
gnus-summary-highlight is a variable defined in `gnus-sum.el'.
Its value is shown below.
  • This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.

*Controls the highlighting of summary buffer lines.

A list of (FORM . FACE) pairs. When deciding how a particular
summary line should be displayed, each form is evaluated. The content
of the face field after the first true form is used. You can change
how those summary lines are displayed, by editing the face field.

You can use the following variables in the FORM field.

score: The article's score.
default: The default article score.
default-high: The default score for high scored articles.
default-low: The default score for low scored articles.
mark: The article's mark.
uncached: Non-nil if the article is uncached.

You can customize this variable.


(((eq mark gnus-canceled-mark) . gnus-summary-cancelled) ((and uncached (> score default-high)) . gnus-summary-high-undownloaded) ((and uncached (< score default-low)) . gnus-summary-low-undownloaded) (uncached . gnus-summary-normal-undownloaded) ((and (> score default-high) (or (eq mark gnus-dormant-mark) (eq mark gnus-ticked-mark))) . gnus-summary-high-ticked) ((and (< score default-low) (or (eq mark gnus-dormant-mark) (eq mark gnus-ticked-mark))) . gnus-summary-low-ticked) ((or (eq mark gnus-dormant-mark) (eq mark gnus-ticked-mark)) . gnus-summary-normal-ticked) ((and (> score default-high) (eq mark gnus-ancient-mark)) . gnus-summary-high-ancient) ((and (< score default-low) (eq mark gnus-ancient-mark)) . gnus-summary-low-ancient) ((eq mark gnus-ancient-mark) . gnus-summary-normal-ancient) ((and (> score default-high) (eq mark gnus-unread-mark)) . gnus-summary-high-unread) ((and (< score default-low) (eq mark gnus-unread-mark)) . gnus-summary-low-unread) ((eq mark gnus-unread-mark) . gnus-summary-normal-unread) ((> score default-high) . gnus-summary-high-read) ((< score default-low) . gnus-summary-low-read) (t . gnus-summary-normal-read))