
filesets-menu-ensure-use-cached is a variable defined in `filesets.el'.
Its value is

Make sure (X)Emacs uses filesets' cache.

Well, if you use XEmacs (prior to 21.5?) custom.el is loaded after
init.el. This means that settings saved in the cache file (see
`filesets-menu-cache-file') will be overwritten by custom.el. In order
to ensure the use of the cache file, set this variable to t -- which is
the default for XEmacs prior to 21.5. If you want to change this value
put "(setq filesets-menu-ensure-use-cached VALUE)" into your startup
file -- before loading filesets.el.

So, when should you think about setting this value to t? If filesets.el
is loaded before user customizations. Thus, if (require 'filesets)
precedes the `custom-set-variables' command or, for XEmacs, if init.el
is loaded before custom.el, set this variable to t.