info-lookup-alist is a variable defined in `info-look.el
'.Its value is shown below.
Alist of known help topics.
Cons cells are of the form
HELP-TOPIC is the symbol of a help topic.
HELP-DATA is a HELP-TOPIC's public data set.
Value is an alist with elements of the form
HELP-MODE is a mode's symbol.
REGEXP is a regular expression matching those help items whose
documentation can be looked up via DOC-SPEC.
IGNORE-CASE is non-nil if help items are case insensitive.
DOC-SPEC is a list of documentation specifications of the form
INFO-NODE is the name (including file name part) of an Info index.
TRANS-FUNC is a function translating index entries into help items;
nil means add only those index entries matching REGEXP, a string
means prepend string to the first word of all index entries.
PREFIX and SUFFIX are parts of a regular expression. If one of
them is non-nil then search the help item's Info node for the
first occurrence of the regular expression `PREFIX ITEM SUFFIX'.
ITEM will be highlighted with `info-lookup-highlight-face' if this
variable is not nil.
PARSE-RULE is either the symbol name of a function or a regular
expression for guessing the default help item at point. Fuzzy
regular expressions like "[_a-zA-Z0-9]+" do a better job if
there are no clear delimiters; do not try to write too complex
expressions. PARSE-RULE defaults to REGEXP.
OTHER-MODES is a list of cross references to other help modes.
((file (c-mode "[_a-zA-Z0-9./+-]+" nil (("(libc)File Index")) nil nil)) (symbol (help-mode "[^][()`',:\" \n]+" nil nil nil (emacs-lisp-mode)) (Custom-mode "[^][()`',:\" \n]+" t nil info-lookup-guess-custom-symbol (emacs-lisp-mode)) (cfengine-mode "[[:alnum:]_]+\\(?:()\\)?" nil (("(cfengine-Reference)Variable Index" (lambda (item) (if (string-match "\\([[:alnum:]_]+\\)()" item) (match-string 1 item) item)) "`" "(")) nil nil) (sh-mode "\\([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\\|[!{}@*#?$]\\|\\[\\[?\\|]]?\\)" nil (("(bash)Builtin Index" nil "^`" "[ .']") ("(bash)Reserved Word Index" nil "^`" "[ .']") ("(bash)Variable Index" nil "^`" "[ .']") ("(coreutils)Index" (lambda (item) (if (string-match "\\`[a-z]+\\'" item) item))) ("(coreutils)Concept Index" (lambda (item) (if (string-match "\\`[a-z]+\\'" item) item))) ("(diff)Index" (lambda (item) (if (string-match "\\`\\([a-z]+\\) invocation\\'" item) (match-string 1 item)))) ("(sed)Concept Index" (lambda (item) (if (string-equal item "Standard input, processing as input") "sed"))) ("(gawk)Index" (lambda (item) (cond ((string-equal item "gawk, extensions, disabling") "awk") ((string-equal item "gawk, versions of, information about, printing") "gawk"))))) nil nil) (inferior-maxima-mode "[a-zA-Z0-9_%]+" nil nil nil (maxima-mode)) (maxima-mode "[a-zA-Z0-9_%]+" t (("(maxima)Function and Variable Index" nil "^ -+ [^:]+:[ ]+\\(\\[[^=]*=[ ]+\\)?" nil)) nil nil) (octave-mode "[_a-zA-Z0-9]+\\|\\s.+\\|[-!=^|*/.\\,><~&+]\\{1,3\\}\\|[][();,\"']" nil (("(octave)Function Index" nil "^ -+ [^:]+:[ ]+\\(\\[[^=]*=[ ]+\\)?" nil) ("(octave)Variable Index" nil "^ -+ [^:]+:[ ]+" nil) ("(octave)Operator Index" nil nil nil) ("(octave)Concept Index" (lambda (item) (cond ((string-match "^\\([A-Z]+\\) statement\\b" item) (match-string 1 item)) (t nil))) nil nil)) nil nil) (scheme-mode "[^()`',\" \n]+" t (("(r5rs)Index" nil "^[ ]+-+ [^:]+:[ ]*" "\\b")) nil nil) (lisp-mode "[^()`',\" \n]+" nil nil ignore (emacs-lisp-mode)) (lisp-interaction-mode "[^][()`',\" \n]+" nil nil ignore (emacs-lisp-mode)) (apropos-mode "[^][()`',\" \n]+" nil nil nil (emacs-lisp-mode)) (emacs-lisp-mode "[^][()`',\" \n]+" nil (("(emacs)Command Index" nil "`\\(M-x[ \n]+\\)?" "'") ("(emacs)Variable Index" nil "`" "'") ("(elisp)Index" nil "^ -+ .*: " "\\( \\|$\\)")) nil nil) (latex-mode "\\\\\\([a-zA-Z]+\\|[^a-zA-Z]\\)" nil (("(latex)Command Index" nil "`" "\\({[^}]*}\\)?'")) nil nil) (cperl-mode "[$@%][^a-zA-Z]\\|\\$\\^[A-Z]\\|[$@%]?[a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*" nil nil nil (perl-mode)) (perl-mode "[$@%][^a-zA-Z]\\|\\$\\^[A-Z]\\|[$@%]?[a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*" nil (("(perl5)Function Index" (lambda (item) (if (string-match "^\\([a-zA-Z0-9]+\\)" item) (match-string 1 item))) "^" "\\b") ("(perl5)Variable Index" (lambda (item) (let ((sym (cond ((or (string-match "^\\$\\(.\\|@@\\)$" item) (string-match "^\\$\\^[A-Z]$" item)) item) ((string-match "^\\([$%@]\\|@@\\)?[_a-zA-Z0-9]+" item) (match-string 0 item)) (t "")))) (if (string-match "@@" sym) (setq sym (concat (substring sym 0 (match-beginning 0)) (substring sym (1- (match-end 0)))))) (if (string-equal sym "") nil sym))) "^" "\\b")) "[$@%]?\\([_a-zA-Z0-9]+\\|[^a-zA-Z]\\)" nil) (awk-mode "[_a-zA-Z]+" nil (("(gawk)Index" (lambda (item) (let ((case-fold-search nil)) (cond ((string-match "^\\([A-Z]+\\) special pattern\\b" item) (match-string 1 item)) ((string-match "^\\([a-z]+\\) statement\\b" item) (if (not (string-equal (match-string 1 item) "control")) (match-string 1 item))) ((string-match "^[A-Z]+$" item) item) ((string-match "^[a-z]+$" item) item)))) "`" "\\([ ]*([^)]*)\\)?'")) nil nil) (autoconf-mode "A[CM]_[_A-Z0-9]+" nil (("(autoconf)Autoconf Macro Index" (lambda (item) (if (string-match "^A._" item) item (concat "AC_" item))) "^[ ]+-+ \\(Macro\\|Variable\\): .*\\<" "\\>") ("(autoconf)M4 Macro Index" (lambda (item) (let ((case-fold-search nil)) (cond ((or (string-equal item "dnl") (string-match "^m4_" item) (string-match "^AS_" item)) item) ((string-match "^[A-Z0-9_]+$" item) (concat "AS_" item)) (t (concat "m4_" item))))) "^[ ]+-+ Macro: .*\\<" "\\>") ("(autoconf)Autotest Macro Index" "AT_" "^[ ]+-+ Macro: .*\\<" "\\>") ("(autoconf)Macro Index" "AC_" "^[ ]+-+ \\(Macro\\|Variable\\): .*\\<" "\\>") ("(automake)Macro and Variable Index" nil "^[ ]*`" "'")) ignore (m4-mode)) (m4-mode "[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*" nil (("(m4)Macro index")) "[_a-zA-Z0-9]+" nil) (texinfo-mode "@\\([a-zA-Z]+\\|[^a-zA-Z]\\)" nil (("(texinfo)Command and Variable Index" (lambda (item) (if (string-match "^\\([a-zA-Z]+\\|[^a-zA-Z]\\)\\( .*\\)?$" item) (concat "@" (match-string 1 item)))) "`" "[' ]")) nil nil) (makefile-automake-mode "\\$[^({]\\|\\.[_A-Z]*\\|[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9-]*\\|##\\|\\+=" nil (("(automake)Variable Index" nil "^[ ]*`" "'") ("(automake)Macro and Variable Index" nil "^[ ]*`" "'") ("(automake)General Index" nil "`" "'") ("(automake)Index" nil "`" "'")) "\\$[^({]\\|\\.[_A-Z]*\\|[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\|##\\|\\+=" (makefile-mode)) (makefile-mode "\\$[^({]\\|\\.[_A-Z]*\\|[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9-]*" nil (("(make)Name Index" nil "^[ ]*`" "'")) "\\$[^({]\\|\\.[_A-Z]*\\|[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+" nil) (bison-mode "[:;|]\\|%\\([%{}]\\|[_a-z]+\\)\\|YY[_A-Z]+\\|yy[_a-z]+" nil (("(bison)Index" nil "`" "'")) "[:;|]\\|%\\([%{}]\\|[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*\\)" (c-mode)) (c-mode "\\(struct \\|union \\|enum \\)?[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*" nil (("(libc)Function Index" nil "^[ ]+-+ \\(Function\\|Macro\\): .*\\<" "\\>") ("(libc)Variable Index" nil "^\\([ ]+-+ \\(Variable\\|Macro\\): .*\\<\\|`\\)" "\\( \\|'?$\\)") ("(libc)Type Index" nil "^[ ]+-+ Data Type: \\<" "\\>") ("(termcap)Var Index" nil "^[ ]*`" "'")) info-lookup-guess-c-symbol nil)))