
menu-bar-edit-menu is a variable defined in `menu-bar.el'.
Its value is shown below.

Not documented as a variable.


(keymap (undo menu-item "Undo" undo :enable (and (not buffer-read-only) (not (eq t buffer-undo-list)) (if (eq last-command 'undo) (listp pending-undo-list) (consp buffer-undo-list))) :help "Undo last operation") (cut menu-item "Cut" kill-region :enable (and mark-active (not buffer-read-only)) :help "Cut (kill) text in region between mark and current position") (copy menu-item "Copy" kill-ring-save :enable mark-active :help "Copy text in region between mark and current position" :keys "\\[kill-ring-save]") (paste menu-item "Paste" yank :enable (and (or (gui-call gui-selection-exists-p 'CLIPBOARD) (if (featurep 'ns) (cdr yank-menu) kill-ring)) (not buffer-read-only)) :help "Paste (yank) text most recently cut/copied") (paste-from-menu menu-item "Paste from Kill Menu" yank-menu :enable (and (cdr yank-menu) (not buffer-read-only)) :help "Choose a string from the kill ring and paste it") (clear menu-item "Clear" delete-region :enable (and mark-active (not buffer-read-only)) :help "Delete the text in region between mark and current position") (mark-whole-buffer menu-item "Select All" mark-whole-buffer :help "Mark the whole buffer for a subsequent cut/copy") (separator-search "--") (search menu-item "Search" (keymap (search-forward menu-item "String Forward..." nonincremental-search-forward :help "Search forward for a string") (search-backward menu-item "String Backwards..." nonincremental-search-backward :help "Search backwards for a string") (re-search-forward menu-item "Regexp Forward..." nonincremental-re-search-forward :help "Search forward for a regular expression") (re-search-backward menu-item "Regexp Backwards..." nonincremental-re-search-backward :help "Search backwards for a regular expression") (separator-repeat-search "--") (repeat-search-fwd menu-item "Repeat Forward" nonincremental-repeat-search-forward :enable (or (and (eq menu-bar-last-search-type 'string) search-ring) (and (eq menu-bar-last-search-type 'regexp) regexp-search-ring)) :help "Repeat last search forward") (repeat-search-back menu-item "Repeat Backwards" nonincremental-repeat-search-backward :enable (or (and (eq menu-bar-last-search-type 'string) search-ring) (and (eq menu-bar-last-search-type 'regexp) regexp-search-ring)) :help "Repeat last search backwards") (separator-tag-search "--") (tags-srch menu-item "Search Tagged Files..." tags-search :help "Search for a regexp in all tagged files") (tags-continue menu-item "Continue Tags Search" tags-loop-continue :help "Continue last tags search operation") (separator-tag-isearch "--") (i-search menu-item "Incremental Search" (keymap (isearch-forward menu-item "Forward String..." isearch-forward :help "Search forward for a string as you type it") (isearch-backward menu-item "Backward String..." isearch-backward :help "Search backwards for a string as you type it") (isearch-forward-regexp menu-item "Forward Regexp..." isearch-forward-regexp :help "Search forward for a regular expression as you type it") (isearch-backward-regexp menu-item "Backward Regexp..." isearch-backward-regexp :help "Search backwards for a regular expression as you type it") "Incremental Search")) "Search")) (replace menu-item "Replace" (keymap (query-replace menu-item "Replace String..." query-replace :enable (not buffer-read-only) :help "Replace string interactively, ask about each occurrence") (query-replace-regexp menu-item "Replace Regexp..." query-replace-regexp :enable (not buffer-read-only) :help "Replace regular expression interactively, ask about each occurrence") (separator-replace-tags "--") (tags-repl menu-item "Replace in Tagged Files..." tags-query-replace :help "Interactively replace a regexp in all tagged files") (tags-repl-continue menu-item "Continue Replace" tags-loop-continue :help "Continue last tags replace operation") "Replace")) (goto menu-item "Go To" (keymap (go-to-line menu-item "Goto Line..." goto-line :help "Read a line number and go to that line") (go-to-pos menu-item "Goto Buffer Position..." goto-char :help "Read a number N and go to buffer position N") (beg-of-buf menu-item "Goto Beginning of Buffer" beginning-of-buffer) (end-of-buf menu-item "Goto End of Buffer" end-of-buffer) (separator-tags "--") (find-tag menu-item "Find Tag..." find-tag :help "Find definition of function or variable") (find-tag-otherw menu-item "Find Tag in Other Window..." find-tag-other-window :help "Find function/variable definition in another window") (next-tag menu-item "Find Next Tag" menu-bar-next-tag :enable (and (boundp 'tags-location-ring) (not (ring-empty-p tags-location-ring))) :help "Find next function/variable matching last tag name") (next-tag-otherw menu-item "Next Tag in Other Window" menu-bar-next-tag-other-window :enable (and (boundp 'tags-location-ring) (not (ring-empty-p tags-location-ring))) :help "Find next function/variable matching last tag name in another window") (apropos-tags menu-item "Tags Apropos..." tags-apropos :help "Find function/variables whose names match regexp") (separator-tag-file "--") (set-tags-name menu-item "Set Tags File Name..." visit-tags-table :help "Tell Tags commands which tag table file to use") "Go To")) (bookmark menu-item "Bookmarks" menu-bar-bookmark-map) (separator-bookmark "--") (fill menu-item "Fill" fill-region :enable (and mark-active (not buffer-read-only)) :help "Fill text in region to fit between left and right margin") (props menu-item "Text Properties" facemenu-menu) "Edit")