
finder--builtins-alist is a variable defined in `finder.el'.
Its value is shown below.

Alist of built-in package directories.
Each element should have the form (DIR . PACKAGE), where DIR is a
directory name and PACKAGE is the name of a package (a symbol).
When generating `package--builtins', Emacs assumes any file in
DIR is part of the package PACKAGE.


(("calc" . calc) ("ede" . ede) ("erc" . erc) ("eshell" . eshell) ("gnus" . gnus) ("international" . emacs) ("language" . emacs) ("mh-e" . mh-e) ("semantic" . semantic) ("analyze" . semantic) ("bovine" . semantic) ("decorate" . semantic) ("symref" . semantic) ("wisent" . semantic) ("nxml" . nxml) ("org" . org) ("srecode" . srecode) ("term" . emacs) ("url" . url))