
gnus-valid-select-methods is a variable defined in `gnus.el'.
Its value is shown below.

*An alist of valid select methods.
The first element of each list lists should be a string with the name
of the select method. The other elements may be the category of
this method (i. e., `post', `mail', `none' or whatever) or other
properties that this method has (like being respoolable).
If you implement a new select method, all you should have to change is
this variable. I think.

You can customize this variable.

This variable was introduced, or its default value was changed, in version 24.1 of Emacs.


(("nntp" post address prompt-address physical-address cloud) ("nnspool" post address) ("nnvirtual" post-mail virtual prompt-address) ("nnmbox" mail respool address) ("nnml" post-mail respool address) ("nnmh" mail respool address) ("nndir" post-mail prompt-address physical-address) ("nneething" none address prompt-address physical-address) ("nndoc" none address prompt-address) ("nnbabyl" mail address respool) ("nndraft" post-mail) ("nnfolder" mail respool address) ("nngateway" post-mail address prompt-address physical-address) ("nnweb" none) ("nnrss" none global) ("nnagent" post-mail) ("nnimap" post-mail address prompt-address physical-address respool server-marks cloud) ("nnmaildir" mail respool address server-marks) ("nnnil" none))