
eudc-tools-menu is a variable defined in `eudc.el'.
Its value is shown below.

Not documented as a variable.


(keymap (load menu-item "Load Hotlist of Servers" eudc-load-eudc :help "Load the Emacs Unified Directory Client") (new menu-item "New Server" eudc-set-server :help "Set the directory server to SERVER using PROTOCOL") (separator-eudc-query "--") (query menu-item "Query with Form" eudc-query-form :help "Display a form to query the directory server") (expand-inline menu-item "Expand Inline Query" eudc-expand-inline :help "Query the directory server, and expand the query string before point") (separator-eudc-email "--") (email menu-item "Get Email" eudc-get-email :help "Get the email field of NAME from the directory server") (phone menu-item "Get Phone" eudc-get-phone :help "Get the phone field of name from the directory server") "Directory Search")