
msb-menu-cond is a variable defined in `msb.el'.
Its value is shown below.

List of criteria for splitting the mouse buffer menu.
The elements in the list should be of this type:

When making the split, the buffers are tested one by one against the
CONDITION, just like a Lisp cond: When hitting a true condition, the
other criteria are *not* tested and the buffer name will appear in the
menu with the menu-title corresponding to the true condition.

If the condition returns the symbol `multi', then the buffer will be
added to this menu *and* tested for other menus too. If it returns
`no-multi', then the buffer will only be added if it hasn't been added
to any other menu.

During this test, the buffer in question is the current buffer, and
the test is surrounded by calls to `save-excursion' and

The categories are sorted by MENU-SORT-KEY. Smaller keys are on top.
A value of nil means don't display this menu.

MENU-TITLE is really a format. If you add %d in it, the %d is
replaced with the number of items in that menu.

ITEM-HANDLING-FN is optional. If it is supplied and is a function,
then it is used for displaying the items in that particular buffer
menu, otherwise the function pointed out by
`msb-item-handling-function' is used.

ITEM-SORT-FN is also optional.
If it is not supplied, the function pointed out by
`msb-item-sort-function' is used.
If it is nil, then no sort takes place and the buffers are presented
in least-recently-used order.
If it is t, then no sort takes place and the buffers are presented in
most-recently-used order.
If it is supplied and non-nil and not t than it is used for sorting
the items in that particular buffer menu.

Note1: There should always be a `catch-all' as last element, in this
list. That is an element like (t TITLE ITEM-HANDLING-FUNCTION).
Note2: A buffer menu appears only if it has at least one buffer in it.
Note3: If you have a CONDITION that can't be evaluated you will get an
error every time you do M-x msb.

You can customize this variable.


(((and (boundp 'server-buffer-clients) server-buffer-clients 'multi) 1010 "Clients (%d)") ((and (boundp 'vc-mode) vc-mode 'multi) 1020 "Version Control (%d)") ((and buffer-file-name (buffer-modified-p) 'multi) 1030 "Changed files (%d)") ((and (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) 'multi) 1040 "Processes (%d)") ((and msb-display-invisible-buffers-p (msb-invisible-buffer-p) 'multi) 1090 "Invisible buffers (%d)") ((eq major-mode 'dired-mode) 2010 "Dired (%d)" msb-dired-item-handler msb-sort-by-directory) ((eq major-mode 'Man-mode) 5030 "Manuals (%d)") ((eq major-mode 'w3-mode) 5020 "WWW (%d)") ((or (memq major-mode '(rmail-mode rmail-edit-mode vm-summary-mode vm-mode mail-mode)) (memq major-mode '(mh-letter-mode mh-show-mode mh-folder-mode)) (memq major-mode '(gnus-summary-mode message-mode gnus-group-mode gnus-article-mode score-mode gnus-browse-killed-mode))) 5010 "Mail (%d)") ((and (not buffer-file-name) 'no-multi) 5099 "Other non-file buffers (%d)") ((and (string-match "/\\.[^/]*$" buffer-file-name) 'multi) 3090 "Hidden Files (%d)") ((memq major-mode '(c-mode c++-mode)) 3010 "C/C++ Files (%d)") ((eq major-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode) 3020 "Elisp Files (%d)") ((eq major-mode 'latex-mode) 3030 "LaTeX Files (%d)") ('no-multi 3099 "Other files (%d)"))