
ibuffer-mode-operate-map is a variable defined in `ibuffer.el'.
Its value is shown below.
  • This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.

Not documented as a variable.


(keymap "Operate" (do-view menu-item "View" ibuffer-do-view) (do-view-other-frame menu-item "View (separate frame)" ibuffer-do-view-other-frame) (do-save menu-item "Save" ibuffer-do-save) (do-replace-regexp menu-item "Replace (regexp)..." ibuffer-do-replace-regexp :help "Replace text inside marked buffers") (do-query-replace menu-item "Query Replace..." ibuffer-do-query-replace :help "Replace text in marked buffers, asking each time") (do-query-replace-regexp menu-item "Query Replace (regexp)..." ibuffer-do-query-replace-regexp :help "Replace text in marked buffers by regexp, asking each time") (do-print menu-item "Print" ibuffer-do-print) (do-toggle-modified menu-item "Toggle modification flag" ibuffer-do-toggle-modified) (do-revert menu-item "Revert" ibuffer-do-revert :help "Revert marked buffers to their associated file") (do-rename-uniquely menu-item "Rename Uniquely" ibuffer-do-rename-uniquely :help "Rename marked buffers to a new, unique name") (do-delete menu-item "Kill" ibuffer-do-delete) (do-occur menu-item "List lines matching..." ibuffer-do-occur :help "View all lines in marked buffers matching a regexp") (do-shell-command-pipe menu-item "Pipe to shell command..." ibuffer-do-shell-command-pipe :help "For each marked buffer, send its contents to a shell command") (do-shell-command-pipe-replace menu-item "Pipe to shell command (replace)..." ibuffer-do-shell-command-pipe-replace :help "For each marked buffer, replace its contents with output of shell command") (do-shell-command-file menu-item "Shell command on buffer's file..." ibuffer-do-shell-command-file :help "For each marked buffer, run a shell command with its file as argument") (do-eval menu-item "Eval..." ibuffer-do-eval :help "Evaluate a Lisp form in each marked buffer") (do-view-and-eval menu-item "Eval (viewing buffer)..." ibuffer-do-view-and-eval :help "Evaluate a Lisp form in each marked buffer while viewing it"))