
locate-command is a variable defined in `locate.el'.
Its value is

  • This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.

Executable program for searching a database of files.
The Emacs commands `locate' and `locate-with-filter' use this.
The value should be a program that can be called from a shell
with one argument, SEARCH-STRING. The program determines which
database it searches. The output of the program should consist
of those file names in the database that match SEARCH-STRING,
listed one per line, possibly with leading or trailing
whitespace. If the output is in another form, you may have to
redefine the function `locate-get-file-positions'.

The program may interpret SEARCH-STRING as a literal string, a
shell pattern or a regular expression. The exact rules of what
constitutes a match may also depend on the program.

The standard value of this variable is "locate".
This program normally searches a database of all files on your
system, or of all files that you have access to. Consult the
documentation of that program for the details about how it determines
which file names match SEARCH-STRING. (Those details vary highly with
the version.)

You can customize this variable.