
erc-button-alist is a variable defined in `erc-button.el'.
Its value is shown below.

Alist of regexps matching buttons in ERC buffers.
Each entry has the form (REGEXP BUTTON FORM CALLBACK PAR...), where

REGEXP is the string matching text around the button or a symbol
indicating a variable holding that string, or a list of
strings, or an alist with the strings in the car. Note that
entries in lists or alists are considered to be nicks or other
complete words. Therefore they are enclosed in
Uses keymap ` and \', which is not currently defined.

while searching. REGEXP can also be the quoted symbol
'nicknames, which matches the nickname of any user on the
current server.

BUTTON is the number of the regexp grouping actually matching the
button, This is ignored if REGEXP is 'nicknames.

FORM is a lisp expression which must eval to true for the button to
be added,

CALLBACK is the function to call when the user push this button.
CALLBACK can also be a symbol. Its variable value will be used
as the callback function.

PAR is a number of a regexp grouping whose text will be passed to
CALLBACK. There can be several PAR arguments. If REGEXP is
'nicknames, these are ignored, and CALLBACK will be called with
the nickname matched as the argument.

You can customize this variable.

This variable was introduced, or its default value was changed, in version 24.1 of Emacs.


(('nicknames 0 erc-button-buttonize-nicks erc-nick-popup 0) (erc-button-url-regexp 0 t browse-url 0) (" ]+\\) *>" 0 t browse-url 1) ("[`]\\([a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z_0-9]+\\)[']" 1 t erc-button-describe-symbol 1) ("\\bInfo:[\"]\\([^\"]+\\)[\"]" 0 t Info-goto-node 1) ("\\b\\(Ward\\|Wiki\\|WardsWiki\\|TheWiki\\):\\([A-Z][a-z]+\\([A-Z][a-z]+\\)+\\)" 0 t (lambda (page) (browse-url (concat "" page))) 2) ("EmacsWiki:\\([A-Z][a-z]+\\([A-Z][a-z]+\\)+\\)" 0 t erc-browse-emacswiki 1) ("Lisp:\\([a-zA-Z.+-]+\\)" 0 t erc-browse-emacswiki-lisp 1) ("\\bGoogle:\\([^ \n \f]+\\)" 0 t (lambda (keywords) (browse-url (format erc-button-google-url keywords))) 1) ("\\brfc[#: ]?\\([0-9]+\\)" 0 t (lambda (num) (browse-url (format erc-button-rfc-url num))) 1) ("\\s-\\(@\\([0-9][0-9][0-9]\\)\\)" 1 t erc-button-beats-to-time 2))