makefile-makepp-statements is a variable defined in `
Its value is
(t "ifperl" "ifmakeperl" "ifsys" "ifnsys" "iftrue" "ifntrue" "and ifdef" "and ifndef" "and ifeq" "and ifneq" "and ifperl" "and ifmakeperl" "and ifsys" "and ifnsys" "and iftrue" "and ifntrue" "else ifdef" "else ifndef" "else ifeq" "else ifneq" "else ifperl" "else ifmakeperl" "else ifsys" "else ifnsys" "else iftrue" "else ifntrue" "or ifdef" "or ifndef" "or ifeq" "or ifneq" "or ifperl" "or ifmakeperl" "or ifsys" "or ifnsys" "or iftrue" "or ifntrue" "autoload" "build-cache" "build-check" "enddef" "export define" "global" "global build-cache" "global build-check" "global define" "global signature" "global override signature" "load-makefile" "make" "makeperl" "makesub" "no-implicit-load" "perl" "perl-begin" "perl-end" "prebuild" "override export" "override global" "register-parser" "register-command-parser" "register-input-suffix" "register-scanner" "repository" "runtime" "signature" "sub" "ifdef" "ifndef" "ifeq" "ifneq" "-include" "define" "endef" "export" "override define" "override" "unexport" "vpath" "else" "endif" "include")
- This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.
List of keywords understood by gmake.