
idlwave-shell-bp-alist is a variable defined in `idlw-shell.el'.
Its value is

Alist of breakpoints.
A breakpoint is a cons cell ((file line) . ((index module) data))

The car is the `frame' for the breakpoint:
file - full path file name.
line - line number of breakpoint - integer.

The first element of the cdr is a list of internal IDL data:
index - the index number of the breakpoint internal to IDL.
module - the module for breakpoint internal to IDL.

Remaining elements of the cdr:
data - Data associated with the breakpoint by idlwave-shell currently
contains four items:

count - number of times to execute breakpoint. When count reaches 0
the breakpoint is cleared and removed from the alist.

command - command to execute when breakpoint is reached, either a
lisp function to be called with `funcall' with no arguments or a
list to be evaluated with `eval'.

condition - any condition to apply to the breakpoint.

disabled - whether the bp is disabled.