
hfy-optimisations is a variable defined in `htmlfontify.el'.
Its value is

Optimizations to turn on: So far, the following have been implemented:

merge-adjacent-tags: If two (or more) span tags are adjacent, identical and
separated by nothing more than whitespace, they will
be merged into one span.
zap-comment-links : Suppress hyperlinking of tags found in comments.
zap-string-links : Suppress hyperlinking of tags found in strings.
div-wrapper : Add
tags around the
keep-overlays : More of a bell (or possibly whistle) than an
optimization - If on, preserve overlay highlighting
(cf ediff or goo-font-lock) as well as basic faces.

body-text-only : Emit only body-text. In concrete terms,
1. Suppress calls to `hfy-page-header'and
2. Pretend that `div-wrapper' option above is
turned off
3. Don't enclose output in
And the following are planned but not yet available:

kill-context-leak : Suppress hyperlinking between files highlighted by
different modes.

Note: like compiler optimizations, these optimize the _output_ of the code,
not the processing of the source itself, and are therefore likely to slow
htmlfontify down, at least a little. Except for skip-refontification,
which can never slow you down, but may result in incomplete fontification.

You can customize this variable.