
eudc-user-attribute-names-alist is a variable defined in `eudc-vars.el'.
Its value is shown below.

Alist of user-defined names for directory attributes.
These names are used as prompt strings in query/response forms
instead of the raw directory attribute names.
Prompt strings for attributes that are not listed here
are derived by splitting the attribute name
at `_' characters and capitalizing the individual words.

You can customize this variable.


((url . "URL") (callsign . "HAM Call Sign") (id . "ID") (email . "E-Mail") (firstname . "First Name") (cn . "Full Name") (sn . "Surname") (givenname . "First Name") (ou . "Unit") (labeledurl . "URL") (postaladdress . "Address") (postalcode . "Postal Code") (l . "Location") (c . "Country") (o . "Organization") (roomnumber . "Office") (telephonenumber . "Phone") (uniqueidentifier . "ID") (objectclass . "Object Class"))