gud-tool-bar-map is a variable defined in `gud.el
'.Its value is shown below.
- This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.
Not documented as a variable.
(keymap (break menu-item "Set Breakpoint" gud-break :enable (not gud-running) :visible (gud-tool-bar-item-visible-no-fringe) :image (find-image (cond ((not (display-color-p)) '((:type pbm :file "gud/break.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/break.xbm" :foreground "black") (:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/break.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/break.xpm"))) ((< (display-color-cells) 256) '((:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/break.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/break.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/break.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/break.xbm" :foreground "black"))) (t '((:type xpm :file "gud/break.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/break.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/break.xbm" :foreground "black")))))) (remove menu-item "Remove Breakpoint" gud-remove :enable (not gud-running) :visible (gud-tool-bar-item-visible-no-fringe) :image (find-image (cond ((not (display-color-p)) '((:type pbm :file "gud/remove.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/remove.xbm" :foreground "black") (:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/remove.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/remove.xpm"))) ((< (display-color-cells) 256) '((:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/remove.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/remove.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/remove.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/remove.xbm" :foreground "black"))) (t '((:type xpm :file "gud/remove.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/remove.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/remove.xbm" :foreground "black")))))) (print menu-item "Print Expression" gud-print :enable (not gud-running) :image (find-image (cond ((not (display-color-p)) '((:type pbm :file "gud/print.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/print.xbm" :foreground "black") (:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/print.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/print.xpm"))) ((< (display-color-cells) 256) '((:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/print.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/print.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/print.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/print.xbm" :foreground "black"))) (t '((:type xpm :file "gud/print.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/print.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/print.xbm" :foreground "black")))))) (print* menu-item (if (eq gud-minor-mode 'jdb) "Dump object" "Print Dereference") gud-pstar :enable (not gud-running) :visible (memq gud-minor-mode '(gdbmi gdb jdb)) :image (find-image (cond ((not (display-color-p)) '((:type pbm :file "gud/pstar.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/pstar.xbm" :foreground "black") (:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/pstar.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/pstar.xpm"))) ((< (display-color-cells) 256) '((:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/pstar.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/pstar.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/pstar.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/pstar.xbm" :foreground "black"))) (t '((:type xpm :file "gud/pstar.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/pstar.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/pstar.xbm" :foreground "black")))))) (pp menu-item "Print S-expression" gud-pp :enable (and (not gud-running) (bound-and-true-p gdb-active-process)) :visible (and (string-equal (buffer-local-value 'gud-target-name gud-comint-buffer) "emacs") (eq gud-minor-mode 'gdbmi)) :image (find-image (cond ((not (display-color-p)) '((:type pbm :file "gud/pp.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/pp.xbm" :foreground "black") (:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/pp.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/pp.xpm"))) ((< (display-color-cells) 256) '((:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/pp.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/pp.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/pp.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/pp.xbm" :foreground "black"))) (t '((:type xpm :file "gud/pp.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/pp.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/pp.xbm" :foreground "black")))))) (watch menu-item "Watch Expression" gud-watch :enable (not gud-running) :visible (eq gud-minor-mode 'gdbmi) :image (find-image (cond ((not (display-color-p)) '((:type pbm :file "gud/watch.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/watch.xbm" :foreground "black") (:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/watch.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/watch.xpm"))) ((< (display-color-cells) 256) '((:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/watch.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/watch.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/watch.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/watch.xbm" :foreground "black"))) (t '((:type xpm :file "gud/watch.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/watch.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/watch.xbm" :foreground "black")))))) (run menu-item "Run" gud-run :enable (not gud-running) :visible (memq gud-minor-mode '(gdbmi gdb dbx jdb)) :image (find-image (cond ((not (display-color-p)) '((:type pbm :file "gud/run.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/run.xbm" :foreground "black") (:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/run.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/run.xpm"))) ((< (display-color-cells) 256) '((:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/run.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/run.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/run.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/run.xbm" :foreground "black"))) (t '((:type xpm :file "gud/run.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/run.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/run.xbm" :foreground "black")))))) (all-threads menu-item "Switch to non-stop/A mode" gdb-control-all-threads :image (find-image '((:type xpm :file "gud/thread.xpm"))) :visible (and (eq gud-minor-mode 'gdbmi) gdb-non-stop (not gdb-gud-control-all-threads))) (current-thread menu-item "Switch to non-stop/T mode" gdb-control-current-thread :image (find-image '((:type xpm :file "gud/all.xpm"))) :visible (and (eq gud-minor-mode 'gdbmi) gdb-non-stop gdb-gud-control-all-threads)) (go menu-item (if (bound-and-true-p gdb-active-process) "Continue" "Run") gud-go :visible (and (eq gud-minor-mode 'gdbmi) (gdb-show-run-p)) :image (find-image (cond ((not (display-color-p)) '((:type pbm :file "gud/go.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/go.xbm" :foreground "black") (:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/go.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/go.xpm"))) ((< (display-color-cells) 256) '((:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/go.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/go.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/go.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/go.xbm" :foreground "black"))) (t '((:type xpm :file "gud/go.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/go.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/go.xbm" :foreground "black")))))) (stop menu-item "Stop" gud-stop-subjob :visible (or (not (memq gud-minor-mode '(gdbmi pdb))) (gdb-show-stop-p)) :image (find-image (cond ((not (display-color-p)) '((:type pbm :file "gud/stop.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/stop.xbm" :foreground "black") (:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/stop.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/stop.xpm"))) ((< (display-color-cells) 256) '((:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/stop.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/stop.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/stop.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/stop.xbm" :foreground "black"))) (t '((:type xpm :file "gud/stop.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/stop.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/stop.xbm" :foreground "black")))))) (cont menu-item "Continue" gud-cont :enable (not gud-running) :visible (not (eq gud-minor-mode 'gdbmi)) :image (find-image (cond ((not (display-color-p)) '((:type pbm :file "gud/cont.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/cont.xbm" :foreground "black") (:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/cont.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/cont.xpm"))) ((< (display-color-cells) 256) '((:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/cont.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/cont.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/cont.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/cont.xbm" :foreground "black"))) (t '((:type xpm :file "gud/cont.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/cont.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/cont.xbm" :foreground "black")))))) (until menu-item "Continue to selection" gud-until :enable (not gud-running) :visible (and (memq gud-minor-mode '(gdbmi gdb perldb)) (gud-tool-bar-item-visible-no-fringe)) :image (find-image (cond ((not (display-color-p)) '((:type pbm :file "gud/until.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/until.xbm" :foreground "black") (:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/until.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/until.xpm"))) ((< (display-color-cells) 256) '((:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/until.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/until.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/until.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/until.xbm" :foreground "black"))) (t '((:type xpm :file "gud/until.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/until.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/until.xbm" :foreground "black")))))) (next menu-item "Next Line" gud-next :enable (not gud-running) :image (find-image (cond ((not (display-color-p)) '((:type pbm :file "gud/next.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/next.xbm" :foreground "black") (:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/next.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/next.xpm"))) ((< (display-color-cells) 256) '((:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/next.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/next.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/next.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/next.xbm" :foreground "black"))) (t '((:type xpm :file "gud/next.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/next.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/next.xbm" :foreground "black")))))) (step menu-item "Step Line" gud-step :enable (not gud-running) :image (find-image (cond ((not (display-color-p)) '((:type pbm :file "gud/step.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/step.xbm" :foreground "black") (:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/step.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/step.xpm"))) ((< (display-color-cells) 256) '((:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/step.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/step.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/step.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/step.xbm" :foreground "black"))) (t '((:type xpm :file "gud/step.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/step.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/step.xbm" :foreground "black")))))) (finish menu-item "Finish Function" gud-finish :enable (not gud-running) :visible (memq gud-minor-mode '(gdbmi gdb guiler xdb jdb pdb)) :image (find-image (cond ((not (display-color-p)) '((:type pbm :file "gud/finish.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/finish.xbm" :foreground "black") (:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/finish.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/finish.xpm"))) ((< (display-color-cells) 256) '((:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/finish.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/finish.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/finish.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/finish.xbm" :foreground "black"))) (t '((:type xpm :file "gud/finish.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/finish.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/finish.xbm" :foreground "black")))))) (nexti menu-item "Next Instruction" gud-nexti :enable (not gud-running) :visible (memq gud-minor-mode '(gdbmi gdb dbx)) :image (find-image (cond ((not (display-color-p)) '((:type pbm :file "gud/nexti.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/nexti.xbm" :foreground "black") (:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/nexti.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/nexti.xpm"))) ((< (display-color-cells) 256) '((:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/nexti.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/nexti.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/nexti.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/nexti.xbm" :foreground "black"))) (t '((:type xpm :file "gud/nexti.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/nexti.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/nexti.xbm" :foreground "black")))))) (stepi menu-item "Step Instruction" gud-stepi :enable (not gud-running) :visible (memq gud-minor-mode '(gdbmi gdb dbx)) :image (find-image (cond ((not (display-color-p)) '((:type pbm :file "gud/stepi.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/stepi.xbm" :foreground "black") (:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/stepi.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/stepi.xpm"))) ((< (display-color-cells) 256) '((:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/stepi.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/stepi.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/stepi.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/stepi.xbm" :foreground "black"))) (t '((:type xpm :file "gud/stepi.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/stepi.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/stepi.xbm" :foreground "black")))))) (up menu-item "Up Stack" gud-up :enable (not gud-running) :visible (memq gud-minor-mode '(gdbmi gdb guiler dbx xdb jdb pdb)) :image (find-image (cond ((not (display-color-p)) '((:type pbm :file "gud/up.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/up.xbm" :foreground "black") (:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/up.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/up.xpm"))) ((< (display-color-cells) 256) '((:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/up.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/up.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/up.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/up.xbm" :foreground "black"))) (t '((:type xpm :file "gud/up.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/up.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/up.xbm" :foreground "black")))))) (down menu-item "Down Stack" gud-down :enable (not gud-running) :visible (memq gud-minor-mode '(gdbmi gdb guiler dbx xdb jdb pdb)) :image (find-image (cond ((not (display-color-p)) '((:type pbm :file "gud/down.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/down.xbm" :foreground "black") (:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/down.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/down.xpm"))) ((< (display-color-cells) 256) '((:type xpm :file "low-color/gud/down.xpm") (:type xpm :file "gud/down.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/down.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/down.xbm" :foreground "black"))) (t '((:type xpm :file "gud/down.xpm") (:type pbm :file "gud/down.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "gud/down.xbm" :foreground "black")))))) (help menu-item "Info (debugger)" gud-goto-info :image (find-image (cond ((not (display-color-p)) '((:type pbm :file "info.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "info.xbm" :foreground "black") (:type xpm :file "low-color/info.xpm") (:type xpm :file "info.xpm"))) ((< (display-color-cells) 256) '((:type xpm :file "low-color/info.xpm") (:type xpm :file "info.xpm") (:type pbm :file "info.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "info.xbm" :foreground "black"))) (t '((:type xpm :file "info.xpm") (:type pbm :file "info.pbm" :foreground "black") (:type xbm :file "info.xbm" :foreground "black")))))))