
mm-uu-type-alist is a variable defined in `mm-uu.el'.
Its value is shown below.

A list of specifications for non-MIME attachments.
Each element consist of the following entries: label,
start-regexp, end-regexp, extract-function, test-function.

After modifying this list you must run M-x mm-uu-configure.

You can disable elements from this list by customizing


((postscript "^%!PS-" "^%%EOF$" mm-uu-postscript-extract nil) (uu "^begin[ ]+0?[0-7][0-7][0-7][ ]+" "^end[ ]*$" mm-uu-uu-extract mm-uu-uu-filename) (binhex "^:.\\{63,63\\}$" ":$" mm-uu-binhex-extract nil mm-uu-binhex-filename) (yenc "^=ybegin.*size=[0-9]+.*name=.*$" "^=yend.*size=[0-9]+" mm-uu-yenc-extract mm-uu-yenc-filename) (shar "^#! */bin/sh" "^exit 0$" mm-uu-shar-extract) (forward "^-+ \\(Start of \\)?Forwarded message" "^-+ End \\(of \\)?forwarded message" mm-uu-forward-extract nil mm-uu-forward-test) (gnatsweb "^----gnatsweb-attachment----" nil mm-uu-gnatsweb-extract) (pgp-signed "^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----" "^-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----" mm-uu-pgp-signed-extract nil nil) (pgp-encrypted "^-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----" "^-----END PGP MESSAGE-----" mm-uu-pgp-encrypted-extract nil nil) (pgp-key "^-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----" "^-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----" mm-uu-pgp-key-extract mm-uu-gpg-key-skip-to-last nil) (emacs-sources "^;;;?[ ]*[^ ]+\\.el[ ]*--" "^;;;?[ ]*\\([^ ]+\\.el\\)[ ]+ends here" mm-uu-emacs-sources-extract nil mm-uu-emacs-sources-test) (diff "^Index: " nil mm-uu-diff-extract nil mm-uu-diff-test) (diff "^=== modified file " nil mm-uu-diff-extract nil mm-uu-diff-test) (git-format-patch "^diff --git " "^-- " mm-uu-diff-extract nil mm-uu-diff-test) (message-marks "^-+[8<>]*-\\{9,\\}[a-z ]+-\\{9,\\}[a-z ]+-\\{9,\\}[8<>]*-+$" "^-+[8<>]*-\\{9,\\}[a-z ]+-\\{9,\\}[a-z ]+-\\{9,\\}[8<>]*-+$" (lambda nil (mm-uu-verbatim-marks-extract 0 0 1 -1)) nil) (insert-marks "^ *\\(-\\|_\\)\\{30,\\}.*[a-z8<].*\\(-\\|_\\)\\{30,\\} *$" "^ *\\(-\\|_\\)\\{30,\\}.*[a-z8<].*\\(-\\|_\\)\\{30,\\} *$" (lambda nil (mm-uu-verbatim-marks-extract 0 0 1 -1)) nil) (verbatim-marks "^#v\\+" "^#v\\-$" (lambda nil (mm-uu-verbatim-marks-extract 0 0)) nil) (LaTeX "^\\([\\\\%][^\n]+\n\\)*\\\\documentclass.*[[{%]" "^\\\\end{document}" mm-uu-latex-extract nil mm-uu-latex-test) (org-src-code-block "^[ ]*#\\+begin_" "^[ ]*#\\+end_" mm-uu-org-src-code-block-extract) (org-meta-line "^[ ]*#\\+[[:alpha:]]+: " "$" mm-uu-org-src-code-block-extract))