
face-x-resources is a variable defined in `faces.el'.
Its value is shown below.

List of X resources and classes for face attributes.
Each element has the form (ATTRIBUTE ENTRY1 ENTRY2...) where ATTRIBUTE is
the name of a face attribute, and each ENTRY is a cons of the form
(RESOURCE . CLASS) with RESOURCE being the resource and CLASS being the
X resource class for the attribute.

You can customize this variable.


((:family (".attributeFamily" . "Face.AttributeFamily")) (:foundry (".attributeFoundry" . "Face.AttributeFoundry")) (:width (".attributeWidth" . "Face.AttributeWidth")) (:height (".attributeHeight" . "Face.AttributeHeight")) (:weight (".attributeWeight" . "Face.AttributeWeight")) (:slant (".attributeSlant" . "Face.AttributeSlant")) (:foreground (".attributeForeground" . "Face.AttributeForeground")) (:distant-foreground (".attributeDistantForeground" . "Face.AttributeDistantForeground")) (:background (".attributeBackground" . "Face.AttributeBackground")) (:overline (".attributeOverline" . "Face.AttributeOverline")) (:strike-through (".attributeStrikeThrough" . "Face.AttributeStrikeThrough")) (:box (".attributeBox" . "Face.AttributeBox")) (:underline (".attributeUnderline" . "Face.AttributeUnderline")) (:inverse-video (".attributeInverse" . "Face.AttributeInverse")) (:stipple (".attributeStipple" . "Face.AttributeStipple") (".attributeBackgroundPixmap" . "Face.AttributeBackgroundPixmap")) (:bold (".attributeBold" . "Face.AttributeBold")) (:italic (".attributeItalic" . "Face.AttributeItalic")) (:font (".attributeFont" . "Face.AttributeFont")) (:inherit (".attributeInherit" . "Face.AttributeInherit")))