
filesets-data is a variable defined in `filesets.el'.
Its value is

  • This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.

Fileset definitions.

A fileset is either a list of files, a file pattern, a base directory
and a search pattern (for files), or a base file. Changes to this
variable will take effect after rebuilding the menu.

Caveat: Fileset names have to be unique.

Example definition:
'(("My Wiki"
(:ingroup "~/Etc/My-Wiki/WikiContents"))
("My Homepage"
(:pattern "~/public_html/" "^.+\\.html$")
(:open filesets-find-file))
("User Configuration"
(:files "~/.xinitrc"
(:tree "~" "^[^.].*[^~]$")
(:filter-dirs-flag t)))

`filesets-data' is a list of (NAME-AS-STRING . DEFINITION), DEFINITION
being an association list with the fields:

:files FILE-1 .. FILE-N ... a list of files belonging to a fileset

:ingroup FILE-NAME ... an inclusion group's base file.

:tree ROOT-DIR PATTERN ... a base directory and a file pattern

:pattern DIR PATTERN ... a base directory and a regexp matching
files in that directory. Usually,
PATTERN has the form '^REGEXP$'. Unlike
:tree, this form does not descend
recursively into subdirectories.

:filter-dirs-flag BOOLEAN ... is only used in conjunction with :tree.

:tree-max-level INTEGER ... recurse into directories this many levels
(see `filesets-tree-max-level' for a full explanation)

:dormant-flag BOOLEAN ... non-nil means don't show this item in the
menu; dormant filesets can still be manipulated via commands available
from the minibuffer -- e.g. `filesets-open', `filesets-close', or

:dormant-p FUNCTION ... a function returning :dormant-flag

:open FUNCTION ... the function used to open file belonging to this
fileset. The function takes a file name as argument

:save FUNCTION ... the function used to save file belonging to this
fileset; it takes no arguments, but works on the current buffer.

Either :files, :pattern, :tree, or :ingroup must be supplied. :files
overrules :tree, :tree overrules :pattern, :pattern overrules :ingroup,
i.e. these tags are mutually exclusive. The fields :open and :save are

In conjunction with the :tree tag, :save is void. :open refers to the
function used for opening files in a directory, not for opening the
directory. For browsing directories, `filesets-browse-dir-function' is used.

Before using :ingroup, make sure that the file type is already
defined in `filesets-ingroup-patterns'.

You can customize this variable.