org-agenda-custom-commands-local-options is a variable defined in `
Its value is shown
- This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.
Selection of examples for agenda command settings.
This will be spliced into the custom type of
(repeat :tag "Local settings for this command. Remember to quote values"
(choice :tag "Setting"
(list :tag "Heading for this block"
(const org-agenda-overriding-header)
(string :tag "Headline"))
(list :tag "Files to be searched"
(const org-agenda-files)
(const :format "" quote)
(list :tag "Sorting strategy"
(const org-agenda-sorting-strategy)
(const :format "" quote)
(const time-up)
(const time-down)
(const timestamp-up)
(const timestamp-down)
(const scheduled-up)
(const scheduled-down)
(const deadline-up)
(const deadline-down)
(const ts-up)
(const ts-down)
(const tsia-up)
(const tsia-down)
(const category-keep)
(const category-up)
(const category-down)
(const tag-down)
(const tag-up)
(const priority-up)
(const priority-down)
(const todo-state-up)
(const todo-state-down)
(const effort-up)
(const effort-down)
(const habit-up)
(const habit-down)
(const alpha-up)
(const alpha-down)
(const user-defined-up)
(const user-defined-down)))))
(list :tag "Prefix format"
(const org-agenda-prefix-format :value " %-12:c%?-12t% s")
(list :tag "Number of days in agenda"
(const org-agenda-span)
(const :tag "Day" day)
(const :tag "Week" week)
(const :tag "Fortnight" fortnight)
(const :tag "Month" month)
(const :tag "Year" year)
(integer :tag "Custom")))
(list :tag "Fixed starting date"
(const org-agenda-start-day)
(string :value "2007-11-01"))
(list :tag "Start on day of week"
(const org-agenda-start-on-weekday)
(choice :value 1
(const :tag "Today" nil)
(integer :tag "Weekday No.")))
(list :tag "Include data from diary"
(const org-agenda-include-diary)
(list :tag "Deadline Warning days"
(const org-deadline-warning-days)
(integer :value 1))
(list :tag "Category filter preset"
(const org-agenda-category-filter-preset)
(const :format "" quote)
(string :tag "+category or -category"))))
(list :tag "Tags filter preset"
(const org-agenda-tag-filter-preset)
(const :format "" quote)
(string :tag "+tag or -tag"))))
(list :tag "Regexp filter preset"
(const org-agenda-regexp-filter-preset)
(const :format "" quote)
(string :tag "+regexp or -regexp"))))
(list :tag "Set daily/weekly entry types"
(const org-agenda-entry-types)
(const :format "" quote)
(set :greedy t :value
(:deadline :scheduled :timestamp :sexp)
(const :deadline)
(const :scheduled)
(const :deadline*)
(const :scheduled*)
(const :timestamp)
(const :sexp))))
(list :tag "Standard skipping condition" :value
(const org-agenda-skip-function)
(const :format "" quote)
(choice :tag "Skipping range"
(const :tag "Skip entry" org-agenda-skip-entry-if)
(const :tag "Skip subtree" org-agenda-skip-subtree-if))
(repeat :inline t :tag "Conditions for skipping"
(choice :tag "Condition type"
(list :tag "Regexp matches" :inline t
(const :format "" 'regexp)
(list :tag "Regexp does not match" :inline t
(const :format "" 'notregexp)
(list :tag "TODO state is" :inline t
(const 'todo)
(const :tag "Any not-done state" 'todo)
(const :tag "Any done state" 'done)
(const :tag "Any state" 'any)
(list :tag "Keyword list"
(const :format "" quote)
(string :tag "Keyword")))))
(list :tag "TODO state is not" :inline t
(const 'nottodo)
(const :tag "Any not-done state" 'todo)
(const :tag "Any done state" 'done)
(const :tag "Any state" 'any)
(list :tag "Keyword list"
(const :format "" quote)
(string :tag "Keyword")))))
(const :tag "scheduled" 'scheduled)
(const :tag "not scheduled" 'notscheduled)
(const :tag "deadline" 'deadline)
(const :tag "no deadline" 'notdeadline)
(const :tag "timestamp" 'timestamp)
(const :tag "no timestamp" 'nottimestamp))))))
(list :tag "Non-standard skipping condition" :value
(const org-agenda-skip-function)
(sexp :tag "Function or form (quoted!)"))
(list :tag "Any variable"
(variable :tag "Variable")
(sexp :tag "Value (sexp)"))))