n\n 10. If you want that the line number is printed in your PostScript code,\n turn on this option.\n\n 11. If you want background zebra stripes in your PostScript code, turn on\n this option.\n\n 12. If you want a duplex printing and your PostScript printer has this\n feature, turn on this option.\n\n 13. If you turned on duplex printing, you can choose if you want to have a\n printing suitable for binding on the left or right (tumble off), or to\n have a printing suitable for binding at top or bottom (tumble on).\n This option is enabled if duplex is on (option 12).\n\n 14. If you want a PostScript upside-down printing, turn on this option.\n\n 15. With this option, you can choose if you want to print all pages, odd\n pages, even pages, odd sheets or even sheets.\n See also `ps-even-or-odd-pages'.\n\nIV. PostScript processing toggle options:\n\n 16. If you want to spool the PostScript code generated, turn on this\n option. To spool the PostScript code generated use option 2. You can\n despool later by choosing option 1 or 2, sub-option `Despool...'.\n\n 17. If you use colors in your buffers and want to see these colors on your\n PostScript code generated, turn on this option. If you have a\n black/white PostScript printer, these colors are displayed in gray\n scale by PostScript printer interpreter.\n\n 18. If you don't have a PostScript printer to send PostScript files, turn\n on this option. When this option is on, the ghostscript is used to\n print PostScript files. In GNU or Unix system, if ghostscript is set\n as a PostScript filter, you don't need to turn on this option.\n\nV. Printing customization:\n\n 19. If you want that region is automagically detected, turn on this\n option. Note that this will only work if you're using transient mark\n mode. When this option is on, the `*-buffer*' commands will behave\n like `*-region*' commands, that is, `*-buffer*' commands will print\n only the region marked instead of all buffer.\n\n 20. Turn this option on if you want that when current major-mode is\n declared in `pr-mode-alist', the `*-buffer*' and `*-region*' commands\n behave like `*-mode*' commands.\n\n 21. If you want that Printing menu stays open while you are setting\n toggle options, turn on this option. The variables\n `pr-menu-char-height' and `pr-menu-char-width' are used to guess the\n menu position, so don't forget to adjust these variables if menu\n position is not ok.\n\nVI. Customization:\n\n 22. Besides all options in section III, IV and V, you can customize much\n more PostScript options in `ps-print' option. Or you can customize\n some `lpr' options for text printing. Or customize `printing'\n options.\n\n 23. Show current settings for `printing', `ps-print' or `lpr'.\n\n 24. Quick help for printing menu layout.\n"
- This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.
Printing help message.