face-attribute-name-alist is a variable defined in `faces.el
'.Its value is shown below.
- This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.
An alist of descriptive names for face attributes.
Each element has the form (ATTRIBUTE-NAME . DESCRIPTION) where
ATTRIBUTE-NAME is a face attribute name (a keyword symbol), and
DESCRIPTION is a descriptive name for ATTRIBUTE-NAME.
((:family . "font family") (:foundry . "font foundry") (:width . "character set width") (:height . "height in 1/10 pt") (:weight . "weight") (:slant . "slant") (:underline . "underline") (:overline . "overline") (:strike-through . "strike-through") (:box . "box") (:inverse-video . "inverse-video display") (:foreground . "foreground color") (:background . "background color") (:stipple . "background stipple") (:inherit . "inheritance"))