html-tag-help is a variable defined in `
Its value is shown
Value of variable `sgml-tag-help' for HTML mode.
(("!" . "Empty declaration for comment")
("![" . "Embed declarations with parser directive")
("!attlist" . "Tag attributes declaration")
("!doctype" . "Document type (DTD) declaration")
("!element" . "Tag declaration")
("!entity" . "Entity (macro) declaration")
("a" . "Anchor of point or link elsewhere")
("abbrev" . "Abbreviation")
("acronym" . "Acronym")
("address" . "Formatted mail address")
("array" . "Math array")
("au" . "Author")
("b" . "Bold face")
("base" . "Base address for URLs")
("big" . "Font size")
("blink" . "Blinking text")
("blockquote" . "Indented quotation")
("body" . "Document body")
("box" . "Math fraction")
("br" . "Line break")
("caption" . "Table caption")
("center" . "Centered text")
("changed" . "Change bars")
("cite" . "Citation of a document")
("code" . "Formatted source code")
("dd" . "Definition of term")
("del" . "Deleted text")
("dfn" . "Defining instance of a term")
("dir" . "Directory list (obsolete)")
("div" . "Generic block-level container")
("dl" . "Definition list")
("dt" . "Term to be defined")
("em" . "Emphasized")
("embed" . "Embedded data in foreign format")
("fig" . "Figure")
("figa" . "Figure anchor")
("figd" . "Figure description")
("figt" . "Figure text")
("fn" . "Footnote")
("font" . "Font size")
("form" . "Form with input fields")
("group" . "Document grouping")
("h1" . "Most important section headline")
("h2" . "Important section headline")
("h3" . "Section headline")
("h4" . "Minor section headline")
("h5" . "Unimportant section headline")
("h6" . "Least important section headline")
("head" . "Document header")
("hr" . "Horizontal rule")
("html" . "HTML Document")
("i" . "Italic face")
("img" . "Graphic image")
("input" . "Form input field")
("ins" . "Inserted text")
("isindex" . "Input field for index search")
("kbd" . "Keyboard example face")
("lang" . "Natural language")
("li" . "List item")
("link" . "Link relationship")
("math" . "Math formula")
("menu" . "Menu list (obsolete)")
("mh" . "Form mail header")
("nextid" . "Allocate new id")
("nobr" . "Text without line break")
("ol" . "Ordered list")
("option" . "Selection list item")
("over" . "Math fraction rule")
("p" . "Paragraph start")
("panel" . "Floating panel")
("person" . "Person's name")
("pre" . "Preformatted fixed width text")
("q" . "Quotation")
("rev" . "Reverse video")
("s" . "Strikeout")
("samp" . "Sample text")
("select" . "Selection list")
("small" . "Font size")
("sp" . "Nobreak space")
("span" . "Generic inline container")
("strong" . "Standout text")
("sub" . "Subscript")
("sup" . "Superscript")
("table" . "Table with rows and columns")
("tb" . "Table vertical break")
("td" . "Table data cell")
("textarea" . "Form multiline edit area")
("th" . "Table header cell")
("title" . "Document title")
("tr" . "Table row separator")
("tt" . "Typewriter face")
("u" . "Underlined text")
("ul" . "Unordered list")
("var" . "Math variable face")
("wbr" . "Enable
within "))