
ibuffer-maybe-show-predicates is a variable defined in `ibuffer.el'.
Its value is

(#[257 "\301\302\303!\"\205 ?\207" [buffer-file-name string-match "^ " buffer-name] 5 "\n\n(fn BUF)"])

  • This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.

A list of predicates for buffers to display conditionally.

A predicate can be a regexp or a function.
If a regexp, then it will be matched against the buffer's name.
If a function, it will be called with the buffer as an argument, and
should return non-nil if this buffer should be shown.

Viewing of buffers hidden because of these predicates may be customized
via `ibuffer-default-display-maybe-show-predicates' and is toggled by
giving a non-nil prefix argument to `ibuffer-update'.
Note that this specialized filtering occurs before real filtering.

You can customize this variable.