
ffap-alist is a variable defined in `ffap.el'.
Its value is shown below.
  • This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.

Alist of (KEY . FUNCTION) pairs parsed by `ffap-file-at-point'.
If string NAME at point (maybe "") is not a file or URL, these pairs
specify actions to try creating such a string. A pair matches if either
KEY is a symbol, and it equals `major-mode', or
KEY is a string, it should match NAME as a regexp.
On a match, (FUNCTION NAME) is called and should return a file, an
URL, or nil. If nil, search the alist for further matches.


((inferior-python-mode . python-ffap-module-path) (python-mode . python-ffap-module-path) ("" . ffap-completable) ("\\.info\\'" . ffap-info) ("\\`info/" . ffap-info-2) ("\\`[-[:lower:]]+\\'" . ffap-info-3) ("\\.elc?\\'" . ffap-el) (emacs-lisp-mode . ffap-el-mode) (finder-mode . ffap-el-mode) (help-mode . ffap-el-mode) (c++-mode . ffap-c++-mode) (cc-mode . ffap-c-mode) ("\\.\\([chCH]\\|cc\\|hh\\)\\'" . ffap-c-mode) (fortran-mode . ffap-fortran-mode) ("\\.[fF]\\'" . ffap-fortran-mode) (tex-mode . ffap-tex-mode) (latex-mode . ffap-latex-mode) ("\\.\\(tex\\|sty\\|doc\\|cls\\)\\'" . ffap-tex) ("\\.bib\\'" . ffap-bib) ("\\`\\." . ffap-home) ("\\`~/" . ffap-lcd) ("\\`[Rr][Ff][Cc][-#]?\\([0-9]+\\)" . ffap-rfc) (dired-mode . ffap-dired))