minor-mode-alist is a variable defined in `
Its value is shown
- This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.
Alist saying how to show minor modes in the mode line.
Each element looks like (VARIABLE STRING);
STRING is included in the mode line if VARIABLE's value is non-nil.
Actually, STRING need not be a string; any mode-line construct is
okay. See `mode-line-format'.
((gnus-mailing-list-mode " Mailing-List")
(gnus-message-citation-mode "")
(org-capture-mode " Rem")
(orgtbl-mode " OrgTbl")
(org-table-follow-field-mode " TblFollow")
(reftex-isearch-minor-mode "/I")
(rst-minor-mode " ReST")
(gnus-dead-summary-mode " Dead")
(superword-mode " ²")
(subword-mode " ,")
(erc-track-minor-mode "")
(semantic-minor-modes-format semantic-minor-modes-format)
(semantic-highlight-edits-mode "/e")
(semantic-show-unmatched-syntax-mode "/u")
(hs-minor-mode " hs")
(goto-address-prog-mode "")
(goto-address-mode "")
(mh-showing-mode " Show")
(checkdoc-minor-mode checkdoc-minor-mode-string)
(edebug-mode " *Debugging*")
(org-cdlatex-mode " OCDL")
(orgstruct-mode " OrgStruct")
(reftex-mode " Ref")
(latex-electric-env-pair-mode "/e")
(vc-parent-buffer vc-parent-buffer-name)
(smerge-mode " SMerge")
(cvs-minor-mode " CVS")
(mml-mode " MML")
(diff-minor-mode " Diff")
(emerge-mode " Emerge")
(emerge-fast-mode " F")
(emerge-edit-mode " E")
(emerge-auto-advance " A")
(emerge-skip-prefers " S")
(vcursor-use-vcursor-map " !VC")
(type-break-mode type-break-mode-line-format)
(footnote-mode footnote-mode-line-string)
(" SC"
(sc-fixup-whitespace-p "w"))
(sc-fixup-whitespace-p ":w"))))
(scroll-all-mode " *SL*")
(iimage-mode " iImg")
(or hi-lock-interactive-patterns hi-lock-file-patterns)
" Hi" "")))
(cwarn-mode cwarn-mode-text)
(flymake-mode flymake-mode-line)
(hide-ifdef-mode " Ifdef")
(hide-ifdef-hiding " Hiding")
(sgml-electric-tag-pair-mode "/e")
(buffer-face-mode " BufFace")
(" " text-scale-mode-lighter))
(doc-view-minor-mode " DocView")
(if image-type
(format " Image[%s]" image-type)
" Image")))
(highlight-changes-mode hilit-chg-string)
(enriched-mode " Enriched")
(global-whitespace-newline-mode " NL")
(global-whitespace-mode " WS")
(whitespace-newline-mode " nl")
(whitespace-mode " ws")
(double-mode " Double")
(bug-reference-prog-mode "")
(bug-reference-mode "")
(glasses-mode " o^o")
(strokes-mode strokes-lighter)
(artist-mode artist-mode-name)
(autoarg-kp-mode " Aakp")
(autoarg-mode " Aarg")
(emacs-lock--try-unlocking " locked:" " Locked:")
(symbol-name emacs-lock-mode))))
(archive-subfile-mode " Archive")
(server-buffer-clients " Server")
(view-mode " View")
(rcirc-omit-mode " Omit")
(rcirc-low-priority-flag " LowPri")
(rcirc-ignore-buffer-activity-flag " Ignore")
(rcirc-track-minor-mode "")
(rcirc-multiline-minor-mode " rcirc-mline")
(nroff-electric-mode " Electric")
(refill-mode " Refill")
(table-fixed-width-mode " Fixed-Table" " Table"))
(2C-mode " 2C")
(allout-mode " Allout")
(outline-minor-mode " Outl")
(foldout-mode-line-string foldout-mode-line-string)
(global-reveal-mode nil " Reveal"))
(pascal-outline-mode " Outl")
(compilation-minor-mode " Compilation")
(compilation-shell-minor-mode " Shell-Compile")
(compilation-in-progress " Compiling")
(global-auto-revert-mode global-auto-revert-mode-text)
(auto-revert-tail-mode auto-revert-tail-mode-text)
(auto-revert-mode auto-revert-mode-text)
(linum-mode "")
(flyspell-mode flyspell-mode-line-string)
(ispell-minor-mode " Spell")
(eldoc-mode eldoc-minor-mode-string)
(visible-mode " Vis")
(visual-line-mode " Wrap")
(next-error-follow-minor-mode " Fol")
(abbrev-mode " Abbrev")
(overwrite-mode overwrite-mode)
(auto-fill-function " Fill")
(defining-kbd-macro " Def")
(isearch-mode isearch-mode))