
idlwave-file-header is a variable defined in `idlwave.el'.
Its value is

(nil ";+\n; NAME:\n;\n;\n;\n; PURPOSE:\n;\n;\n;\n; CATEGORY:\n;\n;\n;\n; CALLING SEQUENCE:\n;\n;\n;\n; INPUTS:\n;\n;\n;\n; OPTIONAL INPUTS:\n;\n;\n;\n; KEYWORD PARAMETERS:\n;\n;\n;\n; OUTPUTS:\n;\n;\n;\n; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS:\n;\n;\n;\n; COMMON BLOCKS:\n;\n;\n;\n; SIDE EFFECTS:\n;\n;\n;\n; RESTRICTIONS:\n;\n;\n;\n; PROCEDURE:\n;\n;\n;\n; EXAMPLE:\n;\n;\n;\n; MODIFICATION HISTORY:\n;\n;-\n")

A list (PATHNAME STRING) specifying the doc-header template to use for
summarizing a file. If PATHNAME is non-nil then this file will be included.
Otherwise STRING is used. If nil, the file summary will be omitted.
For example you might set PATHNAME to the path for the file included in the IDL distribution.