
message-tool-bar-gnome is a variable defined in `message.el'.
Its value is shown below.

List of items for the message tool bar (GNOME style).

See `gmm-tool-bar-from-list' for details on the format of the list.

You can customize this variable.

This variable was introduced, or its default value was changed, in version 23.1 of Emacs.


((ispell-message "spell" nil :vert-only t :visible (or (not (boundp 'flyspell-mode)) (not flyspell-mode))) (flyspell-buffer "spell" t :vert-only t :visible (and (boundp 'flyspell-mode) flyspell-mode) :help "Flyspell whole buffer") (message-send-and-exit "mail/send" t :label "Send") (message-dont-send "mail/save-draft") (mml-attach-file "attach" mml-mode-map :vert-only t) (mml-preview "mail/preview" mml-mode-map) (mml-secure-message-sign-encrypt "lock" mml-mode-map :visible nil) (message-insert-importance-high "important" nil :visible nil) (message-insert-importance-low "unimportant" nil :visible nil) (message-insert-disposition-notification-to "receipt" nil :visible nil))