
find-function-regexp is a variable defined in `find-func.el'.
Its value is

"^\\s-*(\\(def\\(ine-skeleton\\|ine-generic-mode\\|ine-derived-mode\\|ine\\(?:-global\\)?-minor-mode\\|ine-compilation-mode\\|un-cvs-mode\\|foo\\|[^icfgv]\\(\\w\\|\\s_\\)+\\*?\\)\\|easy-mmode-define-[a-z-]+\\|easy-menu-define\\|menu-bar-make-toggle\\)\\(?:\\s-\\|\n\\|;.*\n\\)+\\('\\|(quote \\)?%s\\(\\s-\\|$\\|(\\|)\\)"

The regexp used by `find-function' to search for a function definition.
Note it must contain a `%s' at the place where `format'
should insert the function name. The default value avoids `defconst',
`defgroup', `defvar', `defface'.

Please send improvements and fixes to the maintainer.

You can customize this variable.

This variable was introduced, or its default value was changed, in version 21.1 of Emacs.