easy-menu-converted-items-table is a variable defined in `
Its value is shown
Not documented as a variable.
#s(hash-table size 2463 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8 data
(setq verilog-tool nil)
:style radio :selected
(equal verilog-tool nil)
:help "When invoking compilation, use compile-command"]
(None menu-item "None" menu-function-0 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio equal verilog-tool nil)
:help "When invoking compilation, use compile-command")
(setq verilog-tool 'verilog-linter)
:style radio :selected
(equal verilog-tool `verilog-linter)
:help "When invoking compilation, use lint checker"]
(Lint menu-item "Lint" menu-function-1 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio equal verilog-tool `verilog-linter)
:help "When invoking compilation, use lint checker")
(setq verilog-tool 'verilog-coverage)
:style radio :selected
(equal verilog-tool `verilog-coverage)
:help "When invoking compilation, annotate for coverage"]
(Coverage menu-item "Coverage" menu-function-2 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio equal verilog-tool `verilog-coverage)
:help "When invoking compilation, annotate for coverage")
(setq verilog-tool 'verilog-simulator)
:style radio :selected
(equal verilog-tool `verilog-simulator)
:help "When invoking compilation, interpret Verilog source"]
(Simulator menu-item "Simulator" menu-function-3 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio equal verilog-tool `verilog-simulator)
:help "When invoking compilation, interpret Verilog source")
(setq verilog-tool 'verilog-compiler)
:style radio :selected
(equal verilog-tool `verilog-compiler)
:help "When invoking compilation, compile Verilog source"]
(Compiler menu-item "Compiler" menu-function-4 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio equal verilog-tool `verilog-compiler)
:help "When invoking compilation, compile Verilog source")
(setq verilog-tool 'verilog-preprocessor)
:style radio :selected
(equal verilog-tool `verilog-preprocessor)
:help "When invoking compilation, preprocess Verilog source, see also `verilog-preprocess'"]
(Preprocessor menu-item "Preprocessor" menu-function-5 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio equal verilog-tool `verilog-preprocessor)
:help "When invoking compilation, preprocess Verilog source, see also `verilog-preprocess'")
("Choose Compilation Action"
(setq verilog-tool nil)
:style radio :selected
(equal verilog-tool nil)
:help "When invoking compilation, use compile-command"]
(setq verilog-tool 'verilog-linter)
:style radio :selected
(equal verilog-tool `verilog-linter)
:help "When invoking compilation, use lint checker"]
(setq verilog-tool 'verilog-coverage)
:style radio :selected
(equal verilog-tool `verilog-coverage)
:help "When invoking compilation, annotate for coverage"]
(setq verilog-tool 'verilog-simulator)
:style radio :selected
(equal verilog-tool `verilog-simulator)
:help "When invoking compilation, interpret Verilog source"]
(setq verilog-tool 'verilog-compiler)
:style radio :selected
(equal verilog-tool `verilog-compiler)
:help "When invoking compilation, compile Verilog source"]
(setq verilog-tool 'verilog-preprocessor)
:style radio :selected
(equal verilog-tool `verilog-preprocessor)
:help "When invoking compilation, preprocess Verilog source, see also `verilog-preprocess'"])
(Choose\ Compilation\ Action menu-item "Choose Compilation Action"
(keymap "Choose Compilation Action"
(None menu-item "None" menu-function-0 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio equal verilog-tool nil)
:help "When invoking compilation, use compile-command")
(Lint menu-item "Lint" menu-function-1 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio equal verilog-tool `verilog-linter)
:help "When invoking compilation, use lint checker")
(Coverage menu-item "Coverage" menu-function-2 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio equal verilog-tool `verilog-coverage)
:help "When invoking compilation, annotate for coverage")
(Simulator menu-item "Simulator" menu-function-3 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio equal verilog-tool `verilog-simulator)
:help "When invoking compilation, interpret Verilog source")
(Compiler menu-item "Compiler" menu-function-4 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio equal verilog-tool `verilog-compiler)
:help "When invoking compilation, compile Verilog source")
(Preprocessor menu-item "Preprocessor" menu-function-5 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio equal verilog-tool `verilog-preprocessor)
:help "When invoking compilation, preprocess Verilog source, see also `verilog-preprocess'")))
["Beginning of function" verilog-beg-of-defun :keys "C-M-a" :help "Move backward to the beginning of the current function or procedure"]
(Beginning\ of\ function menu-item "Beginning of function" verilog-beg-of-defun :keys "C-M-a" :help "Move backward to the beginning of the current function or procedure")
["End of function" verilog-end-of-defun :keys "C-M-e" :help "Move forward to the end of the current function or procedure"]
(End\ of\ function menu-item "End of function" verilog-end-of-defun :keys "C-M-e" :help "Move forward to the end of the current function or procedure")
["Mark function" verilog-mark-defun :keys "C-M-h" :help "Mark the current Verilog function or procedure"]
(Mark\ function menu-item "Mark function" verilog-mark-defun :keys "C-M-h" :help "Mark the current Verilog function or procedure")
["Goto function/module" verilog-goto-defun :help "Move to specified Verilog module/task/function"]
(Goto\ function/module menu-item "Goto function/module" verilog-goto-defun :help "Move to specified Verilog module/task/function")
["Move to beginning of block" electric-verilog-backward-sexp :help "Move backward over one balanced expression"]
(Move\ to\ beginning\ of\ block menu-item "Move to beginning of block" electric-verilog-backward-sexp :help "Move backward over one balanced expression")
["Move to end of block" electric-verilog-forward-sexp :help "Move forward over one balanced expression"]
(Move\ to\ end\ of\ block menu-item "Move to end of block" electric-verilog-forward-sexp :help "Move forward over one balanced expression")
["Beginning of function" verilog-beg-of-defun :keys "C-M-a" :help "Move backward to the beginning of the current function or procedure"]
["End of function" verilog-end-of-defun :keys "C-M-e" :help "Move forward to the end of the current function or procedure"]
["Mark function" verilog-mark-defun :keys "C-M-h" :help "Mark the current Verilog function or procedure"]
["Goto function/module" verilog-goto-defun :help "Move to specified Verilog module/task/function"]
["Move to beginning of block" electric-verilog-backward-sexp :help "Move backward over one balanced expression"]
["Move to end of block" electric-verilog-forward-sexp :help "Move forward over one balanced expression"])
(Move menu-item "Move"
(keymap "Move"
(Beginning\ of\ function menu-item "Beginning of function" verilog-beg-of-defun :keys "C-M-a" :help "Move backward to the beginning of the current function or procedure")
(End\ of\ function menu-item "End of function" verilog-end-of-defun :keys "C-M-e" :help "Move forward to the end of the current function or procedure")
(Mark\ function menu-item "Mark function" verilog-mark-defun :keys "C-M-h" :help "Mark the current Verilog function or procedure")
(Goto\ function/module menu-item "Goto function/module" verilog-goto-defun :help "Move to specified Verilog module/task/function")
(Move\ to\ beginning\ of\ block menu-item "Move to beginning of block" electric-verilog-backward-sexp :help "Move backward over one balanced expression")
(Move\ to\ end\ of\ block menu-item "Move to end of block" electric-verilog-forward-sexp :help "Move forward over one balanced expression")))
["Comment Region" verilog-comment-region :help "Put marked area into a comment"]
(Comment\ Region menu-item "Comment Region" verilog-comment-region :help "Put marked area into a comment")
["UnComment Region" verilog-uncomment-region :help "Uncomment an area commented with Comment Region"]
(UnComment\ Region menu-item "UnComment Region" verilog-uncomment-region :help "Uncomment an area commented with Comment Region")
["Multi-line comment insert" verilog-star-comment :help "Insert Verilog /* */ comment at point"]
(Multi-line\ comment\ insert menu-item "Multi-line comment insert" verilog-star-comment :help "Insert Verilog /* */ comment at point")
["Lint error to comment" verilog-lint-off :help "Convert a Verilog linter warning line into a disable statement"]
(Lint\ error\ to\ comment menu-item "Lint error to comment" verilog-lint-off :help "Convert a Verilog linter warning line into a disable statement")
["Comment Region" verilog-comment-region :help "Put marked area into a comment"]
["UnComment Region" verilog-uncomment-region :help "Uncomment an area commented with Comment Region"]
["Multi-line comment insert" verilog-star-comment :help "Insert Verilog /* */ comment at point"]
["Lint error to comment" verilog-lint-off :help "Convert a Verilog linter warning line into a disable statement"])
(Comments menu-item "Comments"
(keymap "Comments"
(Comment\ Region menu-item "Comment Region" verilog-comment-region :help "Put marked area into a comment")
(UnComment\ Region menu-item "UnComment Region" verilog-uncomment-region :help "Uncomment an area commented with Comment Region")
(Multi-line\ comment\ insert menu-item "Multi-line comment insert" verilog-star-comment :help "Insert Verilog /* */ comment at point")
(Lint\ error\ to\ comment menu-item "Lint error to comment" verilog-lint-off :help "Convert a Verilog linter warning line into a disable statement")))
(nil menu-item "----")
["Compile" compile :help "Perform compilation-action (above) on the current buffer"]
(Compile menu-item "Compile" compile :help "Perform compilation-action (above) on the current buffer")
["AUTO, Save, Compile" verilog-auto-save-compile :help "Recompute AUTOs, save buffer, and compile"]
(AUTO\,\ Save\,\ Compile menu-item "AUTO, Save, Compile" verilog-auto-save-compile :help "Recompute AUTOs, save buffer, and compile")
["Next Compile Error" next-error :help "Visit next compilation error message and corresponding source code"]
(Next\ Compile\ Error menu-item "Next Compile Error" next-error :help "Visit next compilation error message and corresponding source code")
["Ignore Lint Warning at point" verilog-lint-off :help "Convert a Verilog linter warning line into a disable statement"]
(Ignore\ Lint\ Warning\ at\ point menu-item "Ignore Lint Warning at point" verilog-lint-off :help "Convert a Verilog linter warning line into a disable statement")
["Line up declarations around point" verilog-pretty-declarations :help "Line up declarations around point"]
(Line\ up\ declarations\ around\ point menu-item "Line up declarations around point" verilog-pretty-declarations :help "Line up declarations around point")
["Line up equations around point" verilog-pretty-expr :help "Line up expressions around point"]
(Line\ up\ equations\ around\ point menu-item "Line up equations around point" verilog-pretty-expr :help "Line up expressions around point")
["Redo/insert comments on every end" verilog-label-be :help "Label matching begin ... end statements"]
(Redo/insert\ comments\ on\ every\ end menu-item "Redo/insert comments on every end" verilog-label-be :help "Label matching begin ... end statements")
["Expand [x:y] vector line" verilog-expand-vector :help "Take a signal vector on the current line and expand it to multiple lines"]
(Expand\ \[x:y\]\ vector\ line menu-item "Expand [x:y] vector line" verilog-expand-vector :help "Take a signal vector on the current line and expand it to multiple lines")
["Insert begin-end block" verilog-insert-block :help "Insert begin ... end"]
(Insert\ begin-end\ block menu-item "Insert begin-end block" verilog-insert-block :help "Insert begin ... end")
["Complete word" verilog-complete-word :help "Complete word at point"]
(Complete\ word menu-item "Complete word" verilog-complete-word :help "Complete word at point")
["Recompute AUTOs" verilog-auto :help "Expand AUTO meta-comment statements"]
(Recompute\ AUTOs menu-item "Recompute AUTOs" verilog-auto :help "Expand AUTO meta-comment statements")
["Kill AUTOs" verilog-delete-auto :help "Remove AUTO expansions"]
(Kill\ AUTOs menu-item "Kill AUTOs" verilog-delete-auto :help "Remove AUTO expansions")
["Diff AUTOs" verilog-diff-auto :help "Show differences in AUTO expansions"]
(Diff\ AUTOs menu-item "Diff AUTOs" verilog-diff-auto :help "Show differences in AUTO expansions")
["Inject AUTOs" verilog-inject-auto :help "Inject AUTOs into legacy non-AUTO buffer"]
(Inject\ AUTOs menu-item "Inject AUTOs" verilog-inject-auto :help "Inject AUTOs into legacy non-AUTO buffer")
["AUTO General"
(describe-function 'verilog-auto)
:help "Help introduction on AUTOs"]
(AUTO\ General menu-item "AUTO General" menu-function-6 :key-sequence nil :help "Help introduction on AUTOs")
["AUTO Library Flags"
(describe-variable 'verilog-library-flags)
:help "Help on verilog-library-flags"]
(AUTO\ Library\ Flags menu-item "AUTO Library Flags" menu-function-7 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on verilog-library-flags")
["AUTO Library Path"
(describe-variable 'verilog-library-directories)
:help "Help on verilog-library-directories"]
(AUTO\ Library\ Path menu-item "AUTO Library Path" menu-function-8 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on verilog-library-directories")
["AUTO Library Files"
(describe-variable 'verilog-library-files)
:help "Help on verilog-library-files"]
(AUTO\ Library\ Files menu-item "AUTO Library Files" menu-function-9 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on verilog-library-files")
["AUTO Library Extensions"
(describe-variable 'verilog-library-extensions)
:help "Help on verilog-library-extensions"]
(AUTO\ Library\ Extensions menu-item "AUTO Library Extensions" menu-function-10 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on verilog-library-extensions")
["AUTO `define Reading"
(describe-function 'verilog-read-defines)
:help "Help on reading `defines"]
(AUTO\ \`define\ Reading menu-item "AUTO `define Reading" menu-function-11 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on reading `defines")
["AUTO `include Reading"
(describe-function 'verilog-read-includes)
:help "Help on parsing `includes"]
(AUTO\ \`include\ Reading menu-item "AUTO `include Reading" menu-function-12 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on parsing `includes")
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-arg)
:help "Help on AUTOARG - declaring module port list"]
(AUTOARG menu-item "AUTOARG" menu-function-13 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOARG - declaring module port list")
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-ascii-enum)
:help "Help on AUTOASCIIENUM - creating ASCII for enumerations"]
(AUTOASCIIENUM menu-item "AUTOASCIIENUM" menu-function-14 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOASCIIENUM - creating ASCII for enumerations")
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-assign-modport)
:help "Help on AUTOASSIGNMODPORT - creating assignments to/from modports"]
(AUTOASSIGNMODPORT menu-item "AUTOASSIGNMODPORT" menu-function-15 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOASSIGNMODPORT - creating assignments to/from modports")
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-inout)
:help "Help on AUTOINOUT - adding inouts from cells"]
(AUTOINOUT menu-item "AUTOINOUT" menu-function-16 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOINOUT - adding inouts from cells")
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-inout-comp)
:help "Help on AUTOINOUTCOMP - copying complemented i/o from another file"]
(AUTOINOUTCOMP menu-item "AUTOINOUTCOMP" menu-function-17 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOINOUTCOMP - copying complemented i/o from another file")
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-inout-in)
:help "Help on AUTOINOUTIN - copying i/o from another file as all inputs"]
(AUTOINOUTIN menu-item "AUTOINOUTIN" menu-function-18 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOINOUTIN - copying i/o from another file as all inputs")
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-inout-modport)
:help "Help on AUTOINOUTMODPORT - copying i/o from an interface modport"]
(AUTOINOUTMODPORT menu-item "AUTOINOUTMODPORT" menu-function-19 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOINOUTMODPORT - copying i/o from an interface modport")
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-inout-module)
:help "Help on AUTOINOUTMODULE - copying i/o from another file"]
(AUTOINOUTMODULE menu-item "AUTOINOUTMODULE" menu-function-20 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOINOUTMODULE - copying i/o from another file")
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-inout-param)
:help "Help on AUTOINOUTPARAM - copying parameters from another file"]
(AUTOINOUTPARAM menu-item "AUTOINOUTPARAM" menu-function-21 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOINOUTPARAM - copying parameters from another file")
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-input)
:help "Help on AUTOINPUT - adding inputs from cells"]
(AUTOINPUT menu-item "AUTOINPUT" menu-function-22 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOINPUT - adding inputs from cells")
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-insert-lisp)
:help "Help on AUTOINSERTLISP - insert text from a lisp function"]
(AUTOINSERTLISP menu-item "AUTOINSERTLISP" menu-function-23 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOINSERTLISP - insert text from a lisp function")
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-insert-last)
:help "Help on AUTOINSERTLISPLAST - insert text from a lisp function"]
(AUTOINSERTLAST menu-item "AUTOINSERTLAST" menu-function-24 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOINSERTLISPLAST - insert text from a lisp function")
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-inst)
:help "Help on AUTOINST - adding pins for cells"]
(AUTOINST menu-item "AUTOINST" menu-function-25 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOINST - adding pins for cells")
["AUTOINST (.*)"
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-star)
:help "Help on expanding Verilog-2001 .* pins"]
(AUTOINST\ \(\.*\) menu-item "AUTOINST (.*)" menu-function-26 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on expanding Verilog-2001 .* pins")
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-inst-param)
:help "Help on AUTOINSTPARAM - adding parameter pins to cells"]
(AUTOINSTPARAM menu-item "AUTOINSTPARAM" menu-function-27 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOINSTPARAM - adding parameter pins to cells")
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-logic)
:help "Help on AUTOLOGIC - declaring logic signals"]
(AUTOLOGIC menu-item "AUTOLOGIC" menu-function-28 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOLOGIC - declaring logic signals")
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-output)
:help "Help on AUTOOUTPUT - adding outputs from cells"]
(AUTOOUTPUT menu-item "AUTOOUTPUT" menu-function-29 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOOUTPUT - adding outputs from cells")
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-output-every)
:help "Help on AUTOOUTPUTEVERY - adding outputs of all signals"]
(AUTOOUTPUTEVERY menu-item "AUTOOUTPUTEVERY" menu-function-30 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOOUTPUTEVERY - adding outputs of all signals")
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-reg)
:help "Help on AUTOREG - declaring registers for non-wires"]
(AUTOREG menu-item "AUTOREG" menu-function-31 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOREG - declaring registers for non-wires")
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-reg-input)
:help "Help on AUTOREGINPUT - declaring inputs for non-wires"]
(AUTOREGINPUT menu-item "AUTOREGINPUT" menu-function-32 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOREGINPUT - declaring inputs for non-wires")
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-reset)
:help "Help on AUTORESET - resetting always blocks"]
(AUTORESET menu-item "AUTORESET" menu-function-33 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTORESET - resetting always blocks")
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-sense)
:help "Help on AUTOSENSE - sensitivity lists for always blocks"]
(AUTOSENSE\ or\ AS menu-item "AUTOSENSE or AS" menu-function-34 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOSENSE - sensitivity lists for always blocks")
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-tieoff)
:help "Help on AUTOTIEOFF - tying off unused outputs"]
(AUTOTIEOFF menu-item "AUTOTIEOFF" menu-function-35 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOTIEOFF - tying off unused outputs")
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-undef)
:help "Help on AUTOUNDEF - undefine all local defines"]
(AUTOUNDEF menu-item "AUTOUNDEF" menu-function-36 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOUNDEF - undefine all local defines")
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-unused)
:help "Help on AUTOUNUSED - terminating unused inputs"]
(AUTOUNUSED menu-item "AUTOUNUSED" menu-function-37 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOUNUSED - terminating unused inputs")
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-wire)
:help "Help on AUTOWIRE - declaring wires for cells"]
(AUTOWIRE menu-item "AUTOWIRE" menu-function-38 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOWIRE - declaring wires for cells")
("AUTO Help..."
["AUTO General"
(describe-function 'verilog-auto)
:help "Help introduction on AUTOs"]
["AUTO Library Flags"
(describe-variable 'verilog-library-flags)
:help "Help on verilog-library-flags"]
["AUTO Library Path"
(describe-variable 'verilog-library-directories)
:help "Help on verilog-library-directories"]
["AUTO Library Files"
(describe-variable 'verilog-library-files)
:help "Help on verilog-library-files"]
["AUTO Library Extensions"
(describe-variable 'verilog-library-extensions)
:help "Help on verilog-library-extensions"]
["AUTO `define Reading"
(describe-function 'verilog-read-defines)
:help "Help on reading `defines"]
["AUTO `include Reading"
(describe-function 'verilog-read-includes)
:help "Help on parsing `includes"]
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-arg)
:help "Help on AUTOARG - declaring module port list"]
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-ascii-enum)
:help "Help on AUTOASCIIENUM - creating ASCII for enumerations"]
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-assign-modport)
:help "Help on AUTOASSIGNMODPORT - creating assignments to/from modports"]
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-inout)
:help "Help on AUTOINOUT - adding inouts from cells"]
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-inout-comp)
:help "Help on AUTOINOUTCOMP - copying complemented i/o from another file"]
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-inout-in)
:help "Help on AUTOINOUTIN - copying i/o from another file as all inputs"]
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-inout-modport)
:help "Help on AUTOINOUTMODPORT - copying i/o from an interface modport"]
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-inout-module)
:help "Help on AUTOINOUTMODULE - copying i/o from another file"]
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-inout-param)
:help "Help on AUTOINOUTPARAM - copying parameters from another file"]
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-input)
:help "Help on AUTOINPUT - adding inputs from cells"]
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-insert-lisp)
:help "Help on AUTOINSERTLISP - insert text from a lisp function"]
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-insert-last)
:help "Help on AUTOINSERTLISPLAST - insert text from a lisp function"]
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-inst)
:help "Help on AUTOINST - adding pins for cells"]
["AUTOINST (.*)"
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-star)
:help "Help on expanding Verilog-2001 .* pins"]
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-inst-param)
:help "Help on AUTOINSTPARAM - adding parameter pins to cells"]
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-logic)
:help "Help on AUTOLOGIC - declaring logic signals"]
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-output)
:help "Help on AUTOOUTPUT - adding outputs from cells"]
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-output-every)
:help "Help on AUTOOUTPUTEVERY - adding outputs of all signals"]
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-reg)
:help "Help on AUTOREG - declaring registers for non-wires"]
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-reg-input)
:help "Help on AUTOREGINPUT - declaring inputs for non-wires"]
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-reset)
:help "Help on AUTORESET - resetting always blocks"]
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-sense)
:help "Help on AUTOSENSE - sensitivity lists for always blocks"]
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-tieoff)
:help "Help on AUTOTIEOFF - tying off unused outputs"]
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-undef)
:help "Help on AUTOUNDEF - undefine all local defines"]
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-unused)
:help "Help on AUTOUNUSED - terminating unused inputs"]
(describe-function 'verilog-auto-wire)
:help "Help on AUTOWIRE - declaring wires for cells"])
(AUTO\ Help\.\.\. menu-item "AUTO Help..."
(keymap "AUTO Help..."
(AUTO\ General menu-item "AUTO General" menu-function-6 :key-sequence nil :help "Help introduction on AUTOs")
(AUTO\ Library\ Flags menu-item "AUTO Library Flags" menu-function-7 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on verilog-library-flags")
(AUTO\ Library\ Path menu-item "AUTO Library Path" menu-function-8 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on verilog-library-directories")
(AUTO\ Library\ Files menu-item "AUTO Library Files" menu-function-9 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on verilog-library-files")
(AUTO\ Library\ Extensions menu-item "AUTO Library Extensions" menu-function-10 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on verilog-library-extensions")
(AUTO\ \`define\ Reading menu-item "AUTO `define Reading" menu-function-11 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on reading `defines")
(AUTO\ \`include\ Reading menu-item "AUTO `include Reading" menu-function-12 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on parsing `includes")
(AUTOARG menu-item "AUTOARG" menu-function-13 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOARG - declaring module port list")
(AUTOASCIIENUM menu-item "AUTOASCIIENUM" menu-function-14 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOASCIIENUM - creating ASCII for enumerations")
(AUTOASSIGNMODPORT menu-item "AUTOASSIGNMODPORT" menu-function-15 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOASSIGNMODPORT - creating assignments to/from modports")
(AUTOINOUT menu-item "AUTOINOUT" menu-function-16 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOINOUT - adding inouts from cells")
(AUTOINOUTCOMP menu-item "AUTOINOUTCOMP" menu-function-17 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOINOUTCOMP - copying complemented i/o from another file")
(AUTOINOUTIN menu-item "AUTOINOUTIN" menu-function-18 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOINOUTIN - copying i/o from another file as all inputs")
(AUTOINOUTMODPORT menu-item "AUTOINOUTMODPORT" menu-function-19 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOINOUTMODPORT - copying i/o from an interface modport")
(AUTOINOUTMODULE menu-item "AUTOINOUTMODULE" menu-function-20 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOINOUTMODULE - copying i/o from another file")
(AUTOINOUTPARAM menu-item "AUTOINOUTPARAM" menu-function-21 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOINOUTPARAM - copying parameters from another file")
(AUTOINPUT menu-item "AUTOINPUT" menu-function-22 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOINPUT - adding inputs from cells")
(AUTOINSERTLISP menu-item "AUTOINSERTLISP" menu-function-23 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOINSERTLISP - insert text from a lisp function")
(AUTOINSERTLAST menu-item "AUTOINSERTLAST" menu-function-24 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOINSERTLISPLAST - insert text from a lisp function")
(AUTOINST menu-item "AUTOINST" menu-function-25 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOINST - adding pins for cells")
(AUTOINST\ \(\.*\) menu-item "AUTOINST (.*)" menu-function-26 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on expanding Verilog-2001 .* pins")
(AUTOINSTPARAM menu-item "AUTOINSTPARAM" menu-function-27 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOINSTPARAM - adding parameter pins to cells")
(AUTOLOGIC menu-item "AUTOLOGIC" menu-function-28 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOLOGIC - declaring logic signals")
(AUTOOUTPUT menu-item "AUTOOUTPUT" menu-function-29 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOOUTPUT - adding outputs from cells")
(AUTOOUTPUTEVERY menu-item "AUTOOUTPUTEVERY" menu-function-30 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOOUTPUTEVERY - adding outputs of all signals")
(AUTOREG menu-item "AUTOREG" menu-function-31 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOREG - declaring registers for non-wires")
(AUTOREGINPUT menu-item "AUTOREGINPUT" menu-function-32 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOREGINPUT - declaring inputs for non-wires")
(AUTORESET menu-item "AUTORESET" menu-function-33 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTORESET - resetting always blocks")
(AUTOSENSE\ or\ AS menu-item "AUTOSENSE or AS" menu-function-34 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOSENSE - sensitivity lists for always blocks")
(AUTOTIEOFF menu-item "AUTOTIEOFF" menu-function-35 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOTIEOFF - tying off unused outputs")
(AUTOUNDEF menu-item "AUTOUNDEF" menu-function-36 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOUNDEF - undefine all local defines")
(AUTOUNUSED menu-item "AUTOUNUSED" menu-function-37 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOUNUSED - terminating unused inputs")
(AUTOWIRE menu-item "AUTOWIRE" menu-function-38 :key-sequence nil :help "Help on AUTOWIRE - declaring wires for cells")))
["Submit bug report" verilog-submit-bug-report :help "Submit via mail a bug report on verilog-mode.el"]
(Submit\ bug\ report menu-item "Submit bug report" verilog-submit-bug-report :help "Submit via mail a bug report on verilog-mode.el")
["Version and FAQ" verilog-faq :help "Show the current version, and where to get the FAQ etc"]
(Version\ and\ FAQ menu-item "Version and FAQ" verilog-faq :help "Show the current version, and where to get the FAQ etc")
["Customize Verilog Mode..." verilog-customize :help "Customize variables and other settings used by Verilog-Mode"]
(Customize\ Verilog\ Mode\.\.\. menu-item "Customize Verilog Mode..." verilog-customize :help "Customize variables and other settings used by Verilog-Mode")
["Customize Verilog Fonts & Colors" verilog-font-customize :help "Customize fonts used by Verilog-Mode."]
(Customize\ Verilog\ Fonts\ &\ Colors menu-item "Customize Verilog Fonts & Colors" verilog-font-customize :help "Customize fonts used by Verilog-Mode.")
["Header" verilog-sk-header :help "Insert a header block at the top of file"]
(Header menu-item "Header" verilog-sk-header :help "Insert a header block at the top of file")
["Comment" verilog-sk-comment :help "Insert a comment block"]
(Comment menu-item "Comment" verilog-sk-comment :help "Insert a comment block")
["Module" verilog-sk-module :help "Insert a module .. (/*AUTOARG*/);.. endmodule block"]
(Module menu-item "Module" verilog-sk-module :help "Insert a module .. (/*AUTOARG*/);.. endmodule block")
["OVM Class" verilog-sk-ovm-class :help "Insert an OVM class block"]
(OVM\ Class menu-item "OVM Class" verilog-sk-ovm-class :help "Insert an OVM class block")
["UVM Object" verilog-sk-uvm-object :help "Insert an UVM object block"]
(UVM\ Object menu-item "UVM Object" verilog-sk-uvm-object :help "Insert an UVM object block")
["UVM Component" verilog-sk-uvm-component :help "Insert an UVM component block"]
(UVM\ Component menu-item "UVM Component" verilog-sk-uvm-component :help "Insert an UVM component block")
["Primitive" verilog-sk-primitive :help "Insert a primitive .. (.. );.. endprimitive block"]
(Primitive menu-item "Primitive" verilog-sk-primitive :help "Insert a primitive .. (.. );.. endprimitive block")
["Input" verilog-sk-input :help "Insert an input declaration"]
(Input menu-item "Input" verilog-sk-input :help "Insert an input declaration")
["Output" verilog-sk-output :help "Insert an output declaration"]
(Output menu-item "Output" verilog-sk-output :help "Insert an output declaration")
["Inout" verilog-sk-inout :help "Insert an inout declaration"]
(Inout menu-item "Inout" verilog-sk-inout :help "Insert an inout declaration")
["Wire" verilog-sk-wire :help "Insert a wire declaration"]
(Wire menu-item "Wire" verilog-sk-wire :help "Insert a wire declaration")
["Reg" verilog-sk-reg :help "Insert a register declaration"]
(Reg menu-item "Reg" verilog-sk-reg :help "Insert a register declaration")
["Define thing under point as a register" verilog-sk-define-signal :help "Define signal under point as a register at the top of the module"]
(Define\ thing\ under\ point\ as\ a\ register menu-item "Define thing under point as a register" verilog-sk-define-signal :help "Define signal under point as a register at the top of the module")
["Initial" verilog-sk-initial :help "Insert an initial begin .. end block"]
(Initial menu-item "Initial" verilog-sk-initial :help "Insert an initial begin .. end block")
["Always" verilog-sk-always :help "Insert an always @(AS) begin .. end block"]
(Always menu-item "Always" verilog-sk-always :help "Insert an always @(AS) begin .. end block")
["Function" verilog-sk-function :help "Insert a function .. begin .. end endfunction block"]
(Function menu-item "Function" verilog-sk-function :help "Insert a function .. begin .. end endfunction block")
["Task" verilog-sk-task :help "Insert a task .. begin .. end endtask block"]
(Task menu-item "Task" verilog-sk-task :help "Insert a task .. begin .. end endtask block")
["Specify" verilog-sk-specify :help "Insert a specify .. endspecify block"]
(Specify menu-item "Specify" verilog-sk-specify :help "Insert a specify .. endspecify block")
["Generate" verilog-sk-generate :help "Insert a generate .. endgenerate block"]
(Generate menu-item "Generate" verilog-sk-generate :help "Insert a generate .. endgenerate block")
["Begin" verilog-sk-begin :help "Insert a begin .. end block"]
(Begin menu-item "Begin" verilog-sk-begin :help "Insert a begin .. end block")
["If" verilog-sk-if :help "Insert an if (..) begin .. end block"]
(If menu-item "If" verilog-sk-if :help "Insert an if (..) begin .. end block")
["(if) else" verilog-sk-else-if :help "Insert an else if (..) begin .. end block"]
(\(if\)\ else menu-item "(if) else" verilog-sk-else-if :help "Insert an else if (..) begin .. end block")
["For" verilog-sk-for :help "Insert a for (...) begin .. end block"]
(For menu-item "For" verilog-sk-for :help "Insert a for (...) begin .. end block")
["While" verilog-sk-while :help "Insert a while (...) begin .. end block"]
(While menu-item "While" verilog-sk-while :help "Insert a while (...) begin .. end block")
["Fork" verilog-sk-fork :help "Insert a fork begin .. end .. join block"]
(Fork menu-item "Fork" verilog-sk-fork :help "Insert a fork begin .. end .. join block")
["Repeat" verilog-sk-repeat :help "Insert a repeat (..) begin .. end block"]
(Repeat menu-item "Repeat" verilog-sk-repeat :help "Insert a repeat (..) begin .. end block")
["Case" verilog-sk-case :help "Insert a case block, prompting for details"]
(Case menu-item "Case" verilog-sk-case :help "Insert a case block, prompting for details")
["Casex" verilog-sk-casex :help "Insert a casex (...) item: begin.. end endcase block"]
(Casex menu-item "Casex" verilog-sk-casex :help "Insert a casex (...) item: begin.. end endcase block")
["Casez" verilog-sk-casez :help "Insert a casez (...) item: begin.. end endcase block"]
(Casez menu-item "Casez" verilog-sk-casez :help "Insert a casez (...) item: begin.. end endcase block")
["Shift region left" python-indent-shift-left :active mark-active :help "Shift region left by a single indentation step"]
(Shift\ region\ left menu-item "Shift region left" python-indent-shift-left :enable mark-active :help "Shift region left by a single indentation step")
["Shift region right" python-indent-shift-right :active mark-active :help "Shift region right by a single indentation step"]
(Shift\ region\ right menu-item "Shift region right" python-indent-shift-right :enable mark-active :help "Shift region right by a single indentation step")
(nil menu-item "-")
["Start of def/class" beginning-of-defun :help "Go to start of outermost definition around point"]
(Start\ of\ def/class menu-item "Start of def/class" beginning-of-defun :help "Go to start of outermost definition around point")
["End of def/class" end-of-defun :help "Go to end of definition around point"]
(End\ of\ def/class menu-item "End of def/class" end-of-defun :help "Go to end of definition around point")
["Mark def/class" mark-defun :help "Mark outermost definition around point"]
(Mark\ def/class menu-item "Mark def/class" mark-defun :help "Mark outermost definition around point")
["Jump to def/class" imenu :help "Jump to a class or function definition"]
(Jump\ to\ def/class menu-item "Jump to def/class" imenu :help "Jump to a class or function definition")
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Skeletons menu-item "Skeletons"
(keymap "Skeletons"))
(nil-9 menu-item "---")
["Start interpreter" run-python :help "Run inferior Python process in a separate buffer"]
(Start\ interpreter menu-item "Start interpreter" run-python :help "Run inferior Python process in a separate buffer")
["Switch to shell" python-shell-switch-to-shell :help "Switch to running inferior Python process"]
(Switch\ to\ shell menu-item "Switch to shell" python-shell-switch-to-shell :help "Switch to running inferior Python process")
["Eval string" python-shell-send-string :help "Eval string in inferior Python session"]
(Eval\ string menu-item "Eval string" python-shell-send-string :help "Eval string in inferior Python session")
["Eval buffer" python-shell-send-buffer :help "Eval buffer in inferior Python session"]
(Eval\ buffer menu-item "Eval buffer" python-shell-send-buffer :help "Eval buffer in inferior Python session")
["Eval region" python-shell-send-region :help "Eval region in inferior Python session"]
(Eval\ region menu-item "Eval region" python-shell-send-region :help "Eval region in inferior Python session")
["Eval defun" python-shell-send-defun :help "Eval defun in inferior Python session"]
(Eval\ defun menu-item "Eval defun" python-shell-send-defun :help "Eval defun in inferior Python session")
["Eval file" python-shell-send-file :help "Eval file in inferior Python session"]
(Eval\ file menu-item "Eval file" python-shell-send-file :help "Eval file in inferior Python session")
["Debugger" pdb :help "Run pdb under GUD"]
(Debugger menu-item "Debugger" pdb :help "Run pdb under GUD")
["Check file" python-check :help "Check file for errors"]
(Check\ file menu-item "Check file" python-check :help "Check file for errors")
["Help on symbol" python-eldoc-at-point :help "Get help on symbol at point"]
(Help\ on\ symbol menu-item "Help on symbol" python-eldoc-at-point :help "Get help on symbol at point")
["Complete symbol" completion-at-point :help "Complete symbol before point"]
(Complete\ symbol menu-item "Complete symbol" completion-at-point :help "Complete symbol before point")
["Split Line at Point" octave-indent-new-comment-line t]
(Split\ Line\ at\ Point menu-item "Split Line at Point" octave-indent-new-comment-line)
["Previous Code Line" octave-previous-code-line t]
(Previous\ Code\ Line menu-item "Previous Code Line" octave-previous-code-line)
["Next Code Line" octave-next-code-line t]
(Next\ Code\ Line menu-item "Next Code Line" octave-next-code-line)
["Begin of Line" octave-beginning-of-line t]
(Begin\ of\ Line menu-item "Begin of Line" octave-beginning-of-line)
["End of Line" octave-end-of-line t]
(End\ of\ Line menu-item "End of Line" octave-end-of-line)
["Mark Block" octave-mark-block t]
(Mark\ Block menu-item "Mark Block" octave-mark-block)
["Close Block" smie-close-block t]
(Close\ Block menu-item "Close Block" smie-close-block)
["Start Octave Process" run-octave t]
(Start\ Octave\ Process menu-item "Start Octave Process" run-octave)
["Documentation Lookup" info-lookup-symbol t]
(Documentation\ Lookup menu-item "Documentation Lookup" info-lookup-symbol)
["Help on Function" octave-help t]
(Help\ on\ Function menu-item "Help on Function" octave-help)
["Search help" octave-lookfor t]
(Search\ help menu-item "Search help" octave-lookfor)
["Find Function Definition" octave-find-definition t]
(Find\ Function\ Definition menu-item "Find Function Definition" octave-find-definition)
["Insert Function" octave-insert-defun t]
(Insert\ Function menu-item "Insert Function" octave-insert-defun)
["Update Function File Comment" octave-update-function-file-comment t]
(Update\ Function\ File\ Comment menu-item "Update Function File Comment" octave-update-function-file-comment)
["Function Syntax Hints"
(eldoc-mode 'toggle)
:style toggle :selected
(bound-and-true-p eldoc-mode)
:help "Display function signatures after typing `SPC' or `('"]
(Function\ Syntax\ Hints menu-item "Function Syntax Hints" menu-function-40 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle bound-and-true-p eldoc-mode)
:help "Display function signatures after typing `SPC' or `('")
["Delimiter Matching" show-paren-mode :style toggle :selected show-paren-mode :help "Highlight matched pairs such as `if ... end'" :visible
(fboundp 'smie--matching-block-data)]
(Delimiter\ Matching menu-item "Delimiter Matching" show-paren-mode :visible
(fboundp 'smie--matching-block-data)
(:toggle . show-paren-mode)
:help "Highlight matched pairs such as `if ... end'")
["Auto Fill" auto-fill-mode :style toggle :selected auto-fill-function :help "Automatic line breaking"]
(Auto\ Fill menu-item "Auto Fill" auto-fill-mode :button
(:toggle . auto-fill-function)
:help "Automatic line breaking")
["Electric Layout" electric-layout-mode :style toggle :selected electric-layout-mode :help "Automatically insert newlines around some chars"]
(Electric\ Layout menu-item "Electric Layout" electric-layout-mode :button
(:toggle . electric-layout-mode)
:help "Automatically insert newlines around some chars")
["Send Current Line" octave-send-line t]
(Send\ Current\ Line menu-item "Send Current Line" octave-send-line)
["Send Current Block" octave-send-block t]
(Send\ Current\ Block menu-item "Send Current Block" octave-send-block)
["Send Current Function" octave-send-defun t]
(Send\ Current\ Function menu-item "Send Current Function" octave-send-defun)
["Send Region" octave-send-region t]
(Send\ Region menu-item "Send Region" octave-send-region)
["Send Buffer" octave-send-buffer t]
(Send\ Buffer menu-item "Send Buffer" octave-send-buffer)
["Source Current File" octave-source-file t]
(Source\ Current\ File menu-item "Source Current File" octave-source-file)
["Show Process Buffer" octave-show-process-buffer t]
(Show\ Process\ Buffer menu-item "Show Process Buffer" octave-show-process-buffer)
["Hide Process Buffer" octave-hide-process-buffer t]
(Hide\ Process\ Buffer menu-item "Hide Process Buffer" octave-hide-process-buffer)
["Kill Process" octave-kill-process t]
(Kill\ Process menu-item "Kill Process" octave-kill-process)
["Send Current Line" octave-send-line t]
["Send Current Block" octave-send-block t]
["Send Current Function" octave-send-defun t]
["Send Region" octave-send-region t]
["Send Buffer" octave-send-buffer t]
["Source Current File" octave-source-file t]
["Show Process Buffer" octave-show-process-buffer t]
["Hide Process Buffer" octave-hide-process-buffer t]
["Kill Process" octave-kill-process t])
(Debug menu-item "Debug"
(keymap "Debug"
(Send\ Current\ Line menu-item "Send Current Line" octave-send-line)
(Send\ Current\ Block menu-item "Send Current Block" octave-send-block)
(Send\ Current\ Function menu-item "Send Current Function" octave-send-defun)
(Send\ Region menu-item "Send Region" octave-send-region)
(Send\ Buffer menu-item "Send Buffer" octave-send-buffer)
(Source\ Current\ File menu-item "Source Current File" octave-source-file)
(Show\ Process\ Buffer menu-item "Show Process Buffer" octave-show-process-buffer)
(Hide\ Process\ Buffer menu-item "Hide Process Buffer" octave-hide-process-buffer)
(Kill\ Process menu-item "Kill Process" octave-kill-process)))
["Octave Mode Manual"
(info "(octave-mode)Top")
(Octave\ Mode\ Manual menu-item "Octave Mode Manual" menu-function-41 :key-sequence nil)
["Customize Octave"
(customize-group 'octave)
(Customize\ Octave menu-item "Customize Octave" menu-function-42 :key-sequence nil)
["Submit Bug Report" report-emacs-bug t]
(Submit\ Bug\ Report menu-item "Submit Bug Report" report-emacs-bug)
["Run" bat-run :help "Run script"]
(Run menu-item "Run" bat-run :help "Run script")
["Run with Args" bat-run-args :help "Run script with args"]
(Run\ with\ Args menu-item "Run with Args" bat-run-args :help "Run script with args")
["Imenu" imenu :help "Navigate with imenu"]
(Imenu menu-item "Imenu" imenu :help "Navigate with imenu")
["Template" bat-template :help "Insert template"]
(Template menu-item "Template" bat-template :help "Insert template")
["Help (Command)" bat-cmd-help :help "Show help page for DOS command"]
(Help\ \(Command\) menu-item "Help (Command)" bat-cmd-help :help "Show help page for DOS command")
["Next Entry" profiler-report-next-entry :active t :help "Move to next entry"]
(Next\ Entry menu-item "Next Entry" profiler-report-next-entry :help "Move to next entry")
["Previous Entry" profiler-report-previous-entry :active t :help "Move to previous entry"]
(Previous\ Entry menu-item "Previous Entry" profiler-report-previous-entry :help "Move to previous entry")
["Toggle Entry" profiler-report-toggle-entry :active
:help "Expand or collapse the current entry"]
(Toggle\ Entry menu-item "Toggle Entry" profiler-report-toggle-entry :enable
:help "Expand or collapse the current entry")
["Find Entry" profiler-report-find-entry :active
:help "Find the definition of the current entry"]
(Find\ Entry menu-item "Find Entry" profiler-report-find-entry :enable
:help "Find the definition of the current entry")
["Describe Entry" profiler-report-describe-entry :active
:help "Show the documentation of the current entry"]
(Describe\ Entry menu-item "Describe Entry" profiler-report-describe-entry :enable
:help "Show the documentation of the current entry")
["Show Calltree" profiler-report-render-calltree :active profiler-report-reversed :help "Show calltree view"]
(Show\ Calltree menu-item "Show Calltree" profiler-report-render-calltree :enable profiler-report-reversed :help "Show calltree view")
["Show Reversed Calltree" profiler-report-render-reversed-calltree :active
(not profiler-report-reversed)
:help "Show reversed calltree view"]
(Show\ Reversed\ Calltree menu-item "Show Reversed Calltree" profiler-report-render-reversed-calltree :enable
(not profiler-report-reversed)
:help "Show reversed calltree view")
["Sort Ascending" profiler-report-ascending-sort :active
(eq profiler-report-order 'ascending))
:help "Sort calltree view in ascending order"]
(Sort\ Ascending menu-item "Sort Ascending" profiler-report-ascending-sort :enable
(eq profiler-report-order 'ascending))
:help "Sort calltree view in ascending order")
["Sort Descending" profiler-report-descending-sort :active
(eq profiler-report-order 'descending))
:help "Sort calltree view in descending order"]
(Sort\ Descending menu-item "Sort Descending" profiler-report-descending-sort :enable
(eq profiler-report-order 'descending))
:help "Sort calltree view in descending order")
["Compare Profile..." profiler-report-compare-profile :active t :help "Compare current profile with another"]
(Compare\ Profile\.\.\. menu-item "Compare Profile..." profiler-report-compare-profile :help "Compare current profile with another")
["Write Profile..." profiler-report-write-profile :active t :help "Write current profile to a file"]
(Write\ Profile\.\.\. menu-item "Write Profile..." profiler-report-write-profile :help "Write current profile to a file")
["Start Profiler" profiler-start :active
:help "Start profiling"]
(Start\ Profiler menu-item "Start Profiler" profiler-start :enable
:help "Start profiling")
["Stop Profiler" profiler-stop :active
:help "Stop profiling"]
(Stop\ Profiler menu-item "Stop Profiler" profiler-stop :enable
:help "Stop profiling")
["New Report" profiler-report :active
:help "Make a new report"]
(New\ Report menu-item "New Report" profiler-report :enable
:help "Make a new report")
["a Table..." table-insert :active
(not buffer-read-only)
:help "Insert a text based table at point"]
(a\ Table\.\.\. menu-item "a Table..." table-insert :enable
(not buffer-read-only)
:help "Insert a text based table at point")
["Row" table-insert-row :active
:help "Insert row(s) of cells in table"]
(Row menu-item "Row" table-insert-row :enable
:help "Insert row(s) of cells in table")
["Column" table-insert-column :active
(table--row-column-insertion-point-p 'column)
:help "Insert column(s) of cells in table"]
(Column menu-item "Column" table-insert-column :enable
(table--row-column-insertion-point-p 'column)
:help "Insert column(s) of cells in table")
["a Table..." table-insert :active
(not buffer-read-only)
:help "Insert a text based table at point"]
["Row" table-insert-row :active
:help "Insert row(s) of cells in table"]
["Column" table-insert-column :active
(table--row-column-insertion-point-p 'column)
:help "Insert column(s) of cells in table"])
(Insert menu-item "Insert"
(keymap "Insert"
(a\ Table\.\.\. menu-item "a Table..." table-insert :enable
(not buffer-read-only)
:help "Insert a text based table at point")
(Row menu-item "Row" table-insert-row :enable
:help "Insert row(s) of cells in table")
(Column menu-item "Column" table-insert-column :enable
(table--row-column-insertion-point-p 'column)
:help "Insert column(s) of cells in table")))
["in Buffer" table-recognize :active t :help "Recognize all tables in the current buffer"]
(in\ Buffer menu-item "in Buffer" table-recognize :help "Recognize all tables in the current buffer")
["in Region" table-recognize-region :active
(and mark-active
(mark t)
:help "Recognize all tables in the current region"]
(in\ Region menu-item "in Region" table-recognize-region :enable
(and mark-active
(mark t)
:help "Recognize all tables in the current region")
["a Table" table-recognize-table :active
:help "Recognize a table at point"]
(a\ Table menu-item "a Table" table-recognize-table :enable
:help "Recognize a table at point")
["a Cell" table-recognize-cell :active
(and cell
(car cell)))))
:help "Recognize a cell at point"]
(a\ Cell menu-item "a Cell" table-recognize-cell :enable
(and cell
(car cell)))))
:help "Recognize a cell at point")
["in Buffer" table-recognize :active t :help "Recognize all tables in the current buffer"]
["in Region" table-recognize-region :active
(and mark-active
(mark t)
:help "Recognize all tables in the current region"]
["a Table" table-recognize-table :active
:help "Recognize a table at point"]
["a Cell" table-recognize-cell :active
(and cell
(car cell)))))
:help "Recognize a cell at point"])
(Recognize menu-item "Recognize"
(keymap "Recognize"
(in\ Buffer menu-item "in Buffer" table-recognize :help "Recognize all tables in the current buffer")
(in\ Region menu-item "in Region" table-recognize-region :enable
(and mark-active
(mark t)
:help "Recognize all tables in the current region")
(a\ Table menu-item "a Table" table-recognize-table :enable
:help "Recognize a table at point")
(a\ Cell menu-item "a Cell" table-recognize-cell :enable
(and cell
(car cell)))))
:help "Recognize a cell at point")))
["in Buffer" table-unrecognize :active t :help "Unrecognize all tables in the current buffer"]
(in\ Buffer menu-item "in Buffer" table-unrecognize :help "Unrecognize all tables in the current buffer")
["in Region" table-unrecognize-region :active
(and mark-active
(mark t)
:help "Unrecognize all tables in the current region"]
(in\ Region menu-item "in Region" table-unrecognize-region :enable
(and mark-active
(mark t)
:help "Unrecognize all tables in the current region")
["a Table" table-unrecognize-table :active
:help "Unrecognize the current table"]
(a\ Table menu-item "a Table" table-unrecognize-table :enable
:help "Unrecognize the current table")
["a Cell" table-unrecognize-cell :active
(and cell
(car cell))))
:help "Unrecognize the current cell"]
(a\ Cell menu-item "a Cell" table-unrecognize-cell :enable
(and cell
(car cell))))
:help "Unrecognize the current cell")
["in Buffer" table-unrecognize :active t :help "Unrecognize all tables in the current buffer"]
["in Region" table-unrecognize-region :active
(and mark-active
(mark t)
:help "Unrecognize all tables in the current region"]
["a Table" table-unrecognize-table :active
:help "Unrecognize the current table"]
["a Cell" table-unrecognize-cell :active
(and cell
(car cell))))
:help "Unrecognize the current cell"])
(Unrecognize menu-item "Unrecognize"
(keymap "Unrecognize"
(in\ Buffer menu-item "in Buffer" table-unrecognize :help "Unrecognize all tables in the current buffer")
(in\ Region menu-item "in Region" table-unrecognize-region :enable
(and mark-active
(mark t)
:help "Unrecognize all tables in the current region")
(a\ Table menu-item "a Table" table-unrecognize-table :enable
:help "Unrecognize the current table")
(a\ Cell menu-item "a Cell" table-unrecognize-cell :enable
(and cell
(car cell))))
:help "Unrecognize the current cell")))
["Capture Region" table-capture :active
(not buffer-read-only)
(mark t)
:help "Capture text in the current region as a table"]
(Capture\ Region menu-item "Capture Region" table-capture :enable
(not buffer-read-only)
(mark t)
:help "Capture text in the current region as a table")
["Release" table-release :active
:help "Release the current table as plain text"]
(Release menu-item "Release" table-release :enable
:help "Release the current table as plain text")
("Table" keymap "Table"
(Insert menu-item "Insert"
(keymap "Insert"
(a\ Table\.\.\. menu-item "a Table..." table-insert :enable
(not buffer-read-only)
:help "Insert a text based table at point")
(Row menu-item "Row" table-insert-row :enable
:help "Insert row(s) of cells in table")
(Column menu-item "Column" table-insert-column :enable
(table--row-column-insertion-point-p 'column)
:help "Insert column(s) of cells in table")))
(nil menu-item "----")
(Recognize menu-item "Recognize"
(keymap "Recognize"
(in\ Buffer menu-item "in Buffer" table-recognize :help "Recognize all tables in the current buffer")
(in\ Region menu-item "in Region" table-recognize-region :enable
(and mark-active
(mark t)
:help "Recognize all tables in the current region")
(a\ Table menu-item "a Table" table-recognize-table :enable
:help "Recognize a table at point")
(a\ Cell menu-item "a Cell" table-recognize-cell :enable
(and cell
(car cell)))))
:help "Recognize a cell at point")))
(Unrecognize menu-item "Unrecognize"
(keymap "Unrecognize"
(in\ Buffer menu-item "in Buffer" table-unrecognize :help "Unrecognize all tables in the current buffer")
(in\ Region menu-item "in Region" table-unrecognize-region :enable
(and mark-active
(mark t)
:help "Unrecognize all tables in the current region")
(a\ Table menu-item "a Table" table-unrecognize-table :enable
:help "Unrecognize the current table")
(a\ Cell menu-item "a Cell" table-unrecognize-cell :enable
(and cell
(car cell))))
:help "Unrecognize the current cell")))
(nil-4 menu-item "----")
(Capture\ Region menu-item "Capture Region" table-capture :enable
(not buffer-read-only)
(mark t)
:help "Capture text in the current region as a table")
(Release menu-item "Release" table-release :enable
:help "Release the current table as plain text"))
(Table menu-item "Table"
(keymap "Table"
(Insert menu-item "Insert"
(keymap "Insert"
(a\ Table\.\.\. menu-item "a Table..." table-insert :enable
(not buffer-read-only)
:help "Insert a text based table at point")
(Row menu-item "Row" table-insert-row :enable
:help "Insert row(s) of cells in table")
(Column menu-item "Column" table-insert-column :enable
(table--row-column-insertion-point-p 'column)
:help "Insert column(s) of cells in table")))
(nil menu-item "----")
(Recognize menu-item "Recognize"
(keymap "Recognize"
(in\ Buffer menu-item "in Buffer" table-recognize :help "Recognize all tables in the current buffer")
(in\ Region menu-item "in Region" table-recognize-region :enable
(and mark-active
(mark t)
:help "Recognize all tables in the current region")
(a\ Table menu-item "a Table" table-recognize-table :enable
:help "Recognize a table at point")
(a\ Cell menu-item "a Cell" table-recognize-cell :enable
(and cell
(car cell)))))
:help "Recognize a cell at point")))
(Unrecognize menu-item "Unrecognize"
(keymap "Unrecognize"
(in\ Buffer menu-item "in Buffer" table-unrecognize :help "Unrecognize all tables in the current buffer")
(in\ Region menu-item "in Region" table-unrecognize-region :enable
(and mark-active
(mark t)
:help "Unrecognize all tables in the current region")
(a\ Table menu-item "a Table" table-unrecognize-table :enable
:help "Unrecognize the current table")
(a\ Cell menu-item "a Cell" table-unrecognize-cell :enable
(and cell
(car cell))))
:help "Unrecognize the current cell")))
(nil-4 menu-item "----")
(Capture\ Region menu-item "Capture Region" table-capture :enable
(not buffer-read-only)
(mark t)
:help "Capture text in the current region as a table")
(Release menu-item "Release" table-release :enable
:help "Release the current table as plain text")))
("Customize" :filter
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'customize)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
(Customize menu-item "Customize" nil :filter
#[257 "\302\301!\300\"\207"
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'customize)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
4 "\n\n(fn MENU)"])
[" Apply " Custom-set :active t :help "Apply settings (for the current session only)."]
(\ Apply\ menu-item " Apply " Custom-set :help "Apply settings (for the current session only).")
[" Apply and Save " Custom-save :active nil :help "Apply settings and save for future sessions."]
(\ Apply\ and\ Save\ menu-item " Apply and Save " Custom-save :enable 'nil :help "Apply settings and save for future sessions.")
[" Undo Edits " Custom-reset-current :active t :help "Restore customization buffer to reflect existing settings."]
(\ Undo\ Edits\ menu-item " Undo Edits " Custom-reset-current :help "Restore customization buffer to reflect existing settings.")
[" Reset Customizations " Custom-reset-saved :active t :help "Undo any settings applied only for the current session."]
(\ Reset\ Customizations\ menu-item " Reset Customizations " Custom-reset-saved :help "Undo any settings applied only for the current session.")
[" Erase Customizations " Custom-reset-standard :active nil :help "Un-customize settings in this and future sessions."]
(\ Erase\ Customizations\ menu-item " Erase Customizations " Custom-reset-standard :enable 'nil :help "Un-customize settings in this and future sessions.")
[" Help for Customize " Custom-help :active t :help "Get help for using Customize."]
(\ Help\ for\ Customize\ menu-item " Help for Customize " Custom-help :help "Get help for using Customize.")
[" Exit " Custom-buffer-done :active t :help "Exit Customize."]
(\ Exit\ menu-item " Exit " Custom-buffer-done :help "Exit Customize.")
["---" nil nil]
(--- menu-item "---" nil :enable 'nil)
["Bookmark Current Server" eudc-bookmark-current-server :help "Add current server to the EUDC `servers' hotlist"]
(Bookmark\ Current\ Server menu-item "Bookmark Current Server" eudc-bookmark-current-server :help "Add current server to the EUDC `servers' hotlist")
["Edit Server List" eudc-edit-hotlist :help "Edit the hotlist of directory servers in a specialized buffer"]
(Edit\ Server\ List menu-item "Edit Server List" eudc-edit-hotlist :help "Edit the hotlist of directory servers in a specialized buffer")
["New Server" eudc-set-server :help "Set the directory server to SERVER using PROTOCOL"]
(New\ Server menu-item "New Server" eudc-set-server :help "Set the directory server to SERVER using PROTOCOL")
["---" nil nil]
["Bookmark Current Server" eudc-bookmark-current-server :help "Add current server to the EUDC `servers' hotlist"]
["Edit Server List" eudc-edit-hotlist :help "Edit the hotlist of directory servers in a specialized buffer"]
["New Server" eudc-set-server :help "Set the directory server to SERVER using PROTOCOL"])
(Server menu-item "Server"
(keymap "Server"
(--- menu-item "---" nil :enable 'nil)
(Bookmark\ Current\ Server menu-item "Bookmark Current Server" eudc-bookmark-current-server :help "Add current server to the EUDC `servers' hotlist")
(Edit\ Server\ List menu-item "Edit Server List" eudc-edit-hotlist :help "Edit the hotlist of directory servers in a specialized buffer")
(New\ Server menu-item "New Server" eudc-set-server :help "Set the directory server to SERVER using PROTOCOL")))
["Query with Form" eudc-query-form :help "Display a form to query the directory server"]
(Query\ with\ Form menu-item "Query with Form" eudc-query-form :help "Display a form to query the directory server")
["Expand Inline Query" eudc-expand-inline :help "Query the directory server, and expand the query string before point"]
(Expand\ Inline\ Query menu-item "Expand Inline Query" eudc-expand-inline :help "Query the directory server, and expand the query string before point")
["Insert Record into BBDB" eudc-insert-record-at-point-into-bbdb
(featurep 'bbdb)
(locate-library "bbdb")
(message "")))
:help "Insert record at point into the BBDB database"]
(Insert\ Record\ into\ BBDB menu-item "Insert Record into BBDB" eudc-insert-record-at-point-into-bbdb :enable
(featurep 'bbdb)
(locate-library "bbdb")
(message "")))
["Insert All Records into BBDB" eudc-batch-export-records-to-bbdb
(derived-mode-p 'eudc-mode)
(featurep 'bbdb)
(locate-library "bbdb")
(message ""))))
:help "Insert all the records returned by a directory query into BBDB"]
(Insert\ All\ Records\ into\ BBDB menu-item "Insert All Records into BBDB" eudc-batch-export-records-to-bbdb :enable
(derived-mode-p 'eudc-mode)
(featurep 'bbdb)
(locate-library "bbdb")
(message "")))))
["Get Email" eudc-get-email :help "Get the email field of NAME from the directory server"]
(Get\ Email menu-item "Get Email" eudc-get-email :help "Get the email field of NAME from the directory server")
["Get Phone" eudc-get-phone :help "Get the phone field of name from the directory server"]
(Get\ Phone menu-item "Get Phone" eudc-get-phone :help "Get the phone field of name from the directory server")
["List Valid Attribute Names" eudc-get-attribute-list :help "Return a list of valid attributes for the current server"]
(List\ Valid\ Attribute\ Names menu-item "List Valid Attribute Names" eudc-get-attribute-list :help "Return a list of valid attributes for the current server")
(customize-group 'eudc)
(Eudc\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc..." menu-function-44 :key-sequence nil)
("Eudc Ph" :filter
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'eudc-ph)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
(Eudc\ Ph menu-item "Eudc Ph" nil :filter
#[257 "\302\301!\300\"\207"
["Eudc Ph"
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'eudc-ph)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
4 "\n\n(fn MENU)"])
("Eudc Ldap" :filter
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'eudc-ldap)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
(Eudc\ Ldap menu-item "Eudc Ldap" nil :filter
#[257 "\302\301!\300\"\207"
["Eudc Ldap"
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'eudc-ldap)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
4 "\n\n(fn MENU)"])
("Eudc Bbdb" :filter
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'eudc-bbdb)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
(Eudc\ Bbdb menu-item "Eudc Bbdb" nil :filter
#[257 "\302\301!\300\"\207"
["Eudc Bbdb"
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'eudc-bbdb)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
4 "\n\n(fn MENU)"])
["Eudc Server..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-server)
(Eudc\ Server\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc Server..." menu-function-48 :key-sequence nil)
["Eudc Protocol..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-protocol)
(Eudc\ Protocol\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc Protocol..." menu-function-49 :key-sequence nil)
["Eudc Strict Return Matches..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-strict-return-matches)
:style toggle :selected eudc-strict-return-matches]
(Eudc\ Strict\ Return\ Matches\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc Strict Return Matches..." menu-function-50 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . eudc-strict-return-matches))
["Eudc Default Return Attributes..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-default-return-attributes)
(Eudc\ Default\ Return\ Attributes\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc Default Return Attributes..." menu-function-51 :key-sequence nil)
["Eudc Multiple Match Handling Method..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-multiple-match-handling-method)
(Eudc\ Multiple\ Match\ Handling\ Method\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc Multiple Match Handling Method..." menu-function-52 :key-sequence nil)
["Eudc Duplicate Attribute Handling Method..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-duplicate-attribute-handling-method)
(Eudc\ Duplicate\ Attribute\ Handling\ Method\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc Duplicate Attribute Handling Method..." menu-function-53 :key-sequence nil)
["Format of Inline Expansion Queries..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-inline-query-format)
(Format\ of\ Inline\ Expansion\ Queries\.\.\. menu-item "Format of Inline Expansion Queries..." menu-function-54 :key-sequence nil)
["Eudc Expansion Overwrites Query..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-expansion-overwrites-query)
:style toggle :selected eudc-expansion-overwrites-query]
(Eudc\ Expansion\ Overwrites\ Query\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc Expansion Overwrites Query..." menu-function-55 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . eudc-expansion-overwrites-query))
["Eudc Inline Expansion Format..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-inline-expansion-format)
(Eudc\ Inline\ Expansion\ Format\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc Inline Expansion Format..." menu-function-56 :key-sequence nil)
["Eudc Inline Expansion Servers..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-inline-expansion-servers)
(Eudc\ Inline\ Expansion\ Servers\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc Inline Expansion Servers..." menu-function-57 :key-sequence nil)
["Max Number of Servers to Query..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-max-servers-to-query)
(Max\ Number\ of\ Servers\ to\ Query\.\.\. menu-item "Max Number of Servers to Query..." menu-function-58 :key-sequence nil)
["Attributes in Query Forms..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-query-form-attributes)
(Attributes\ in\ Query\ Forms\.\.\. menu-item "Attributes in Query Forms..." menu-function-59 :key-sequence nil)
["User-defined Names of Directory Attributes..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-user-attribute-names-alist)
(User-defined\ Names\ of\ Directory\ Attributes\.\.\. menu-item "User-defined Names of Directory Attributes..." menu-function-60 :key-sequence nil)
["Eudc Use Raw Directory Names..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-use-raw-directory-names)
:style toggle :selected eudc-use-raw-directory-names]
(Eudc\ Use\ Raw\ Directory\ Names\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc Use Raw Directory Names..." menu-function-61 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . eudc-use-raw-directory-names))
["Attribute Decoding Functions..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-attribute-display-method-alist)
(Attribute\ Decoding\ Functions\.\.\. menu-item "Attribute Decoding Functions..." menu-function-62 :key-sequence nil)
["External Viewer Programs..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-external-viewers)
(External\ Viewer\ Programs\.\.\. menu-item "External Viewer Programs..." menu-function-63 :key-sequence nil)
["Eudc Options File..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-options-file)
(Eudc\ Options\ File\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc Options File..." menu-function-64 :key-sequence nil)
["Eudc Mode Hook..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-mode-hook)
(Eudc\ Mode\ Hook\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc Mode Hook..." menu-function-65 :key-sequence nil)
(customize-group 'eudc)
("Eudc Ph" :filter
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'eudc-ph)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
("Eudc Ldap" :filter
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'eudc-ldap)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
("Eudc Bbdb" :filter
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'eudc-bbdb)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
["Eudc Server..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-server)
["Eudc Protocol..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-protocol)
["Eudc Strict Return Matches..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-strict-return-matches)
:style toggle :selected eudc-strict-return-matches]
["Eudc Default Return Attributes..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-default-return-attributes)
["Eudc Multiple Match Handling Method..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-multiple-match-handling-method)
["Eudc Duplicate Attribute Handling Method..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-duplicate-attribute-handling-method)
["Format of Inline Expansion Queries..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-inline-query-format)
["Eudc Expansion Overwrites Query..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-expansion-overwrites-query)
:style toggle :selected eudc-expansion-overwrites-query]
["Eudc Inline Expansion Format..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-inline-expansion-format)
["Eudc Inline Expansion Servers..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-inline-expansion-servers)
["Max Number of Servers to Query..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-max-servers-to-query)
["Attributes in Query Forms..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-query-form-attributes)
["User-defined Names of Directory Attributes..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-user-attribute-names-alist)
["Eudc Use Raw Directory Names..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-use-raw-directory-names)
:style toggle :selected eudc-use-raw-directory-names]
["Attribute Decoding Functions..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-attribute-display-method-alist)
["External Viewer Programs..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-external-viewers)
["Eudc Options File..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-options-file)
["Eudc Mode Hook..."
(customize-variable 'eudc-mode-hook)
(Customize menu-item "Customize"
(keymap "Customize"
(Eudc\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc..." menu-function-44 :key-sequence nil)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Eudc\ Ph menu-item "Eudc Ph" nil :filter
#[257 "\302\301!\300\"\207"
["Eudc Ph"
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'eudc-ph)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
4 "\n\n(fn MENU)"])
(Eudc\ Ldap menu-item "Eudc Ldap" nil :filter
#[257 "\302\301!\300\"\207"
["Eudc Ldap"
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'eudc-ldap)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
4 "\n\n(fn MENU)"])
(Eudc\ Bbdb menu-item "Eudc Bbdb" nil :filter
#[257 "\302\301!\300\"\207"
["Eudc Bbdb"
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'eudc-bbdb)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
4 "\n\n(fn MENU)"])
(Eudc\ Server\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc Server..." menu-function-48 :key-sequence nil)
(Eudc\ Protocol\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc Protocol..." menu-function-49 :key-sequence nil)
(Eudc\ Strict\ Return\ Matches\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc Strict Return Matches..." menu-function-50 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . eudc-strict-return-matches))
(Eudc\ Default\ Return\ Attributes\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc Default Return Attributes..." menu-function-51 :key-sequence nil)
(Eudc\ Multiple\ Match\ Handling\ Method\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc Multiple Match Handling Method..." menu-function-52 :key-sequence nil)
(Eudc\ Duplicate\ Attribute\ Handling\ Method\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc Duplicate Attribute Handling Method..." menu-function-53 :key-sequence nil)
(Format\ of\ Inline\ Expansion\ Queries\.\.\. menu-item "Format of Inline Expansion Queries..." menu-function-54 :key-sequence nil)
(Eudc\ Expansion\ Overwrites\ Query\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc Expansion Overwrites Query..." menu-function-55 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . eudc-expansion-overwrites-query))
(Eudc\ Inline\ Expansion\ Format\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc Inline Expansion Format..." menu-function-56 :key-sequence nil)
(Eudc\ Inline\ Expansion\ Servers\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc Inline Expansion Servers..." menu-function-57 :key-sequence nil)
(Max\ Number\ of\ Servers\ to\ Query\.\.\. menu-item "Max Number of Servers to Query..." menu-function-58 :key-sequence nil)
(Attributes\ in\ Query\ Forms\.\.\. menu-item "Attributes in Query Forms..." menu-function-59 :key-sequence nil)
(User-defined\ Names\ of\ Directory\ Attributes\.\.\. menu-item "User-defined Names of Directory Attributes..." menu-function-60 :key-sequence nil)
(Eudc\ Use\ Raw\ Directory\ Names\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc Use Raw Directory Names..." menu-function-61 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . eudc-use-raw-directory-names))
(Attribute\ Decoding\ Functions\.\.\. menu-item "Attribute Decoding Functions..." menu-function-62 :key-sequence nil)
(External\ Viewer\ Programs\.\.\. menu-item "External Viewer Programs..." menu-function-63 :key-sequence nil)
(Eudc\ Options\ File\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc Options File..." menu-function-64 :key-sequence nil)
(Eudc\ Mode\ Hook\.\.\. menu-item "Eudc Mode Hook..." menu-function-65 :key-sequence nil)))
["Send Paragraph" sql-send-paragraph
(sql-buffer-live-p sql-buffer)]
(Send\ Paragraph menu-item "Send Paragraph" sql-send-paragraph :enable
(sql-buffer-live-p sql-buffer))
["Send Region" sql-send-region
(and mark-active
(sql-buffer-live-p sql-buffer))]
(Send\ Region menu-item "Send Region" sql-send-region :enable
(and mark-active
(sql-buffer-live-p sql-buffer)))
["Send Buffer" sql-send-buffer
(sql-buffer-live-p sql-buffer)]
(Send\ Buffer menu-item "Send Buffer" sql-send-buffer :enable
(sql-buffer-live-p sql-buffer))
["Send String" sql-send-string
(sql-buffer-live-p sql-buffer)]
(Send\ String menu-item "Send String" sql-send-string :enable
(sql-buffer-live-p sql-buffer))
["List all objects" sql-list-all
(sql-buffer-live-p sql-buffer)
(sql-get-product-feature sql-product :list-all))]
(List\ all\ objects menu-item "List all objects" sql-list-all :enable
(sql-buffer-live-p sql-buffer)
(sql-get-product-feature sql-product :list-all)))
["List table details" sql-list-table
(sql-buffer-live-p sql-buffer)
(sql-get-product-feature sql-product :list-table))]
(List\ table\ details menu-item "List table details" sql-list-table :enable
(sql-buffer-live-p sql-buffer)
(sql-get-product-feature sql-product :list-table)))
["Start SQLi session" sql-product-interactive :visible
(not sql-connection-alist)
(sql-get-product-feature sql-product :sqli-comint-func)]
(Start\ SQLi\ session menu-item "Start SQLi session" sql-product-interactive :enable
(sql-get-product-feature sql-product :sqli-comint-func)
(not sql-connection-alist))
("Start..." :visible sql-connection-alist :filter sql-connection-menu-filter "--"
["New SQLi Session" sql-product-interactive
(sql-get-product-feature sql-product :sqli-comint-func)])
(Start\.\.\. menu-item "Start..."
["New SQLi Session" sql-product-interactive
(sql-get-product-feature sql-product :sqli-comint-func)])
#[257 "\302\301!\300\"\207"
["Start..." sql-connection-menu-filter easy-menu-filter-return]
4 "\n\n(fn MENU)"]
:visible sql-connection-alist)
["--" :visible sql-connection-alist]
(-- menu-item "--" :visible :enable sql-connection-alist)
["Show SQLi buffer" sql-show-sqli-buffer t]
(Show\ SQLi\ buffer menu-item "Show SQLi buffer" sql-show-sqli-buffer)
["Set SQLi buffer" sql-set-sqli-buffer t]
(Set\ SQLi\ buffer menu-item "Set SQLi buffer" sql-set-sqli-buffer)
["Pop to SQLi buffer after send" sql-toggle-pop-to-buffer-after-send-region :style toggle :selected sql-pop-to-buffer-after-send-region]
(Pop\ to\ SQLi\ buffer\ after\ send menu-item "Pop to SQLi buffer after send" sql-toggle-pop-to-buffer-after-send-region :button
(:toggle . sql-pop-to-buffer-after-send-region))
["--" nil nil]
(---14 menu-item "--" nil :enable 'nil)
["ANSI" sql-highlight-ansi-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'ansi)]
(ANSI menu-item "ANSI" sql-highlight-ansi-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'ansi))
["DB2" sql-highlight-db2-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'db2)]
(DB2 menu-item "DB2" sql-highlight-db2-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'db2))
["Informix" sql-highlight-informix-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'informix)]
(Informix menu-item "Informix" sql-highlight-informix-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'informix))
["Ingres" sql-highlight-ingres-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'ingres)]
(Ingres menu-item "Ingres" sql-highlight-ingres-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'ingres))
["Interbase" sql-highlight-interbase-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'interbase)]
(Interbase menu-item "Interbase" sql-highlight-interbase-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'interbase))
["Linter" sql-highlight-linter-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'linter)]
(Linter menu-item "Linter" sql-highlight-linter-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'linter))
["Microsoft" sql-highlight-ms-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'ms)]
(Microsoft menu-item "Microsoft" sql-highlight-ms-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'ms))
["MySQL" sql-highlight-mysql-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'mysql)]
(MySQL menu-item "MySQL" sql-highlight-mysql-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'mysql))
["Oracle" sql-highlight-oracle-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'oracle)]
(Oracle menu-item "Oracle" sql-highlight-oracle-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'oracle))
["Postgres" sql-highlight-postgres-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'postgres)]
(Postgres menu-item "Postgres" sql-highlight-postgres-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'postgres))
["Solid" sql-highlight-solid-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'solid)]
(Solid menu-item "Solid" sql-highlight-solid-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'solid))
["SQLite" sql-highlight-sqlite-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'sqlite)]
(SQLite menu-item "SQLite" sql-highlight-sqlite-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'sqlite))
["Sybase" sql-highlight-sybase-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'sybase)]
(Sybase menu-item "Sybase" sql-highlight-sybase-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'sybase))
["Vertica" sql-highlight-vertica-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'vertica)]
(Vertica menu-item "Vertica" sql-highlight-vertica-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'vertica))
["ANSI" sql-highlight-ansi-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'ansi)]
["DB2" sql-highlight-db2-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'db2)]
["Informix" sql-highlight-informix-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'informix)]
["Ingres" sql-highlight-ingres-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'ingres)]
["Interbase" sql-highlight-interbase-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'interbase)]
["Linter" sql-highlight-linter-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'linter)]
["Microsoft" sql-highlight-ms-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'ms)]
["MySQL" sql-highlight-mysql-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'mysql)]
["Oracle" sql-highlight-oracle-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'oracle)]
["Postgres" sql-highlight-postgres-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'postgres)]
["Solid" sql-highlight-solid-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'solid)]
["SQLite" sql-highlight-sqlite-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'sqlite)]
["Sybase" sql-highlight-sybase-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'sybase)]
["Vertica" sql-highlight-vertica-keywords :style radio :selected
(eq sql-product 'vertica)])
(Product menu-item "Product"
(keymap "Product"
(ANSI menu-item "ANSI" sql-highlight-ansi-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'ansi))
(DB2 menu-item "DB2" sql-highlight-db2-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'db2))
(Informix menu-item "Informix" sql-highlight-informix-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'informix))
(Ingres menu-item "Ingres" sql-highlight-ingres-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'ingres))
(Interbase menu-item "Interbase" sql-highlight-interbase-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'interbase))
(Linter menu-item "Linter" sql-highlight-linter-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'linter))
(Microsoft menu-item "Microsoft" sql-highlight-ms-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'ms))
(MySQL menu-item "MySQL" sql-highlight-mysql-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'mysql))
(Oracle menu-item "Oracle" sql-highlight-oracle-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'oracle))
(Postgres menu-item "Postgres" sql-highlight-postgres-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'postgres))
(Solid menu-item "Solid" sql-highlight-solid-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'solid))
(SQLite menu-item "SQLite" sql-highlight-sqlite-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'sqlite))
(Sybase menu-item "Sybase" sql-highlight-sybase-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'sybase))
(Vertica menu-item "Vertica" sql-highlight-vertica-keywords :button
(:radio eq sql-product 'vertica))))
["Rename Buffer" sql-rename-buffer t]
(Rename\ Buffer menu-item "Rename Buffer" sql-rename-buffer)
["Save Connection" sql-save-connection
(not sql-connection)]
(Save\ Connection menu-item "Save Connection" sql-save-connection :enable
(not sql-connection))
["List all objects" sql-list-all
(sql-get-product-feature sql-product :list-all)]
(List\ all\ objects menu-item "List all objects" sql-list-all :enable
(sql-get-product-feature sql-product :list-all))
["List table details" sql-list-table
(sql-get-product-feature sql-product :list-table)]
(List\ table\ details menu-item "List table details" sql-list-table :enable
(sql-get-product-feature sql-product :list-table))
["Eval Last Sexp" lisp-eval-last-sexp t]
(Eval\ Last\ Sexp menu-item "Eval Last Sexp" lisp-eval-last-sexp)
["Load File..." lisp-load-file t]
(Load\ File\.\.\. menu-item "Load File..." lisp-load-file)
["Compile File..." lisp-compile-file t]
(Compile\ File\.\.\. menu-item "Compile File..." lisp-compile-file)
["Show Arglist..." lisp-show-arglist t]
(Show\ Arglist\.\.\. menu-item "Show Arglist..." lisp-show-arglist)
["Describe Symbol..." lisp-describe-sym t]
(Describe\ Symbol\.\.\. menu-item "Describe Symbol..." lisp-describe-sym)
["Show Documentation for Function..." lisp-show-function-documentation t]
(Show\ Documentation\ for\ Function\.\.\. menu-item "Show Documentation for Function..." lisp-show-function-documentation)
["Show Documentation for Variable..." lisp-show-variable-documentation t]
(Show\ Documentation\ for\ Variable\.\.\. menu-item "Show Documentation for Variable..." lisp-show-variable-documentation)
["Definition <-> Help Text" idlwave-help-toggle-header-match-and-def t]
(Definition\ <->\ Help\ Text menu-item "Definition <-> Help Text" idlwave-help-toggle-header-match-and-def)
["Find DocLib Header" idlwave-help-find-header t]
(Find\ DocLib\ Header menu-item "Find DocLib Header" idlwave-help-find-header)
["Find First DocLib Header" idlwave-help-find-first-header t]
(Find\ First\ DocLib\ Header menu-item "Find First DocLib Header" idlwave-help-find-first-header)
["Fontify help buffer" idlwave-help-fontify t]
(Fontify\ help\ buffer menu-item "Fontify help buffer" idlwave-help-fontify)
["Quit" idlwave-help-quit t]
(Quit menu-item "Quit" idlwave-help-quit)
["PRO/FUNC menu" idlwave-function-menu t]
(PRO/FUNC\ menu menu-item "PRO/FUNC menu" idlwave-function-menu)
["Subprogram Start" idlwave-beginning-of-subprogram t]
(Subprogram\ Start menu-item "Subprogram Start" idlwave-beginning-of-subprogram)
["Subprogram End" idlwave-end-of-subprogram t]
(Subprogram\ End menu-item "Subprogram End" idlwave-end-of-subprogram)
["Block Start" idlwave-beginning-of-block t]
(Block\ Start menu-item "Block Start" idlwave-beginning-of-block)
["Block End" idlwave-end-of-block t]
(Block\ End menu-item "Block End" idlwave-end-of-block)
["Up Block" idlwave-backward-up-block t]
(Up\ Block menu-item "Up Block" idlwave-backward-up-block)
["Down Block" idlwave-down-block t]
(Down\ Block menu-item "Down Block" idlwave-down-block)
["Skip Block Backward" idlwave-backward-block t]
(Skip\ Block\ Backward menu-item "Skip Block Backward" idlwave-backward-block)
["Skip Block Forward" idlwave-forward-block t]
(Skip\ Block\ Forward menu-item "Skip Block Forward" idlwave-forward-block)
["Subprogram Start" idlwave-beginning-of-subprogram t]
["Subprogram End" idlwave-end-of-subprogram t]
["Block Start" idlwave-beginning-of-block t]
["Block End" idlwave-end-of-block t]
["Up Block" idlwave-backward-up-block t]
["Down Block" idlwave-down-block t]
["Skip Block Backward" idlwave-backward-block t]
["Skip Block Forward" idlwave-forward-block t])
(Motion menu-item "Motion"
(keymap "Motion"
(Subprogram\ Start menu-item "Subprogram Start" idlwave-beginning-of-subprogram)
(Subprogram\ End menu-item "Subprogram End" idlwave-end-of-subprogram)
(Block\ Start menu-item "Block Start" idlwave-beginning-of-block)
(Block\ End menu-item "Block End" idlwave-end-of-block)
(Up\ Block menu-item "Up Block" idlwave-backward-up-block)
(Down\ Block menu-item "Down Block" idlwave-down-block)
(Skip\ Block\ Backward menu-item "Skip Block Backward" idlwave-backward-block)
(Skip\ Block\ Forward menu-item "Skip Block Forward" idlwave-forward-block)))
["Subprogram" idlwave-mark-subprogram t]
(Subprogram menu-item "Subprogram" idlwave-mark-subprogram)
["Block" idlwave-mark-block t]
(Block menu-item "Block" idlwave-mark-block)
["Header" idlwave-mark-doclib t]
(Header menu-item "Header" idlwave-mark-doclib)
["Subprogram" idlwave-mark-subprogram t]
["Block" idlwave-mark-block t]
["Header" idlwave-mark-doclib t])
(Mark menu-item "Mark"
(keymap "Mark"
(Subprogram menu-item "Subprogram" idlwave-mark-subprogram)
(Block menu-item "Block" idlwave-mark-block)
(Header menu-item "Header" idlwave-mark-doclib)))
["Indent Entire Statement" idlwave-indent-statement :active t :keys "C-u \\[indent-for-tab-command]"]
(Indent\ Entire\ Statement menu-item "Indent Entire Statement" idlwave-indent-statement :keys
(indent-for-tab-command "C-u "))
["Indent Subprogram" idlwave-indent-subprogram t]
(Indent\ Subprogram menu-item "Indent Subprogram" idlwave-indent-subprogram)
["(Un)Comment Region" idlwave-toggle-comment-region t]
(\(Un\)Comment\ Region menu-item "(Un)Comment Region" idlwave-toggle-comment-region)
["Continue/Split line" idlwave-split-line t]
(Continue/Split\ line menu-item "Continue/Split line" idlwave-split-line)
["Toggle Auto Fill" idlwave-auto-fill-mode :style toggle :selected
(symbol-value idlwave-fill-function)]
(Toggle\ Auto\ Fill menu-item "Toggle Auto Fill" idlwave-auto-fill-mode :button
(:toggle symbol-value idlwave-fill-function))
["Indent Entire Statement" idlwave-indent-statement :active t :keys "C-u \\[indent-for-tab-command]"]
["Indent Subprogram" idlwave-indent-subprogram t]
["(Un)Comment Region" idlwave-toggle-comment-region t]
["Continue/Split line" idlwave-split-line t]
["Toggle Auto Fill" idlwave-auto-fill-mode :style toggle :selected
(symbol-value idlwave-fill-function)])
(Format menu-item "Format"
(keymap "Format"
(Indent\ Entire\ Statement menu-item "Indent Entire Statement" idlwave-indent-statement :keys
(indent-for-tab-command "C-u "))
(Indent\ Subprogram menu-item "Indent Subprogram" idlwave-indent-subprogram)
(\(Un\)Comment\ Region menu-item "(Un)Comment Region" idlwave-toggle-comment-region)
(Continue/Split\ line menu-item "Continue/Split line" idlwave-split-line)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Toggle\ Auto\ Fill menu-item "Toggle Auto Fill" idlwave-auto-fill-mode :button
(:toggle symbol-value idlwave-fill-function))))
["Procedure" idlwave-procedure t]
(Procedure menu-item "Procedure" idlwave-procedure)
["Function" idlwave-function t]
(Function menu-item "Function" idlwave-function)
["Doc Header" idlwave-doc-header t]
(Doc\ Header menu-item "Doc Header" idlwave-doc-header)
["Log" idlwave-doc-modification t]
(Log menu-item "Log" idlwave-doc-modification)
["Case" idlwave-case t]
(Case menu-item "Case" idlwave-case)
["For" idlwave-for t]
(For menu-item "For" idlwave-for)
["Repeat" idlwave-repeat t]
(Repeat menu-item "Repeat" idlwave-repeat)
["While" idlwave-while t]
(While menu-item "While" idlwave-while)
["Close Block" idlwave-close-block t]
(Close\ Block menu-item "Close Block" idlwave-close-block)
["Procedure" idlwave-procedure t]
["Function" idlwave-function t]
["Doc Header" idlwave-doc-header t]
["Log" idlwave-doc-modification t]
["Case" idlwave-case t]
["For" idlwave-for t]
["Repeat" idlwave-repeat t]
["While" idlwave-while t]
["Close Block" idlwave-close-block t])
(Templates menu-item "Templates"
(keymap "Templates"
(Procedure menu-item "Procedure" idlwave-procedure)
(Function menu-item "Function" idlwave-function)
(Doc\ Header menu-item "Doc Header" idlwave-doc-header)
(Log menu-item "Log" idlwave-doc-modification)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Case menu-item "Case" idlwave-case)
(For menu-item "For" idlwave-for)
(Repeat menu-item "Repeat" idlwave-repeat)
(While menu-item "While" idlwave-while)
(nil-7-9 menu-item "--")
(Close\ Block menu-item "Close Block" idlwave-close-block)))
["Complete" idlwave-complete t]
(Complete menu-item "Complete" idlwave-complete)
["1 Procedure Name"
(idlwave-complete 'procedure)
(1\ Procedure\ Name menu-item "1 Procedure Name" menu-function-67 :key-sequence nil)
["2 Procedure Keyword"
(idlwave-complete 'procedure-keyword)
(2\ Procedure\ Keyword menu-item "2 Procedure Keyword" menu-function-68 :key-sequence nil)
["3 Function Name"
(idlwave-complete 'function)
(3\ Function\ Name menu-item "3 Function Name" menu-function-69 :key-sequence nil)
["4 Function Keyword"
(idlwave-complete 'function-keyword)
(4\ Function\ Keyword menu-item "4 Function Keyword" menu-function-70 :key-sequence nil)
["5 Procedure Method Name"
(idlwave-complete 'procedure-method)
(5\ Procedure\ Method\ Name menu-item "5 Procedure Method Name" menu-function-71 :key-sequence nil)
["6 Procedure Method Keyword"
(idlwave-complete 'procedure-method-keyword)
(6\ Procedure\ Method\ Keyword menu-item "6 Procedure Method Keyword" menu-function-72 :key-sequence nil)
["7 Function Method Name"
(idlwave-complete 'function-method)
(7\ Function\ Method\ Name menu-item "7 Function Method Name" menu-function-73 :key-sequence nil)
["8 Function Method Keyword"
(idlwave-complete 'function-method-keyword)
(8\ Function\ Method\ Keyword menu-item "8 Function Method Keyword" menu-function-74 :key-sequence nil)
["9 Class Name" idlwave-complete-class t]
(9\ Class\ Name menu-item "9 Class Name" idlwave-complete-class)
("Complete Specific"
["1 Procedure Name"
(idlwave-complete 'procedure)
["2 Procedure Keyword"
(idlwave-complete 'procedure-keyword)
["3 Function Name"
(idlwave-complete 'function)
["4 Function Keyword"
(idlwave-complete 'function-keyword)
["5 Procedure Method Name"
(idlwave-complete 'procedure-method)
["6 Procedure Method Keyword"
(idlwave-complete 'procedure-method-keyword)
["7 Function Method Name"
(idlwave-complete 'function-method)
["8 Function Method Keyword"
(idlwave-complete 'function-method-keyword)
["9 Class Name" idlwave-complete-class t])
(Complete\ Specific menu-item "Complete Specific"
(keymap "Complete Specific"
(1\ Procedure\ Name menu-item "1 Procedure Name" menu-function-67 :key-sequence nil)
(2\ Procedure\ Keyword menu-item "2 Procedure Keyword" menu-function-68 :key-sequence nil)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(3\ Function\ Name menu-item "3 Function Name" menu-function-69 :key-sequence nil)
(4\ Function\ Keyword menu-item "4 Function Keyword" menu-function-70 :key-sequence nil)
(nil-7-5 menu-item "--")
(5\ Procedure\ Method\ Name menu-item "5 Procedure Method Name" menu-function-71 :key-sequence nil)
(6\ Procedure\ Method\ Keyword menu-item "6 Procedure Method Keyword" menu-function-72 :key-sequence nil)
(nil-7-8 menu-item "--")
(7\ Function\ Method\ Name menu-item "7 Function Method Name" menu-function-73 :key-sequence nil)
(8\ Function\ Method\ Keyword menu-item "8 Function Method Keyword" menu-function-74 :key-sequence nil)
(nil-7-11 menu-item "--")
(9\ Class\ Name menu-item "9 Class Name" idlwave-complete-class)))
["Complete" idlwave-complete t]
("Complete Specific"
["1 Procedure Name"
(idlwave-complete 'procedure)
["2 Procedure Keyword"
(idlwave-complete 'procedure-keyword)
["3 Function Name"
(idlwave-complete 'function)
["4 Function Keyword"
(idlwave-complete 'function-keyword)
["5 Procedure Method Name"
(idlwave-complete 'procedure-method)
["6 Procedure Method Keyword"
(idlwave-complete 'procedure-method-keyword)
["7 Function Method Name"
(idlwave-complete 'function-method)
["8 Function Method Keyword"
(idlwave-complete 'function-method-keyword)
["9 Class Name" idlwave-complete-class t]))
(Completion menu-item "Completion"
(keymap "Completion"
(Complete menu-item "Complete" idlwave-complete)
(Complete\ Specific menu-item "Complete Specific"
(keymap "Complete Specific"
(1\ Procedure\ Name menu-item "1 Procedure Name" menu-function-67 :key-sequence nil)
(2\ Procedure\ Keyword menu-item "2 Procedure Keyword" menu-function-68 :key-sequence nil)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(3\ Function\ Name menu-item "3 Function Name" menu-function-69 :key-sequence nil)
(4\ Function\ Keyword menu-item "4 Function Keyword" menu-function-70 :key-sequence nil)
(nil-7-5 menu-item "--")
(5\ Procedure\ Method\ Name menu-item "5 Procedure Method Name" menu-function-71 :key-sequence nil)
(6\ Procedure\ Method\ Keyword menu-item "6 Procedure Method Keyword" menu-function-72 :key-sequence nil)
(nil-7-8 menu-item "--")
(7\ Function\ Method\ Name menu-item "7 Function Method Name" menu-function-73 :key-sequence nil)
(8\ Function\ Method\ Keyword menu-item "8 Function Method Keyword" menu-function-74 :key-sequence nil)
(nil-7-11 menu-item "--")
(9\ Class\ Name menu-item "9 Class Name" idlwave-complete-class)))))
["Show Routine Info" idlwave-routine-info t]
(Show\ Routine\ Info menu-item "Show Routine Info" idlwave-routine-info)
["Online Context Help" idlwave-context-help t]
(Online\ Context\ Help menu-item "Online Context Help" idlwave-context-help)
["Find Routine Source" idlwave-find-module t]
(Find\ Routine\ Source menu-item "Find Routine Source" idlwave-find-module)
["Resolve Routine" idlwave-resolve
(featurep 'idlw-shell)]
(Resolve\ Routine menu-item "Resolve Routine" idlwave-resolve :enable
(featurep 'idlw-shell))
["Update Routine Info" idlwave-update-routine-info t]
(Update\ Routine\ Info menu-item "Update Routine Info" idlwave-update-routine-info)
["Rescan XML Help Catalog" idlwave-convert-xml-system-routine-info t]
(Rescan\ XML\ Help\ Catalog menu-item "Rescan XML Help Catalog" idlwave-convert-xml-system-routine-info)
"IDL User Catalog"
(nil menu-item "IDL User Catalog")
["Select Catalog Directories"
(idlwave-create-user-catalog-file nil)
(Select\ Catalog\ Directories menu-item "Select Catalog Directories" menu-function-75 :key-sequence nil)
["Scan Directories"
(and idlwave-path-alist
(not idlwave-catalog-process))]
(Scan\ Directories menu-item "Scan Directories" menu-function-76 :key-sequence nil :enable
(and idlwave-path-alist
(not idlwave-catalog-process)))
["Scan Directories &"
(and idlwave-path-alist
(not idlwave-catalog-process))]
(Scan\ Directories\ & menu-item "Scan Directories &" menu-function-77 :key-sequence nil :enable
(and idlwave-path-alist
(not idlwave-catalog-process)))
"Routine Shadows"
(nil-14 menu-item "Routine Shadows")
["Check Current Buffer" idlwave-list-buffer-load-path-shadows t]
(Check\ Current\ Buffer menu-item "Check Current Buffer" idlwave-list-buffer-load-path-shadows)
["Check Compiled Routines" idlwave-list-shell-load-path-shadows t]
(Check\ Compiled\ Routines menu-item "Check Compiled Routines" idlwave-list-shell-load-path-shadows)
["Check Everything" idlwave-list-all-load-path-shadows t]
(Check\ Everything menu-item "Check Everything" idlwave-list-all-load-path-shadows)
("Routine Info"
["Show Routine Info" idlwave-routine-info t]
["Online Context Help" idlwave-context-help t]
["Find Routine Source" idlwave-find-module t]
["Resolve Routine" idlwave-resolve
(featurep 'idlw-shell)]
["Update Routine Info" idlwave-update-routine-info t]
["Rescan XML Help Catalog" idlwave-convert-xml-system-routine-info t]
"--" "IDL User Catalog"
["Select Catalog Directories"
(idlwave-create-user-catalog-file nil)
["Scan Directories"
(and idlwave-path-alist
(not idlwave-catalog-process))]
["Scan Directories &"
(and idlwave-path-alist
(not idlwave-catalog-process))]
"--" "Routine Shadows"
["Check Current Buffer" idlwave-list-buffer-load-path-shadows t]
["Check Compiled Routines" idlwave-list-shell-load-path-shadows t]
["Check Everything" idlwave-list-all-load-path-shadows t])
(Routine\ Info menu-item "Routine Info"
(keymap "Routine Info"
(Show\ Routine\ Info menu-item "Show Routine Info" idlwave-routine-info)
(Online\ Context\ Help menu-item "Online Context Help" idlwave-context-help)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Find\ Routine\ Source menu-item "Find Routine Source" idlwave-find-module)
(Resolve\ Routine menu-item "Resolve Routine" idlwave-resolve :enable
(featurep 'idlw-shell))
(nil-7-5 menu-item "--")
(Update\ Routine\ Info menu-item "Update Routine Info" idlwave-update-routine-info)
(Rescan\ XML\ Help\ Catalog menu-item "Rescan XML Help Catalog" idlwave-convert-xml-system-routine-info)
(nil-7-8 menu-item "--")
(nil menu-item "IDL User Catalog")
(Select\ Catalog\ Directories menu-item "Select Catalog Directories" menu-function-75 :key-sequence nil)
(Scan\ Directories menu-item "Scan Directories" menu-function-76 :key-sequence nil :enable
(and idlwave-path-alist
(not idlwave-catalog-process)))
(Scan\ Directories\ & menu-item "Scan Directories &" menu-function-77 :key-sequence nil :enable
(and idlwave-path-alist
(not idlwave-catalog-process)))
(nil-7-13 menu-item "--")
(nil-14 menu-item "Routine Shadows")
(Check\ Current\ Buffer menu-item "Check Current Buffer" idlwave-list-buffer-load-path-shadows)
(Check\ Compiled\ Routines menu-item "Check Compiled Routines" idlwave-list-shell-load-path-shadows)
(Check\ Everything menu-item "Check Everything" idlwave-list-all-load-path-shadows)))
["Kill auto-created buffers" idlwave-kill-autoloaded-buffers t]
(Kill\ auto-created\ buffers menu-item "Kill auto-created buffers" idlwave-kill-autoloaded-buffers)
["Insert TAB character" idlwave-hard-tab t]
(Insert\ TAB\ character menu-item "Insert TAB character" idlwave-hard-tab)
["Kill auto-created buffers" idlwave-kill-autoloaded-buffers t]
["Insert TAB character" idlwave-hard-tab t])
(Misc menu-item "Misc"
(keymap "Misc"
(Kill\ auto-created\ buffers menu-item "Kill auto-created buffers" idlwave-kill-autoloaded-buffers)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Insert\ TAB\ character menu-item "Insert TAB character" idlwave-hard-tab)))
["Start IDL shell" idlwave-shell t]
(Start\ IDL\ shell menu-item "Start IDL shell" idlwave-shell)
["Edit file in IDLDE" idlwave-edit-in-idlde t]
(Edit\ file\ in\ IDLDE menu-item "Edit file in IDLDE" idlwave-edit-in-idlde)
["Launch IDL Help" idlwave-launch-idlhelp t]
(Launch\ IDL\ Help menu-item "Launch IDL Help" idlwave-launch-idlhelp)
["Start IDL shell" idlwave-shell t]
["Edit file in IDLDE" idlwave-edit-in-idlde t]
["Launch IDL Help" idlwave-launch-idlhelp t])
(External menu-item "External"
(keymap "External"
(Start\ IDL\ shell menu-item "Start IDL shell" idlwave-shell)
(Edit\ file\ in\ IDLDE menu-item "Edit file in IDLDE" idlwave-edit-in-idlde)
(Launch\ IDL\ Help menu-item "Launch IDL Help" idlwave-launch-idlhelp)))
["Browse IDLWAVE Group" idlwave-customize t]
(Browse\ IDLWAVE\ Group menu-item "Browse IDLWAVE Group" idlwave-customize)
["Build Full Customize Menu" idlwave-create-customize-menu
(fboundp 'customize-menu-create)]
(Build\ Full\ Customize\ Menu menu-item "Build Full Customize Menu" idlwave-create-customize-menu :enable
(fboundp 'customize-menu-create))
["Browse IDLWAVE Group" idlwave-customize t]
["Build Full Customize Menu" idlwave-create-customize-menu
(fboundp 'customize-menu-create)])
(Customize menu-item "Customize"
(keymap "Customize"
(Browse\ IDLWAVE\ Group menu-item "Browse IDLWAVE Group" idlwave-customize)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Build\ Full\ Customize\ Menu menu-item "Build Full Customize Menu" idlwave-create-customize-menu :enable
(fboundp 'customize-menu-create))))
["Describe Mode" describe-mode t]
(Describe\ Mode menu-item "Describe Mode" describe-mode)
["Abbreviation List" idlwave-list-abbrevs t]
(Abbreviation\ List menu-item "Abbreviation List" idlwave-list-abbrevs)
["Commentary in idlwave.el" idlwave-show-commentary t]
(Commentary\ in\ idlwave\.el menu-item "Commentary in idlwave.el" idlwave-show-commentary)
["Commentary in idlw-shell.el" idlwave-shell-show-commentary t]
(Commentary\ in\ idlw-shell\.el menu-item "Commentary in idlw-shell.el" idlwave-shell-show-commentary)
["Info" idlwave-info t]
(Info menu-item "Info" idlwave-info)
["Help with Topic" idlwave-help-assistant-help-with-topic idlwave-help-use-assistant]
(Help\ with\ Topic menu-item "Help with Topic" idlwave-help-assistant-help-with-topic :enable idlwave-help-use-assistant)
["Describe Mode" describe-mode t]
["Abbreviation List" idlwave-list-abbrevs t]
["Commentary in idlwave.el" idlwave-show-commentary t]
["Commentary in idlw-shell.el" idlwave-shell-show-commentary t]
["Info" idlwave-info t]
["Help with Topic" idlwave-help-assistant-help-with-topic idlwave-help-use-assistant]
["Launch IDL Help" idlwave-launch-idlhelp t])
(Documentation menu-item "Documentation"
(keymap "Documentation"
(Describe\ Mode menu-item "Describe Mode" describe-mode)
(Abbreviation\ List menu-item "Abbreviation List" idlwave-list-abbrevs)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Commentary\ in\ idlwave\.el menu-item "Commentary in idlwave.el" idlwave-show-commentary)
(Commentary\ in\ idlw-shell\.el menu-item "Commentary in idlw-shell.el" idlwave-shell-show-commentary)
(nil-7-5 menu-item "--")
(Info menu-item "Info" idlwave-info)
(nil-7-7 menu-item "--")
(Help\ with\ Topic menu-item "Help with Topic" idlwave-help-assistant-help-with-topic :enable idlwave-help-use-assistant)
(Launch\ IDL\ Help menu-item "Launch IDL Help" idlwave-launch-idlhelp)))
["Save and .RUN buffer" idlwave-shell-save-and-run
(boundp 'idlwave-shell-automatic-start)
(Save\ and\ \.RUN\ buffer menu-item "Save and .RUN buffer" idlwave-shell-save-and-run :enable
(boundp 'idlwave-shell-automatic-start)
["Complete Before Point" term-dynamic-complete t]
(Complete\ Before\ Point menu-item "Complete Before Point" term-dynamic-complete)
["Complete File Name" term-dynamic-complete-filename t]
(Complete\ File\ Name menu-item "Complete File Name" term-dynamic-complete-filename)
["File Completion Listing" term-dynamic-list-filename-completions t]
(File\ Completion\ Listing menu-item "File Completion Listing" term-dynamic-list-filename-completions)
["Expand File Name" term-replace-by-expanded-filename t]
(Expand\ File\ Name menu-item "Expand File Name" term-replace-by-expanded-filename)
["Expand History Before Point" term-replace-by-expanded-history term-input-autoexpand]
(Expand\ History\ Before\ Point menu-item "Expand History Before Point" term-replace-by-expanded-history :enable term-input-autoexpand)
["List Input History" term-dynamic-list-input-ring t]
(List\ Input\ History menu-item "List Input History" term-dynamic-list-input-ring)
["Previous Input" term-previous-input t]
(Previous\ Input menu-item "Previous Input" term-previous-input)
["Next Input" term-next-input t]
(Next\ Input menu-item "Next Input" term-next-input)
["Previous Matching Current Input" term-previous-matching-input-from-input t]
(Previous\ Matching\ Current\ Input menu-item "Previous Matching Current Input" term-previous-matching-input-from-input)
["Next Matching Current Input" term-next-matching-input-from-input t]
(Next\ Matching\ Current\ Input menu-item "Next Matching Current Input" term-next-matching-input-from-input)
["Previous Matching Input..." term-previous-matching-input t]
(Previous\ Matching\ Input\.\.\. menu-item "Previous Matching Input..." term-previous-matching-input)
["Next Matching Input..." term-next-matching-input t]
(Next\ Matching\ Input\.\.\. menu-item "Next Matching Input..." term-next-matching-input)
["Backward Matching Input..." term-backward-matching-input t]
(Backward\ Matching\ Input\.\.\. menu-item "Backward Matching Input..." term-backward-matching-input)
["Forward Matching Input..." term-forward-matching-input t]
(Forward\ Matching\ Input\.\.\. menu-item "Forward Matching Input..." term-forward-matching-input)
["Copy Old Input" term-copy-old-input t]
(Copy\ Old\ Input menu-item "Copy Old Input" term-copy-old-input)
["Kill Current Input" term-kill-input t]
(Kill\ Current\ Input menu-item "Kill Current Input" term-kill-input)
["Show Current Output Group" term-show-output t]
(Show\ Current\ Output\ Group menu-item "Show Current Output Group" term-show-output)
["Show Maximum Output" term-show-maximum-output t]
(Show\ Maximum\ Output menu-item "Show Maximum Output" term-show-maximum-output)
["Backward Output Group" term-previous-prompt t]
(Backward\ Output\ Group menu-item "Backward Output Group" term-previous-prompt)
["Forward Output Group" term-next-prompt t]
(Forward\ Output\ Group menu-item "Forward Output Group" term-next-prompt)
["Kill Current Output Group" term-kill-output t]
(Kill\ Current\ Output\ Group menu-item "Kill Current Output Group" term-kill-output)
["Line mode" term-line-mode :active
:help "Switch to line (cooked) sub-mode of term mode"]
(Line\ mode menu-item "Line mode" term-line-mode :enable
:help "Switch to line (cooked) sub-mode of term mode")
["Character mode" term-char-mode :active
:help "Switch to char (raw) sub-mode of term mode"]
(Character\ mode menu-item "Character mode" term-char-mode :enable
:help "Switch to char (raw) sub-mode of term mode")
["Paging" term-pager-toggle :style toggle :selected term-pager-count :help "Toggle paging feature"]
(Paging menu-item "Paging" term-pager-toggle :button
(:toggle . term-pager-count)
:help "Toggle paging feature")
["BREAK" term-interrupt-subjob :active t :help "Interrupt the current subjob"]
(BREAK menu-item "BREAK" term-interrupt-subjob :help "Interrupt the current subjob")
["STOP" term-stop-subjob :active t :help "Stop the current subjob"]
(STOP menu-item "STOP" term-stop-subjob :help "Stop the current subjob")
["CONT" term-continue-subjob :active t :help "Send CONT signal to process buffer's process group"]
(CONT menu-item "CONT" term-continue-subjob :help "Send CONT signal to process buffer's process group")
["QUIT" term-quit-subjob :active t :help "Send quit signal to the current subjob"]
(QUIT menu-item "QUIT" term-quit-subjob :help "Send quit signal to the current subjob")
["KILL" term-kill-subjob :active t :help "Send kill signal to the current subjob"]
(KILL menu-item "KILL" term-kill-subjob :help "Send kill signal to the current subjob")
["EOF" term-send-eof :active t :help "Send an EOF to the current buffer's process"]
(EOF menu-item "EOF" term-send-eof :help "Send an EOF to the current buffer's process")
["1 page forwards" term-pager-page t]
(1\ page\ forwards menu-item "1 page forwards" term-pager-page)
["1 page backwards" term-pager-back-page t]
(1\ page\ backwards menu-item "1 page backwards" term-pager-back-page)
["1 line backwards" term-pager-back-line t]
(1\ line\ backwards menu-item "1 line backwards" term-pager-back-line)
["1 line forwards" term-pager-line t]
(1\ line\ forwards menu-item "1 line forwards" term-pager-line)
["Goto to beginning" term-pager-bob t]
(Goto\ to\ beginning menu-item "Goto to beginning" term-pager-bob)
["Goto to end" term-pager-eob t]
(Goto\ to\ end menu-item "Goto to end" term-pager-eob)
["Discard remaining output" term-pager-discard t]
(Discard\ remaining\ output menu-item "Discard remaining output" term-pager-discard)
["Disable paging" term-pager-toggle t]
(Disable\ paging menu-item "Disable paging" term-pager-toggle)
["Help" term-pager-help t]
(Help menu-item "Help" term-pager-help)
["Next Section" Man-next-section t]
(Next\ Section menu-item "Next Section" Man-next-section)
["Previous Section" Man-previous-section t]
(Previous\ Section menu-item "Previous Section" Man-previous-section)
["Go To Section..." Man-goto-section t]
(Go\ To\ Section\.\.\. menu-item "Go To Section..." Man-goto-section)
["Go To \"SEE ALSO\" Section" Man-goto-see-also-section :active
(cl-member Man-see-also-regexp Man--sections :test #'string-match-p)]
(Go\ To\ \"SEE\ ALSO\"\ Section menu-item "Go To \"SEE ALSO\" Section" Man-goto-see-also-section :enable
(cl-member Man-see-also-regexp Man--sections :test #'string-match-p))
["Follow Reference..." Man-follow-manual-reference :active Man--refpages :help "Go to a manpage referred to in the \"SEE ALSO\" section"]
(Follow\ Reference\.\.\. menu-item "Follow Reference..." Man-follow-manual-reference :enable Man--refpages :help "Go to a manpage referred to in the \"SEE ALSO\" section")
["Next Manpage" Man-next-manpage :active
(length Man-page-list)
(Next\ Manpage menu-item "Next Manpage" Man-next-manpage :enable
(length Man-page-list)
["Previous Manpage" Man-previous-manpage :active
(length Man-page-list)
(Previous\ Manpage menu-item "Previous Manpage" Man-previous-manpage :enable
(length Man-page-list)
["Man..." man t]
(Man\.\.\. menu-item "Man..." man)
["Kill Buffer" Man-kill t]
(Kill\ Buffer menu-item "Kill Buffer" Man-kill)
["Quit" Man-quit t]
(Quit menu-item "Quit" Man-quit)
["Up" Info-up :active
(Info-check-pointer "up")
:help "Go up in the Info tree"]
(Up menu-item "Up" Info-up :enable
(Info-check-pointer "up")
:help "Go up in the Info tree")
["Next" Info-next :active
(Info-check-pointer "next")
:help "Go to the next node"]
(Next menu-item "Next" Info-next :enable
(Info-check-pointer "next")
:help "Go to the next node")
["Previous" Info-prev :active
(Info-check-pointer "prev[ious]*")
:help "Go to the previous node"]
(Previous menu-item "Previous" Info-prev :enable
(Info-check-pointer "prev[ious]*")
:help "Go to the previous node")
["Backward" Info-backward-node :help "Go backward one node, considering all as a sequence"]
(Backward menu-item "Backward" Info-backward-node :help "Go backward one node, considering all as a sequence")
["Forward" Info-forward-node :help "Go forward one node, considering all as a sequence"]
(Forward menu-item "Forward" Info-forward-node :help "Go forward one node, considering all as a sequence")
["Beginning" beginning-of-buffer :help "Go to beginning of this node"]
(Beginning menu-item "Beginning" beginning-of-buffer :help "Go to beginning of this node")
["Top" Info-top-node :help "Go to top node of file"]
(Top menu-item "Top" Info-top-node :help "Go to top node of file")
["Final Node" Info-final-node :help "Go to final node in this file"]
(Final\ Node menu-item "Final Node" Info-final-node :help "Go to final node in this file")
["You should never see this" report-emacs-bug t]
(You\ should\ never\ see\ this menu-item "You should never see this" report-emacs-bug)
("Menu Item"
["You should never see this" report-emacs-bug t])
(Menu\ Item menu-item "Menu Item"
(keymap "Menu Item"
(You\ should\ never\ see\ this menu-item "You should never see this" report-emacs-bug)))
["You should never see this" report-emacs-bug t])
(Reference menu-item "Reference"
(keymap "Reference"
(You\ should\ never\ see\ this menu-item "You should never see this" report-emacs-bug)))
["Search..." Info-search :help "Search for regular expression in this Info file"]
(Search\.\.\. menu-item "Search..." Info-search :help "Search for regular expression in this Info file")
["Search Next" Info-search-next :help "Search for another occurrence of regular expression"]
(Search\ Next menu-item "Search Next" Info-search-next :help "Search for another occurrence of regular expression")
["Go to Node..." Info-goto-node :help "Go to a named node"]
(Go\ to\ Node\.\.\. menu-item "Go to Node..." Info-goto-node :help "Go to a named node")
["Back in history" Info-history-back :active Info-history :help "Go back in history to the last node you were at"]
(Back\ in\ history menu-item "Back in history" Info-history-back :enable Info-history :help "Go back in history to the last node you were at")
["Forward in history" Info-history-forward :active Info-history-forward :help "Go forward in history"]
(Forward\ in\ history menu-item "Forward in history" Info-history-forward :enable Info-history-forward :help "Go forward in history")
["History" Info-history :active Info-history-list :help "Go to menu of visited nodes"]
(History menu-item "History" Info-history :enable Info-history-list :help "Go to menu of visited nodes")
["Table of Contents" Info-toc :help "Go to table of contents"]
(Table\ of\ Contents menu-item "Table of Contents" Info-toc :help "Go to table of contents")
["Lookup a String..." Info-index :help "Look for a string in the index items"]
(Lookup\ a\ String\.\.\. menu-item "Lookup a String..." Info-index :help "Look for a string in the index items")
["Next Matching Item" Info-index-next :active Info-index-alternatives :help "Look for another occurrence of previous item"]
(Next\ Matching\ Item menu-item "Next Matching Item" Info-index-next :enable Info-index-alternatives :help "Look for another occurrence of previous item")
["Lookup a string and display index of results..." Info-virtual-index :help "Look for a string in the index items and display node with results"]
(Lookup\ a\ string\ and\ display\ index\ of\ results\.\.\. menu-item "Lookup a string and display index of results..." Info-virtual-index :help "Look for a string in the index items and display node with results")
["Lookup a string in all indices..." info-apropos :help "Look for a string in the indices of all manuals"]
(Lookup\ a\ string\ in\ all\ indices\.\.\. menu-item "Lookup a string in all indices..." info-apropos :help "Look for a string in the indices of all manuals")
["Lookup a String..." Info-index :help "Look for a string in the index items"]
["Next Matching Item" Info-index-next :active Info-index-alternatives :help "Look for another occurrence of previous item"]
["Lookup a string and display index of results..." Info-virtual-index :help "Look for a string in the index items and display node with results"]
["Lookup a string in all indices..." info-apropos :help "Look for a string in the indices of all manuals"])
(Index menu-item "Index"
(keymap "Index"
(Lookup\ a\ String\.\.\. menu-item "Lookup a String..." Info-index :help "Look for a string in the index items")
(Next\ Matching\ Item menu-item "Next Matching Item" Info-index-next :enable Info-index-alternatives :help "Look for another occurrence of previous item")
(Lookup\ a\ string\ and\ display\ index\ of\ results\.\.\. menu-item "Lookup a string and display index of results..." Info-virtual-index :help "Look for a string in the index items and display node with results")
(Lookup\ a\ string\ in\ all\ indices\.\.\. menu-item "Lookup a string in all indices..." info-apropos :help "Look for a string in the indices of all manuals")))
["Copy Node Name" Info-copy-current-node-name :help "Copy the name of the current node into the kill ring"]
(Copy\ Node\ Name menu-item "Copy Node Name" Info-copy-current-node-name :help "Copy the name of the current node into the kill ring")
["Clone Info buffer" clone-buffer :help "Create a twin copy of the current Info buffer."]
(Clone\ Info\ buffer menu-item "Clone Info buffer" clone-buffer :help "Create a twin copy of the current Info buffer.")
["Exit" Info-exit :help "Stop reading Info"]
(Exit menu-item "Exit" Info-exit :help "Stop reading Info")
["Re-run all tests" ert-results-rerun-all-tests]
(Re-run\ all\ tests menu-item "Re-run all tests" ert-results-rerun-all-tests)
["Re-run test" ert-results-rerun-test-at-point]
(Re-run\ test menu-item "Re-run test" ert-results-rerun-test-at-point)
["Debug test" ert-results-rerun-test-at-point-debugging-errors]
(Debug\ test menu-item "Debug test" ert-results-rerun-test-at-point-debugging-errors)
["Show test definition" ert-results-find-test-at-point-other-window]
(Show\ test\ definition menu-item "Show test definition" ert-results-find-test-at-point-other-window)
["Show backtrace" ert-results-pop-to-backtrace-for-test-at-point]
(Show\ backtrace menu-item "Show backtrace" ert-results-pop-to-backtrace-for-test-at-point)
["Show messages" ert-results-pop-to-messages-for-test-at-point]
(Show\ messages menu-item "Show messages" ert-results-pop-to-messages-for-test-at-point)
["Show `should' forms" ert-results-pop-to-should-forms-for-test-at-point]
(Show\ \`should\'\ forms menu-item "Show `should' forms" ert-results-pop-to-should-forms-for-test-at-point)
["Describe test" ert-results-describe-test-at-point]
(Describe\ test menu-item "Describe test" ert-results-describe-test-at-point)
["Delete test" ert-delete-test]
(Delete\ test menu-item "Delete test" ert-delete-test)
["Show execution time of each test" ert-results-pop-to-timings]
(Show\ execution\ time\ of\ each\ test menu-item "Show execution time of each test" ert-results-pop-to-timings)
((last-command 'calculator-help))
:keys "?"]
(Help menu-item "Help" menu-function-78 :keys "?")
["Copy" calculator-copy]
(Copy menu-item "Copy" calculator-copy)
["Paste" calculator-paste]
(Paste menu-item "Paste" calculator-paste)
["Electric mode"
(setq calculator-restart-other-mode t)
(run-with-timer 0.1 nil
(lambda nil
(message nil)))
(not calculator-electric-mode)]
(Electric\ mode menu-item "Electric mode" menu-function-79 :key-sequence nil :enable
(not calculator-electric-mode))
["Normal mode"
(setq calculator-restart-other-mode t)
:active calculator-electric-mode]
(Normal\ mode menu-item "Normal mode" menu-function-80 :key-sequence nil :enable calculator-electric-mode)
(calculator-op ">")
:keys ">"]
(Repeat-right menu-item "Repeat-right" menu-function-81 :keys ">")
(calculator-op "<")
:keys "<"]
(Repeat-left menu-item "Repeat-left" menu-function-82 :keys "<")
(nil menu-item "------General------")
(calculator-op ";")
:keys ";"]
(Reciprocal menu-item "Reciprocal" menu-function-83 :keys ";")
(calculator-op "L")
:keys "L"]
(Log menu-item "Log" menu-function-84 :keys "L")
(calculator-op "Q")
:keys "Q"]
(Square-root menu-item "Square-root" menu-function-85 :keys "Q")
(calculator-op "!")
:keys "!"]
(Factorial menu-item "Factorial" menu-function-86 :keys "!")
(nil-7 menu-item "------Trigonometric------")
(calculator-op "S")
:keys "S"]
(Sinus menu-item "Sinus" menu-function-87 :keys "S")
(calculator-op "C")
:keys "C"]
(Cosine menu-item "Cosine" menu-function-88 :keys "C")
(calculator-op "T")
:keys "T"]
(Tangent menu-item "Tangent" menu-function-89 :keys "T")
(calculator-op "IS")
:keys "IS"]
(Inv-Sinus menu-item "Inv-Sinus" menu-function-90 :keys "IS")
(calculator-op "IC")
:keys "IC"]
(Inv-Cosine menu-item "Inv-Cosine" menu-function-91 :keys "IC")
(calculator-op "IT")
:keys "IT"]
(Inv-Tangent menu-item "Inv-Tangent" menu-function-92 :keys "IT")
(nil-14 menu-item "------Bitwise------")
(calculator-op "|")
:keys "|"]
(Or menu-item "Or" menu-function-93 :keys "|")
(calculator-op "#")
:keys "#"]
(Xor menu-item "Xor" menu-function-94 :keys "#")
(calculator-op "&")
:keys "&"]
(And menu-item "And" menu-function-95 :keys "&")
(calculator-op "~")
:keys "~"]
(Not menu-item "Not" menu-function-96 :keys "~")
(calculator-op ">")
:keys ">"]
(calculator-op "<")
:keys "<"]
(calculator-op ";")
:keys ";"]
(calculator-op "L")
:keys "L"]
(calculator-op "Q")
:keys "Q"]
(calculator-op "!")
:keys "!"]
(calculator-op "S")
:keys "S"]
(calculator-op "C")
:keys "C"]
(calculator-op "T")
:keys "T"]
(calculator-op "IS")
:keys "IS"]
(calculator-op "IC")
:keys "IC"]
(calculator-op "IT")
:keys "IT"]
(calculator-op "|")
:keys "|"]
(calculator-op "#")
:keys "#"]
(calculator-op "&")
:keys "&"]
(calculator-op "~")
:keys "~"])
(Functions menu-item "Functions"
(keymap "Functions"
(Repeat-right menu-item "Repeat-right" menu-function-81 :keys ">")
(Repeat-left menu-item "Repeat-left" menu-function-82 :keys "<")
(nil menu-item "------General------")
(Reciprocal menu-item "Reciprocal" menu-function-83 :keys ";")
(Log menu-item "Log" menu-function-84 :keys "L")
(Square-root menu-item "Square-root" menu-function-85 :keys "Q")
(Factorial menu-item "Factorial" menu-function-86 :keys "!")
(nil-7 menu-item "------Trigonometric------")
(Sinus menu-item "Sinus" menu-function-87 :keys "S")
(Cosine menu-item "Cosine" menu-function-88 :keys "C")
(Tangent menu-item "Tangent" menu-function-89 :keys "T")
(Inv-Sinus menu-item "Inv-Sinus" menu-function-90 :keys "IS")
(Inv-Cosine menu-item "Inv-Cosine" menu-function-91 :keys "IC")
(Inv-Tangent menu-item "Inv-Tangent" menu-function-92 :keys "IT")
(nil-14 menu-item "------Bitwise------")
(Or menu-item "Or" menu-function-93 :keys "|")
(Xor menu-item "Xor" menu-function-94 :keys "#")
(And menu-item "And" menu-function-95 :keys "&")
(Not menu-item "Not" menu-function-96 :keys "~")))
["Eval+Save" calculator-save-on-list]
(Eval+Save menu-item "Eval+Save" calculator-save-on-list)
["Prev number" calculator-saved-up]
(Prev\ number menu-item "Prev number" calculator-saved-up)
["Next number" calculator-saved-down]
(Next\ number menu-item "Next number" calculator-saved-down)
["Delete current" calculator-clear :active
(and calculator-display-fragile calculator-saved-list
(car calculator-stack)
(nth calculator-saved-ptr calculator-saved-list)))]
(Delete\ current menu-item "Delete current" calculator-clear :enable
(and calculator-display-fragile calculator-saved-list
(car calculator-stack)
(nth calculator-saved-ptr calculator-saved-list))))
["Delete all" calculator-clear-saved]
(Delete\ all menu-item "Delete all" calculator-clear-saved)
(calculator-op "l")
:keys "l"]
(List-total menu-item "List-total" menu-function-97 :keys "l")
(calculator-op "v")
:keys "v"]
(List-average menu-item "List-average" menu-function-98 :keys "v")
("Saved List"
["Eval+Save" calculator-save-on-list]
["Prev number" calculator-saved-up]
["Next number" calculator-saved-down]
["Delete current" calculator-clear :active
(and calculator-display-fragile calculator-saved-list
(car calculator-stack)
(nth calculator-saved-ptr calculator-saved-list)))]
["Delete all" calculator-clear-saved]
(calculator-op "l")
:keys "l"]
(calculator-op "v")
:keys "v"])
(Saved\ List menu-item "Saved List"
(keymap "Saved List"
(Eval+Save menu-item "Eval+Save" calculator-save-on-list)
(Prev\ number menu-item "Prev number" calculator-saved-up)
(Next\ number menu-item "Next number" calculator-saved-down)
(Delete\ current menu-item "Delete current" calculator-clear :enable
(and calculator-display-fragile calculator-saved-list
(car calculator-stack)
(nth calculator-saved-ptr calculator-saved-list))))
(Delete\ all menu-item "Delete all" calculator-clear-saved)
(nil-9 menu-item "---")
(List-total menu-item "List-total" menu-function-97 :keys "l")
(List-average menu-item "List-average" menu-function-98 :keys "v")))
["Get register" calculator-get-register]
(Get\ register menu-item "Get register" calculator-get-register)
["Set register" calculator-set-register]
(Set\ register menu-item "Set register" calculator-set-register)
["Get register" calculator-get-register]
["Set register" calculator-set-register])
(Registers menu-item "Registers"
(keymap "Registers"
(Get\ register menu-item "Get register" calculator-get-register)
(Set\ register menu-item "Set register" calculator-set-register)))
(or calculator-input-radix calculator-output-radix)
(calculator-radix-mode "D"))
(and calculator-deg
:keys "D" :style radio :selected
(or calculator-input-radix calculator-output-radix calculator-deg))]
(Radians menu-item "Radians" menu-function-99 :keys "D" :button
(:radio not
(or calculator-input-radix calculator-output-radix calculator-deg)))
(or calculator-input-radix calculator-output-radix)
(calculator-radix-mode "D"))
(or calculator-deg
:keys "D" :style radio :selected
(and calculator-deg
(or calculator-input-radix calculator-output-radix)))]
(Degrees menu-item "Degrees" menu-function-100 :keys "D" :button
(:radio and calculator-deg
(or calculator-input-radix calculator-output-radix))))
(calculator-radix-mode "D")
:style radio :keys "D" :selected
(eq calculator-input-radix 'nil)
(eq calculator-output-radix 'nil))]
(Decimal menu-item "Decimal" menu-function-101 :keys "D" :button
(:radio and
(eq calculator-input-radix 'nil)
(eq calculator-output-radix 'nil)))
(calculator-radix-mode "B")
:style radio :keys "B" :selected
(eq calculator-input-radix 'bin)
(eq calculator-output-radix 'bin))]
(Binary menu-item "Binary" menu-function-102 :keys "B" :button
(:radio and
(eq calculator-input-radix 'bin)
(eq calculator-output-radix 'bin)))
(calculator-radix-mode "O")
:style radio :keys "O" :selected
(eq calculator-input-radix 'oct)
(eq calculator-output-radix 'oct))]
(Octal menu-item "Octal" menu-function-103 :keys "O" :button
(:radio and
(eq calculator-input-radix 'oct)
(eq calculator-output-radix 'oct)))
(calculator-radix-mode "H")
:style radio :keys "H" :selected
(eq calculator-input-radix 'hex)
(eq calculator-output-radix 'hex))]
(Hexadecimal menu-item "Hexadecimal" menu-function-104 :keys "H" :button
(:radio and
(eq calculator-input-radix 'hex)
(eq calculator-output-radix 'hex)))
["Decimal Input"
(calculator-radix-input-mode "D")
:keys "id" :style radio :selected
(eq calculator-input-radix 'nil)]
(Decimal\ Input menu-item "Decimal Input" menu-function-105 :keys "id" :button
(:radio eq calculator-input-radix 'nil))
["Binary Input"
(calculator-radix-input-mode "B")
:keys "ib" :style radio :selected
(eq calculator-input-radix 'bin)]
(Binary\ Input menu-item "Binary Input" menu-function-106 :keys "ib" :button
(:radio eq calculator-input-radix 'bin))
["Octal Input"
(calculator-radix-input-mode "O")
:keys "io" :style radio :selected
(eq calculator-input-radix 'oct)]
(Octal\ Input menu-item "Octal Input" menu-function-107 :keys "io" :button
(:radio eq calculator-input-radix 'oct))
["Hexadecimal Input"
(calculator-radix-input-mode "H")
:keys "ih" :style radio :selected
(eq calculator-input-radix 'hex)]
(Hexadecimal\ Input menu-item "Hexadecimal Input" menu-function-108 :keys "ih" :button
(:radio eq calculator-input-radix 'hex))
["Decimal Output"
(calculator-radix-output-mode "D")
:keys "od" :style radio :selected
(eq calculator-output-radix 'nil)]
(Decimal\ Output menu-item "Decimal Output" menu-function-109 :keys "od" :button
(:radio eq calculator-output-radix 'nil))
["Binary Output"
(calculator-radix-output-mode "B")
:keys "ob" :style radio :selected
(eq calculator-output-radix 'bin)]
(Binary\ Output menu-item "Binary Output" menu-function-110 :keys "ob" :button
(:radio eq calculator-output-radix 'bin))
["Octal Output"
(calculator-radix-output-mode "O")
:keys "oo" :style radio :selected
(eq calculator-output-radix 'oct)]
(Octal\ Output menu-item "Octal Output" menu-function-111 :keys "oo" :button
(:radio eq calculator-output-radix 'oct))
["Hexadecimal Output"
(calculator-radix-output-mode "H")
:keys "oh" :style radio :selected
(eq calculator-output-radix 'hex)]
(Hexadecimal\ Output menu-item "Hexadecimal Output" menu-function-112 :keys "oh" :button
(:radio eq calculator-output-radix 'hex))
("Separate I/O"
["Decimal Input"
(calculator-radix-input-mode "D")
:keys "id" :style radio :selected
(eq calculator-input-radix 'nil)]
["Binary Input"
(calculator-radix-input-mode "B")
:keys "ib" :style radio :selected
(eq calculator-input-radix 'bin)]
["Octal Input"
(calculator-radix-input-mode "O")
:keys "io" :style radio :selected
(eq calculator-input-radix 'oct)]
["Hexadecimal Input"
(calculator-radix-input-mode "H")
:keys "ih" :style radio :selected
(eq calculator-input-radix 'hex)]
["Decimal Output"
(calculator-radix-output-mode "D")
:keys "od" :style radio :selected
(eq calculator-output-radix 'nil)]
["Binary Output"
(calculator-radix-output-mode "B")
:keys "ob" :style radio :selected
(eq calculator-output-radix 'bin)]
["Octal Output"
(calculator-radix-output-mode "O")
:keys "oo" :style radio :selected
(eq calculator-output-radix 'oct)]
["Hexadecimal Output"
(calculator-radix-output-mode "H")
:keys "oh" :style radio :selected
(eq calculator-output-radix 'hex)])
(Separate\ I/O menu-item "Separate I/O"
(keymap "Separate I/O"
(Decimal\ Input menu-item "Decimal Input" menu-function-105 :keys "id" :button
(:radio eq calculator-input-radix 'nil))
(Binary\ Input menu-item "Binary Input" menu-function-106 :keys "ib" :button
(:radio eq calculator-input-radix 'bin))
(Octal\ Input menu-item "Octal Input" menu-function-107 :keys "io" :button
(:radio eq calculator-input-radix 'oct))
(Hexadecimal\ Input menu-item "Hexadecimal Input" menu-function-108 :keys "ih" :button
(:radio eq calculator-input-radix 'hex))
(nil-9 menu-item "---")
(Decimal\ Output menu-item "Decimal Output" menu-function-109 :keys "od" :button
(:radio eq calculator-output-radix 'nil))
(Binary\ Output menu-item "Binary Output" menu-function-110 :keys "ob" :button
(:radio eq calculator-output-radix 'bin))
(Octal\ Output menu-item "Octal Output" menu-function-111 :keys "oo" :button
(:radio eq calculator-output-radix 'oct))
(Hexadecimal\ Output menu-item "Hexadecimal Output" menu-function-112 :keys "oh" :button
(:radio eq calculator-output-radix 'hex))))
(or calculator-input-radix calculator-output-radix)
(calculator-radix-mode "D"))
(and calculator-deg
:keys "D" :style radio :selected
(or calculator-input-radix calculator-output-radix calculator-deg))]
(or calculator-input-radix calculator-output-radix)
(calculator-radix-mode "D"))
(or calculator-deg
:keys "D" :style radio :selected
(and calculator-deg
(or calculator-input-radix calculator-output-radix)))]
(calculator-radix-mode "D")
:style radio :keys "D" :selected
(eq calculator-input-radix 'nil)
(eq calculator-output-radix 'nil))]
(calculator-radix-mode "B")
:style radio :keys "B" :selected
(eq calculator-input-radix 'bin)
(eq calculator-output-radix 'bin))]
(calculator-radix-mode "O")
:style radio :keys "O" :selected
(eq calculator-input-radix 'oct)
(eq calculator-output-radix 'oct))]
(calculator-radix-mode "H")
:style radio :keys "H" :selected
(eq calculator-input-radix 'hex)
(eq calculator-output-radix 'hex))]
("Separate I/O"
["Decimal Input"
(calculator-radix-input-mode "D")
:keys "id" :style radio :selected
(eq calculator-input-radix 'nil)]
["Binary Input"
(calculator-radix-input-mode "B")
:keys "ib" :style radio :selected
(eq calculator-input-radix 'bin)]
["Octal Input"
(calculator-radix-input-mode "O")
:keys "io" :style radio :selected
(eq calculator-input-radix 'oct)]
["Hexadecimal Input"
(calculator-radix-input-mode "H")
:keys "ih" :style radio :selected
(eq calculator-input-radix 'hex)]
["Decimal Output"
(calculator-radix-output-mode "D")
:keys "od" :style radio :selected
(eq calculator-output-radix 'nil)]
["Binary Output"
(calculator-radix-output-mode "B")
:keys "ob" :style radio :selected
(eq calculator-output-radix 'bin)]
["Octal Output"
(calculator-radix-output-mode "O")
:keys "oo" :style radio :selected
(eq calculator-output-radix 'oct)]
["Hexadecimal Output"
(calculator-radix-output-mode "H")
:keys "oh" :style radio :selected
(eq calculator-output-radix 'hex)]))
(Modes menu-item "Modes"
(keymap "Modes"
(Radians menu-item "Radians" menu-function-99 :keys "D" :button
(:radio not
(or calculator-input-radix calculator-output-radix calculator-deg)))
(Degrees menu-item "Degrees" menu-function-100 :keys "D" :button
(:radio and calculator-deg
(or calculator-input-radix calculator-output-radix))))
(nil-9 menu-item "---")
(Decimal menu-item "Decimal" menu-function-101 :keys "D" :button
(:radio and
(eq calculator-input-radix 'nil)
(eq calculator-output-radix 'nil)))
(Binary menu-item "Binary" menu-function-102 :keys "B" :button
(:radio and
(eq calculator-input-radix 'bin)
(eq calculator-output-radix 'bin)))
(Octal menu-item "Octal" menu-function-103 :keys "O" :button
(:radio and
(eq calculator-input-radix 'oct)
(eq calculator-output-radix 'oct)))
(Hexadecimal menu-item "Hexadecimal" menu-function-104 :keys "H" :button
(:radio and
(eq calculator-input-radix 'hex)
(eq calculator-output-radix 'hex)))
(Separate\ I/O menu-item "Separate I/O"
(keymap "Separate I/O"
(Decimal\ Input menu-item "Decimal Input" menu-function-105 :keys "id" :button
(:radio eq calculator-input-radix 'nil))
(Binary\ Input menu-item "Binary Input" menu-function-106 :keys "ib" :button
(:radio eq calculator-input-radix 'bin))
(Octal\ Input menu-item "Octal Input" menu-function-107 :keys "io" :button
(:radio eq calculator-input-radix 'oct))
(Hexadecimal\ Input menu-item "Hexadecimal Input" menu-function-108 :keys "ih" :button
(:radio eq calculator-input-radix 'hex))
(nil-9 menu-item "---")
(Decimal\ Output menu-item "Decimal Output" menu-function-109 :keys "od" :button
(:radio eq calculator-output-radix 'nil))
(Binary\ Output menu-item "Binary Output" menu-function-110 :keys "ob" :button
(:radio eq calculator-output-radix 'bin))
(Octal\ Output menu-item "Octal Output" menu-function-111 :keys "oo" :button
(:radio eq calculator-output-radix 'oct))
(Hexadecimal\ Output menu-item "Hexadecimal Output" menu-function-112 :keys "oh" :button
(:radio eq calculator-output-radix 'hex))))))
["Standard display, decimal point or scientific"
'((std 110)
"Standard display, decimal point or scientific"))]
(Standard\ display\,\ decimal\ point\ or\ scientific menu-item "Standard display, decimal point or scientific" menu-function-113 :key-sequence nil)
["Eng display"
'(calculator-eng-display "Eng display"))]
(Eng\ display menu-item "Eng display" menu-function-114 :key-sequence nil)
["Standard display, decimal point with grouping"
'((std 102 t)
"Standard display, decimal point with grouping"))]
(Standard\ display\,\ decimal\ point\ with\ grouping menu-item "Standard display, decimal point with grouping" menu-function-115 :key-sequence nil)
["Standard display, scientific"
'((std 101)
"Standard display, scientific"))]
(Standard\ display\,\ scientific menu-item "Standard display, scientific" menu-function-116 :key-sequence nil)
["Emacs printer"
'("%S" "Emacs printer"))]
(Emacs\ printer menu-item "Emacs printer" menu-function-117 :key-sequence nil)
["Change Prev Display" calculator-displayer-prev]
(Change\ Prev\ Display menu-item "Change Prev Display" calculator-displayer-prev)
["Change Next Display" calculator-displayer-next]
(Change\ Next\ Display menu-item "Change Next Display" calculator-displayer-next)
("Decimal Display"
["Standard display, decimal point or scientific"
'((std 110)
"Standard display, decimal point or scientific"))]
["Eng display"
'(calculator-eng-display "Eng display"))]
["Standard display, decimal point with grouping"
'((std 102 t)
"Standard display, decimal point with grouping"))]
["Standard display, scientific"
'((std 101)
"Standard display, scientific"))]
["Emacs printer"
'("%S" "Emacs printer"))]
["Change Prev Display" calculator-displayer-prev]
["Change Next Display" calculator-displayer-next])
(Decimal\ Display menu-item "Decimal Display"
(keymap "Decimal Display"
(Standard\ display\,\ decimal\ point\ or\ scientific menu-item "Standard display, decimal point or scientific" menu-function-113 :key-sequence nil)
(Eng\ display menu-item "Eng display" menu-function-114 :key-sequence nil)
(Standard\ display\,\ decimal\ point\ with\ grouping menu-item "Standard display, decimal point with grouping" menu-function-115 :key-sequence nil)
(Standard\ display\,\ scientific menu-item "Standard display, scientific" menu-function-116 :key-sequence nil)
(Emacs\ printer menu-item "Emacs printer" menu-function-117 :key-sequence nil)
(nil-9 menu-item "---")
(Change\ Prev\ Display menu-item "Change Prev Display" calculator-displayer-prev)
(Change\ Next\ Display menu-item "Change Next Display" calculator-displayer-next)))
["Copy+Quit" calculator-save-and-quit]
(Copy+Quit menu-item "Copy+Quit" calculator-save-and-quit)
["Quit" calculator-quit]
(Quit menu-item "Quit" calculator-quit)
["Backward short" hexl-backward-short :help "Move to left a short"]
(Backward\ short menu-item "Backward short" hexl-backward-short :help "Move to left a short")
["Forward short" hexl-forward-short :help "Move to right a short"]
(Forward\ short menu-item "Forward short" hexl-forward-short :help "Move to right a short")
["Backward word" hexl-backward-short :help "Move to left a word"]
(Backward\ word menu-item "Backward word" hexl-backward-short :help "Move to left a word")
["Forward word" hexl-forward-short :help "Move to right a word"]
(Forward\ word menu-item "Forward word" hexl-forward-short :help "Move to right a word")
["Beginning of 512b page" hexl-beginning-of-512b-page :help "Go to beginning of 512 byte boundary"]
(Beginning\ of\ 512b\ page menu-item "Beginning of 512b page" hexl-beginning-of-512b-page :help "Go to beginning of 512 byte boundary")
["End of 512b page" hexl-end-of-512b-page :help "Go to end of 512 byte boundary"]
(End\ of\ 512b\ page menu-item "End of 512b page" hexl-end-of-512b-page :help "Go to end of 512 byte boundary")
["Beginning of 1K page" hexl-beginning-of-1k-page :help "Go to beginning of 1KB boundary"]
(Beginning\ of\ 1K\ page menu-item "Beginning of 1K page" hexl-beginning-of-1k-page :help "Go to beginning of 1KB boundary")
["End of 1K page" hexl-end-of-1k-page :help "Go to end of 1KB boundary"]
(End\ of\ 1K\ page menu-item "End of 1K page" hexl-end-of-1k-page :help "Go to end of 1KB boundary")
["Go to address" hexl-goto-address :help "Go to hexl-mode (decimal) address"]
(Go\ to\ address menu-item "Go to address" hexl-goto-address :help "Go to hexl-mode (decimal) address")
["Go to address" hexl-goto-hex-address :help "Go to hexl-mode (hex string) address"]
(Go\ to\ address-11 menu-item "Go to address" hexl-goto-hex-address :help "Go to hexl-mode (hex string) address")
["Insert decimal char" hexl-insert-decimal-char :help "Insert a character given by its decimal code"]
(Insert\ decimal\ char menu-item "Insert decimal char" hexl-insert-decimal-char :help "Insert a character given by its decimal code")
["Insert hex char" hexl-insert-hex-char :help "Insert a character given by its hexadecimal code"]
(Insert\ hex\ char menu-item "Insert hex char" hexl-insert-hex-char :help "Insert a character given by its hexadecimal code")
["Insert octal char" hexl-insert-octal-char :help "Insert a character given by its octal code"]
(Insert\ octal\ char menu-item "Insert octal char" hexl-insert-octal-char :help "Insert a character given by its octal code")
["Exit hexl mode" hexl-mode-exit :help "Exit hexl mode returning to previous mode"]
(Exit\ hexl\ mode menu-item "Exit hexl mode" hexl-mode-exit :help "Exit hexl mode returning to previous mode")
["Show Help for Symbol" help-follow-symbol :help "Show the docs for the symbol at point"]
(Show\ Help\ for\ Symbol menu-item "Show Help for Symbol" help-follow-symbol :help "Show the docs for the symbol at point")
["Previous Topic" help-go-back :help "Go back to previous topic in this help buffer"]
(Previous\ Topic menu-item "Previous Topic" help-go-back :help "Go back to previous topic in this help buffer")
["Next Topic" help-go-forward :help "Go back to next topic in this help buffer"]
(Next\ Topic menu-item "Next Topic" help-go-forward :help "Go back to next topic in this help buffer")
["Move to Previous Button" backward-button :help "Move to the Next Button in the help buffer"]
(Move\ to\ Previous\ Button menu-item "Move to Previous Button" backward-button :help "Move to the Next Button in the help buffer")
["Move to Next Button" forward-button :help "Move to the Next Button in the help buffer"]
(Move\ to\ Next\ Button menu-item "Move to Next Button" forward-button :help "Move to the Next Button in the help buffer")
["Show as Text" image-toggle-display :active t :help "Show image as text"]
(Show\ as\ Text menu-item "Show as Text" image-toggle-display :help "Show image as text")
["Fit to Window Height" image-transform-fit-to-height :visible
(eq image-type 'imagemagick)
:help "Resize image to match the window height"]
(Fit\ to\ Window\ Height menu-item "Fit to Window Height" image-transform-fit-to-height :visible
(eq image-type 'imagemagick)
:help "Resize image to match the window height")
["Fit to Window Width" image-transform-fit-to-width :visible
(eq image-type 'imagemagick)
:help "Resize image to match the window width"]
(Fit\ to\ Window\ Width menu-item "Fit to Window Width" image-transform-fit-to-width :visible
(eq image-type 'imagemagick)
:help "Resize image to match the window width")
["Rotate Image..." image-transform-set-rotation :visible
(eq image-type 'imagemagick)
:help "Rotate the image"]
(Rotate\ Image\.\.\. menu-item "Rotate Image..." image-transform-set-rotation :visible
(eq image-type 'imagemagick)
:help "Rotate the image")
["Reset Transformations" image-transform-reset :visible
(eq image-type 'imagemagick)
:help "Reset all image transformations"]
(Reset\ Transformations menu-item "Reset Transformations" image-transform-reset :visible
(eq image-type 'imagemagick)
:help "Reset all image transformations")
["Show Thumbnails"
(lambda nil
(image-dired default-directory))
:active default-directory :help "Show thumbnails for all images in this directory"]
(Show\ Thumbnails menu-item "Show Thumbnails" menu-function-119 :key-sequence nil :enable default-directory :help "Show thumbnails for all images in this directory")
["Next Image" image-next-file :active buffer-file-name :help "Move to next image in this directory"]
(Next\ Image menu-item "Next Image" image-next-file :enable buffer-file-name :help "Move to next image in this directory")
["Previous Image" image-previous-file :active buffer-file-name :help "Move to previous image in this directory"]
(Previous\ Image menu-item "Previous Image" image-previous-file :enable buffer-file-name :help "Move to previous image in this directory")
["Fit Frame to Image" image-mode-fit-frame :active t :help "Resize frame to match image"]
(Fit\ Frame\ to\ Image menu-item "Fit Frame to Image" image-mode-fit-frame :help "Resize frame to match image")
["Animate Image" image-toggle-animation :style toggle :selected
(and image
(image-animate-timer image)))
:active image-multi-frame :help "Toggle image animation"]
(Animate\ Image menu-item "Animate Image" image-toggle-animation :enable image-multi-frame :button
(:toggle let
(and image
(image-animate-timer image)))
:help "Toggle image animation")
["Loop Animation"
(lambda nil
(setq image-animate-loop
(not image-animate-loop))
(and image
(image-animate-timer image)))
:style toggle :selected image-animate-loop :active image-multi-frame :help "Animate images once, or forever?"]
(Loop\ Animation menu-item "Loop Animation" menu-function-120 :key-sequence nil :enable image-multi-frame :button
(:toggle . image-animate-loop)
:help "Animate images once, or forever?")
["Reverse Animation" image-reverse-speed :style toggle :selected
(and image
(image-animate-get-speed image)
:active image-multi-frame :help "Reverse direction of this image's animation?"]
(Reverse\ Animation menu-item "Reverse Animation" image-reverse-speed :enable image-multi-frame :button
(:toggle let
(and image
(image-animate-get-speed image)
:help "Reverse direction of this image's animation?")
["Speed Up Animation" image-increase-speed :active image-multi-frame :help "Speed up this image's animation"]
(Speed\ Up\ Animation menu-item "Speed Up Animation" image-increase-speed :enable image-multi-frame :help "Speed up this image's animation")
["Slow Down Animation" image-decrease-speed :active image-multi-frame :help "Slow down this image's animation"]
(Slow\ Down\ Animation menu-item "Slow Down Animation" image-decrease-speed :enable image-multi-frame :help "Slow down this image's animation")
["Reset Animation Speed" image-reset-speed :active image-multi-frame :help "Reset the speed of this image's animation"]
(Reset\ Animation\ Speed menu-item "Reset Animation Speed" image-reset-speed :enable image-multi-frame :help "Reset the speed of this image's animation")
["Next Frame" image-next-frame :active image-multi-frame :help "Show the next frame of this image"]
(Next\ Frame menu-item "Next Frame" image-next-frame :enable image-multi-frame :help "Show the next frame of this image")
["Previous Frame" image-previous-frame :active image-multi-frame :help "Show the previous frame of this image"]
(Previous\ Frame menu-item "Previous Frame" image-previous-frame :enable image-multi-frame :help "Show the previous frame of this image")
["Goto Frame..." image-goto-frame :active image-multi-frame :help "Show a specific frame of this image"]
(Goto\ Frame\.\.\. menu-item "Goto Frame..." image-goto-frame :enable image-multi-frame :help "Show a specific frame of this image")
["Toggle display" doc-view-toggle-display]
(Toggle\ display menu-item "Toggle display" doc-view-toggle-display)
(setq doc-view-continuous nil)
:style radio :selected
(eq doc-view-continuous nil)]
(Off menu-item "Off" menu-function-121 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq doc-view-continuous nil))
(setq doc-view-continuous t)
:style radio :selected
(eq doc-view-continuous t)]
(On menu-item "On" menu-function-122 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq doc-view-continuous t))
["Save as Default"
(customize-save-variable 'doc-view-continuous doc-view-continuous)
(Save\ as\ Default menu-item "Save as Default" menu-function-123 :key-sequence nil)
(setq doc-view-continuous nil)
:style radio :selected
(eq doc-view-continuous nil)]
(setq doc-view-continuous t)
:style radio :selected
(eq doc-view-continuous t)]
["Save as Default"
(customize-save-variable 'doc-view-continuous doc-view-continuous)
(Continuous menu-item "Continuous"
(keymap "Continuous"
(Off menu-item "Off" menu-function-121 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq doc-view-continuous nil))
(On menu-item "On" menu-function-122 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq doc-view-continuous t))
(nil-9 menu-item "---")
(Save\ as\ Default menu-item "Save as Default" menu-function-123 :key-sequence nil)))
["Set Slice" doc-view-set-slice-using-mouse]
(Set\ Slice menu-item "Set Slice" doc-view-set-slice-using-mouse)
["Set Slice (BoundingBox)" doc-view-set-slice-from-bounding-box]
(Set\ Slice\ \(BoundingBox\) menu-item "Set Slice (BoundingBox)" doc-view-set-slice-from-bounding-box)
["Set Slice (manual)" doc-view-set-slice]
(Set\ Slice\ \(manual\) menu-item "Set Slice (manual)" doc-view-set-slice)
["Reset Slice" doc-view-reset-slice]
(Reset\ Slice menu-item "Reset Slice" doc-view-reset-slice)
["Search" doc-view-search]
(Search menu-item "Search" doc-view-search)
["Search Backwards" doc-view-search-backward]
(Search\ Backwards menu-item "Search Backwards" doc-view-search-backward)
["Exit" quit-window t]
(Exit menu-item "Exit" quit-window)
["Close browser" quit-window t]
(Close\ browser menu-item "Close browser" quit-window)
["Reload" eww-reload t]
(Reload menu-item "Reload" eww-reload)
["Back to previous page" eww-back-url :active
(length eww-history)))]
(Back\ to\ previous\ page menu-item "Back to previous page" eww-back-url :enable
(length eww-history))))
["Forward to next page" eww-forward-url :active
(zerop eww-history-position))]
(Forward\ to\ next\ page menu-item "Forward to next page" eww-forward-url :enable
(zerop eww-history-position)))
["Browse with external browser" eww-browse-with-external-browser t]
(Browse\ with\ external\ browser menu-item "Browse with external browser" eww-browse-with-external-browser)
["Download" eww-download t]
(Download menu-item "Download" eww-download)
["View page source" eww-view-source]
(View\ page\ source menu-item "View page source" eww-view-source)
["Copy page URL" eww-copy-page-url t]
(Copy\ page\ URL menu-item "Copy page URL" eww-copy-page-url)
["List histories" eww-list-histories t]
(List\ histories menu-item "List histories" eww-list-histories)
["List buffers" eww-list-buffers t]
(List\ buffers menu-item "List buffers" eww-list-buffers)
["Add bookmark" eww-add-bookmark t]
(Add\ bookmark menu-item "Add bookmark" eww-add-bookmark)
["List bookmarks" eww-list-bookmarks t]
(List\ bookmarks menu-item "List bookmarks" eww-list-bookmarks)
["List cookies" url-cookie-list t]
(List\ cookies menu-item "List cookies" url-cookie-list)
["Character Encoding" eww-set-character-encoding]
(Character\ Encoding menu-item "Character Encoding" eww-set-character-encoding)
["Browse" eww-bookmark-browse :active
(Browse menu-item "Browse" eww-bookmark-browse :enable
["Kill" eww-bookmark-kill :active
(Kill menu-item "Kill" eww-bookmark-kill :enable
["Yank" eww-bookmark-yank :active eww-bookmark-kill-ring]
(Yank menu-item "Yank" eww-bookmark-yank :enable eww-bookmark-kill-ring)
["Browse" eww-history-browse :active
(Browse menu-item "Browse" eww-history-browse :enable
["Select" eww-buffer-select :active
(Select menu-item "Select" eww-buffer-select :enable
["Kill" eww-buffer-kill :active
(Kill menu-item "Kill" eww-buffer-kill :enable
["WoMan..." woman t]
(WoMan\.\.\. menu-item "WoMan..." woman)
["Goto Section..." Man-goto-section t]
(Goto\ Section\.\.\. menu-item "Goto Section..." Man-goto-section)
["Goto See-Also Section" Man-goto-see-also-section t]
(Goto\ See-Also\ Section menu-item "Goto See-Also Section" Man-goto-see-also-section)
["Follow Reference..." Man-follow-manual-reference t]
(Follow\ Reference\.\.\. menu-item "Follow Reference..." Man-follow-manual-reference)
["Previous WoMan Buffer" WoMan-previous-manpage t]
(Previous\ WoMan\ Buffer menu-item "Previous WoMan Buffer" WoMan-previous-manpage)
["Next WoMan Buffer" WoMan-next-manpage t]
(Next\ WoMan\ Buffer menu-item "Next WoMan Buffer" WoMan-next-manpage)
["Bury WoMan Buffer" Man-quit t]
(Bury\ WoMan\ Buffer menu-item "Bury WoMan Buffer" Man-quit)
["Kill WoMan Buffer" Man-kill t]
(Kill\ WoMan\ Buffer menu-item "Kill WoMan Buffer" Man-kill)
["Use Full Frame Width" woman-toggle-fill-frame :active t :style toggle :selected woman-fill-frame]
(Use\ Full\ Frame\ Width menu-item "Use Full Frame Width" woman-toggle-fill-frame :button
(:toggle . woman-fill-frame))
["Reformat Last Man Page" woman-reformat-last-file t]
(Reformat\ Last\ Man\ Page menu-item "Reformat Last Man Page" woman-reformat-last-file)
["Make Contents Menu"
(woman-imenu t)
(not woman-imenu-done)]
(Make\ Contents\ Menu menu-item "Make Contents Menu" menu-function-124 :key-sequence nil :enable
(not woman-imenu-done))
["Describe (Wo)Man Mode" describe-mode t]
(Describe\ \(Wo\)Man\ Mode menu-item "Describe (Wo)Man Mode" describe-mode)
["Mini Help" woman-mini-help t]
(Mini\ Help menu-item "Mini Help" woman-mini-help)
(customize-group 'woman)
(Customize\.\.\. menu-item "Customize..." menu-function-125 :key-sequence nil)
["Show Version"
(message "WoMan %s" woman-version)
(Show\ Version menu-item "Show Version" menu-function-126 :key-sequence nil)
["View Source"
(view-file woman-last-file-name)
(View\ Source menu-item "View Source" menu-function-127 :key-sequence nil :enable woman-last-file-name)
["Show Log"
(switch-to-buffer-other-window "*WoMan-Log*" t)
(Show\ Log menu-item "Show Log" menu-function-128 :key-sequence nil)
["Extended Font" woman-toggle-use-extended-font :included woman-font-support :active t :style toggle :selected woman-use-extended-font]
(Extended\ Font menu-item "Extended Font" woman-toggle-use-extended-font :visible woman-font-support :button
(:toggle . woman-use-extended-font))
["Symbol Font" woman-toggle-use-symbol-font :included woman-font-support :active t :style toggle :selected woman-use-symbol-font]
(Symbol\ Font menu-item "Symbol Font" woman-toggle-use-symbol-font :visible woman-font-support :button
(:toggle . woman-use-symbol-font))
["Font Map" woman-display-extended-fonts :included woman-font-support :active woman-use-symbol-font]
(Font\ Map menu-item "Font Map" woman-display-extended-fonts :enable woman-use-symbol-font :visible woman-font-support)
(nil menu-item "Emulation")
(woman-reset-emulation 'nroff)
:active t :style radio :selected
(eq woman-emulation 'nroff)]
(nroff menu-item "nroff" menu-function-129 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq woman-emulation 'nroff))
(woman-reset-emulation 'troff)
:active t :style radio :selected
(eq woman-emulation 'troff)]
(troff menu-item "troff" menu-function-130 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq woman-emulation 'troff))
["View Source"
(view-file woman-last-file-name)
["Show Log"
(switch-to-buffer-other-window "*WoMan-Log*" t)
["Extended Font" woman-toggle-use-extended-font :included woman-font-support :active t :style toggle :selected woman-use-extended-font]
["Symbol Font" woman-toggle-use-symbol-font :included woman-font-support :active t :style toggle :selected woman-use-symbol-font]
["Font Map" woman-display-extended-fonts :included woman-font-support :active woman-use-symbol-font]
"--" "Emulation"
(woman-reset-emulation 'nroff)
:active t :style radio :selected
(eq woman-emulation 'nroff)]
(woman-reset-emulation 'troff)
:active t :style radio :selected
(eq woman-emulation 'troff)])
(Advanced menu-item "Advanced"
(keymap "Advanced"
(View\ Source menu-item "View Source" menu-function-127 :key-sequence nil :enable woman-last-file-name)
(Show\ Log menu-item "Show Log" menu-function-128 :key-sequence nil)
(Extended\ Font menu-item "Extended Font" woman-toggle-use-extended-font :visible woman-font-support :button
(:toggle . woman-use-extended-font))
(Symbol\ Font menu-item "Symbol Font" woman-toggle-use-symbol-font :visible woman-font-support :button
(:toggle . woman-use-symbol-font))
(Font\ Map menu-item "Font Map" woman-display-extended-fonts :enable woman-use-symbol-font :visible woman-font-support)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(nil menu-item "Emulation")
(nroff menu-item "nroff" menu-function-129 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq woman-emulation 'nroff))
(troff menu-item "troff" menu-function-130 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq woman-emulation 'troff))))
["Mark" proced-mark :help "Mark Current Process"]
(Mark menu-item "Mark" proced-mark :help "Mark Current Process")
["Unmark" proced-unmark :help "Unmark Current Process"]
(Unmark menu-item "Unmark" proced-unmark :help "Unmark Current Process")
["Mark All" proced-mark-all :help "Mark All Processes"]
(Mark\ All menu-item "Mark All" proced-mark-all :help "Mark All Processes")
["Unmark All" proced-unmark-all :help "Unmark All Process"]
(Unmark\ All menu-item "Unmark All" proced-unmark-all :help "Unmark All Process")
["Toggle Marks" proced-toggle-marks :help "Marked Processes Become Unmarked, and Vice Versa"]
(Toggle\ Marks menu-item "Toggle Marks" proced-toggle-marks :help "Marked Processes Become Unmarked, and Vice Versa")
["Mark Children" proced-mark-children :help "Mark Current Process and its Children"]
(Mark\ Children menu-item "Mark Children" proced-mark-children :help "Mark Current Process and its Children")
["Mark Parents" proced-mark-parents :help "Mark Current Process and its Parents"]
(Mark\ Parents menu-item "Mark Parents" proced-mark-parents :help "Mark Current Process and its Parents")
(proced-filter-interactive 'user)
:style radio :selected
(eq proced-filter 'user)]
(user menu-item "user" menu-function-131 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq proced-filter 'user))
(proced-filter-interactive 'user-running)
:style radio :selected
(eq proced-filter 'user-running)]
(user-running menu-item "user-running" menu-function-132 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq proced-filter 'user-running))
(proced-filter-interactive 'all)
:style radio :selected
(eq proced-filter 'all)]
(all menu-item "all" menu-function-133 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq proced-filter 'all))
(proced-filter-interactive 'all-running)
:style radio :selected
(eq proced-filter 'all-running)]
(all-running menu-item "all-running" menu-function-134 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq proced-filter 'all-running))
(proced-filter-interactive 'emacs)
:style radio :selected
(eq proced-filter 'emacs)]
(emacs menu-item "emacs" menu-function-135 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq proced-filter 'emacs))
("Filters" :help "Select Filter for Process Listing"
(proced-filter-interactive 'user)
:style radio :selected
(eq proced-filter 'user)]
(proced-filter-interactive 'user-running)
:style radio :selected
(eq proced-filter 'user-running)]
(proced-filter-interactive 'all)
:style radio :selected
(eq proced-filter 'all)]
(proced-filter-interactive 'all-running)
:style radio :selected
(eq proced-filter 'all-running)]
(proced-filter-interactive 'emacs)
:style radio :selected
(eq proced-filter 'emacs)])
(Filters menu-item "Filters"
(keymap "Filters"
(user menu-item "user" menu-function-131 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq proced-filter 'user))
(user-running menu-item "user-running" menu-function-132 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq proced-filter 'user-running))
(all menu-item "all" menu-function-133 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq proced-filter 'all))
(all-running menu-item "all-running" menu-function-134 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq proced-filter 'all-running))
(emacs menu-item "emacs" menu-function-135 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq proced-filter 'emacs)))
:help "Select Filter for Process Listing")
["Sort..." proced-sort-interactive :help "Sort Process List"]
(Sort\.\.\. menu-item "Sort..." proced-sort-interactive :help "Sort Process List")
["Sort by %CPU" proced-sort-pcpu]
(Sort\ by\ %CPU menu-item "Sort by %CPU" proced-sort-pcpu)
["Sort by %MEM" proced-sort-pmem]
(Sort\ by\ %MEM menu-item "Sort by %MEM" proced-sort-pmem)
["Sort by PID" proced-sort-pid]
(Sort\ by\ PID menu-item "Sort by PID" proced-sort-pid)
["Sort by START" proced-sort-start]
(Sort\ by\ START menu-item "Sort by START" proced-sort-start)
["Sort by TIME" proced-sort-time]
(Sort\ by\ TIME menu-item "Sort by TIME" proced-sort-time)
["Sort by USER" proced-sort-user]
(Sort\ by\ USER menu-item "Sort by USER" proced-sort-user)
("Sorting" :help "Select Sort Scheme"
["Sort..." proced-sort-interactive :help "Sort Process List"]
["Sort by %CPU" proced-sort-pcpu]
["Sort by %MEM" proced-sort-pmem]
["Sort by PID" proced-sort-pid]
["Sort by START" proced-sort-start]
["Sort by TIME" proced-sort-time]
["Sort by USER" proced-sort-user])
(Sorting menu-item "Sorting"
(keymap "Sorting"
(Sort\.\.\. menu-item "Sort..." proced-sort-interactive :help "Sort Process List")
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Sort\ by\ %CPU menu-item "Sort by %CPU" proced-sort-pcpu)
(Sort\ by\ %MEM menu-item "Sort by %MEM" proced-sort-pmem)
(Sort\ by\ PID menu-item "Sort by PID" proced-sort-pid)
(Sort\ by\ START menu-item "Sort by START" proced-sort-start)
(Sort\ by\ TIME menu-item "Sort by TIME" proced-sort-time)
(Sort\ by\ USER menu-item "Sort by USER" proced-sort-user))
:help "Select Sort Scheme")
(proced-format-interactive 'short)
:style radio :selected
(eq proced-format 'short)]
(short menu-item "short" menu-function-138 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq proced-format 'short))
(proced-format-interactive 'medium)
:style radio :selected
(eq proced-format 'medium)]
(medium menu-item "medium" menu-function-139 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq proced-format 'medium))
(proced-format-interactive 'long)
:style radio :selected
(eq proced-format 'long)]
(long menu-item "long" menu-function-140 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq proced-format 'long))
(proced-format-interactive 'verbose)
:style radio :selected
(eq proced-format 'verbose)]
(verbose menu-item "verbose" menu-function-141 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq proced-format 'verbose))
("Formats" :help "Select Format for Process Listing"
(proced-format-interactive 'short)
:style radio :selected
(eq proced-format 'short)]
(proced-format-interactive 'medium)
:style radio :selected
(eq proced-format 'medium)]
(proced-format-interactive 'long)
:style radio :selected
(eq proced-format 'long)]
(proced-format-interactive 'verbose)
:style radio :selected
(eq proced-format 'verbose)])
(Formats menu-item "Formats"
(keymap "Formats"
(short menu-item "short" menu-function-138 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq proced-format 'short))
(medium menu-item "medium" menu-function-139 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq proced-format 'medium))
(long menu-item "long" menu-function-140 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq proced-format 'long))
(verbose menu-item "verbose" menu-function-141 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq proced-format 'verbose)))
:help "Select Format for Process Listing")
["Tree Display" proced-toggle-tree :style toggle :selected
(eval proced-tree-flag)
:help "Display Proced Buffer as Process Tree"]
(Tree\ Display menu-item "Tree Display" proced-toggle-tree :button
(:toggle eval proced-tree-flag)
:help "Display Proced Buffer as Process Tree")
["Omit Marked Processes" proced-omit-processes :help "Omit Marked Processes in Process Listing."]
(Omit\ Marked\ Processes menu-item "Omit Marked Processes" proced-omit-processes :help "Omit Marked Processes in Process Listing.")
["Revert" revert-buffer :help "Revert Process Listing"]
(Revert menu-item "Revert" revert-buffer :help "Revert Process Listing")
["Auto Update" proced-toggle-auto-update :style toggle :selected
(eval proced-auto-update-flag)
:help "Auto Update of Proced Buffer"]
(Auto\ Update menu-item "Auto Update" proced-toggle-auto-update :button
(:toggle eval proced-auto-update-flag)
:help "Auto Update of Proced Buffer")
["Send signal" proced-send-signal :help "Send Signal to Marked Processes"]
(Send\ signal menu-item "Send signal" proced-send-signal :help "Send Signal to Marked Processes")
["Renice" proced-renice :help "Renice Marked Processes"]
(Renice menu-item "Renice" proced-renice :help "Renice Marked Processes")
["Comment Out Region" comment-region
(Comment\ Out\ Region menu-item "Comment Out Region" comment-region :enable
["Uncomment Region"
(Uncomment\ Region menu-item "Uncomment Region" menu-function-143 :key-sequence nil :enable
["Indent Expression" c-indent-exp
'(40 91 123))]
(Indent\ Expression menu-item "Indent Expression" c-indent-exp :enable
'(40 91 123)))
["Indent Line or Region" c-indent-line-or-region t]
(Indent\ Line\ or\ Region menu-item "Indent Line or Region" c-indent-line-or-region)
["Fill Comment Paragraph" c-fill-paragraph t]
(Fill\ Comment\ Paragraph menu-item "Fill Comment Paragraph" c-fill-paragraph)
["Backward Statement" c-beginning-of-statement t]
(Backward\ Statement menu-item "Backward Statement" c-beginning-of-statement)
["Forward Statement" c-end-of-statement t]
(Forward\ Statement menu-item "Forward Statement" c-end-of-statement)
["Up Conditional" c-up-conditional t]
(Up\ Conditional menu-item "Up Conditional" c-up-conditional)
["Backward Conditional" c-backward-conditional t]
(Backward\ Conditional menu-item "Backward Conditional" c-backward-conditional)
["Forward Conditional" c-forward-conditional t]
(Forward\ Conditional menu-item "Forward Conditional" c-forward-conditional)
["Macro Expand Region" c-macro-expand
(Macro\ Expand\ Region menu-item "Macro Expand Region" c-macro-expand :enable
["Backslashify" c-backslash-region
(Backslashify menu-item "Backslashify" c-backslash-region :enable
["Set Style..." c-set-style t]
(Set\ Style\.\.\. menu-item "Set Style..." c-set-style)
["Show Current Style Name"
(message "Style Name: %s" c-indentation-style)
(Show\ Current\ Style\ Name menu-item "Show Current Style Name" menu-function-144 :key-sequence nil)
["Guess Style from this Buffer" c-guess-buffer-no-install t]
(Guess\ Style\ from\ this\ Buffer menu-item "Guess Style from this Buffer" c-guess-buffer-no-install)
["Install the Last Guessed Style..." c-guess-install
(and c-guess-guessed-offsets-alist c-guess-guessed-basic-offset)]
(Install\ the\ Last\ Guessed\ Style\.\.\. menu-item "Install the Last Guessed Style..." c-guess-install :enable
(and c-guess-guessed-offsets-alist c-guess-guessed-basic-offset))
["View the Last Guessed Style" c-guess-view
(and c-guess-guessed-offsets-alist c-guess-guessed-basic-offset)]
(View\ the\ Last\ Guessed\ Style menu-item "View the Last Guessed Style" c-guess-view :enable
(and c-guess-guessed-offsets-alist c-guess-guessed-basic-offset))
["Set Style..." c-set-style t]
["Show Current Style Name"
(message "Style Name: %s" c-indentation-style)
["Guess Style from this Buffer" c-guess-buffer-no-install t]
["Install the Last Guessed Style..." c-guess-install
(and c-guess-guessed-offsets-alist c-guess-guessed-basic-offset)]
["View the Last Guessed Style" c-guess-view
(and c-guess-guessed-offsets-alist c-guess-guessed-basic-offset)])
(Style\.\.\. menu-item "Style..."
(keymap "Style..."
(Set\ Style\.\.\. menu-item "Set Style..." c-set-style)
(Show\ Current\ Style\ Name menu-item "Show Current Style Name" menu-function-144 :key-sequence nil)
(Guess\ Style\ from\ this\ Buffer menu-item "Guess Style from this Buffer" c-guess-buffer-no-install)
(Install\ the\ Last\ Guessed\ Style\.\.\. menu-item "Install the Last Guessed Style..." c-guess-install :enable
(and c-guess-guessed-offsets-alist c-guess-guessed-basic-offset))
(View\ the\ Last\ Guessed\ Style menu-item "View the Last Guessed Style" c-guess-view :enable
(and c-guess-guessed-offsets-alist c-guess-guessed-basic-offset))))
["Syntactic indentation" c-toggle-syntactic-indentation :style toggle :selected c-syntactic-indentation]
(Syntactic\ indentation menu-item "Syntactic indentation" c-toggle-syntactic-indentation :button
(:toggle . c-syntactic-indentation))
["Electric mode" c-toggle-electric-state :style toggle :selected c-electric-flag]
(Electric\ mode menu-item "Electric mode" c-toggle-electric-state :button
(:toggle . c-electric-flag))
["Auto newline" c-toggle-auto-newline :style toggle :selected c-auto-newline]
(Auto\ newline menu-item "Auto newline" c-toggle-auto-newline :button
(:toggle . c-auto-newline))
["Hungry delete" c-toggle-hungry-state :style toggle :selected c-hungry-delete-key]
(Hungry\ delete menu-item "Hungry delete" c-toggle-hungry-state :button
(:toggle . c-hungry-delete-key))
["Subword mode" c-subword-mode :style toggle :selected
(boundp 'c-subword-mode)
(Subword\ mode menu-item "Subword mode" c-subword-mode :button
(:toggle and
(boundp 'c-subword-mode)
["Syntactic indentation" c-toggle-syntactic-indentation :style toggle :selected c-syntactic-indentation]
["Electric mode" c-toggle-electric-state :style toggle :selected c-electric-flag]
["Auto newline" c-toggle-auto-newline :style toggle :selected c-auto-newline]
["Hungry delete" c-toggle-hungry-state :style toggle :selected c-hungry-delete-key]
["Subword mode" c-subword-mode :style toggle :selected
(boundp 'c-subword-mode)
(Toggle\.\.\. menu-item "Toggle..."
(keymap "Toggle..."
(Syntactic\ indentation menu-item "Syntactic indentation" c-toggle-syntactic-indentation :button
(:toggle . c-syntactic-indentation))
(Electric\ mode menu-item "Electric mode" c-toggle-electric-state :button
(:toggle . c-electric-flag))
(Auto\ newline menu-item "Auto newline" c-toggle-auto-newline :button
(:toggle . c-auto-newline))
(Hungry\ delete menu-item "Hungry delete" c-toggle-hungry-state :button
(:toggle . c-hungry-delete-key))
(Subword\ mode menu-item "Subword mode" c-subword-mode :button
(:toggle and
(boundp 'c-subword-mode)
["Hide some ifdefs" hide-ifdefs :help "Hide the contents of some #ifdefs"]
(Hide\ some\ ifdefs menu-item "Hide some ifdefs" hide-ifdefs :help "Hide the contents of some #ifdefs")
["Show all ifdefs" show-ifdefs :help "Cancel the effects of `hide-ifdef': show the contents of all #ifdefs"]
(Show\ all\ ifdefs menu-item "Show all ifdefs" show-ifdefs :help "Cancel the effects of `hide-ifdef': show the contents of all #ifdefs")
["Hide ifdef block" hide-ifdef-block :help "Hide the ifdef block (true or false part) enclosing or before the cursor"]
(Hide\ ifdef\ block menu-item "Hide ifdef block" hide-ifdef-block :help "Hide the ifdef block (true or false part) enclosing or before the cursor")
["Show ifdef block" show-ifdef-block :help "Show the ifdef block (true or false part) enclosing or before the cursor"]
(Show\ ifdef\ block menu-item "Show ifdef block" show-ifdef-block :help "Show the ifdef block (true or false part) enclosing or before the cursor")
["Define a variable..." hide-ifdef-define :help "Define a VAR so that #ifdef VAR would be included"]
(Define\ a\ variable\.\.\. menu-item "Define a variable..." hide-ifdef-define :help "Define a VAR so that #ifdef VAR would be included")
["Undefine a variable..." hide-ifdef-undef :help "Undefine a VAR so that #ifdef VAR would not be included"]
(Undefine\ a\ variable\.\.\. menu-item "Undefine a variable..." hide-ifdef-undef :help "Undefine a VAR so that #ifdef VAR would not be included")
["Define an alist..." hide-ifdef-set-define-alist :help "Set the association for NAME to `hide-ifdef-env'"]
(Define\ an\ alist\.\.\. menu-item "Define an alist..." hide-ifdef-set-define-alist :help "Set the association for NAME to `hide-ifdef-env'")
["Use an alist..." hide-ifdef-use-define-alist :help "Set `hide-ifdef-env' to the define list specified by NAME"]
(Use\ an\ alist\.\.\. menu-item "Use an alist..." hide-ifdef-use-define-alist :help "Set `hide-ifdef-env' to the define list specified by NAME")
["Toggle read only" hide-ifdef-toggle-read-only :style toggle :selected hide-ifdef-read-only :help "Buffer should be read-only while hiding text"]
(Toggle\ read\ only menu-item "Toggle read only" hide-ifdef-toggle-read-only :button
(:toggle . hide-ifdef-read-only)
:help "Buffer should be read-only while hiding text")
["Toggle shadowing" hide-ifdef-toggle-shadowing :style toggle :selected hide-ifdef-shadow :help "Text should be shadowed instead of hidden"]
(Toggle\ shadowing menu-item "Toggle shadowing" hide-ifdef-toggle-shadowing :button
(:toggle . hide-ifdef-shadow)
:help "Text should be shadowed instead of hidden")
("Follow" :filter follow-menu-filter
["Scroll Up" follow-scroll-up follow-mode]
["Scroll Down" follow-scroll-down follow-mode]
["Delete Other Windows and Split" follow-delete-other-windows-and-split follow-mode]
["Switch To Buffer" follow-switch-to-buffer follow-mode]
["Switch To Buffer (all windows)" follow-switch-to-buffer-all follow-mode]
["First Window" follow-first-window follow-mode]
["Last Window" follow-last-window follow-mode]
["Next Window" follow-next-window follow-mode]
["Previous Window" follow-previous-window follow-mode]
["Recenter" follow-recenter follow-mode]
["Follow mode" follow-mode :style toggle :selected follow-mode])
(Follow menu-item "Follow"
(["Scroll Up" follow-scroll-up follow-mode]
["Scroll Down" follow-scroll-down follow-mode]
["Delete Other Windows and Split" follow-delete-other-windows-and-split follow-mode]
["Switch To Buffer" follow-switch-to-buffer follow-mode]
["Switch To Buffer (all windows)" follow-switch-to-buffer-all follow-mode]
["First Window" follow-first-window follow-mode]
["Last Window" follow-last-window follow-mode]
["Next Window" follow-next-window follow-mode]
["Previous Window" follow-previous-window follow-mode]
["Recenter" follow-recenter follow-mode]
["Follow mode" follow-mode :style toggle :selected follow-mode])
#[257 "\302\301!\300\"\207"
["Follow" follow-menu-filter easy-menu-filter-return]
4 "\n\n(fn MENU)"])
["Add new browser" mpc-tagbrowser]
(Add\ new\ browser menu-item "Add new browser" mpc-tagbrowser)
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["Quit" mpc-quit]
(Quit menu-item "Quit" mpc-quit)
["Insert block" texinfo-insert-block t]
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["Update All"
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(Make\ menu menu-item "Make menu" texinfo-make-menu)
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["RE" ps-mode-RE t]
["ISOLatin1Extended" ps-mode-latin-extended t]
["center" ps-mode-center t]
["right" ps-mode-right t]
["Heapsort" ps-mode-heapsort t])
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(Heapsort menu-item "Heapsort" ps-mode-heapsort)))
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("Fonts (1)"
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(Symbol menu-item "Symbol" menu-function-159 :key-sequence nil)))
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("Fonts (2)"
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(insert "/NewCenturySchlbk-Bold ")
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(insert "/Palatino-Bold ")
(insert "/Palatino-Italic ")
(insert "/Palatino-BoldItalic ")
(insert "/ZapfChancery-MediumItalic ")
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(Palatino-Bold menu-item "Palatino-Bold" menu-function-177 :key-sequence nil)
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(Palatino-BoldItalic menu-item "Palatino-BoldItalic" menu-function-179 :key-sequence nil)
(ZapfChancery-MediumItalic menu-item "ZapfChancery-MediumItalic" menu-function-180 :key-sequence nil)
(ZapfDingbats menu-item "ZapfDingbats" menu-function-181 :key-sequence nil)))
["Comment Out Region" ps-mode-comment-out-region
(mark t)]
(Comment\ Out\ Region menu-item "Comment Out Region" ps-mode-comment-out-region :enable
(mark t))
["Uncomment Region" ps-mode-uncomment-region
(mark t)]
(Uncomment\ Region menu-item "Uncomment Region" ps-mode-uncomment-region :enable
(mark t))
["8-bit to Octal Buffer" ps-mode-octal-buffer t]
(8-bit\ to\ Octal\ Buffer menu-item "8-bit to Octal Buffer" ps-mode-octal-buffer)
["8-bit to Octal Region" ps-mode-octal-region
(mark t)]
(8-bit\ to\ Octal\ Region menu-item "8-bit to Octal Region" ps-mode-octal-region :enable
(mark t))
["Start PostScript" ps-run-start t]
(Start\ PostScript menu-item "Start PostScript" ps-run-start)
["Quit PostScript" ps-run-quit
(process-status "ps-run")]
(Quit\ PostScript menu-item "Quit PostScript" ps-run-quit :enable
(process-status "ps-run"))
["Kill PostScript" ps-run-kill
(process-status "ps-run")]
(Kill\ PostScript menu-item "Kill PostScript" ps-run-kill :enable
(process-status "ps-run"))
["Send Buffer to Interpreter" ps-run-buffer
(process-status "ps-run")]
(Send\ Buffer\ to\ Interpreter menu-item "Send Buffer to Interpreter" ps-run-buffer :enable
(process-status "ps-run"))
["Send Region to Interpreter" ps-run-region
(mark t)
(process-status "ps-run"))]
(Send\ Region\ to\ Interpreter menu-item "Send Region to Interpreter" ps-run-region :enable
(mark t)
(process-status "ps-run")))
["Send Newline to Interpreter" ps-mode-other-newline
(process-status "ps-run")]
(Send\ Newline\ to\ Interpreter menu-item "Send Newline to Interpreter" ps-mode-other-newline :enable
(process-status "ps-run"))
["View BoundingBox" ps-run-boundingbox
(process-status "ps-run")]
(View\ BoundingBox menu-item "View BoundingBox" ps-run-boundingbox :enable
(process-status "ps-run"))
["Clear/Reset PostScript Graphics" ps-run-clear
(process-status "ps-run")]
(Clear/Reset\ PostScript\ Graphics menu-item "Clear/Reset PostScript Graphics" ps-run-clear :enable
(process-status "ps-run"))
["Print Buffer as PostScript" ps-mode-print-buffer t]
(Print\ Buffer\ as\ PostScript menu-item "Print Buffer as PostScript" ps-mode-print-buffer)
["Print Region as PostScript" ps-mode-print-region
(mark t)]
(Print\ Region\ as\ PostScript menu-item "Print Region as PostScript" ps-mode-print-region :enable
(mark t))
["Customize for PostScript"
(customize-group "PostScript")
(Customize\ for\ PostScript menu-item "Customize for PostScript" menu-function-182 :key-sequence nil)
["Submit Bug Report" ps-mode-submit-bug-report t]
(Submit\ Bug\ Report menu-item "Submit Bug Report" ps-mode-submit-bug-report)
["Set current row" ses-set-header-row t]
(Set\ current\ row menu-item "Set current row" ses-set-header-row)
["Unset row" ses-unset-header-row
(> ses--header-row 0)]
(Unset\ row menu-item "Unset row" ses-unset-header-row :enable
(> ses--header-row 0))
["Insert row" ses-insert-row
(Insert\ row menu-item "Insert row" ses-insert-row :enable
["Delete row" ses-delete-row
(Delete\ row menu-item "Delete row" ses-delete-row :enable
["Insert column" ses-insert-column
(Insert\ column menu-item "Insert column" ses-insert-column :enable
["Delete column" ses-delete-column
(Delete\ column menu-item "Delete column" ses-delete-column :enable
["Set column printer" ses-read-column-printer t]
(Set\ column\ printer menu-item "Set column printer" ses-read-column-printer)
["Set column width" ses-set-column-width t]
(Set\ column\ width menu-item "Set column width" ses-set-column-width)
["Set default printer" ses-read-default-printer t]
(Set\ default\ printer menu-item "Set default printer" ses-read-default-printer)
["Jump to cell" ses-jump t]
(Jump\ to\ cell menu-item "Jump to cell" ses-jump)
["Set cell printer" ses-read-cell-printer t]
(Set\ cell\ printer menu-item "Set cell printer" ses-read-cell-printer)
["Recalculate cell" ses-recalculate-cell t]
(Recalculate\ cell menu-item "Recalculate cell" ses-recalculate-cell)
["Truncate cell display" ses-truncate-cell t]
(Truncate\ cell\ display menu-item "Truncate cell display" ses-truncate-cell)
["Export values" ses-export-tsv t]
(Export\ values menu-item "Export values" ses-export-tsv)
["Export formulas" ses-export-tsf t]
(Export\ formulas menu-item "Export formulas" ses-export-tsf)
["Mark Log Entry for Diff" set-mark-command :help ""]
(Mark\ Log\ Entry\ for\ Diff menu-item "Mark Log Entry for Diff" set-mark-command :help "")
["Diff Revisions" log-view-diff :help "Get the diff between two revisions"]
(Diff\ Revisions menu-item "Diff Revisions" log-view-diff :help "Get the diff between two revisions")
["Changeset Diff" log-view-diff-changeset :help "Get the changeset diff between two revisions"]
(Changeset\ Diff menu-item "Changeset Diff" log-view-diff-changeset :help "Get the changeset diff between two revisions")
["Visit Version" log-view-find-revision :help "Visit the version at point"]
(Visit\ Version menu-item "Visit Version" log-view-find-revision :help "Visit the version at point")
["Annotate Version" log-view-annotate-version :help "Annotate the version at point"]
(Annotate\ Version menu-item "Annotate Version" log-view-annotate-version :help "Annotate the version at point")
["Modify Log Comment" log-view-modify-change-comment :help "Edit the change comment displayed at point"]
(Modify\ Log\ Comment menu-item "Modify Log Comment" log-view-modify-change-comment :help "Edit the change comment displayed at point")
["Toggle Details at Point" log-view-toggle-entry-display :active log-view-expanded-log-entry-function]
(Toggle\ Details\ at\ Point menu-item "Toggle Details at Point" log-view-toggle-entry-display :enable log-view-expanded-log-entry-function)
(nil menu-item "-----")
["Next Log Entry" log-view-msg-next :help "Go to the next count'th log message"]
(Next\ Log\ Entry menu-item "Next Log Entry" log-view-msg-next :help "Go to the next count'th log message")
["Previous Log Entry" log-view-msg-prev :help "Go to the previous count'th log message"]
(Previous\ Log\ Entry menu-item "Previous Log Entry" log-view-msg-prev :help "Go to the previous count'th log message")
["Next File" log-view-file-next :help "Go to the next count'th file"]
(Next\ File menu-item "Next File" log-view-file-next :help "Go to the next count'th file")
["Previous File" log-view-file-prev :help "Go to the previous count'th file"]
(Previous\ File menu-item "Previous File" log-view-file-prev :help "Go to the previous count'th file")
["Jump to Source" diff-goto-source :help "Jump to the corresponding source line"]
(Jump\ to\ Source menu-item "Jump to Source" diff-goto-source :help "Jump to the corresponding source line")
["Apply hunk" diff-apply-hunk :help "Apply the current hunk to the source file and go to the next"]
(Apply\ hunk menu-item "Apply hunk" diff-apply-hunk :help "Apply the current hunk to the source file and go to the next")
["Test applying hunk" diff-test-hunk :help "See whether it's possible to apply the current hunk"]
(Test\ applying\ hunk menu-item "Test applying hunk" diff-test-hunk :help "See whether it's possible to apply the current hunk")
["Apply diff with Ediff" diff-ediff-patch :help "Call `ediff-patch-file' on the current buffer"]
(Apply\ diff\ with\ Ediff menu-item "Apply diff with Ediff" diff-ediff-patch :help "Call `ediff-patch-file' on the current buffer")
["Create Change Log entries" diff-add-change-log-entries-other-window :help "Create ChangeLog entries for the changes in the diff buffer"]
(Create\ Change\ Log\ entries menu-item "Create Change Log entries" diff-add-change-log-entries-other-window :help "Create ChangeLog entries for the changes in the diff buffer")
["Reverse direction" diff-reverse-direction :help "Reverse the direction of the diffs"]
(Reverse\ direction menu-item "Reverse direction" diff-reverse-direction :help "Reverse the direction of the diffs")
["Context -> Unified" diff-context->unified :help "Convert context diffs to unified diffs"]
(Context\ ->\ Unified menu-item "Context -> Unified" diff-context->unified :help "Convert context diffs to unified diffs")
["Unified -> Context" diff-unified->context :help "Convert unified diffs to context diffs"]
(Unified\ ->\ Context menu-item "Unified -> Context" diff-unified->context :help "Convert unified diffs to context diffs")
["Remove trailing whitespace" diff-delete-trailing-whitespace :help "Remove trailing whitespace problems introduced by the diff"]
(Remove\ trailing\ whitespace menu-item "Remove trailing whitespace" diff-delete-trailing-whitespace :help "Remove trailing whitespace problems introduced by the diff")
["Show trailing whitespace" whitespace-mode :style toggle :selected
(bound-and-true-p whitespace-mode)
:help "Show trailing whitespace in modified lines"]
(Show\ trailing\ whitespace menu-item "Show trailing whitespace" whitespace-mode :button
(:toggle bound-and-true-p whitespace-mode)
:help "Show trailing whitespace in modified lines")
["Split hunk" diff-split-hunk :active
:help "Split the current (unified diff) hunk at point into two hunks"]
(Split\ hunk menu-item "Split hunk" diff-split-hunk :enable
:help "Split the current (unified diff) hunk at point into two hunks")
["Ignore whitespace changes" diff-ignore-whitespace-hunk :help "Re-diff the current hunk, ignoring whitespace differences"]
(Ignore\ whitespace\ changes menu-item "Ignore whitespace changes" diff-ignore-whitespace-hunk :help "Re-diff the current hunk, ignoring whitespace differences")
["Highlight fine changes" diff-refine-hunk :help "Highlight changes of hunk at point at a finer granularity"]
(Highlight\ fine\ changes menu-item "Highlight fine changes" diff-refine-hunk :help "Highlight changes of hunk at point at a finer granularity")
["Kill current hunk" diff-hunk-kill :help "Kill current hunk"]
(Kill\ current\ hunk menu-item "Kill current hunk" diff-hunk-kill :help "Kill current hunk")
["Kill current file's hunks" diff-file-kill :help "Kill all current file's hunks"]
(Kill\ current\ file\'s\ hunks menu-item "Kill current file's hunks" diff-file-kill :help "Kill all current file's hunks")
["Previous Hunk" diff-hunk-prev :help "Go to the previous count'th hunk"]
(Previous\ Hunk menu-item "Previous Hunk" diff-hunk-prev :help "Go to the previous count'th hunk")
["Next Hunk" diff-hunk-next :help "Go to the next count'th hunk"]
(Next\ Hunk menu-item "Next Hunk" diff-hunk-next :help "Go to the next count'th hunk")
["Previous File" diff-file-prev :help "Go to the previous count'th file"]
(Previous\ File menu-item "Previous File" diff-file-prev :help "Go to the previous count'th file")
["Next File" diff-file-next :help "Go to the next count'th file"]
(Next\ File menu-item "Next File" diff-file-next :help "Go to the next count'th file")
["Attach File..." mml-attach-file :help "Attach a file at point"]
(Attach\ File\.\.\. menu-item "Attach File..." mml-attach-file :help "Attach a file at point")
["Attach Buffer..." mml-attach-buffer :help "Attach a buffer to the outgoing message"]
(Attach\ Buffer\.\.\. menu-item "Attach Buffer..." mml-attach-buffer :help "Attach a buffer to the outgoing message")
["Attach External..." mml-attach-external :help "Attach reference to an external file"]
(Attach\ External\.\.\. menu-item "Attach External..." mml-attach-external :help "Attach reference to an external file")
["Externalize Attachments"
(lambda nil
(boundp 'gnus-gcc-externalize-attachments)
(memq gnus-gcc-externalize-attachments
'(all t nil))))
(message "Can't handle this value of `gnus-gcc-externalize-attachments'")
(setq gnus-gcc-externalize-attachments
(not gnus-gcc-externalize-attachments))
(message "gnus-gcc-externalize-attachments is `%s'." gnus-gcc-externalize-attachments)))
(boundp 'gnus-gcc-externalize-attachments)
(memq gnus-gcc-externalize-attachments
'(all t nil)))
:style toggle :selected gnus-gcc-externalize-attachments :help "Save attachments as external parts in Gcc copies"]
(Externalize\ Attachments menu-item "Externalize Attachments" menu-function-183 :key-sequence nil :visible
(boundp 'gnus-gcc-externalize-attachments)
(memq gnus-gcc-externalize-attachments
'(all t nil)))
(:toggle . gnus-gcc-externalize-attachments)
:help "Save attachments as external parts in Gcc copies")
(lambda nil
(setq mml-secure-method "pgpmime"))
:help "Set Security Method to PGP/MIME" :style radio :selected
(equal mml-secure-method "pgpmime")]
(PGP/MIME menu-item "PGP/MIME" menu-function-184 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio equal mml-secure-method "pgpmime")
:help "Set Security Method to PGP/MIME")
(lambda nil
(setq mml-secure-method "smime"))
:help "Set Security Method to S/MIME" :style radio :selected
(equal mml-secure-method "smime")]
(S/MIME menu-item "S/MIME" menu-function-185 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio equal mml-secure-method "smime")
:help "Set Security Method to S/MIME")
["Inline PGP"
(lambda nil
(setq mml-secure-method "pgp"))
:help "Set Security Method to inline PGP" :style radio :selected
(equal mml-secure-method "pgp")]
(Inline\ PGP menu-item "Inline PGP" menu-function-186 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio equal mml-secure-method "pgp")
:help "Set Security Method to inline PGP")
("Change Security Method"
(lambda nil
(setq mml-secure-method "pgpmime"))
:help "Set Security Method to PGP/MIME" :style radio :selected
(equal mml-secure-method "pgpmime")]
(lambda nil
(setq mml-secure-method "smime"))
:help "Set Security Method to S/MIME" :style radio :selected
(equal mml-secure-method "smime")]
["Inline PGP"
(lambda nil
(setq mml-secure-method "pgp"))
:help "Set Security Method to inline PGP" :style radio :selected
(equal mml-secure-method "pgp")])
(Change\ Security\ Method menu-item "Change Security Method"
(keymap "Change Security Method"
(PGP/MIME menu-item "PGP/MIME" menu-function-184 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio equal mml-secure-method "pgpmime")
:help "Set Security Method to PGP/MIME")
(S/MIME menu-item "S/MIME" menu-function-185 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio equal mml-secure-method "smime")
:help "Set Security Method to S/MIME")
(Inline\ PGP menu-item "Inline PGP" menu-function-186 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio equal mml-secure-method "pgp")
:help "Set Security Method to inline PGP")))
["Sign Message" mml-secure-message-sign t]
(Sign\ Message menu-item "Sign Message" mml-secure-message-sign)
["Encrypt Message" mml-secure-message-encrypt t]
(Encrypt\ Message menu-item "Encrypt Message" mml-secure-message-encrypt)
["Sign and Encrypt Message" mml-secure-message-sign-encrypt t]
(Sign\ and\ Encrypt\ Message menu-item "Sign and Encrypt Message" mml-secure-message-sign-encrypt)
["Encrypt/Sign off" mml-unsecure-message :help "Don't Encrypt/Sign Message"]
(Encrypt/Sign\ off menu-item "Encrypt/Sign off" mml-unsecure-message :help "Don't Encrypt/Sign Message")
["Sign Part" mml-secure-sign t]
(Sign\ Part menu-item "Sign Part" mml-secure-sign)
["Encrypt Part" mml-secure-encrypt t]
(Encrypt\ Part menu-item "Encrypt Part" mml-secure-encrypt)
["Insert Part..." mml-insert-part :active
(Insert\ Part\.\.\. menu-item "Insert Part..." mml-insert-part :enable
["Insert Multipart..." mml-insert-multipart :active
(Insert\ Multipart\.\.\. menu-item "Insert Multipart..." mml-insert-multipart :enable
["Quote MML in region" mml-quote-region :active
:help "Quote MML tags in region"]
(Quote\ MML\ in\ region menu-item "Quote MML in region" mml-quote-region :enable
:help "Quote MML tags in region")
["Validate MML" mml-validate t]
(Validate\ MML menu-item "Validate MML" mml-validate)
["Preview" mml-preview t]
(Preview menu-item "Preview" mml-preview)
["Emacs MIME manual"
(lambda nil
(message-info 4))
:help "Display the Emacs MIME manual"]
(Emacs\ MIME\ manual menu-item "Emacs MIME manual" menu-function-187 :key-sequence nil :help "Display the Emacs MIME manual")
["PGG manual"
(lambda nil
(message-info mml2015-use))
(boundp 'mml2015-use)
(equal mml2015-use 'pgg))
:help "Display the PGG manual"]
(PGG\ manual menu-item "PGG manual" menu-function-188 :key-sequence nil :visible
(boundp 'mml2015-use)
(equal mml2015-use 'pgg))
:help "Display the PGG manual")
["EasyPG manual"
(lambda nil
(require 'mml2015)
(message-info mml2015-use))
(boundp 'mml2015-use)
(equal mml2015-use 'epg))
:help "Display the EasyPG manual"]
(EasyPG\ manual menu-item "EasyPG manual" menu-function-189 :key-sequence nil :visible
(boundp 'mml2015-use)
(equal mml2015-use 'epg))
:help "Display the EasyPG manual")
["Yank Original" message-yank-original message-reply-buffer]
(Yank\ Original menu-item "Yank Original" message-yank-original :enable message-reply-buffer)
["Fill Yanked Message" message-fill-yanked-message t]
(Fill\ Yanked\ Message menu-item "Fill Yanked Message" message-fill-yanked-message)
["Insert Signature" message-insert-signature t]
(Insert\ Signature menu-item "Insert Signature" message-insert-signature)
["Caesar (rot13) Message" message-caesar-buffer-body t]
(Caesar\ \(rot13\)\ Message menu-item "Caesar (rot13) Message" message-caesar-buffer-body)
["Caesar (rot13) Region" message-caesar-region
(Caesar\ \(rot13\)\ Region menu-item "Caesar (rot13) Region" message-caesar-region :enable
["Elide Region" message-elide-region :active
:help "Replace text in region with an ellipsis"]
(Elide\ Region menu-item "Elide Region" message-elide-region :enable
:help "Replace text in region with an ellipsis")
["Delete Outside Region" message-delete-not-region :active
:help "Delete all quoted text outside region"]
(Delete\ Outside\ Region menu-item "Delete Outside Region" message-delete-not-region :enable
:help "Delete all quoted text outside region")
["Kill To Signature" message-kill-to-signature t]
(Kill\ To\ Signature menu-item "Kill To Signature" message-kill-to-signature)
["Newline and Reformat" message-newline-and-reformat t]
(Newline\ and\ Reformat menu-item "Newline and Reformat" message-newline-and-reformat)
["Rename buffer" message-rename-buffer t]
(Rename\ buffer menu-item "Rename buffer" message-rename-buffer)
["Spellcheck" ispell-message :help "Spellcheck this message"]
(Spellcheck menu-item "Spellcheck" ispell-message :help "Spellcheck this message")
["Insert Region Marked" message-mark-inserted-region :active
:help "Mark region with enclosing tags"]
(Insert\ Region\ Marked menu-item "Insert Region Marked" message-mark-inserted-region :enable
:help "Mark region with enclosing tags")
["Insert File Marked..." message-mark-insert-file :help "Insert file at point marked with enclosing tags"]
(Insert\ File\ Marked\.\.\. menu-item "Insert File Marked..." message-mark-insert-file :help "Insert file at point marked with enclosing tags")
["Send Message" message-send-and-exit :help "Send this message"]
(Send\ Message menu-item "Send Message" message-send-and-exit :help "Send this message")
["Postpone Message" message-dont-send :help "File this draft message and exit"]
(Postpone\ Message menu-item "Postpone Message" message-dont-send :help "File this draft message and exit")
["Send at Specific Time..." gnus-delay-article :help "Ask, then arrange to send message at that time"]
(Send\ at\ Specific\ Time\.\.\. menu-item "Send at Specific Time..." gnus-delay-article :help "Ask, then arrange to send message at that time")
["Kill Message" message-kill-buffer :help "Delete this message without sending"]
(Kill\ Message menu-item "Kill Message" message-kill-buffer :help "Delete this message without sending")
["Message manual" message-info :help "Display the Message manual"]
(Message\ manual menu-item "Message manual" message-info :help "Display the Message manual")
["To" message-goto-to t]
(To menu-item "To" message-goto-to)
["From" message-goto-from t]
(From menu-item "From" message-goto-from)
["Subject" message-goto-subject t]
(Subject menu-item "Subject" message-goto-subject)
["Change subject..." message-change-subject t]
(Change\ subject\.\.\. menu-item "Change subject..." message-change-subject)
["Cc" message-goto-cc t]
(Cc menu-item "Cc" message-goto-cc)
["Bcc" message-goto-bcc t]
(Bcc menu-item "Bcc" message-goto-bcc)
["Fcc" message-goto-fcc t]
(Fcc menu-item "Fcc" message-goto-fcc)
["Reply-To" message-goto-reply-to t]
(Reply-To menu-item "Reply-To" message-goto-reply-to)
["Flag As Important" message-insert-importance-high :help "Mark this message as important"]
(Flag\ As\ Important menu-item "Flag As Important" message-insert-importance-high :help "Mark this message as important")
["Flag As Unimportant" message-insert-importance-low :help "Mark this message as unimportant"]
(Flag\ As\ Unimportant menu-item "Flag As Unimportant" message-insert-importance-low :help "Mark this message as unimportant")
["Request Receipt" message-insert-disposition-notification-to :help "Request a receipt notification"]
(Request\ Receipt menu-item "Request Receipt" message-insert-disposition-notification-to :help "Request a receipt notification")
["Summary" message-goto-summary t]
(Summary menu-item "Summary" message-goto-summary)
["Keywords" message-goto-keywords t]
(Keywords menu-item "Keywords" message-goto-keywords)
["Newsgroups" message-goto-newsgroups t]
(Newsgroups menu-item "Newsgroups" message-goto-newsgroups)
["Fetch Newsgroups" message-insert-newsgroups t]
(Fetch\ Newsgroups menu-item "Fetch Newsgroups" message-insert-newsgroups)
["Followup-To" message-goto-followup-to t]
(Followup-To menu-item "Followup-To" message-goto-followup-to)
["Crosspost / Followup-To..." message-cross-post-followup-to t]
(Crosspost\ /\ Followup-To\.\.\. menu-item "Crosspost / Followup-To..." message-cross-post-followup-to)
["Distribution" message-goto-distribution t]
(Distribution menu-item "Distribution" message-goto-distribution)
["Expires" message-insert-expires t]
(Expires menu-item "Expires" message-insert-expires)
["X-No-Archive" message-add-archive-header t]
(X-No-Archive menu-item "X-No-Archive" message-add-archive-header)
["Fetch To" message-insert-to :help "Insert a To header that points to the author."]
(Fetch\ To menu-item "Fetch To" message-insert-to :help "Insert a To header that points to the author.")
["Fetch To and Cc" message-insert-wide-reply :help "Insert To and Cc headers as if you were doing a wide reply."]
(Fetch\ To\ and\ Cc menu-item "Fetch To and Cc" message-insert-wide-reply :help "Insert To and Cc headers as if you were doing a wide reply.")
["Send to list only" message-to-list-only t]
(Send\ to\ list\ only menu-item "Send to list only" message-to-list-only)
["Mail-Followup-To" message-goto-mail-followup-to t]
(Mail-Followup-To menu-item "Mail-Followup-To" message-goto-mail-followup-to)
["Unsubscribed list post" message-generate-unsubscribed-mail-followup-to :help "Insert a reasonable `Mail-Followup-To:' header."]
(Unsubscribed\ list\ post menu-item "Unsubscribed list post" message-generate-unsubscribed-mail-followup-to :help "Insert a reasonable `Mail-Followup-To:' header.")
["Reduce To: to Cc:" message-reduce-to-to-cc t]
(Reduce\ To:\ to\ Cc: menu-item "Reduce To: to Cc:" message-reduce-to-to-cc)
["Sort Headers" message-sort-headers t]
(Sort\ Headers menu-item "Sort Headers" message-sort-headers)
["Encode non-ASCII domain names" message-idna-to-ascii-rhs t]
(Encode\ non-ASCII\ domain\ names menu-item "Encode non-ASCII domain names" message-idna-to-ascii-rhs)
["Show Hidden Headers" widen t]
(Show\ Hidden\ Headers menu-item "Show Hidden Headers" widen)
["Goto Body" message-goto-body t]
(Goto\ Body menu-item "Goto Body" message-goto-body)
["Goto Signature" message-goto-signature t]
(Goto\ Signature menu-item "Goto Signature" message-goto-signature)
["Done" log-edit-done :help "Exit log-edit and proceed with the actual action."]
(Done menu-item "Done" log-edit-done :help "Exit log-edit and proceed with the actual action.")
["Insert ChangeLog" log-edit-insert-changelog :help "Insert a log message by looking at the ChangeLog"]
(Insert\ ChangeLog menu-item "Insert ChangeLog" log-edit-insert-changelog :help "Insert a log message by looking at the ChangeLog")
["Add to ChangeLog" log-edit-add-to-changelog :help "Insert this log message into the appropriate ChangeLog file"]
(Add\ to\ ChangeLog menu-item "Add to ChangeLog" log-edit-add-to-changelog :help "Insert this log message into the appropriate ChangeLog file")
["Show diff" log-edit-show-diff :help "Show the diff for the files to be committed."]
(Show\ diff menu-item "Show diff" log-edit-show-diff :help "Show the diff for the files to be committed.")
["List files" log-edit-show-files :help "Show the list of relevant files."]
(List\ files menu-item "List files" log-edit-show-files :help "Show the list of relevant files.")
["Previous comment" log-edit-previous-comment :help "Cycle backwards through comment history"]
(Previous\ comment menu-item "Previous comment" log-edit-previous-comment :help "Cycle backwards through comment history")
["Next comment" log-edit-next-comment :help "Cycle forwards through comment history."]
(Next\ comment menu-item "Next comment" log-edit-next-comment :help "Cycle forwards through comment history.")
["Search comment forward" log-edit-comment-search-forward :help "Search forwards through comment history for a substring match of str"]
(Search\ comment\ forward menu-item "Search comment forward" log-edit-comment-search-forward :help "Search forwards through comment history for a substring match of str")
["Search comment backward" log-edit-comment-search-backward :help "Search backwards through comment history for substring match of str"]
(Search\ comment\ backward menu-item "Search comment backward" log-edit-comment-search-backward :help "Search backwards through comment history for substring match of str")
["Open file" cvs-mode-find-file t]
(Open\ file menu-item "Open file" cvs-mode-find-file)
["Open in other window" cvs-mode-find-file-other-window t]
(Open\ in\ other\ window menu-item "Open in other window" cvs-mode-find-file-other-window)
["Display in other window" cvs-mode-display-file t]
(Display\ in\ other\ window menu-item "Display in other window" cvs-mode-display-file)
["Interactive merge" cvs-mode-imerge t]
(Interactive\ merge menu-item "Interactive merge" cvs-mode-imerge)
["Interactive diff" cvs-mode-idiff t]
(Interactive\ diff menu-item "Interactive diff" cvs-mode-idiff)
["Current diff" cvs-mode-diff t]
(Current\ diff menu-item "Current diff" cvs-mode-diff)
["Diff with head" cvs-mode-diff-head t]
(Diff\ with\ head menu-item "Diff with head" cvs-mode-diff-head)
["Diff with vendor" cvs-mode-diff-vendor t]
(Diff\ with\ vendor menu-item "Diff with vendor" cvs-mode-diff-vendor)
["Diff against yesterday" cvs-mode-diff-yesterday t]
(Diff\ against\ yesterday menu-item "Diff against yesterday" cvs-mode-diff-yesterday)
["Diff with backup" cvs-mode-diff-backup t]
(Diff\ with\ backup menu-item "Diff with backup" cvs-mode-diff-backup)
("View diff"
["Interactive diff" cvs-mode-idiff t]
["Current diff" cvs-mode-diff t]
["Diff with head" cvs-mode-diff-head t]
["Diff with vendor" cvs-mode-diff-vendor t]
["Diff against yesterday" cvs-mode-diff-yesterday t]
["Diff with backup" cvs-mode-diff-backup t])
(View\ diff menu-item "View diff"
(keymap "View diff"
(Interactive\ diff menu-item "Interactive diff" cvs-mode-idiff)
(Current\ diff menu-item "Current diff" cvs-mode-diff)
(Diff\ with\ head menu-item "Diff with head" cvs-mode-diff-head)
(Diff\ with\ vendor menu-item "Diff with vendor" cvs-mode-diff-vendor)
(Diff\ against\ yesterday menu-item "Diff against yesterday" cvs-mode-diff-yesterday)
(Diff\ with\ backup menu-item "Diff with backup" cvs-mode-diff-backup)))
["View log" cvs-mode-log t]
(View\ log menu-item "View log" cvs-mode-log)
["View status" cvs-mode-status t]
(View\ status menu-item "View status" cvs-mode-status)
["View tag tree" cvs-mode-tree t]
(View\ tag\ tree menu-item "View tag tree" cvs-mode-tree)
["Insert" cvs-mode-insert]
(Insert menu-item "Insert" cvs-mode-insert)
["Update" cvs-mode-update
(cvs-enabledp 'update)]
(Update menu-item "Update" cvs-mode-update :enable
(cvs-enabledp 'update))
["Re-examine" cvs-mode-examine t]
(Re-examine menu-item "Re-examine" cvs-mode-examine)
["Commit" cvs-mode-commit-setup
(cvs-enabledp 'commit)]
(Commit menu-item "Commit" cvs-mode-commit-setup :enable
(cvs-enabledp 'commit))
["Tag" cvs-mode-tag
(when cvs-force-dir-tag 'tag))]
(Tag menu-item "Tag" cvs-mode-tag :enable
(when cvs-force-dir-tag 'tag)))
["Undo changes" cvs-mode-undo
(cvs-enabledp 'undo)]
(Undo\ changes menu-item "Undo changes" cvs-mode-undo :enable
(cvs-enabledp 'undo))
["Add" cvs-mode-add
(cvs-enabledp 'add)]
(Add menu-item "Add" cvs-mode-add :enable
(cvs-enabledp 'add))
["Remove" cvs-mode-remove
(cvs-enabledp 'remove)]
(Remove menu-item "Remove" cvs-mode-remove :enable
(cvs-enabledp 'remove))
["Ignore" cvs-mode-ignore
(cvs-enabledp 'ignore)]
(Ignore menu-item "Ignore" cvs-mode-ignore :enable
(cvs-enabledp 'ignore))
["Add ChangeLog" cvs-mode-add-change-log-entry-other-window t]
(Add\ ChangeLog menu-item "Add ChangeLog" cvs-mode-add-change-log-entry-other-window)
["Mark" cvs-mode-mark t]
(Mark menu-item "Mark" cvs-mode-mark)
["Mark all" cvs-mode-mark-all-files t]
(Mark\ all menu-item "Mark all" cvs-mode-mark-all-files)
["Mark by regexp..." cvs-mode-mark-matching-files t]
(Mark\ by\ regexp\.\.\. menu-item "Mark by regexp..." cvs-mode-mark-matching-files)
["Mark by state..." cvs-mode-mark-on-state t]
(Mark\ by\ state\.\.\. menu-item "Mark by state..." cvs-mode-mark-on-state)
["Unmark" cvs-mode-unmark t]
(Unmark menu-item "Unmark" cvs-mode-unmark)
["Unmark all" cvs-mode-unmark-all-files t]
(Unmark\ all menu-item "Unmark all" cvs-mode-unmark-all-files)
["Hide handled" cvs-mode-remove-handled t]
(Hide\ handled menu-item "Hide handled" cvs-mode-remove-handled)
["PCL-CVS Manual"
(lambda nil
(info "(pcl-cvs)Top"))
(PCL-CVS\ Manual menu-item "PCL-CVS Manual" menu-function-190 :key-sequence nil)
["Quit" cvs-mode-quit t]
(Quit menu-item "Quit" cvs-mode-quit)
["Next" smerge-next :help "Go to next conflict"]
(Next menu-item "Next" smerge-next :help "Go to next conflict")
["Previous" smerge-prev :help "Go to previous conflict"]
(Previous menu-item "Previous" smerge-prev :help "Go to previous conflict")
["Keep All" smerge-keep-all :help "Keep all three versions" :active
(smerge-check 1)]
(Keep\ All menu-item "Keep All" smerge-keep-all :enable
(smerge-check 1)
:help "Keep all three versions")
["Keep Current" smerge-keep-current :help "Use current (at point) version" :active
(smerge-check 1)
(Keep\ Current menu-item "Keep Current" smerge-keep-current :enable
(smerge-check 1)
:help "Use current (at point) version")
["Revert to Base" smerge-keep-base :help "Revert to base version" :active
(smerge-check 2)]
(Revert\ to\ Base menu-item "Revert to Base" smerge-keep-base :enable
(smerge-check 2)
:help "Revert to base version")
["Keep Other" smerge-keep-other :help "Keep `other' version" :active
(smerge-check 3)]
(Keep\ Other menu-item "Keep Other" smerge-keep-other :enable
(smerge-check 3)
:help "Keep `other' version")
["Keep Yours" smerge-keep-mine :help "Keep your version" :active
(smerge-check 1)]
(Keep\ Yours menu-item "Keep Yours" smerge-keep-mine :enable
(smerge-check 1)
:help "Keep your version")
["Diff Base/Mine" smerge-diff-base-mine :help "Diff `base' and `mine' for current conflict" :active
(smerge-check 2)]
(Diff\ Base/Mine menu-item "Diff Base/Mine" smerge-diff-base-mine :enable
(smerge-check 2)
:help "Diff `base' and `mine' for current conflict")
["Diff Base/Other" smerge-diff-base-other :help "Diff `base' and `other' for current conflict" :active
(smerge-check 2)]
(Diff\ Base/Other menu-item "Diff Base/Other" smerge-diff-base-other :enable
(smerge-check 2)
:help "Diff `base' and `other' for current conflict")
["Diff Mine/Other" smerge-diff-mine-other :help "Diff `mine' and `other' for current conflict" :active
(smerge-check 1)]
(Diff\ Mine/Other menu-item "Diff Mine/Other" smerge-diff-mine-other :enable
(smerge-check 1)
:help "Diff `mine' and `other' for current conflict")
["Invoke Ediff" smerge-ediff :help "Use Ediff to resolve the conflicts" :active
(smerge-check 1)]
(Invoke\ Ediff menu-item "Invoke Ediff" smerge-ediff :enable
(smerge-check 1)
:help "Use Ediff to resolve the conflicts")
["Auto Resolve" smerge-resolve :help "Try auto-resolution heuristics" :active
(smerge-check 1)]
(Auto\ Resolve menu-item "Auto Resolve" smerge-resolve :enable
(smerge-check 1)
:help "Try auto-resolution heuristics")
["Combine" smerge-combine-with-next :help "Combine current conflict with next" :active
(smerge-check 1)]
(Combine menu-item "Combine" smerge-combine-with-next :enable
(smerge-check 1)
:help "Combine current conflict with next")
["Keep Current" smerge-keep-current :help "Use current (at point) version"]
(Keep\ Current menu-item "Keep Current" smerge-keep-current :help "Use current (at point) version")
["Kill Current" smerge-kill-current :help "Remove current (at point) version"]
(Kill\ Current menu-item "Kill Current" smerge-kill-current :help "Remove current (at point) version")
["Keep All" smerge-keep-all :help "Keep all three versions"]
(Keep\ All menu-item "Keep All" smerge-keep-all :help "Keep all three versions")
(popup-menu smerge-mode-menu)
:help "Show full SMerge mode menu"]
(More\.\.\. menu-item "More..." menu-function-191 :key-sequence nil :help "Show full SMerge mode menu")
["New game" 5x5-new-game t]
(New\ game menu-item "New game" 5x5-new-game)
["Random game" 5x5-randomize t]
(Random\ game menu-item "Random game" 5x5-randomize)
["Quit game" 5x5-quit-game t]
(Quit\ game menu-item "Quit game" 5x5-quit-game)
["Use Calc solver" 5x5-solve-suggest t]
(Use\ Calc\ solver menu-item "Use Calc solver" 5x5-solve-suggest)
["Rotate left list of Calc solutions" 5x5-solve-rotate-left t]
(Rotate\ left\ list\ of\ Calc\ solutions menu-item "Rotate left list of Calc solutions" 5x5-solve-rotate-left)
["Rotate right list of Calc solutions" 5x5-solve-rotate-right t]
(Rotate\ right\ list\ of\ Calc\ solutions menu-item "Rotate right list of Calc solutions" 5x5-solve-rotate-right)
["Crack randomly" 5x5-crack-randomly t]
(Crack\ randomly menu-item "Crack randomly" 5x5-crack-randomly)
["Crack mutating current" 5x5-crack-mutating-current t]
(Crack\ mutating\ current menu-item "Crack mutating current" 5x5-crack-mutating-current)
["Crack mutating best" 5x5-crack-mutating-best t]
(Crack\ mutating\ best menu-item "Crack mutating best" 5x5-crack-mutating-best)
["Crack with xor mutate" 5x5-crack-xor-mutate t]
(Crack\ with\ xor\ mutate menu-item "Crack with xor mutate" 5x5-crack-xor-mutate)
(info "(emacs)Fortran")
:active t :help "Read the Emacs manual chapter on Fortran mode"]
(Manual menu-item "Manual" menu-function-192 :key-sequence nil :help "Read the Emacs manual chapter on Fortran mode")
(customize-group 'fortran)
(Fortran\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran..." menu-function-193 :key-sequence nil)
("Fortran Indent" :filter
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'fortran-indent)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
(Fortran\ Indent menu-item "Fortran Indent" nil :filter
#[257 "\302\301!\300\"\207"
["Fortran Indent"
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'fortran-indent)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
4 "\n\n(fn MENU)"])
("Fortran Comment" :filter
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'fortran-comment)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
(Fortran\ Comment menu-item "Fortran Comment" nil :filter
#[257 "\302\301!\300\"\207"
["Fortran Comment"
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'fortran-comment)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
4 "\n\n(fn MENU)"])
["Fortran Check All Num For Matching Do..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-check-all-num-for-matching-do)
:style toggle :selected fortran-check-all-num-for-matching-do]
(Fortran\ Check\ All\ Num\ For\ Matching\ Do\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Check All Num For Matching Do..." menu-function-196 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . fortran-check-all-num-for-matching-do))
["Fortran Blink Matching If..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-blink-matching-if)
:style toggle :selected fortran-blink-matching-if]
(Fortran\ Blink\ Matching\ If\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Blink Matching If..." menu-function-197 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . fortran-blink-matching-if))
["Fortran Continuation String..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-continuation-string)
(Fortran\ Continuation\ String\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Continuation String..." menu-function-198 :key-sequence nil)
["Fortran Electric Line Number..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-electric-line-number)
:style toggle :selected fortran-electric-line-number]
(Fortran\ Electric\ Line\ Number\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Electric Line Number..." menu-function-199 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . fortran-electric-line-number))
["Fortran Column Ruler Fixed..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-column-ruler-fixed)
(Fortran\ Column\ Ruler\ Fixed\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Column Ruler Fixed..." menu-function-200 :key-sequence nil)
["Fortran Column Ruler Tab..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-column-ruler-tab)
(Fortran\ Column\ Ruler\ Tab\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Column Ruler Tab..." menu-function-201 :key-sequence nil)
["Fortran Analyze Depth..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-analyze-depth)
(Fortran\ Analyze\ Depth\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Analyze Depth..." menu-function-202 :key-sequence nil)
["Fortran Break Before Delimiters..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-break-before-delimiters)
:style toggle :selected fortran-break-before-delimiters]
(Fortran\ Break\ Before\ Delimiters\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Break Before Delimiters..." menu-function-203 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . fortran-break-before-delimiters))
["Fortran Line Length..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-line-length)
(Fortran\ Line\ Length\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Line Length..." menu-function-204 :key-sequence nil)
["Fortran Mode Hook..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-mode-hook)
(Fortran\ Mode\ Hook\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Mode Hook..." menu-function-205 :key-sequence nil)
(customize-group 'fortran)
("Fortran Indent" :filter
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'fortran-indent)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
("Fortran Comment" :filter
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'fortran-comment)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
["Fortran Check All Num For Matching Do..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-check-all-num-for-matching-do)
:style toggle :selected fortran-check-all-num-for-matching-do]
["Fortran Blink Matching If..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-blink-matching-if)
:style toggle :selected fortran-blink-matching-if]
["Fortran Continuation String..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-continuation-string)
["Fortran Electric Line Number..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-electric-line-number)
:style toggle :selected fortran-electric-line-number]
["Fortran Column Ruler Fixed..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-column-ruler-fixed)
["Fortran Column Ruler Tab..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-column-ruler-tab)
["Fortran Analyze Depth..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-analyze-depth)
["Fortran Break Before Delimiters..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-break-before-delimiters)
:style toggle :selected fortran-break-before-delimiters]
["Fortran Line Length..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-line-length)
["Fortran Mode Hook..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-mode-hook)
(Fortran menu-item "Fortran"
(keymap "Fortran"
(Fortran\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran..." menu-function-193 :key-sequence nil)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Fortran\ Indent menu-item "Fortran Indent" nil :filter
#[257 "\302\301!\300\"\207"
["Fortran Indent"
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'fortran-indent)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
4 "\n\n(fn MENU)"])
(Fortran\ Comment menu-item "Fortran Comment" nil :filter
#[257 "\302\301!\300\"\207"
["Fortran Comment"
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'fortran-comment)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
4 "\n\n(fn MENU)"])
(Fortran\ Check\ All\ Num\ For\ Matching\ Do\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Check All Num For Matching Do..." menu-function-196 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . fortran-check-all-num-for-matching-do))
(Fortran\ Blink\ Matching\ If\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Blink Matching If..." menu-function-197 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . fortran-blink-matching-if))
(Fortran\ Continuation\ String\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Continuation String..." menu-function-198 :key-sequence nil)
(Fortran\ Electric\ Line\ Number\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Electric Line Number..." menu-function-199 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . fortran-electric-line-number))
(Fortran\ Column\ Ruler\ Fixed\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Column Ruler Fixed..." menu-function-200 :key-sequence nil)
(Fortran\ Column\ Ruler\ Tab\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Column Ruler Tab..." menu-function-201 :key-sequence nil)
(Fortran\ Analyze\ Depth\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Analyze Depth..." menu-function-202 :key-sequence nil)
(Fortran\ Break\ Before\ Delimiters\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Break Before Delimiters..." menu-function-203 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . fortran-break-before-delimiters))
(Fortran\ Line\ Length\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Line Length..." menu-function-204 :key-sequence nil)
(Fortran\ Mode\ Hook\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Mode Hook..." menu-function-205 :key-sequence nil)))
["Set" Custom-set :active t :help "Set current value of all edited settings in the buffer"]
(Set menu-item "Set" Custom-set :help "Set current value of all edited settings in the buffer")
["Save" Custom-save :active t :help "Set and save all edited settings"]
(Save menu-item "Save" Custom-save :help "Set and save all edited settings")
["Reset to Current" Custom-reset-current :active t :help "Reset all edited settings to current"]
(Reset\ to\ Current menu-item "Reset to Current" Custom-reset-current :help "Reset all edited settings to current")
["Reset to Saved" Custom-reset-saved :active t :help "Reset all edited or set settings to saved"]
(Reset\ to\ Saved menu-item "Reset to Saved" Custom-reset-saved :help "Reset all edited or set settings to saved")
["Reset to Standard Settings" Custom-reset-standard :active t :help "Erase all customizations in buffer"]
(Reset\ to\ Standard\ Settings menu-item "Reset to Standard Settings" Custom-reset-standard :help "Erase all customizations in buffer")
(customize-group 'fortran)
("Fortran Indent" :filter
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'fortran-indent)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
("Fortran Comment" :filter
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'fortran-comment)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
["Fortran Check All Num For Matching Do..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-check-all-num-for-matching-do)
:style toggle :selected fortran-check-all-num-for-matching-do]
["Fortran Blink Matching If..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-blink-matching-if)
:style toggle :selected fortran-blink-matching-if]
["Fortran Continuation String..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-continuation-string)
["Fortran Electric Line Number..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-electric-line-number)
:style toggle :selected fortran-electric-line-number]
["Fortran Column Ruler Fixed..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-column-ruler-fixed)
["Fortran Column Ruler Tab..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-column-ruler-tab)
["Fortran Analyze Depth..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-analyze-depth)
["Fortran Break Before Delimiters..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-break-before-delimiters)
:style toggle :selected fortran-break-before-delimiters]
["Fortran Line Length..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-line-length)
["Fortran Mode Hook..."
(customize-variable 'fortran-mode-hook)
["Set" Custom-set :active t :help "Set current value of all edited settings in the buffer"]
["Save" Custom-save :active t :help "Set and save all edited settings"]
["Reset to Current" Custom-reset-current :active t :help "Reset all edited settings to current"]
["Reset to Saved" Custom-reset-saved :active t :help "Reset all edited or set settings to saved"]
["Reset to Standard Settings" Custom-reset-standard :active t :help "Erase all customizations in buffer"])
(Customization menu-item "Customization"
(keymap "Customization"
(Fortran menu-item "Fortran"
(keymap "Fortran"
(Fortran\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran..." menu-function-193 :key-sequence nil)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Fortran\ Indent menu-item "Fortran Indent" nil :filter
#[257 "\302\301!\300\"\207"
["Fortran Indent"
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'fortran-indent)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
4 "\n\n(fn MENU)"])
(Fortran\ Comment menu-item "Fortran Comment" nil :filter
#[257 "\302\301!\300\"\207"
["Fortran Comment"
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'fortran-comment)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
4 "\n\n(fn MENU)"])
(Fortran\ Check\ All\ Num\ For\ Matching\ Do\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Check All Num For Matching Do..." menu-function-196 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . fortran-check-all-num-for-matching-do))
(Fortran\ Blink\ Matching\ If\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Blink Matching If..." menu-function-197 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . fortran-blink-matching-if))
(Fortran\ Continuation\ String\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Continuation String..." menu-function-198 :key-sequence nil)
(Fortran\ Electric\ Line\ Number\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Electric Line Number..." menu-function-199 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . fortran-electric-line-number))
(Fortran\ Column\ Ruler\ Fixed\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Column Ruler Fixed..." menu-function-200 :key-sequence nil)
(Fortran\ Column\ Ruler\ Tab\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Column Ruler Tab..." menu-function-201 :key-sequence nil)
(Fortran\ Analyze\ Depth\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Analyze Depth..." menu-function-202 :key-sequence nil)
(Fortran\ Break\ Before\ Delimiters\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Break Before Delimiters..." menu-function-203 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . fortran-break-before-delimiters))
(Fortran\ Line\ Length\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Line Length..." menu-function-204 :key-sequence nil)
(Fortran\ Mode\ Hook\.\.\. menu-item "Fortran Mode Hook..." menu-function-205 :key-sequence nil)))
(Set menu-item "Set" Custom-set :help "Set current value of all edited settings in the buffer")
(Save menu-item "Save" Custom-save :help "Set and save all edited settings")
(Reset\ to\ Current menu-item "Reset to Current" Custom-reset-current :help "Reset all edited settings to current")
(Reset\ to\ Saved menu-item "Reset to Saved" Custom-reset-saved :help "Reset all edited or set settings to saved")
(Reset\ to\ Standard\ Settings menu-item "Reset to Standard Settings" Custom-reset-standard :help "Erase all customizations in buffer")))
["Comment Region" fortran-comment-region mark-active]
(Comment\ Region menu-item "Comment Region" fortran-comment-region :enable mark-active)
["Uncomment Region"
(Uncomment\ Region menu-item "Uncomment Region" menu-function-206 :key-sequence nil :enable mark-active)
["Indent Region" indent-region mark-active]
(Indent\ Region menu-item "Indent Region" indent-region :enable mark-active)
["Indent Subprogram" fortran-indent-subprogram t]
(Indent\ Subprogram menu-item "Indent Subprogram" fortran-indent-subprogram)
["Beginning of Subprogram" fortran-beginning-of-subprogram :active t :help "Move point to the start of the current subprogram"]
(Beginning\ of\ Subprogram menu-item "Beginning of Subprogram" fortran-beginning-of-subprogram :help "Move point to the start of the current subprogram")
["End of Subprogram" fortran-end-of-subprogram :active t :help "Move point to the end of the current subprogram"]
(End\ of\ Subprogram menu-item "End of Subprogram" fortran-end-of-subprogram :help "Move point to the end of the current subprogram")
["Subprogram" mark-defun t]
(Subprogram menu-item "Subprogram" mark-defun)
["IF Block" fortran-mark-if t]
(IF\ Block menu-item "IF Block" fortran-mark-if)
["DO Block" fortran-mark-do t]
(DO\ Block menu-item "DO Block" fortran-mark-do)
("Mark" :help "Mark a region of code"
["Subprogram" mark-defun t]
["IF Block" fortran-mark-if t]
["DO Block" fortran-mark-do t])
(Mark menu-item "Mark"
(keymap "Mark"
(Subprogram menu-item "Subprogram" mark-defun)
(IF\ Block menu-item "IF Block" fortran-mark-if)
(DO\ Block menu-item "DO Block" fortran-mark-do))
:help "Mark a region of code")
["Narrow to Subprogram" narrow-to-defun t]
(Narrow\ to\ Subprogram menu-item "Narrow to Subprogram" narrow-to-defun)
["Widen" widen t]
(Widen menu-item "Widen" widen)
["Temporary Column Ruler" fortran-column-ruler :active t :help "Briefly display Fortran column numbers"]
(Temporary\ Column\ Ruler menu-item "Temporary Column Ruler" fortran-column-ruler :help "Briefly display Fortran column numbers")
["72-column Window" fortran-window-create :active t :help "Set window width to Fortran line length"]
(72-column\ Window menu-item "72-column Window" fortran-window-create :help "Set window width to Fortran line length")
["Full Width Window"
:help "Make window full width"]
(Full\ Width\ Window menu-item "Full Width Window" menu-function-208 :key-sequence nil :enable
:help "Make window full width")
["Momentary 72-Column Window" fortran-window-create-momentarily :active t :help "Briefly set window width to Fortran line length"]
(Momentary\ 72-Column\ Window menu-item "Momentary 72-Column Window" fortran-window-create-momentarily :help "Briefly set window width to Fortran line length")
["Break Line at Point" fortran-split-line :active t :help "Break the current line at point"]
(Break\ Line\ at\ Point menu-item "Break Line at Point" fortran-split-line :help "Break the current line at point")
["Join Line" fortran-join-line :active t :help "Join the current line to the previous one"]
(Join\ Line menu-item "Join Line" fortran-join-line :help "Join the current line to the previous one")
["Fill Statement/Comment" fill-paragraph t]
(Fill\ Statement/Comment menu-item "Fill Statement/Comment" fill-paragraph)
["Toggle Auto Fill" auto-fill-mode :selected auto-fill-function :style toggle :help "Automatically fill text while typing in this buffer"]
(Toggle\ Auto\ Fill menu-item "Toggle Auto Fill" auto-fill-mode :button
(:toggle . auto-fill-function)
:help "Automatically fill text while typing in this buffer")
["Toggle Abbrev Mode" abbrev-mode :selected abbrev-mode :style toggle :help "Expand abbreviations while typing in this buffer"]
(Toggle\ Abbrev\ Mode menu-item "Toggle Abbrev Mode" abbrev-mode :button
(:toggle . abbrev-mode)
:help "Expand abbreviations while typing in this buffer")
["Add Imenu Menu" imenu-add-menubar-index :active
[menu-bar index]))
(fboundp 'imenu-add-to-menubar)
:help "Add an index menu to the menu-bar"]
(Add\ Imenu\ Menu menu-item "Add Imenu Menu" imenu-add-menubar-index :enable
[menu-bar index]))
(fboundp 'imenu-add-to-menubar)
:help "Add an index menu to the menu-bar")
["Scroll forward" calendar-scroll-left-three-months]
(Scroll\ forward menu-item "Scroll forward" calendar-scroll-left-three-months)
["Scroll backward" calendar-scroll-right-three-months]
(Scroll\ backward menu-item "Scroll backward" calendar-scroll-right-three-months)
["Mark diary entries" diary-mark-entries]
(Mark\ diary\ entries menu-item "Mark diary entries" diary-mark-entries)
["List holidays" calendar-list-holidays]
(List\ holidays menu-item "List holidays" calendar-list-holidays)
["Mark holidays" calendar-mark-holidays]
(Mark\ holidays menu-item "Mark holidays" calendar-mark-holidays)
["Unmark" calendar-unmark]
(Unmark menu-item "Unmark" calendar-unmark)
["Lunar phases" calendar-lunar-phases]
(Lunar\ phases menu-item "Lunar phases" calendar-lunar-phases)
["Sunrise times for month" calendar-sunrise-sunset-month]
(Sunrise\ times\ for\ month menu-item "Sunrise times for month" calendar-sunrise-sunset-month)
["Show diary" diary-show-all-entries]
(Show\ diary menu-item "Show diary" diary-show-all-entries)
["Exit calendar" calendar-exit]
(Exit\ calendar menu-item "Exit calendar" calendar-exit)
["Lunar Phases" calendar-lunar-phases]
(Lunar\ Phases menu-item "Lunar Phases" calendar-lunar-phases)
["Sunrise/sunset for cursor date" calendar-sunrise-sunset]
(Sunrise/sunset\ for\ cursor\ date menu-item "Sunrise/sunset for cursor date" calendar-sunrise-sunset)
["Sunrise/sunset for cursor month" calendar-sunrise-sunset-month]
(Sunrise/sunset\ for\ cursor\ month menu-item "Sunrise/sunset for cursor month" calendar-sunrise-sunset-month)
["Other File" diary-view-other-diary-entries]
(Other\ File menu-item "Other File" diary-view-other-diary-entries)
["Cursor Date" diary-view-entries]
(Cursor\ Date menu-item "Cursor Date" diary-view-entries)
["Mark All" diary-mark-entries]
(Mark\ All menu-item "Mark All" diary-mark-entries)
["Show All" diary-show-all-entries]
(Show\ All menu-item "Show All" diary-show-all-entries)
["Insert Diary Entry" diary-insert-entry]
(Insert\ Diary\ Entry menu-item "Insert Diary Entry" diary-insert-entry)
["Insert Weekly" diary-insert-weekly-entry]
(Insert\ Weekly menu-item "Insert Weekly" diary-insert-weekly-entry)
["Insert Monthly" diary-insert-monthly-entry]
(Insert\ Monthly menu-item "Insert Monthly" diary-insert-monthly-entry)
["Insert Yearly" diary-insert-yearly-entry]
(Insert\ Yearly menu-item "Insert Yearly" diary-insert-yearly-entry)
["Insert Anniversary" diary-insert-anniversary-entry]
(Insert\ Anniversary menu-item "Insert Anniversary" diary-insert-anniversary-entry)
["Insert Block" diary-insert-block-entry]
(Insert\ Block menu-item "Insert Block" diary-insert-block-entry)
["Insert Cyclic" diary-insert-cyclic-entry]
(Insert\ Cyclic menu-item "Insert Cyclic" diary-insert-cyclic-entry)
["One time" diary-bahai-insert-entry]
(One\ time menu-item "One time" diary-bahai-insert-entry)
["Monthly" diary-bahai-insert-monthly-entry]
(Monthly menu-item "Monthly" diary-bahai-insert-monthly-entry)
["Yearly" diary-bahai-insert-yearly-entry]
(Yearly menu-item "Yearly" diary-bahai-insert-yearly-entry)
("Insert Bahá'Ã"
["One time" diary-bahai-insert-entry]
["Monthly" diary-bahai-insert-monthly-entry]
["Yearly" diary-bahai-insert-yearly-entry])
(Insert\ Bahá\'à menu-item "Insert Bahá'Ã"
(keymap "Insert Bahá'Ã"
(One\ time menu-item "One time" diary-bahai-insert-entry)
(Monthly menu-item "Monthly" diary-bahai-insert-monthly-entry)
(Yearly menu-item "Yearly" diary-bahai-insert-yearly-entry)))
["One time" diary-chinese-insert-entry]
(One\ time menu-item "One time" diary-chinese-insert-entry)
["Monthly" diary-chinese-insert-monthly-entry]
(Monthly menu-item "Monthly" diary-chinese-insert-monthly-entry)
["Yearly" diary-chinese-insert-yearly-entry]
(Yearly menu-item "Yearly" diary-chinese-insert-yearly-entry)
["Anniversary" diary-chinese-insert-anniversary-entry]
(Anniversary menu-item "Anniversary" diary-chinese-insert-anniversary-entry)
("Insert Chinese"
["One time" diary-chinese-insert-entry]
["Monthly" diary-chinese-insert-monthly-entry]
["Yearly" diary-chinese-insert-yearly-entry]
["Anniversary" diary-chinese-insert-anniversary-entry])
(Insert\ Chinese menu-item "Insert Chinese"
(keymap "Insert Chinese"
(One\ time menu-item "One time" diary-chinese-insert-entry)
(Monthly menu-item "Monthly" diary-chinese-insert-monthly-entry)
(Yearly menu-item "Yearly" diary-chinese-insert-yearly-entry)
(Anniversary menu-item "Anniversary" diary-chinese-insert-anniversary-entry)))
["One time" diary-islamic-insert-entry]
(One\ time menu-item "One time" diary-islamic-insert-entry)
["Monthly" diary-islamic-insert-monthly-entry]
(Monthly menu-item "Monthly" diary-islamic-insert-monthly-entry)
["Yearly" diary-islamic-insert-yearly-entry]
(Yearly menu-item "Yearly" diary-islamic-insert-yearly-entry)
("Insert Islamic"
["One time" diary-islamic-insert-entry]
["Monthly" diary-islamic-insert-monthly-entry]
["Yearly" diary-islamic-insert-yearly-entry])
(Insert\ Islamic menu-item "Insert Islamic"
(keymap "Insert Islamic"
(One\ time menu-item "One time" diary-islamic-insert-entry)
(Monthly menu-item "Monthly" diary-islamic-insert-monthly-entry)
(Yearly menu-item "Yearly" diary-islamic-insert-yearly-entry)))
["One time" diary-hebrew-insert-entry]
(One\ time menu-item "One time" diary-hebrew-insert-entry)
["Monthly" diary-hebrew-insert-monthly-entry]
(Monthly menu-item "Monthly" diary-hebrew-insert-monthly-entry)
["Yearly" diary-hebrew-insert-yearly-entry]
(Yearly menu-item "Yearly" diary-hebrew-insert-yearly-entry)
("Insert Hebrew"
["One time" diary-hebrew-insert-entry]
["Monthly" diary-hebrew-insert-monthly-entry]
["Yearly" diary-hebrew-insert-yearly-entry])
(Insert\ Hebrew menu-item "Insert Hebrew"
(keymap "Insert Hebrew"
(One\ time menu-item "One time" diary-hebrew-insert-entry)
(Monthly menu-item "Monthly" diary-hebrew-insert-monthly-entry)
(Yearly menu-item "Yearly" diary-hebrew-insert-yearly-entry)))
["For Cursor Date -" calendar-cursor-holidays :suffix
t t)
(For\ Cursor\ Date\ - menu-item
(concat "For Cursor Date - "
t t))
calendar-cursor-holidays :visible
["For Window -" calendar-list-holidays :suffix
(For\ Window\ - menu-item
(concat "For Window - "
["For Today -"
t t)]
(For\ Today\ - menu-item
(concat "For Today - "
t t))
menu-function-210 :key-sequence nil)
(lambda nil
(+ displayed-year -5)))
(format "For Year %d"
(+ displayed-year -5))]
(hol-year-0 menu-item
(format "For Year %d"
(+ displayed-year -5))
menu-function-211 :key-sequence nil)
(lambda nil
(+ displayed-year -4)))
(format "For Year %d"
(+ displayed-year -4))]
(hol-year-1 menu-item
(format "For Year %d"
(+ displayed-year -4))
menu-function-212 :key-sequence nil)
(lambda nil
(+ displayed-year -3)))
(format "For Year %d"
(+ displayed-year -3))]
(hol-year-2 menu-item
(format "For Year %d"
(+ displayed-year -3))
menu-function-213 :key-sequence nil)
(lambda nil
(+ displayed-year -2)))
(format "For Year %d"
(+ displayed-year -2))]
(hol-year-3 menu-item
(format "For Year %d"
(+ displayed-year -2))
menu-function-214 :key-sequence nil)
(lambda nil
(+ displayed-year -1)))
(format "For Year %d"
(+ displayed-year -1))]
(hol-year-4 menu-item
(format "For Year %d"
(+ displayed-year -1))
menu-function-215 :key-sequence nil)
(lambda nil
(+ displayed-year 0)))
(format "For Year %d"
(+ displayed-year 0))]
(hol-year-5 menu-item
(format "For Year %d"
(+ displayed-year 0))
menu-function-216 :key-sequence nil)
(lambda nil
(+ displayed-year 1)))
(format "For Year %d"
(+ displayed-year 1))]
(hol-year-6 menu-item
(format "For Year %d"
(+ displayed-year 1))
menu-function-217 :key-sequence nil)
(lambda nil
(+ displayed-year 2)))
(format "For Year %d"
(+ displayed-year 2))]
(hol-year-7 menu-item
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["Previous Round" calendar-mayan-previous-round-date])
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["Literal Links" org-toggle-link-display :style radio :selected
(not org-descriptive-links)]
(Literal\ Links menu-item "Literal Links" org-toggle-link-display :button
(:radio not org-descriptive-links))
["Store Link (Global)" org-store-link t]
["Find existing link to here" org-occur-link-in-agenda-files t]
["Insert Link" org-insert-link t]
["Follow Link" org-open-at-point t]
["Next link" org-next-link t]
["Previous link" org-previous-link t]
["Descriptive Links" org-toggle-link-display :style radio :selected org-descriptive-links]
["Literal Links" org-toggle-link-display :style radio :selected
(not org-descriptive-links)])
(Hyperlinks menu-item "Hyperlinks"
(keymap "Hyperlinks"
(Store\ Link\ \(Global\) menu-item "Store Link (Global)" org-store-link)
(Find\ existing\ link\ to\ here menu-item "Find existing link to here" org-occur-link-in-agenda-files)
(Insert\ Link menu-item "Insert Link" org-insert-link)
(Follow\ Link menu-item "Follow Link" org-open-at-point)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Next\ link menu-item "Next link" org-next-link)
(Previous\ link menu-item "Previous link" org-previous-link)
(nil-7-7 menu-item "--")
(Descriptive\ Links menu-item "Descriptive Links" org-toggle-link-display :button
(:radio . org-descriptive-links))
(Literal\ Links menu-item "Literal Links" org-toggle-link-display :button
(:radio not org-descriptive-links))))
["TODO/DONE/-" org-todo t]
(TODO/DONE/- menu-item "TODO/DONE/-" org-todo)
["Next keyword" org-shiftright
(Next\ keyword menu-item "Next keyword" org-shiftright :enable
["Previous keyword" org-shiftleft
(Previous\ keyword menu-item "Previous keyword" org-shiftleft :enable
["Complete Keyword" pcomplete
(assq :todo-keyword
(Complete\ Keyword menu-item "Complete Keyword" pcomplete :enable
(assq :todo-keyword
["Next keyword set" org-shiftcontrolright
(length org-todo-sets)
(Next\ keyword\ set menu-item "Next keyword set" org-shiftcontrolright :enable
(length org-todo-sets)
["Previous keyword set" org-shiftcontrolright
(length org-todo-sets)
(Previous\ keyword\ set menu-item "Previous keyword set" org-shiftcontrolright :enable
(length org-todo-sets)
("Select keyword"
["Next keyword" org-shiftright
["Previous keyword" org-shiftleft
["Complete Keyword" pcomplete
(assq :todo-keyword
["Next keyword set" org-shiftcontrolright
(length org-todo-sets)
["Previous keyword set" org-shiftcontrolright
(length org-todo-sets)
(Select\ keyword menu-item "Select keyword"
(keymap "Select keyword"
(Next\ keyword menu-item "Next keyword" org-shiftright :enable
(Previous\ keyword menu-item "Previous keyword" org-shiftleft :enable
(Complete\ Keyword menu-item "Complete Keyword" pcomplete :enable
(assq :todo-keyword
(Next\ keyword\ set menu-item "Next keyword set" org-shiftcontrolright :enable
(length org-todo-sets)
(Previous\ keyword\ set menu-item "Previous keyword set" org-shiftcontrolright :enable
(length org-todo-sets)
["Show TODO Tree" org-show-todo-tree :active t :keys "C-c / t"]
(Show\ TODO\ Tree menu-item "Show TODO Tree" org-show-todo-tree :keys "C-c / t")
["Global TODO list" org-todo-list :active t :keys "C-c a t"]
(Global\ TODO\ list menu-item "Global TODO list" org-todo-list :keys "C-c a t")
["Enforce dependencies"
(customize-variable 'org-enforce-todo-dependencies)
:selected org-enforce-todo-dependencies :style toggle :active t]
(Enforce\ dependencies menu-item "Enforce dependencies" menu-function-258 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . org-enforce-todo-dependencies))
"Settings for tree at point"
(nil menu-item "Settings for tree at point")
["Do Children sequentially" org-toggle-ordered-property :style radio :selected
(org-entry-get nil "ORDERED")
:active org-enforce-todo-dependencies :keys "C-c C-x o"]
(Do\ Children\ sequentially menu-item "Do Children sequentially" org-toggle-ordered-property :enable org-enforce-todo-dependencies :keys "C-c C-x o" :button
(:radio org-entry-get nil "ORDERED"))
["Do Children parallel" org-toggle-ordered-property :style radio :selected
(org-entry-get nil "ORDERED"))
:active org-enforce-todo-dependencies :keys "C-c C-x o"]
(Do\ Children\ parallel menu-item "Do Children parallel" org-toggle-ordered-property :enable org-enforce-todo-dependencies :keys "C-c C-x o" :button
(:radio not
(org-entry-get nil "ORDERED")))
["Set Priority" org-priority t]
(Set\ Priority menu-item "Set Priority" org-priority)
["Priority Up" org-shiftup t]
(Priority\ Up menu-item "Priority Up" org-shiftup)
["Priority Down" org-shiftdown t]
(Priority\ Down menu-item "Priority Down" org-shiftdown)
["Get news from all feeds" org-feed-update-all t]
(Get\ news\ from\ all\ feeds menu-item "Get news from all feeds" org-feed-update-all)
["Go to the inbox of a feed..." org-feed-goto-inbox t]
(Go\ to\ the\ inbox\ of\ a\ feed\.\.\. menu-item "Go to the inbox of a feed..." org-feed-goto-inbox)
["Customize feeds"
(customize-variable 'org-feed-alist)
(Customize\ feeds menu-item "Customize feeds" menu-function-259 :key-sequence nil)
("TODO Lists"
["TODO/DONE/-" org-todo t]
("Select keyword"
["Next keyword" org-shiftright
["Previous keyword" org-shiftleft
["Complete Keyword" pcomplete
(assq :todo-keyword
["Next keyword set" org-shiftcontrolright
(length org-todo-sets)
["Previous keyword set" org-shiftcontrolright
(length org-todo-sets)
["Show TODO Tree" org-show-todo-tree :active t :keys "C-c / t"]
["Global TODO list" org-todo-list :active t :keys "C-c a t"]
["Enforce dependencies"
(customize-variable 'org-enforce-todo-dependencies)
:selected org-enforce-todo-dependencies :style toggle :active t]
"Settings for tree at point"
["Do Children sequentially" org-toggle-ordered-property :style radio :selected
(org-entry-get nil "ORDERED")
:active org-enforce-todo-dependencies :keys "C-c C-x o"]
["Do Children parallel" org-toggle-ordered-property :style radio :selected
(org-entry-get nil "ORDERED"))
:active org-enforce-todo-dependencies :keys "C-c C-x o"]
["Set Priority" org-priority t]
["Priority Up" org-shiftup t]
["Priority Down" org-shiftdown t]
["Get news from all feeds" org-feed-update-all t]
["Go to the inbox of a feed..." org-feed-goto-inbox t]
["Customize feeds"
(customize-variable 'org-feed-alist)
(TODO\ Lists menu-item "TODO Lists"
(keymap "TODO Lists"
(TODO/DONE/- menu-item "TODO/DONE/-" org-todo)
(Select\ keyword menu-item "Select keyword"
(keymap "Select keyword"
(Next\ keyword menu-item "Next keyword" org-shiftright :enable
(Previous\ keyword menu-item "Previous keyword" org-shiftleft :enable
(Complete\ Keyword menu-item "Complete Keyword" pcomplete :enable
(assq :todo-keyword
(Next\ keyword\ set menu-item "Next keyword set" org-shiftcontrolright :enable
(length org-todo-sets)
(Previous\ keyword\ set menu-item "Previous keyword set" org-shiftcontrolright :enable
(length org-todo-sets)
(Show\ TODO\ Tree menu-item "Show TODO Tree" org-show-todo-tree :keys "C-c / t")
(Global\ TODO\ list menu-item "Global TODO list" org-todo-list :keys "C-c a t")
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Enforce\ dependencies menu-item "Enforce dependencies" menu-function-258 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . org-enforce-todo-dependencies))
(nil menu-item "Settings for tree at point")
(Do\ Children\ sequentially menu-item "Do Children sequentially" org-toggle-ordered-property :enable org-enforce-todo-dependencies :keys "C-c C-x o" :button
(:radio org-entry-get nil "ORDERED"))
(Do\ Children\ parallel menu-item "Do Children parallel" org-toggle-ordered-property :enable org-enforce-todo-dependencies :keys "C-c C-x o" :button
(:radio not
(org-entry-get nil "ORDERED")))
(nil-7-9 menu-item "--")
(Set\ Priority menu-item "Set Priority" org-priority)
(Priority\ Up menu-item "Priority Up" org-shiftup)
(Priority\ Down menu-item "Priority Down" org-shiftdown)
(nil-7-13 menu-item "--")
(Get\ news\ from\ all\ feeds menu-item "Get news from all feeds" org-feed-update-all)
(Go\ to\ the\ inbox\ of\ a\ feed\.\.\. menu-item "Go to the inbox of a feed..." org-feed-goto-inbox)
(Customize\ feeds menu-item "Customize feeds" menu-function-259 :key-sequence nil)))
["Set Tags" org-set-tags-command
(Set\ Tags menu-item "Set Tags" org-set-tags-command :enable
["Change tag in region" org-change-tag-in-region
(Change\ tag\ in\ region menu-item "Change tag in region" org-change-tag-in-region :enable
["Set property" org-set-property
(Set\ property menu-item "Set property" org-set-property :enable
["Column view of properties" org-columns t]
(Column\ view\ of\ properties menu-item "Column view of properties" org-columns)
["Insert Column View DBlock" org-insert-columns-dblock t]
(Insert\ Column\ View\ DBlock menu-item "Insert Column View DBlock" org-insert-columns-dblock)
("TAGS and Properties"
["Set Tags" org-set-tags-command
["Change tag in region" org-change-tag-in-region
["Set property" org-set-property
["Column view of properties" org-columns t]
["Insert Column View DBlock" org-insert-columns-dblock t])
(TAGS\ and\ Properties menu-item "TAGS and Properties"
(keymap "TAGS and Properties"
(Set\ Tags menu-item "Set Tags" org-set-tags-command :enable
(Change\ tag\ in\ region menu-item "Change tag in region" org-change-tag-in-region :enable
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Set\ property menu-item "Set property" org-set-property :enable
(Column\ view\ of\ properties menu-item "Column view of properties" org-columns)
(Insert\ Column\ View\ DBlock menu-item "Insert Column View DBlock" org-insert-columns-dblock)))
["Timestamp" org-time-stamp
(Timestamp menu-item "Timestamp" org-time-stamp :enable
["Timestamp (inactive)" org-time-stamp-inactive
(Timestamp\ \(inactive\) menu-item "Timestamp (inactive)" org-time-stamp-inactive :enable
["1 Day Later" org-shiftright
(1\ Day\ Later menu-item "1 Day Later" org-shiftright :enable
["1 Day Earlier" org-shiftleft
(1\ Day\ Earlier menu-item "1 Day Earlier" org-shiftleft :enable
["1 ... Later" org-shiftup
(1\ \.\.\.\ Later menu-item "1 ... Later" org-shiftup :enable
["1 ... Earlier" org-shiftdown
(1\ \.\.\.\ Earlier menu-item "1 ... Earlier" org-shiftdown :enable
("Change Date"
["1 Day Later" org-shiftright
["1 Day Earlier" org-shiftleft
["1 ... Later" org-shiftup
["1 ... Earlier" org-shiftdown
(Change\ Date menu-item "Change Date"
(keymap "Change Date"
(1\ Day\ Later menu-item "1 Day Later" org-shiftright :enable
(1\ Day\ Earlier menu-item "1 Day Earlier" org-shiftleft :enable
(1\ \.\.\.\ Later menu-item "1 ... Later" org-shiftup :enable
(1\ \.\.\.\ Earlier menu-item "1 ... Earlier" org-shiftdown :enable
["Compute Time Range" org-evaluate-time-range t]
(Compute\ Time\ Range menu-item "Compute Time Range" org-evaluate-time-range)
["Schedule Item" org-schedule
(Schedule\ Item menu-item "Schedule Item" org-schedule :enable
["Deadline" org-deadline
(Deadline menu-item "Deadline" org-deadline :enable
["Custom time format" org-toggle-time-stamp-overlays :style radio :selected org-display-custom-times]
(Custom\ time\ format menu-item "Custom time format" org-toggle-time-stamp-overlays :button
(:radio . org-display-custom-times))
["Goto Calendar" org-goto-calendar t]
(Goto\ Calendar menu-item "Goto Calendar" org-goto-calendar)
["Date from Calendar" org-date-from-calendar t]
(Date\ from\ Calendar menu-item "Date from Calendar" org-date-from-calendar)
["Start/Restart Timer" org-timer-start t]
(Start/Restart\ Timer menu-item "Start/Restart Timer" org-timer-start)
["Pause/Continue Timer" org-timer-pause-or-continue t]
(Pause/Continue\ Timer menu-item "Pause/Continue Timer" org-timer-pause-or-continue)
["Stop Timer" org-timer-pause-or-continue :active t :keys "C-u C-c C-x ,"]
(Stop\ Timer menu-item "Stop Timer" org-timer-pause-or-continue :keys "C-u C-c C-x ,")
["Insert Timer String" org-timer t]
(Insert\ Timer\ String menu-item "Insert Timer String" org-timer)
["Insert Timer Item" org-timer-item t]
(Insert\ Timer\ Item menu-item "Insert Timer Item" org-timer-item)
("Dates and Scheduling"
["Timestamp" org-time-stamp
["Timestamp (inactive)" org-time-stamp-inactive
("Change Date"
["1 Day Later" org-shiftright
["1 Day Earlier" org-shiftleft
["1 ... Later" org-shiftup
["1 ... Earlier" org-shiftdown
["Compute Time Range" org-evaluate-time-range t]
["Schedule Item" org-schedule
["Deadline" org-deadline
["Custom time format" org-toggle-time-stamp-overlays :style radio :selected org-display-custom-times]
["Goto Calendar" org-goto-calendar t]
["Date from Calendar" org-date-from-calendar t]
["Start/Restart Timer" org-timer-start t]
["Pause/Continue Timer" org-timer-pause-or-continue t]
["Stop Timer" org-timer-pause-or-continue :active t :keys "C-u C-c C-x ,"]
["Insert Timer String" org-timer t]
["Insert Timer Item" org-timer-item t])
(Dates\ and\ Scheduling menu-item "Dates and Scheduling"
(keymap "Dates and Scheduling"
(Timestamp menu-item "Timestamp" org-time-stamp :enable
(Timestamp\ \(inactive\) menu-item "Timestamp (inactive)" org-time-stamp-inactive :enable
(Change\ Date menu-item "Change Date"
(keymap "Change Date"
(1\ Day\ Later menu-item "1 Day Later" org-shiftright :enable
(1\ Day\ Earlier menu-item "1 Day Earlier" org-shiftleft :enable
(1\ \.\.\.\ Later menu-item "1 ... Later" org-shiftup :enable
(1\ \.\.\.\ Earlier menu-item "1 ... Earlier" org-shiftdown :enable
(Compute\ Time\ Range menu-item "Compute Time Range" org-evaluate-time-range)
(Schedule\ Item menu-item "Schedule Item" org-schedule :enable
(Deadline menu-item "Deadline" org-deadline :enable
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Custom\ time\ format menu-item "Custom time format" org-toggle-time-stamp-overlays :button
(:radio . org-display-custom-times))
(nil-7-8 menu-item "--")
(Goto\ Calendar menu-item "Goto Calendar" org-goto-calendar)
(Date\ from\ Calendar menu-item "Date from Calendar" org-date-from-calendar)
(nil-7-11 menu-item "--")
(Start/Restart\ Timer menu-item "Start/Restart Timer" org-timer-start)
(Pause/Continue\ Timer menu-item "Pause/Continue Timer" org-timer-pause-or-continue)
(Stop\ Timer menu-item "Stop Timer" org-timer-pause-or-continue :keys "C-u C-c C-x ,")
(Insert\ Timer\ String menu-item "Insert Timer String" org-timer)
(Insert\ Timer\ Item menu-item "Insert Timer Item" org-timer-item)))
["Clock in" org-clock-in :active t :keys "C-c C-x C-i"]
(Clock\ in menu-item "Clock in" org-clock-in :keys "C-c C-x C-i")
["Switch task"
(lambda nil
:active t :keys "C-u C-c C-x C-i"]
(Switch\ task menu-item "Switch task" menu-function-260 :keys "C-u C-c C-x C-i")
["Clock out" org-clock-out t]
(Clock\ out menu-item "Clock out" org-clock-out)
["Clock cancel" org-clock-cancel t]
(Clock\ cancel menu-item "Clock cancel" org-clock-cancel)
["Mark as default task" org-clock-mark-default-task t]
(Mark\ as\ default\ task menu-item "Mark as default task" org-clock-mark-default-task)
["Clock in, mark as default"
(lambda nil
:active t :keys "C-u C-u C-c C-x C-i"]
(Clock\ in\,\ mark\ as\ default menu-item "Clock in, mark as default" menu-function-261 :keys "C-u C-u C-c C-x C-i")
["Goto running clock" org-clock-goto t]
(Goto\ running\ clock menu-item "Goto running clock" org-clock-goto)
["Display times" org-clock-display t]
(Display\ times menu-item "Display times" org-clock-display)
["Create clock table" org-clock-report t]
(Create\ clock\ table menu-item "Create clock table" org-clock-report)
["Record DONE time"
(setq org-log-done
(not org-log-done))
(message "Switching to %s will %s record a timestamp"
(car org-done-keywords)
(if org-log-done "automatically" "not")))
:style toggle :selected org-log-done]
(Record\ DONE\ time menu-item "Record DONE time" menu-function-262 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . org-log-done))
("Logging work"
["Clock in" org-clock-in :active t :keys "C-c C-x C-i"]
["Switch task"
(lambda nil
:active t :keys "C-u C-c C-x C-i"]
["Clock out" org-clock-out t]
["Clock cancel" org-clock-cancel t]
["Mark as default task" org-clock-mark-default-task t]
["Clock in, mark as default"
(lambda nil
:active t :keys "C-u C-u C-c C-x C-i"]
["Goto running clock" org-clock-goto t]
["Display times" org-clock-display t]
["Create clock table" org-clock-report t]
["Record DONE time"
(setq org-log-done
(not org-log-done))
(message "Switching to %s will %s record a timestamp"
(car org-done-keywords)
(if org-log-done "automatically" "not")))
:style toggle :selected org-log-done])
(Logging\ work menu-item "Logging work"
(keymap "Logging work"
(Clock\ in menu-item "Clock in" org-clock-in :keys "C-c C-x C-i")
(Switch\ task menu-item "Switch task" menu-function-260 :keys "C-u C-c C-x C-i")
(Clock\ out menu-item "Clock out" org-clock-out)
(Clock\ cancel menu-item "Clock cancel" org-clock-cancel)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Mark\ as\ default\ task menu-item "Mark as default task" org-clock-mark-default-task)
(Clock\ in\,\ mark\ as\ default menu-item "Clock in, mark as default" menu-function-261 :keys "C-u C-u C-c C-x C-i")
(Goto\ running\ clock menu-item "Goto running clock" org-clock-goto)
(nil-7-8 menu-item "--")
(Display\ times menu-item "Display times" org-clock-display)
(Create\ clock\ table menu-item "Create clock table" org-clock-report)
(nil-7-11 menu-item "--")
(Record\ DONE\ time menu-item "Record DONE time" menu-function-262 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . org-log-done))))
["Agenda Command..." org-agenda t]
(Agenda\ Command\.\.\. menu-item "Agenda Command..." org-agenda)
["Set Restriction Lock" org-agenda-set-restriction-lock t]
(Set\ Restriction\ Lock menu-item "Set Restriction Lock" org-agenda-set-restriction-lock)
("File List for Agenda")
(File\ List\ for\ Agenda menu-item "File List for Agenda"
(keymap "File List for Agenda"))
["TODO Tree" org-show-todo-tree t]
(TODO\ Tree menu-item "TODO Tree" org-show-todo-tree)
["Check Deadlines" org-check-deadlines t]
(Check\ Deadlines menu-item "Check Deadlines" org-check-deadlines)
["Timeline" org-timeline t]
(Timeline menu-item "Timeline" org-timeline)
["Tags/Property tree" org-match-sparse-tree t]
(Tags/Property\ tree menu-item "Tags/Property tree" org-match-sparse-tree)
("Special views current file"
["TODO Tree" org-show-todo-tree t]
["Check Deadlines" org-check-deadlines t]
["Timeline" org-timeline t]
["Tags/Property tree" org-match-sparse-tree t])
(Special\ views\ current\ file menu-item "Special views current file"
(keymap "Special views current file"
(TODO\ Tree menu-item "TODO Tree" org-show-todo-tree)
(Check\ Deadlines menu-item "Check Deadlines" org-check-deadlines)
(Timeline menu-item "Timeline" org-timeline)
(Tags/Property\ tree menu-item "Tags/Property tree" org-match-sparse-tree)))
["Export/Publish..." org-export-dispatch t]
(Export/Publish\.\.\. menu-item "Export/Publish..." org-export-dispatch)
["Org CDLaTeX mode" org-cdlatex-mode :style toggle :selected org-cdlatex-mode]
(Org\ CDLaTeX\ mode menu-item "Org CDLaTeX mode" org-cdlatex-mode :button
(:toggle . org-cdlatex-mode))
["Insert Environment" cdlatex-environment
(fboundp 'cdlatex-environment)]
(Insert\ Environment menu-item "Insert Environment" cdlatex-environment :enable
(fboundp 'cdlatex-environment))
["Insert math symbol" cdlatex-math-symbol
(fboundp 'cdlatex-math-symbol)]
(Insert\ math\ symbol menu-item "Insert math symbol" cdlatex-math-symbol :enable
(fboundp 'cdlatex-math-symbol))
["Modify math symbol" org-cdlatex-math-modify
(Modify\ math\ symbol menu-item "Modify math symbol" org-cdlatex-math-modify :enable
["Insert citation" org-reftex-citation t]
(Insert\ citation menu-item "Insert citation" org-reftex-citation)
["Template for BEAMER"
(Template\ for\ BEAMER menu-item "Template for BEAMER" menu-function-263 :key-sequence nil)
["Org CDLaTeX mode" org-cdlatex-mode :style toggle :selected org-cdlatex-mode]
["Insert Environment" cdlatex-environment
(fboundp 'cdlatex-environment)]
["Insert math symbol" cdlatex-math-symbol
(fboundp 'cdlatex-math-symbol)]
["Modify math symbol" org-cdlatex-math-modify
["Insert citation" org-reftex-citation t]
["Template for BEAMER"
(LaTeX menu-item "LaTeX"
(keymap "LaTeX"
(Org\ CDLaTeX\ mode menu-item "Org CDLaTeX mode" org-cdlatex-mode :button
(:toggle . org-cdlatex-mode))
(Insert\ Environment menu-item "Insert Environment" cdlatex-environment :enable
(fboundp 'cdlatex-environment))
(Insert\ math\ symbol menu-item "Insert math symbol" cdlatex-math-symbol :enable
(fboundp 'cdlatex-math-symbol))
(Modify\ math\ symbol menu-item "Modify math symbol" org-cdlatex-math-modify :enable
(Insert\ citation menu-item "Insert citation" org-reftex-citation)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Template\ for\ BEAMER menu-item "Template for BEAMER" menu-function-263 :key-sequence nil)))
["Push Files and Views" org-mobile-push t]
(Push\ Files\ and\ Views menu-item "Push Files and Views" org-mobile-push)
["Get Captured and Flagged" org-mobile-pull t]
(Get\ Captured\ and\ Flagged menu-item "Get Captured and Flagged" org-mobile-pull)
["Find FLAGGED Tasks"
(org-agenda nil "?")
:active t :keys "C-c a ?"]
(Find\ FLAGGED\ Tasks menu-item "Find FLAGGED Tasks" menu-function-264 :keys "C-c a ?")
(require 'org-mobile)
(customize-group 'org-mobile))
(Setup menu-item "Setup" menu-function-265 :key-sequence nil)
["Push Files and Views" org-mobile-push t]
["Get Captured and Flagged" org-mobile-pull t]
["Find FLAGGED Tasks"
(org-agenda nil "?")
:active t :keys "C-c a ?"]
(require 'org-mobile)
(customize-group 'org-mobile))
(MobileOrg menu-item "MobileOrg"
(keymap "MobileOrg"
(Push\ Files\ and\ Views menu-item "Push Files and Views" org-mobile-push)
(Get\ Captured\ and\ Flagged menu-item "Get Captured and Flagged" org-mobile-pull)
(Find\ FLAGGED\ Tasks menu-item "Find FLAGGED Tasks" menu-function-264 :keys "C-c a ?")
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Setup menu-item "Setup" menu-function-265 :key-sequence nil)))
["Show Version" org-version t]
(Show\ Version menu-item "Show Version" org-version)
["Info Documentation" org-info t]
(Info\ Documentation menu-item "Info Documentation" org-info)
["Show Version" org-version t]
["Info Documentation" org-info t])
(Documentation menu-item "Documentation"
(keymap "Documentation"
(Show\ Version menu-item "Show Version" org-version)
(Info\ Documentation menu-item "Info Documentation" org-info)))
["Browse Org Group" org-customize t]
(Browse\ Org\ Group menu-item "Browse Org Group" org-customize)
["Expand This Menu" org-create-customize-menu
(fboundp 'customize-menu-create)]
(Expand\ This\ Menu menu-item "Expand This Menu" org-create-customize-menu :enable
(fboundp 'customize-menu-create))
["Browse Org Group" org-customize t]
["Expand This Menu" org-create-customize-menu
(fboundp 'customize-menu-create)])
(Customize menu-item "Customize"
(keymap "Customize"
(Browse\ Org\ Group menu-item "Browse Org Group" org-customize)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Expand\ This\ Menu menu-item "Expand This Menu" org-create-customize-menu :enable
(fboundp 'customize-menu-create))))
["Send bug report" org-submit-bug-report t]
(Send\ bug\ report menu-item "Send bug report" org-submit-bug-report)
["Refresh setup current buffer" org-mode-restart t]
(Refresh\ setup\ current\ buffer menu-item "Refresh setup current buffer" org-mode-restart)
["Reload Org (after update)" org-reload t]
(Reload\ Org\ \(after\ update\) menu-item "Reload Org (after update)" org-reload)
["Reload Org uncompiled"
(org-reload t)
:active t :keys "C-u C-c C-x !"]
(Reload\ Org\ uncompiled menu-item "Reload Org uncompiled" menu-function-266 :keys "C-u C-c C-x !")
["Refresh setup current buffer" org-mode-restart t]
["Reload Org (after update)" org-reload t]
["Reload Org uncompiled"
(org-reload t)
:active t :keys "C-u C-c C-x !"])
(Refresh/Reload menu-item "Refresh/Reload"
(keymap "Refresh/Reload"
(Refresh\ setup\ current\ buffer menu-item "Refresh setup current buffer" org-mode-restart)
(Reload\ Org\ \(after\ update\) menu-item "Reload Org (after update)" org-reload)
(Reload\ Org\ uncompiled menu-item "Reload Org uncompiled" menu-function-266 :keys "C-u C-c C-x !")))
["Stop" edebug-stop t]
(Stop menu-item "Stop" edebug-stop)
["Step" edebug-step-mode t]
(Step menu-item "Step" edebug-step-mode)
["Next" edebug-next-mode t]
(Next menu-item "Next" edebug-next-mode)
["Trace" edebug-trace-mode t]
(Trace menu-item "Trace" edebug-trace-mode)
["Trace Fast" edebug-Trace-fast-mode t]
(Trace\ Fast menu-item "Trace Fast" edebug-Trace-fast-mode)
["Continue" edebug-continue-mode t]
(Continue menu-item "Continue" edebug-continue-mode)
["Continue Fast" edebug-Continue-fast-mode t]
(Continue\ Fast menu-item "Continue Fast" edebug-Continue-fast-mode)
["Go" edebug-go-mode t]
(Go menu-item "Go" edebug-go-mode)
["Go Nonstop" edebug-Go-nonstop-mode t]
(Go\ Nonstop menu-item "Go Nonstop" edebug-Go-nonstop-mode)
["Help" edebug-help t]
(Help menu-item "Help" edebug-help)
["Abort" abort-recursive-edit t]
(Abort menu-item "Abort" abort-recursive-edit)
["Quit to Top Level" top-level t]
(Quit\ to\ Top\ Level menu-item "Quit to Top Level" top-level)
["Quit Nonstop" edebug-top-level-nonstop t]
(Quit\ Nonstop menu-item "Quit Nonstop" edebug-top-level-nonstop)
["Forward Sexp" edebug-forward-sexp t]
(Forward\ Sexp menu-item "Forward Sexp" edebug-forward-sexp)
["Step In" edebug-step-in t]
(Step\ In menu-item "Step In" edebug-step-in)
["Step Out" edebug-step-out t]
(Step\ Out menu-item "Step Out" edebug-step-out)
["Goto Here" edebug-goto-here t]
(Goto\ Here menu-item "Goto Here" edebug-goto-here)
["Forward Sexp" edebug-forward-sexp t]
["Step In" edebug-step-in t]
["Step Out" edebug-step-out t]
["Goto Here" edebug-goto-here t])
(Jumps menu-item "Jumps"
(keymap "Jumps"
(Forward\ Sexp menu-item "Forward Sexp" edebug-forward-sexp)
(Step\ In menu-item "Step In" edebug-step-in)
(Step\ Out menu-item "Step Out" edebug-step-out)
(Goto\ Here menu-item "Goto Here" edebug-goto-here)))
["Set Breakpoint" edebug-set-breakpoint t]
(Set\ Breakpoint menu-item "Set Breakpoint" edebug-set-breakpoint)
["Unset Breakpoint" edebug-unset-breakpoint t]
(Unset\ Breakpoint menu-item "Unset Breakpoint" edebug-unset-breakpoint)
["Set Conditional Breakpoint" edebug-set-conditional-breakpoint t]
(Set\ Conditional\ Breakpoint menu-item "Set Conditional Breakpoint" edebug-set-conditional-breakpoint)
["Set Global Break Condition" edebug-set-global-break-condition t]
(Set\ Global\ Break\ Condition menu-item "Set Global Break Condition" edebug-set-global-break-condition)
["Show Next Breakpoint" edebug-next-breakpoint t]
(Show\ Next\ Breakpoint menu-item "Show Next Breakpoint" edebug-next-breakpoint)
["Set Breakpoint" edebug-set-breakpoint t]
["Unset Breakpoint" edebug-unset-breakpoint t]
["Set Conditional Breakpoint" edebug-set-conditional-breakpoint t]
["Set Global Break Condition" edebug-set-global-break-condition t]
["Show Next Breakpoint" edebug-next-breakpoint t])
(Breaks menu-item "Breaks"
(keymap "Breaks"
(Set\ Breakpoint menu-item "Set Breakpoint" edebug-set-breakpoint)
(Unset\ Breakpoint menu-item "Unset Breakpoint" edebug-unset-breakpoint)
(Set\ Conditional\ Breakpoint menu-item "Set Conditional Breakpoint" edebug-set-conditional-breakpoint)
(Set\ Global\ Break\ Condition menu-item "Set Global Break Condition" edebug-set-global-break-condition)
(Show\ Next\ Breakpoint menu-item "Show Next Breakpoint" edebug-next-breakpoint)))
["Where am I?" edebug-where t]
(Where\ am\ I\? menu-item "Where am I?" edebug-where)
["Bounce to Current Point" edebug-bounce-point t]
(Bounce\ to\ Current\ Point menu-item "Bounce to Current Point" edebug-bounce-point)
["View Outside Windows" edebug-view-outside t]
(View\ Outside\ Windows menu-item "View Outside Windows" edebug-view-outside)
["Previous Result" edebug-previous-result t]
(Previous\ Result menu-item "Previous Result" edebug-previous-result)
["Show Backtrace" edebug-backtrace t]
(Show\ Backtrace menu-item "Show Backtrace" edebug-backtrace)
["Display Freq Count" edebug-display-freq-count t]
(Display\ Freq\ Count menu-item "Display Freq Count" edebug-display-freq-count)
["Where am I?" edebug-where t]
["Bounce to Current Point" edebug-bounce-point t]
["View Outside Windows" edebug-view-outside t]
["Previous Result" edebug-previous-result t]
["Show Backtrace" edebug-backtrace t]
["Display Freq Count" edebug-display-freq-count t])
(Views menu-item "Views"
(keymap "Views"
(Where\ am\ I\? menu-item "Where am I?" edebug-where)
(Bounce\ to\ Current\ Point menu-item "Bounce to Current Point" edebug-bounce-point)
(View\ Outside\ Windows menu-item "View Outside Windows" edebug-view-outside)
(Previous\ Result menu-item "Previous Result" edebug-previous-result)
(Show\ Backtrace menu-item "Show Backtrace" edebug-backtrace)
(Display\ Freq\ Count menu-item "Display Freq Count" edebug-display-freq-count)))
["Expression" edebug-eval-expression t]
(Expression menu-item "Expression" edebug-eval-expression)
["Last Sexp" edebug-eval-last-sexp t]
(Last\ Sexp menu-item "Last Sexp" edebug-eval-last-sexp)
["Visit Eval List" edebug-visit-eval-list t]
(Visit\ Eval\ List menu-item "Visit Eval List" edebug-visit-eval-list)
["Expression" edebug-eval-expression t]
["Last Sexp" edebug-eval-last-sexp t]
["Visit Eval List" edebug-visit-eval-list t])
(Eval menu-item "Eval"
(keymap "Eval"
(Expression menu-item "Expression" edebug-eval-expression)
(Last\ Sexp menu-item "Last Sexp" edebug-eval-last-sexp)
(Visit\ Eval\ List menu-item "Visit Eval List" edebug-visit-eval-list)))
["Edebug All Defs" edebug-all-defs :style toggle :selected edebug-all-defs]
(Edebug\ All\ Defs menu-item "Edebug All Defs" edebug-all-defs :button
(:toggle . edebug-all-defs))
["Edebug All Forms" edebug-all-forms :style toggle :selected edebug-all-forms]
(Edebug\ All\ Forms menu-item "Edebug All Forms" edebug-all-forms :button
(:toggle . edebug-all-forms))
(edebug-toggle 'edebug-trace)
:style toggle :selected edebug-trace]
(Tracing menu-item "Tracing" menu-function-267 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . edebug-trace))
["Test Coverage"
(edebug-toggle 'edebug-test-coverage)
:style toggle :selected edebug-test-coverage]
(Test\ Coverage menu-item "Test Coverage" menu-function-268 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . edebug-test-coverage))
["Save Windows" edebug-toggle-save-windows :style toggle :selected edebug-save-windows]
(Save\ Windows menu-item "Save Windows" edebug-toggle-save-windows :button
(:toggle . edebug-save-windows))
["Save Point"
(edebug-toggle 'edebug-save-displayed-buffer-points)
:style toggle :selected edebug-save-displayed-buffer-points]
(Save\ Point menu-item "Save Point" menu-function-269 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . edebug-save-displayed-buffer-points))
["Edebug All Defs" edebug-all-defs :style toggle :selected edebug-all-defs]
["Edebug All Forms" edebug-all-forms :style toggle :selected edebug-all-forms]
(edebug-toggle 'edebug-trace)
:style toggle :selected edebug-trace]
["Test Coverage"
(edebug-toggle 'edebug-test-coverage)
:style toggle :selected edebug-test-coverage]
["Save Windows" edebug-toggle-save-windows :style toggle :selected edebug-save-windows]
["Save Point"
(edebug-toggle 'edebug-save-displayed-buffer-points)
:style toggle :selected edebug-save-displayed-buffer-points])
(Options menu-item "Options"
(keymap "Options"
(Edebug\ All\ Defs menu-item "Edebug All Defs" edebug-all-defs :button
(:toggle . edebug-all-defs))
(Edebug\ All\ Forms menu-item "Edebug All Forms" edebug-all-forms :button
(:toggle . edebug-all-forms))
(nil menu-item "----")
(Tracing menu-item "Tracing" menu-function-267 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . edebug-trace))
(Test\ Coverage menu-item "Test Coverage" menu-function-268 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . edebug-test-coverage))
(Save\ Windows menu-item "Save Windows" edebug-toggle-save-windows :button
(:toggle . edebug-save-windows))
(Save\ Point menu-item "Save Point" menu-function-269 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . edebug-save-displayed-buffer-points))))
["Interactive Buffer Style Check" checkdoc t]
(Interactive\ Buffer\ Style\ Check menu-item "Interactive Buffer Style Check" checkdoc)
["Interactive Buffer Style and Spelling Check" checkdoc-ispell t]
(Interactive\ Buffer\ Style\ and\ Spelling\ Check menu-item "Interactive Buffer Style and Spelling Check" checkdoc-ispell)
["Check Buffer" checkdoc-current-buffer t]
(Check\ Buffer menu-item "Check Buffer" checkdoc-current-buffer)
["Check and Spell Buffer" checkdoc-ispell-current-buffer t]
(Check\ and\ Spell\ Buffer menu-item "Check and Spell Buffer" checkdoc-ispell-current-buffer)
["Interactive Style Check" checkdoc-interactive t]
(Interactive\ Style\ Check menu-item "Interactive Style Check" checkdoc-interactive)
["Interactive Style and Spelling Check" checkdoc-ispell-interactive t]
(Interactive\ Style\ and\ Spelling\ Check menu-item "Interactive Style and Spelling Check" checkdoc-ispell-interactive)
["Find First Style Error" checkdoc-start t]
(Find\ First\ Style\ Error menu-item "Find First Style Error" checkdoc-start)
["Find First Style or Spelling Error" checkdoc-ispell-start t]
(Find\ First\ Style\ or\ Spelling\ \ Error menu-item "Find First Style or Spelling Error" checkdoc-ispell-start)
["Next Style Error" checkdoc-continue t]
(Next\ Style\ Error menu-item "Next Style Error" checkdoc-continue)
["Next Style or Spelling Error" checkdoc-ispell-continue t]
(Next\ Style\ or\ Spelling\ \ Error menu-item "Next Style or Spelling Error" checkdoc-ispell-continue)
["Interactive Message Text Style Check" checkdoc-message-interactive t]
(Interactive\ Message\ Text\ Style\ Check menu-item "Interactive Message Text Style Check" checkdoc-message-interactive)
["Interactive Message Text Style and Spelling Check" checkdoc-ispell-message-interactive t]
(Interactive\ Message\ Text\ Style\ and\ Spelling\ Check menu-item "Interactive Message Text Style and Spelling Check" checkdoc-ispell-message-interactive)
["Check Message Text" checkdoc-message-text t]
(Check\ Message\ Text menu-item "Check Message Text" checkdoc-message-text)
["Check and Spell Message Text" checkdoc-ispell-message-text t]
(Check\ and\ Spell\ Message\ Text menu-item "Check and Spell Message Text" checkdoc-ispell-message-text)
["Check Comment Style" checkdoc-comments buffer-file-name]
(Check\ Comment\ Style menu-item "Check Comment Style" checkdoc-comments :enable buffer-file-name)
["Check Comment Style and Spelling" checkdoc-ispell-comments buffer-file-name]
(Check\ Comment\ Style\ and\ Spelling menu-item "Check Comment Style and Spelling" checkdoc-ispell-comments :enable buffer-file-name)
["Check for Rogue Spaces" checkdoc-rogue-spaces t]
(Check\ for\ Rogue\ Spaces menu-item "Check for Rogue Spaces" checkdoc-rogue-spaces)
["Check Defun" checkdoc-defun t]
(Check\ Defun menu-item "Check Defun" checkdoc-defun)
["Check and Spell Defun" checkdoc-ispell-defun t]
(Check\ and\ Spell\ Defun menu-item "Check and Spell Defun" checkdoc-ispell-defun)
["Check and Evaluate Defun" checkdoc-eval-defun t]
(Check\ and\ Evaluate\ Defun menu-item "Check and Evaluate Defun" checkdoc-eval-defun)
["Check and Evaluate Buffer" checkdoc-eval-current-buffer t]
(Check\ and\ Evaluate\ Buffer menu-item "Check and Evaluate Buffer" checkdoc-eval-current-buffer)
["End of Field" bibtex-find-text t]
(End\ of\ Field menu-item "End of Field" bibtex-find-text)
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(Next\ Field menu-item "Next Field" bibtex-next-field)
["Beginning of Entry" bibtex-beginning-of-entry t]
(Beginning\ of\ Entry menu-item "Beginning of Entry" bibtex-beginning-of-entry)
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(End\ of\ Entry menu-item "End of Entry" bibtex-end-of-entry)
["Make Entry Visible" bibtex-reposition-window t]
(Make\ Entry\ Visible menu-item "Make Entry Visible" bibtex-reposition-window)
("Moving inside an Entry"
["End of Field" bibtex-find-text t]
["Next Field" bibtex-next-field t]
["Beginning of Entry" bibtex-beginning-of-entry t]
["End of Entry" bibtex-end-of-entry t]
["Make Entry Visible" bibtex-reposition-window t])
(Moving\ inside\ an\ Entry menu-item "Moving inside an Entry"
(keymap "Moving inside an Entry"
(End\ of\ Field menu-item "End of Field" bibtex-find-text)
(Next\ Field menu-item "Next Field" bibtex-next-field)
(Beginning\ of\ Entry menu-item "Beginning of Entry" bibtex-beginning-of-entry)
(End\ of\ Entry menu-item "End of Entry" bibtex-end-of-entry)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Make\ Entry\ Visible menu-item "Make Entry Visible" bibtex-reposition-window)))
["Search Entry" bibtex-search-entry t]
(Search\ Entry menu-item "Search Entry" bibtex-search-entry)
["Search Crossref Entry" bibtex-search-crossref t]
(Search\ Crossref\ Entry menu-item "Search Crossref Entry" bibtex-search-crossref)
("Moving in BibTeX Buffers"
["Search Entry" bibtex-search-entry t]
["Search Crossref Entry" bibtex-search-crossref t])
(Moving\ in\ BibTeX\ Buffers menu-item "Moving in BibTeX Buffers"
(keymap "Moving in BibTeX Buffers"
(Search\ Entry menu-item "Search Entry" bibtex-search-entry)
(Search\ Crossref\ Entry menu-item "Search Crossref Entry" bibtex-search-crossref)))
["Fill Field" fill-paragraph t]
(Fill\ Field menu-item "Fill Field" fill-paragraph)
["Remove Delimiters" bibtex-remove-delimiters t]
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(Clear\ Field menu-item "Clear Field" bibtex-empty-field)
["Kill Field" bibtex-kill-field t]
(Kill\ Field menu-item "Kill Field" bibtex-kill-field)
["Copy Field to Kill Ring" bibtex-copy-field-as-kill t]
(Copy\ Field\ to\ Kill\ Ring menu-item "Copy Field to Kill Ring" bibtex-copy-field-as-kill)
["Paste Most Recently Killed Field" bibtex-yank t]
(Paste\ Most\ Recently\ Killed\ Field menu-item "Paste Most Recently Killed Field" bibtex-yank)
["Paste Previously Killed Field" bibtex-yank-pop t]
(Paste\ Previously\ Killed\ Field menu-item "Paste Previously Killed Field" bibtex-yank-pop)
["Make New Field" bibtex-make-field t]
(Make\ New\ Field menu-item "Make New Field" bibtex-make-field)
["Snatch from Similar Following Field" bibtex-pop-next t]
(Snatch\ from\ Similar\ Following\ Field menu-item "Snatch from Similar Following Field" bibtex-pop-next)
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(Snatch\ from\ Similar\ Preceding\ Field menu-item "Snatch from Similar Preceding Field" bibtex-pop-previous)
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(String\ or\ Key\ Complete menu-item "String or Key Complete" bibtex-complete)
["Help about Current Field" bibtex-print-help-message t]
(Help\ about\ Current\ Field menu-item "Help about Current Field" bibtex-print-help-message)
("Operating on Current Field"
["Fill Field" fill-paragraph t]
["Remove Delimiters" bibtex-remove-delimiters t]
["Remove OPT or ALT Prefix" bibtex-remove-OPT-or-ALT t]
["Clear Field" bibtex-empty-field t]
["Kill Field" bibtex-kill-field t]
["Copy Field to Kill Ring" bibtex-copy-field-as-kill t]
["Paste Most Recently Killed Field" bibtex-yank t]
["Paste Previously Killed Field" bibtex-yank-pop t]
["Make New Field" bibtex-make-field t]
["Snatch from Similar Following Field" bibtex-pop-next t]
["Snatch from Similar Preceding Field" bibtex-pop-previous t]
["String or Key Complete" bibtex-complete t]
["Help about Current Field" bibtex-print-help-message t])
(Operating\ on\ Current\ Field menu-item "Operating on Current Field"
(keymap "Operating on Current Field"
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(nil-7 menu-item "--")
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(Copy\ Field\ to\ Kill\ Ring menu-item "Copy Field to Kill Ring" bibtex-copy-field-as-kill)
(Paste\ Most\ Recently\ Killed\ Field menu-item "Paste Most Recently Killed Field" bibtex-yank)
(Paste\ Previously\ Killed\ Field menu-item "Paste Previously Killed Field" bibtex-yank-pop)
(nil-7-9 menu-item "--")
(Make\ New\ Field menu-item "Make New Field" bibtex-make-field)
(nil-7-11 menu-item "--")
(Snatch\ from\ Similar\ Following\ Field menu-item "Snatch from Similar Following Field" bibtex-pop-next)
(Snatch\ from\ Similar\ Preceding\ Field menu-item "Snatch from Similar Preceding Field" bibtex-pop-previous)
(nil-7-14 menu-item "--")
(String\ or\ Key\ Complete menu-item "String or Key Complete" bibtex-complete)
(nil-7-16 menu-item "--")
(Help\ about\ Current\ Field menu-item "Help about Current Field" bibtex-print-help-message)))
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["Clean Entry" bibtex-clean-entry t]
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["Update Entry" bibtex-entry-update t]
(Update\ Entry menu-item "Update Entry" bibtex-entry-update)
["Kill Entry" bibtex-kill-entry t]
(Kill\ Entry menu-item "Kill Entry" bibtex-kill-entry)
["Copy Entry to Kill Ring" bibtex-copy-entry-as-kill t]
(Copy\ Entry\ to\ Kill\ Ring menu-item "Copy Entry to Kill Ring" bibtex-copy-entry-as-kill)
["Paste Most Recently Killed Entry" bibtex-yank t]
(Paste\ Most\ Recently\ Killed\ Entry menu-item "Paste Most Recently Killed Entry" bibtex-yank)
["Paste Previously Killed Entry" bibtex-yank-pop t]
(Paste\ Previously\ Killed\ Entry menu-item "Paste Previously Killed Entry" bibtex-yank-pop)
["Copy Summary to Kill Ring" bibtex-copy-summary-as-kill t]
(Copy\ Summary\ to\ Kill\ Ring menu-item "Copy Summary to Kill Ring" bibtex-copy-summary-as-kill)
["Browse URL" bibtex-url t]
(Browse\ URL menu-item "Browse URL" bibtex-url)
["Ispell Entry" bibtex-ispell-entry t]
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["View Cite Locations (RefTeX)" reftex-view-crossref-from-bibtex
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("Operating on Current Entry"
["Fill Entry" bibtex-fill-entry t]
["Clean Entry" bibtex-clean-entry t]
["Update Entry" bibtex-entry-update t]
["Kill Entry" bibtex-kill-entry t]
["Copy Entry to Kill Ring" bibtex-copy-entry-as-kill t]
["Paste Most Recently Killed Entry" bibtex-yank t]
["Paste Previously Killed Entry" bibtex-yank-pop t]
["Copy Summary to Kill Ring" bibtex-copy-summary-as-kill t]
["Browse URL" bibtex-url t]
["Ispell Entry" bibtex-ispell-entry t]
["Ispell Entry Abstract" bibtex-ispell-abstract t]
["Narrow to Entry" bibtex-narrow-to-entry t]
["Mark Entry" bibtex-mark-entry t]
["View Cite Locations (RefTeX)" reftex-view-crossref-from-bibtex
(fboundp 'reftex-view-crossref-from-bibtex)])
(Operating\ on\ Current\ Entry menu-item "Operating on Current Entry"
(keymap "Operating on Current Entry"
(Fill\ Entry menu-item "Fill Entry" bibtex-fill-entry)
(Clean\ Entry menu-item "Clean Entry" bibtex-clean-entry)
(Update\ Entry menu-item "Update Entry" bibtex-entry-update)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
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(Copy\ Entry\ to\ Kill\ Ring menu-item "Copy Entry to Kill Ring" bibtex-copy-entry-as-kill)
(Paste\ Most\ Recently\ Killed\ Entry menu-item "Paste Most Recently Killed Entry" bibtex-yank)
(Paste\ Previously\ Killed\ Entry menu-item "Paste Previously Killed Entry" bibtex-yank-pop)
(nil-7-8 menu-item "--")
(Copy\ Summary\ to\ Kill\ Ring menu-item "Copy Summary to Kill Ring" bibtex-copy-summary-as-kill)
(Browse\ URL menu-item "Browse URL" bibtex-url)
(nil-7-11 menu-item "--")
(Ispell\ Entry menu-item "Ispell Entry" bibtex-ispell-entry)
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(View\ Cite\ Locations\ \(RefTeX\) menu-item "View Cite Locations (RefTeX)" reftex-view-crossref-from-bibtex :enable
(fboundp 'reftex-view-crossref-from-bibtex))))
["Search Entries" bibtex-search-entries t]
(Search\ Entries menu-item "Search Entries" bibtex-search-entries)
["Validate Entries" bibtex-validate t]
(Validate\ Entries menu-item "Validate Entries" bibtex-validate)
["Sort Entries" bibtex-sort-buffer t]
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(Reformat\ Entries menu-item "Reformat Entries" bibtex-reformat)
["Count Entries" bibtex-count-entries t]
(Count\ Entries menu-item "Count Entries" bibtex-count-entries)
["Convert Alien Buffer" bibtex-convert-alien t]
(Convert\ Alien\ Buffer menu-item "Convert Alien Buffer" bibtex-convert-alien)
("Operating on Buffer or Region"
["Search Entries" bibtex-search-entries t]
["Validate Entries" bibtex-validate t]
["Sort Entries" bibtex-sort-buffer t]
["Reformat Entries" bibtex-reformat t]
["Count Entries" bibtex-count-entries t]
["Convert Alien Buffer" bibtex-convert-alien t])
(Operating\ on\ Buffer\ or\ Region menu-item "Operating on Buffer or Region"
(keymap "Operating on Buffer or Region"
(Search\ Entries menu-item "Search Entries" bibtex-search-entries)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Validate\ Entries menu-item "Validate Entries" bibtex-validate)
(Sort\ Entries menu-item "Sort Entries" bibtex-sort-buffer)
(Reformat\ Entries menu-item "Reformat Entries" bibtex-reformat)
(Count\ Entries menu-item "Count Entries" bibtex-count-entries)
(nil-7-6 menu-item "--")
(Convert\ Alien\ Buffer menu-item "Convert Alien Buffer" bibtex-convert-alien)))
["(Re)Initialize BibTeX Buffers" bibtex-initialize t]
(\(Re\)Initialize\ BibTeX\ Buffers menu-item "(Re)Initialize BibTeX Buffers" bibtex-initialize)
["Validate Entries" bibtex-validate-globally t]
(Validate\ Entries menu-item "Validate Entries" bibtex-validate-globally)
("Operating on Multiple Buffers"
["(Re)Initialize BibTeX Buffers" bibtex-initialize t]
["Validate Entries" bibtex-validate-globally t])
(Operating\ on\ Multiple\ Buffers menu-item "Operating on Multiple Buffers"
(keymap "Operating on Multiple Buffers"
(\(Re\)Initialize\ BibTeX\ Buffers menu-item "(Re)Initialize BibTeX Buffers" bibtex-initialize)
(Validate\ Entries menu-item "Validate Entries" bibtex-validate-globally)))
["Increment SOA serial" dns-mode-soa-increment-serial t]
(Increment\ SOA\ serial menu-item "Increment SOA serial" dns-mode-soa-increment-serial)
["Next Item" todo-next-item t]
(Next\ Item menu-item "Next Item" todo-next-item)
["Previous Item" todo-previous-item t]
(Previous\ Item menu-item "Previous Item" todo-previous-item)
["Next Category" todo-forward-category t]
(Next\ Category menu-item "Next Category" todo-forward-category)
["Previous Category" todo-backward-category t]
(Previous\ Category menu-item "Previous Category" todo-backward-category)
["Jump to Another Category" todo-jump-to-category t]
(Jump\ to\ Another\ Category menu-item "Jump to Another Category" todo-jump-to-category)
["Visit Another Todo File" todo-show t]
(Visit\ Another\ Todo\ File menu-item "Visit Another Todo File" todo-show)
["Visit Archive" todo-find-archive t]
(Visit\ Archive menu-item "Visit Archive" todo-find-archive)
["Visit Filtered Items File" todo-find-filtered-items-file t]
(Visit\ Filtered\ Items\ File menu-item "Visit Filtered Items File" todo-find-filtered-items-file)
["Next Item" todo-next-item t]
["Previous Item" todo-previous-item t]
["Next Category" todo-forward-category t]
["Previous Category" todo-backward-category t]
["Jump to Another Category" todo-jump-to-category t]
["Visit Another Todo File" todo-show t]
["Visit Archive" todo-find-archive t]
["Visit Filtered Items File" todo-find-filtered-items-file t])
(Navigation menu-item "Navigation"
(keymap "Navigation"
(Next\ Item menu-item "Next Item" todo-next-item)
(Previous\ Item menu-item "Previous Item" todo-previous-item)
(nil-9 menu-item "---")
(Next\ Category menu-item "Next Category" todo-forward-category)
(Previous\ Category menu-item "Previous Category" todo-backward-category)
(Jump\ to\ Another\ Category menu-item "Jump to Another Category" todo-jump-to-category)
(nil-9-6 menu-item "---")
(Visit\ Another\ Todo\ File menu-item "Visit Another Todo File" todo-show)
(Visit\ Archive menu-item "Visit Archive" todo-find-archive)
(Visit\ Filtered\ Items\ File menu-item "Visit Filtered Items File" todo-find-filtered-items-file)))
["Insert New Item" todo-insert-item t]
(Insert\ New\ Item menu-item "Insert New Item" todo-insert-item)
["Edit Item" todo-edit-item t]
(Edit\ Item menu-item "Edit Item" todo-edit-item)
["Lower Item Priority" todo-lower-item-priority t]
(Lower\ Item\ Priority menu-item "Lower Item Priority" todo-lower-item-priority)
["Raise Item Priority" todo-raise-item-priority t]
(Raise\ Item\ Priority menu-item "Raise Item Priority" todo-raise-item-priority)
["Set Item Priority" todo-set-item-priority t]
(Set\ Item\ Priority menu-item "Set Item Priority" todo-set-item-priority)
["Mark/Unmark Item" todo-toggle-mark-item t]
(Mark/Unmark\ Item menu-item "Mark/Unmark Item" todo-toggle-mark-item)
["Move (Recategorize) Item" todo-move-item t]
(Move\ \(Recategorize\)\ Item menu-item "Move (Recategorize) Item" todo-move-item)
["Delete Item" todo-delete-item t]
(Delete\ Item menu-item "Delete Item" todo-delete-item)
["Mark and Bury Done Item" todo-item-done t]
(Mark\ and\ Bury\ Done\ Item menu-item "Mark and Bury Done Item" todo-item-done)
["Undo Done Item" todo-item-undone t]
(Undo\ Done\ Item menu-item "Undo Done Item" todo-item-undone)
["Archive Done Item" todo-archive-done-item t]
(Archive\ Done\ Item menu-item "Archive Done Item" todo-archive-done-item)
["Add New Category" todo-add-category t]
(Add\ New\ Category menu-item "Add New Category" todo-add-category)
["Rename Current Category" todo-rename-category t]
(Rename\ Current\ Category menu-item "Rename Current Category" todo-rename-category)
["Delete Current Category" todo-delete-category t]
(Delete\ Current\ Category menu-item "Delete Current Category" todo-delete-category)
["Move Current Category" todo-move-category t]
(Move\ Current\ Category menu-item "Move Current Category" todo-move-category)
["Merge Current Category" todo-merge-category t]
(Merge\ Current\ Category menu-item "Merge Current Category" todo-merge-category)
["Add New Todo File" todo-add-file t]
(Add\ New\ Todo\ File menu-item "Add New Todo File" todo-add-file)
["Rename Todo File" todo-rename-file t]
(Rename\ Todo\ File menu-item "Rename Todo File" todo-rename-file)
["Delete Todo File" todo-delete-file t]
(Delete\ Todo\ File menu-item "Delete Todo File" todo-delete-file)
["Edit Todo File" todo-edit-file t]
(Edit\ Todo\ File menu-item "Edit Todo File" todo-edit-file)
["Insert New Item" todo-insert-item t]
["Edit Item" todo-edit-item t]
["Lower Item Priority" todo-lower-item-priority t]
["Raise Item Priority" todo-raise-item-priority t]
["Set Item Priority" todo-set-item-priority t]
["Mark/Unmark Item" todo-toggle-mark-item t]
["Move (Recategorize) Item" todo-move-item t]
["Delete Item" todo-delete-item t]
["Mark and Bury Done Item" todo-item-done t]
["Undo Done Item" todo-item-undone t]
["Archive Done Item" todo-archive-done-item t]
["Add New Category" todo-add-category t]
["Rename Current Category" todo-rename-category t]
["Delete Current Category" todo-delete-category t]
["Move Current Category" todo-move-category t]
["Merge Current Category" todo-merge-category t]
["Add New Todo File" todo-add-file t]
["Rename Todo File" todo-rename-file t]
["Delete Todo File" todo-delete-file t]
["Edit Todo File" todo-edit-file t])
(Editing menu-item "Editing"
(keymap "Editing"
(Insert\ New\ Item menu-item "Insert New Item" todo-insert-item)
(Edit\ Item menu-item "Edit Item" todo-edit-item)
(Lower\ Item\ Priority menu-item "Lower Item Priority" todo-lower-item-priority)
(Raise\ Item\ Priority menu-item "Raise Item Priority" todo-raise-item-priority)
(Set\ Item\ Priority menu-item "Set Item Priority" todo-set-item-priority)
(Mark/Unmark\ Item menu-item "Mark/Unmark Item" todo-toggle-mark-item)
(Move\ \(Recategorize\)\ Item menu-item "Move (Recategorize) Item" todo-move-item)
(Delete\ Item menu-item "Delete Item" todo-delete-item)
(Mark\ and\ Bury\ Done\ Item menu-item "Mark and Bury Done Item" todo-item-done)
(Undo\ Done\ Item menu-item "Undo Done Item" todo-item-undone)
(Archive\ Done\ Item menu-item "Archive Done Item" todo-archive-done-item)
(nil-9 menu-item "---")
(Add\ New\ Category menu-item "Add New Category" todo-add-category)
(Rename\ Current\ Category menu-item "Rename Current Category" todo-rename-category)
(Delete\ Current\ Category menu-item "Delete Current Category" todo-delete-category)
(Move\ Current\ Category menu-item "Move Current Category" todo-move-category)
(Merge\ Current\ Category menu-item "Merge Current Category" todo-merge-category)
(nil-9-17 menu-item "---")
(Add\ New\ Todo\ File menu-item "Add New Todo File" todo-add-file)
(Rename\ Todo\ File menu-item "Rename Todo File" todo-rename-file)
(Delete\ Todo\ File menu-item "Delete Todo File" todo-delete-file)
(Edit\ Todo\ File menu-item "Edit Todo File" todo-edit-file)))
["Search Todo File" todo-search t]
(Search\ Todo\ File menu-item "Search Todo File" todo-search)
["Clear Match Highlighting" todo-clear-matches t]
(Clear\ Match\ Highlighting menu-item "Clear Match Highlighting" todo-clear-matches)
["Set Top Priorities in File" todo-set-top-priorities-in-file t]
(Set\ Top\ Priorities\ in\ File menu-item "Set Top Priorities in File" todo-set-top-priorities-in-file)
["Set Top Priorities in Category" todo-set-top-priorities-in-category t]
(Set\ Top\ Priorities\ in\ Category menu-item "Set Top Priorities in Category" todo-set-top-priorities-in-category)
["Filter Top Priorities" todo-filter-top-priorities t]
(Filter\ Top\ Priorities menu-item "Filter Top Priorities" todo-filter-top-priorities)
["Filter Multifile Top Priorities" todo-filter-top-priorities-multifile t]
(Filter\ Multifile\ Top\ Priorities menu-item "Filter Multifile Top Priorities" todo-filter-top-priorities-multifile)
["Filter Diary Items" todo-filter-diary-items t]
(Filter\ Diary\ Items menu-item "Filter Diary Items" todo-filter-diary-items)
["Filter Multifile Diary Items" todo-filter-diary-items-multifile t]
(Filter\ Multifile\ Diary\ Items menu-item "Filter Multifile Diary Items" todo-filter-diary-items-multifile)
["Filter Regexp" todo-filter-regexp-items t]
(Filter\ Regexp menu-item "Filter Regexp" todo-filter-regexp-items)
["Filter Multifile Regexp" todo-filter-regexp-items-multifile t]
(Filter\ Multifile\ Regexp menu-item "Filter Multifile Regexp" todo-filter-regexp-items-multifile)
("Searching and Item Filtering"
["Search Todo File" todo-search t]
["Clear Match Highlighting" todo-clear-matches t]
["Set Top Priorities in File" todo-set-top-priorities-in-file t]
["Set Top Priorities in Category" todo-set-top-priorities-in-category t]
["Filter Top Priorities" todo-filter-top-priorities t]
["Filter Multifile Top Priorities" todo-filter-top-priorities-multifile t]
["Filter Diary Items" todo-filter-diary-items t]
["Filter Multifile Diary Items" todo-filter-diary-items-multifile t]
["Filter Regexp" todo-filter-regexp-items t]
["Filter Multifile Regexp" todo-filter-regexp-items-multifile t])
(Searching\ and\ Item\ Filtering menu-item "Searching and Item Filtering"
(keymap "Searching and Item Filtering"
(Search\ Todo\ File menu-item "Search Todo File" todo-search)
(Clear\ Match\ Highlighting menu-item "Clear Match Highlighting" todo-clear-matches)
(nil-9 menu-item "---")
(Set\ Top\ Priorities\ in\ File menu-item "Set Top Priorities in File" todo-set-top-priorities-in-file)
(Set\ Top\ Priorities\ in\ Category menu-item "Set Top Priorities in Category" todo-set-top-priorities-in-category)
(Filter\ Top\ Priorities menu-item "Filter Top Priorities" todo-filter-top-priorities)
(Filter\ Multifile\ Top\ Priorities menu-item "Filter Multifile Top Priorities" todo-filter-top-priorities-multifile)
(Filter\ Diary\ Items menu-item "Filter Diary Items" todo-filter-diary-items)
(Filter\ Multifile\ Diary\ Items menu-item "Filter Multifile Diary Items" todo-filter-diary-items-multifile)
(Filter\ Regexp menu-item "Filter Regexp" todo-filter-regexp-items)
(Filter\ Multifile\ Regexp menu-item "Filter Multifile Regexp" todo-filter-regexp-items-multifile)))
["Show/Hide Done Items" todo-toggle-view-done-items t]
(Show/Hide\ Done\ Items menu-item "Show/Hide Done Items" todo-toggle-view-done-items)
["Show/Hide Done Items Only" todo-toggle-view-done-only t]
(Show/Hide\ Done\ Items\ Only menu-item "Show/Hide Done Items Only" todo-toggle-view-done-only)
["Show/Hide Item Highlighting" todo-toggle-item-highlighting t]
(Show/Hide\ Item\ Highlighting menu-item "Show/Hide Item Highlighting" todo-toggle-item-highlighting)
["Show/Hide Item Numbering" todo-toggle-prefix-numbers t]
(Show/Hide\ Item\ Numbering menu-item "Show/Hide Item Numbering" todo-toggle-prefix-numbers)
["Show/Hide Item Header" todo-toggle-item-header t]
(Show/Hide\ Item\ Header menu-item "Show/Hide Item Header" todo-toggle-item-header)
["Display Table of Categories" todo-show-categories-table t]
(Display\ Table\ of\ Categories menu-item "Display Table of Categories" todo-show-categories-table)
["Print Category" todo-print-buffer t]
(Print\ Category menu-item "Print Category" todo-print-buffer)
["Print Category to File" todo-print-buffer-to-file t]
(Print\ Category\ to\ File menu-item "Print Category to File" todo-print-buffer-to-file)
("Display and Printing"
["Show/Hide Done Items" todo-toggle-view-done-items t]
["Show/Hide Done Items Only" todo-toggle-view-done-only t]
["Show/Hide Item Highlighting" todo-toggle-item-highlighting t]
["Show/Hide Item Numbering" todo-toggle-prefix-numbers t]
["Show/Hide Item Header" todo-toggle-item-header t]
["Display Table of Categories" todo-show-categories-table t]
["Print Category" todo-print-buffer t]
["Print Category to File" todo-print-buffer-to-file t])
(Display\ and\ Printing menu-item "Display and Printing"
(keymap "Display and Printing"
(Show/Hide\ Done\ Items menu-item "Show/Hide Done Items" todo-toggle-view-done-items)
(Show/Hide\ Done\ Items\ Only menu-item "Show/Hide Done Items Only" todo-toggle-view-done-only)
(Show/Hide\ Item\ Highlighting menu-item "Show/Hide Item Highlighting" todo-toggle-item-highlighting)
(Show/Hide\ Item\ Numbering menu-item "Show/Hide Item Numbering" todo-toggle-prefix-numbers)
(Show/Hide\ Item\ Header menu-item "Show/Hide Item Header" todo-toggle-item-header)
(nil-9 menu-item "---")
(Display\ Table\ of\ Categories menu-item "Display Table of Categories" todo-show-categories-table)
(nil-9-7 menu-item "---")
(Print\ Category menu-item "Print Category" todo-print-buffer)
(Print\ Category\ to\ File menu-item "Print Category to File" todo-print-buffer-to-file)))
["Save Todo File" todo-save t]
(Save\ Todo\ File menu-item "Save Todo File" todo-save)
["Quit Todo Mode" todo-quit t]
(Quit\ Todo\ Mode menu-item "Quit Todo Mode" todo-quit)
["Goto Declaration/Body" ada-point-and-xref :included ada-contextual-menu-on-identifier]
(Goto\ Declaration/Body menu-item "Goto Declaration/Body" ada-point-and-xref :visible ada-contextual-menu-on-identifier)
["Goto Body" ada-point-and-xref-body :included ada-contextual-menu-on-identifier]
(Goto\ Body menu-item "Goto Body" ada-point-and-xref-body :visible ada-contextual-menu-on-identifier)
["Goto Previous Reference" ada-xref-goto-previous-reference]
(Goto\ Previous\ Reference menu-item "Goto Previous Reference" ada-xref-goto-previous-reference)
["List References" ada-find-references :included ada-contextual-menu-on-identifier]
(List\ References menu-item "List References" ada-find-references :visible ada-contextual-menu-on-identifier)
["List Local References" ada-find-local-references :included ada-contextual-menu-on-identifier]
(List\ Local\ References menu-item "List Local References" ada-find-local-references :visible ada-contextual-menu-on-identifier)
["-" nil nil]
(- menu-item "-" nil :enable 'nil)
["Other File" ff-find-other-file]
(Other\ File menu-item "Other File" ff-find-other-file)
["Goto Parent Unit" ada-goto-parent]
(Goto\ Parent\ Unit menu-item "Goto Parent Unit" ada-goto-parent)
["Ada Mode"
(info "ada-mode")
(Ada\ Mode menu-item "Ada Mode" menu-function-270 :key-sequence nil)
["GNAT User's Guide"
(info "gnat_ugn")
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
(GNAT\ User\'s\ Guide menu-item "GNAT User's Guide" menu-function-271 :key-sequence nil :enable
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat))
["GNAT Reference Manual"
(info "gnat_rm")
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
(GNAT\ Reference\ Manual menu-item "GNAT Reference Manual" menu-function-272 :key-sequence nil :enable
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat))
["Gcc Documentation"
(info "gcc")
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
(Gcc\ Documentation menu-item "Gcc Documentation" menu-function-273 :key-sequence nil :enable
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat))
["Gdb Documentation"
(info "gdb")
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
(Gdb\ Documentation menu-item "Gdb Documentation" menu-function-274 :key-sequence nil :enable
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat))
["Ada95 Reference Manual"
(info "arm95")
(Ada95\ Reference\ Manual menu-item "Ada95 Reference Manual" menu-function-275 :key-sequence nil)
["Ada Mode"
(info "ada-mode")
["GNAT User's Guide"
(info "gnat_ugn")
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
["GNAT Reference Manual"
(info "gnat_rm")
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
["Gcc Documentation"
(info "gcc")
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
["Gdb Documentation"
(info "gdb")
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
["Ada95 Reference Manual"
(info "arm95")
(Help menu-item "Help"
(keymap "Help"
(Ada\ Mode menu-item "Ada Mode" menu-function-270 :key-sequence nil)
(GNAT\ User\'s\ Guide menu-item "GNAT User's Guide" menu-function-271 :key-sequence nil :enable
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat))
(GNAT\ Reference\ Manual menu-item "GNAT Reference Manual" menu-function-272 :key-sequence nil :enable
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat))
(Gcc\ Documentation menu-item "Gcc Documentation" menu-function-273 :key-sequence nil :enable
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat))
(Gdb\ Documentation menu-item "Gdb Documentation" menu-function-274 :key-sequence nil :enable
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat))
(Ada95\ Reference\ Manual menu-item "Ada95 Reference Manual" menu-function-275 :key-sequence nil)))
["Auto Casing"
(setq ada-auto-case
(not ada-auto-case))
:style toggle :selected ada-auto-case]
(Auto\ Casing menu-item "Auto Casing" menu-function-276 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . ada-auto-case))
["Auto Indent After Return"
(setq ada-indent-after-return
(not ada-indent-after-return))
:style toggle :selected ada-indent-after-return]
(Auto\ Indent\ After\ Return menu-item "Auto Indent After Return" menu-function-277 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . ada-indent-after-return))
["Automatically Recompile For Cross-references"
(setq ada-xref-create-ali
(not ada-xref-create-ali))
:style toggle :selected ada-xref-create-ali :included
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
(Automatically\ Recompile\ For\ Cross-references menu-item "Automatically Recompile For Cross-references" menu-function-278 :key-sequence nil :visible
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)
(:toggle . ada-xref-create-ali))
["Confirm Commands"
(setq ada-xref-confirm-compile
(not ada-xref-confirm-compile))
:style toggle :selected ada-xref-confirm-compile :included
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
(Confirm\ Commands menu-item "Confirm Commands" menu-function-279 :key-sequence nil :visible
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)
(:toggle . ada-xref-confirm-compile))
["Show Cross-references In Other Buffer"
(setq ada-xref-other-buffer
(not ada-xref-other-buffer))
:style toggle :selected ada-xref-other-buffer :included
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
(Show\ Cross-references\ In\ Other\ Buffer menu-item "Show Cross-references In Other Buffer" menu-function-280 :key-sequence nil :visible
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)
(:toggle . ada-xref-other-buffer))
["Tight Integration With GNU Visual Debugger"
(setq ada-tight-gvd-integration
(not ada-tight-gvd-integration))
:style toggle :selected ada-tight-gvd-integration :included
(string-match "gvd" ada-prj-default-debugger)]
(Tight\ Integration\ With\ GNU\ Visual\ Debugger menu-item "Tight Integration With GNU Visual Debugger" menu-function-281 :key-sequence nil :visible
(string-match "gvd" ada-prj-default-debugger)
(:toggle . ada-tight-gvd-integration))
("Options" :included
(derived-mode-p 'ada-mode)
["Auto Casing"
(setq ada-auto-case
(not ada-auto-case))
:style toggle :selected ada-auto-case]
["Auto Indent After Return"
(setq ada-indent-after-return
(not ada-indent-after-return))
:style toggle :selected ada-indent-after-return]
["Automatically Recompile For Cross-references"
(setq ada-xref-create-ali
(not ada-xref-create-ali))
:style toggle :selected ada-xref-create-ali :included
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
["Confirm Commands"
(setq ada-xref-confirm-compile
(not ada-xref-confirm-compile))
:style toggle :selected ada-xref-confirm-compile :included
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
["Show Cross-references In Other Buffer"
(setq ada-xref-other-buffer
(not ada-xref-other-buffer))
:style toggle :selected ada-xref-other-buffer :included
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
["Tight Integration With GNU Visual Debugger"
(setq ada-tight-gvd-integration
(not ada-tight-gvd-integration))
:style toggle :selected ada-tight-gvd-integration :included
(string-match "gvd" ada-prj-default-debugger)])
(Options menu-item "Options"
(keymap "Options"
(Auto\ Casing menu-item "Auto Casing" menu-function-276 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . ada-auto-case))
(Auto\ Indent\ After\ Return menu-item "Auto Indent After Return" menu-function-277 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . ada-indent-after-return))
(Automatically\ Recompile\ For\ Cross-references menu-item "Automatically Recompile For Cross-references" menu-function-278 :key-sequence nil :visible
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)
(:toggle . ada-xref-create-ali))
(Confirm\ Commands menu-item "Confirm Commands" menu-function-279 :key-sequence nil :visible
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)
(:toggle . ada-xref-confirm-compile))
(Show\ Cross-references\ In\ Other\ Buffer menu-item "Show Cross-references In Other Buffer" menu-function-280 :key-sequence nil :visible
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)
(:toggle . ada-xref-other-buffer))
(Tight\ Integration\ With\ GNU\ Visual\ Debugger menu-item "Tight Integration With GNU Visual Debugger" menu-function-281 :key-sequence nil :visible
(string-match "gvd" ada-prj-default-debugger)
(:toggle . ada-tight-gvd-integration)))
(derived-mode-p 'ada-mode))
(customize-group 'ada)
(fboundp 'customize-group)]
(Customize menu-item "Customize" menu-function-283 :key-sequence nil :visible
(fboundp 'customize-group))
["Check file" ada-check-current t]
(Check\ file menu-item "Check file" ada-check-current)
["Compile file" ada-compile-current t]
(Compile\ file menu-item "Compile file" ada-compile-current)
["Set main and Build" ada-set-main-compile-application t]
(Set\ main\ and\ Build menu-item "Set main and Build" ada-set-main-compile-application)
["Show main" ada-show-current-main t]
(Show\ main menu-item "Show main" ada-show-current-main)
["Build" ada-compile-application t]
(Build menu-item "Build" ada-compile-application)
["Run" ada-run-application t]
(Run menu-item "Run" ada-run-application)
["Debug" ada-gdb-application
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
(Debug menu-item "Debug" ada-gdb-application :enable
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat))
["------" nil nil]
(------ menu-item "------" nil :enable 'nil)
["Show project" ada-show-current-project t]
(Show\ project menu-item "Show project" ada-show-current-project)
["Load..." ada-set-default-project-file t]
(Load\.\.\. menu-item "Load..." ada-set-default-project-file)
["New..." ada-prj-new t]
(New\.\.\. menu-item "New..." ada-prj-new)
["Edit..." ada-prj-edit t]
(Edit\.\.\. menu-item "Edit..." ada-prj-edit)
["Show project" ada-show-current-project t]
["Load..." ada-set-default-project-file t]
["New..." ada-prj-new t]
["Edit..." ada-prj-edit t])
(Project menu-item "Project"
(keymap "Project"
(Show\ project menu-item "Show project" ada-show-current-project)
(Load\.\.\. menu-item "Load..." ada-set-default-project-file)
(New\.\.\. menu-item "New..." ada-prj-new)
(Edit\.\.\. menu-item "Edit..." ada-prj-edit)))
["Goto Declaration/Body" ada-goto-declaration
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
(Goto\ Declaration/Body menu-item "Goto Declaration/Body" ada-goto-declaration :enable
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat))
["Goto Body" ada-goto-body
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
(Goto\ Body menu-item "Goto Body" ada-goto-body :enable
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat))
["Goto Declaration Other Frame" ada-goto-declaration-other-frame
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
(Goto\ Declaration\ Other\ Frame menu-item "Goto Declaration Other Frame" ada-goto-declaration-other-frame :enable
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat))
["Goto Previous Reference" ada-xref-goto-previous-reference
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
(Goto\ Previous\ Reference menu-item "Goto Previous Reference" ada-xref-goto-previous-reference :enable
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat))
["List Local References" ada-find-local-references
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
(List\ Local\ References menu-item "List Local References" ada-find-local-references :enable
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat))
["List References" ada-find-references
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
(List\ References menu-item "List References" ada-find-references :enable
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat))
["Goto Reference To Any Entity" ada-find-any-references
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
(Goto\ Reference\ To\ Any\ Entity menu-item "Goto Reference To Any Entity" ada-find-any-references :enable
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat))
["Goto Parent Unit" ada-goto-parent
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
(Goto\ Parent\ Unit menu-item "Goto Parent Unit" ada-goto-parent :enable
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat))
["Next compilation error" next-error t]
(Next\ compilation\ error menu-item "Next compilation error" next-error)
["Previous Package" ada-previous-package t]
(Previous\ Package menu-item "Previous Package" ada-previous-package)
["Next Package" ada-next-package t]
(Next\ Package menu-item "Next Package" ada-next-package)
["Previous Procedure" ada-previous-procedure t]
(Previous\ Procedure menu-item "Previous Procedure" ada-previous-procedure)
["Next Procedure" ada-next-procedure t]
(Next\ Procedure menu-item "Next Procedure" ada-next-procedure)
["Goto Start Of Statement" ada-move-to-start t]
(Goto\ Start\ Of\ Statement menu-item "Goto Start Of Statement" ada-move-to-start)
["Goto End Of Statement" ada-move-to-end t]
(Goto\ End\ Of\ Statement menu-item "Goto End Of Statement" ada-move-to-end)
["Other File" ff-find-other-file t]
(Other\ File menu-item "Other File" ff-find-other-file)
["Other File Other Window" ada-ff-other-window t]
(Other\ File\ Other\ Window menu-item "Other File Other Window" ada-ff-other-window)
("Goto" :included
(derived-mode-p 'ada-mode)
["Goto Declaration/Body" ada-goto-declaration
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
["Goto Body" ada-goto-body
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
["Goto Declaration Other Frame" ada-goto-declaration-other-frame
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
["Goto Previous Reference" ada-xref-goto-previous-reference
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
["List Local References" ada-find-local-references
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
["List References" ada-find-references
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
["Goto Reference To Any Entity" ada-find-any-references
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
["Goto Parent Unit" ada-goto-parent
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat)]
["--" nil nil]
["Next compilation error" next-error t]
["Previous Package" ada-previous-package t]
["Next Package" ada-next-package t]
["Previous Procedure" ada-previous-procedure t]
["Next Procedure" ada-next-procedure t]
["Goto Start Of Statement" ada-move-to-start t]
["Goto End Of Statement" ada-move-to-end t]
["-" nil nil]
["Other File" ff-find-other-file t]
["Other File Other Window" ada-ff-other-window t])
(Goto menu-item "Goto"
(keymap "Goto"
(Goto\ Declaration/Body menu-item "Goto Declaration/Body" ada-goto-declaration :enable
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat))
(Goto\ Body menu-item "Goto Body" ada-goto-body :enable
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat))
(Goto\ Declaration\ Other\ Frame menu-item "Goto Declaration Other Frame" ada-goto-declaration-other-frame :enable
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat))
(Goto\ Previous\ Reference menu-item "Goto Previous Reference" ada-xref-goto-previous-reference :enable
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat))
(List\ Local\ References menu-item "List Local References" ada-find-local-references :enable
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat))
(List\ References menu-item "List References" ada-find-references :enable
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat))
(Goto\ Reference\ To\ Any\ Entity menu-item "Goto Reference To Any Entity" ada-find-any-references :enable
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat))
(Goto\ Parent\ Unit menu-item "Goto Parent Unit" ada-goto-parent :enable
(eq ada-which-compiler 'gnat))
(---14 menu-item "--" nil :enable 'nil)
(Next\ compilation\ error menu-item "Next compilation error" next-error)
(Previous\ Package menu-item "Previous Package" ada-previous-package)
(Next\ Package menu-item "Next Package" ada-next-package)
(Previous\ Procedure menu-item "Previous Procedure" ada-previous-procedure)
(Next\ Procedure menu-item "Next Procedure" ada-next-procedure)
(Goto\ Start\ Of\ Statement menu-item "Goto Start Of Statement" ada-move-to-start)
(Goto\ End\ Of\ Statement menu-item "Goto End Of Statement" ada-move-to-end)
(- menu-item "-" nil :enable 'nil)
(Other\ File menu-item "Other File" ff-find-other-file)
(Other\ File\ Other\ Window menu-item "Other File Other Window" ada-ff-other-window))
(derived-mode-p 'ada-mode))
["Search File On Source Path" ada-find-file t]
(Search\ File\ On\ Source\ Path menu-item "Search File On Source Path" ada-find-file)
["Complete Identifier" ada-complete-identifier t]
(Complete\ Identifier menu-item "Complete Identifier" ada-complete-identifier)
["-----" nil nil]
(----- menu-item "-----" nil :enable 'nil)
["Indent Line" ada-indent-current-function t]
(Indent\ Line menu-item "Indent Line" ada-indent-current-function)
["Justify Current Indentation" ada-justified-indent-current t]
(Justify\ Current\ Indentation menu-item "Justify Current Indentation" ada-justified-indent-current)
["Indent Lines in Selection" ada-indent-region t]
(Indent\ Lines\ in\ Selection menu-item "Indent Lines in Selection" ada-indent-region)
["Indent Lines in File"
(Indent\ Lines\ in\ File menu-item "Indent Lines in File" menu-function-285 :key-sequence nil)
["Format Parameter List" ada-format-paramlist t]
(Format\ Parameter\ List menu-item "Format Parameter List" ada-format-paramlist)
["Comment Selection" comment-region t]
(Comment\ Selection menu-item "Comment Selection" comment-region)
["Uncomment Selection" ada-uncomment-region t]
(Uncomment\ Selection menu-item "Uncomment Selection" ada-uncomment-region)
["Fill Comment Paragraph" fill-paragraph t]
(Fill\ Comment\ Paragraph menu-item "Fill Comment Paragraph" fill-paragraph)
["Fill Comment Paragraph Justify" ada-fill-comment-paragraph-justify t]
(Fill\ Comment\ Paragraph\ Justify menu-item "Fill Comment Paragraph Justify" ada-fill-comment-paragraph-justify)
["Fill Comment Paragraph Postfix" ada-fill-comment-paragraph-postfix t]
(Fill\ Comment\ Paragraph\ Postfix menu-item "Fill Comment Paragraph Postfix" ada-fill-comment-paragraph-postfix)
["Adjust Case Selection" ada-adjust-case-region t]
(Adjust\ Case\ Selection menu-item "Adjust Case Selection" ada-adjust-case-region)
["Adjust Case in File" ada-adjust-case-buffer t]
(Adjust\ Case\ in\ File menu-item "Adjust Case in File" ada-adjust-case-buffer)
["Create Case Exception" ada-create-case-exception t]
(Create\ Case\ Exception menu-item "Create Case Exception" ada-create-case-exception)
["Create Case Exception Substring" ada-create-case-exception-substring t]
(Create\ Case\ Exception\ Substring menu-item "Create Case Exception Substring" ada-create-case-exception-substring)
["Reload Case Exceptions" ada-case-read-exceptions t]
(Reload\ Case\ Exceptions menu-item "Reload Case Exceptions" ada-case-read-exceptions)
["----" nil nil]
(---- menu-item "----" nil :enable 'nil)
["Make body for subprogram" ada-make-subprogram-body t]
(Make\ body\ for\ subprogram menu-item "Make body for subprogram" ada-make-subprogram-body)
["Narrow to subprogram" ada-narrow-to-defun t]
(Narrow\ to\ subprogram menu-item "Narrow to subprogram" ada-narrow-to-defun)
("Edit" :included
(derived-mode-p 'ada-mode)
["Search File On Source Path" ada-find-file t]
["------" nil nil]
["Complete Identifier" ada-complete-identifier t]
["-----" nil nil]
["Indent Line" ada-indent-current-function t]
["Justify Current Indentation" ada-justified-indent-current t]
["Indent Lines in Selection" ada-indent-region t]
["Indent Lines in File"
["Format Parameter List" ada-format-paramlist t]
["-" nil nil]
["Comment Selection" comment-region t]
["Uncomment Selection" ada-uncomment-region t]
["--" nil nil]
["Fill Comment Paragraph" fill-paragraph t]
["Fill Comment Paragraph Justify" ada-fill-comment-paragraph-justify t]
["Fill Comment Paragraph Postfix" ada-fill-comment-paragraph-postfix t]
["---" nil nil]
["Adjust Case Selection" ada-adjust-case-region t]
["Adjust Case in File" ada-adjust-case-buffer t]
["Create Case Exception" ada-create-case-exception t]
["Create Case Exception Substring" ada-create-case-exception-substring t]
["Reload Case Exceptions" ada-case-read-exceptions t]
["----" nil nil]
["Make body for subprogram" ada-make-subprogram-body t]
["-----" nil nil]
["Narrow to subprogram" ada-narrow-to-defun t])
(Edit menu-item "Edit"
(keymap "Edit"
(Search\ File\ On\ Source\ Path menu-item "Search File On Source Path" ada-find-file)
(------ menu-item "------" nil :enable 'nil)
(Complete\ Identifier menu-item "Complete Identifier" ada-complete-identifier)
(----- menu-item "-----" nil :enable 'nil)
(Indent\ Line menu-item "Indent Line" ada-indent-current-function)
(Justify\ Current\ Indentation menu-item "Justify Current Indentation" ada-justified-indent-current)
(Indent\ Lines\ in\ Selection menu-item "Indent Lines in Selection" ada-indent-region)
(Indent\ Lines\ in\ File menu-item "Indent Lines in File" menu-function-285 :key-sequence nil)
(Format\ Parameter\ List menu-item "Format Parameter List" ada-format-paramlist)
(- menu-item "-" nil :enable 'nil)
(Comment\ Selection menu-item "Comment Selection" comment-region)
(Uncomment\ Selection menu-item "Uncomment Selection" ada-uncomment-region)
(---14 menu-item "--" nil :enable 'nil)
(Fill\ Comment\ Paragraph menu-item "Fill Comment Paragraph" fill-paragraph)
(Fill\ Comment\ Paragraph\ Justify menu-item "Fill Comment Paragraph Justify" ada-fill-comment-paragraph-justify)
(Fill\ Comment\ Paragraph\ Postfix menu-item "Fill Comment Paragraph Postfix" ada-fill-comment-paragraph-postfix)
(--- menu-item "---" nil :enable 'nil)
(Adjust\ Case\ Selection menu-item "Adjust Case Selection" ada-adjust-case-region)
(Adjust\ Case\ in\ File menu-item "Adjust Case in File" ada-adjust-case-buffer)
(Create\ Case\ Exception menu-item "Create Case Exception" ada-create-case-exception)
(Create\ Case\ Exception\ Substring menu-item "Create Case Exception Substring" ada-create-case-exception-substring)
(Reload\ Case\ Exceptions menu-item "Reload Case Exceptions" ada-case-read-exceptions)
(---- menu-item "----" nil :enable 'nil)
(Make\ body\ for\ subprogram menu-item "Make body for subprogram" ada-make-subprogram-body)
(------24 menu-item "-----" nil :enable 'nil)
(Narrow\ to\ subprogram menu-item "Narrow to subprogram" ada-narrow-to-defun))
(derived-mode-p 'ada-mode))
["Header" ada-header t]
(Header menu-item "Header" ada-header)
["Package Body" ada-package-body t]
(Package\ Body menu-item "Package Body" ada-package-body)
["Package Spec" ada-package-spec t]
(Package\ Spec menu-item "Package Spec" ada-package-spec)
["Function Spec" ada-function-spec t]
(Function\ Spec menu-item "Function Spec" ada-function-spec)
["Procedure Spec" ada-procedure-spec t]
(Procedure\ Spec menu-item "Procedure Spec" ada-procedure-spec)
["Proc/func Body" ada-subprogram-body t]
(Proc/func\ Body menu-item "Proc/func Body" ada-subprogram-body)
["Task Body" ada-task-body t]
(Task\ Body menu-item "Task Body" ada-task-body)
["Task Spec" ada-task-spec t]
(Task\ Spec menu-item "Task Spec" ada-task-spec)
["Declare Block" ada-declare-block t]
(Declare\ Block menu-item "Declare Block" ada-declare-block)
["Exception Block" ada-exception-block t]
(Exception\ Block menu-item "Exception Block" ada-exception-block)
["Entry" ada-entry t]
(Entry menu-item "Entry" ada-entry)
["Entry family" ada-entry-family t]
(Entry\ family menu-item "Entry family" ada-entry-family)
["Select" ada-select t]
(Select menu-item "Select" ada-select)
["Accept" ada-accept t]
(Accept menu-item "Accept" ada-accept)
["Or accept" ada-or-accept t]
(Or\ accept menu-item "Or accept" ada-or-accept)
["Or delay" ada-or-delay t]
(Or\ delay menu-item "Or delay" ada-or-delay)
["Or terminate" ada-or-terminate t]
(Or\ terminate menu-item "Or terminate" ada-or-terminate)
["Type" ada-type t]
(Type menu-item "Type" ada-type)
["Private" ada-private t]
(Private menu-item "Private" ada-private)
["Subtype" ada-subtype t]
(Subtype menu-item "Subtype" ada-subtype)
["Record" ada-record t]
(Record menu-item "Record" ada-record)
["Array" ada-array t]
(Array menu-item "Array" ada-array)
["If" ada-if t]
(If menu-item "If" ada-if)
["Else" ada-else t]
(Else menu-item "Else" ada-else)
["Elsif" ada-elsif t]
(Elsif menu-item "Elsif" ada-elsif)
["Case" ada-case t]
(Case menu-item "Case" ada-case)
["While Loop" ada-while-loop t]
(While\ Loop menu-item "While Loop" ada-while-loop)
["For Loop" ada-for-loop t]
(For\ Loop menu-item "For Loop" ada-for-loop)
["Loop" ada-loop t]
(Loop menu-item "Loop" ada-loop)
["Exception" ada-exception t]
(Exception menu-item "Exception" ada-exception)
["Exit" ada-exit t]
(Exit menu-item "Exit" ada-exit)
["When" ada-when t]
(When menu-item "When" ada-when)
("Templates" :included
(derived-mode-p 'ada-mode)
["Header" ada-header t]
["-" nil nil]
["Package Body" ada-package-body t]
["Package Spec" ada-package-spec t]
["Function Spec" ada-function-spec t]
["Procedure Spec" ada-procedure-spec t]
["Proc/func Body" ada-subprogram-body t]
["Task Body" ada-task-body t]
["Task Spec" ada-task-spec t]
["Declare Block" ada-declare-block t]
["Exception Block" ada-exception-block t]
["--" nil nil]
["Entry" ada-entry t]
["Entry family" ada-entry-family t]
["Select" ada-select t]
["Accept" ada-accept t]
["Or accept" ada-or-accept t]
["Or delay" ada-or-delay t]
["Or terminate" ada-or-terminate t]
["---" nil nil]
["Type" ada-type t]
["Private" ada-private t]
["Subtype" ada-subtype t]
["Record" ada-record t]
["Array" ada-array t]
["----" nil nil]
["If" ada-if t]
["Else" ada-else t]
["Elsif" ada-elsif t]
["Case" ada-case t]
["-----" nil nil]
["While Loop" ada-while-loop t]
["For Loop" ada-for-loop t]
["Loop" ada-loop t]
["------" nil nil]
["Exception" ada-exception t]
["Exit" ada-exit t]
["When" ada-when t])
(Templates menu-item "Templates"
(keymap "Templates"
(Header menu-item "Header" ada-header)
(- menu-item "-" nil :enable 'nil)
(Package\ Body menu-item "Package Body" ada-package-body)
(Package\ Spec menu-item "Package Spec" ada-package-spec)
(Function\ Spec menu-item "Function Spec" ada-function-spec)
(Procedure\ Spec menu-item "Procedure Spec" ada-procedure-spec)
(Proc/func\ Body menu-item "Proc/func Body" ada-subprogram-body)
(Task\ Body menu-item "Task Body" ada-task-body)
(Task\ Spec menu-item "Task Spec" ada-task-spec)
(Declare\ Block menu-item "Declare Block" ada-declare-block)
(Exception\ Block menu-item "Exception Block" ada-exception-block)
(---14 menu-item "--" nil :enable 'nil)
(Entry menu-item "Entry" ada-entry)
(Entry\ family menu-item "Entry family" ada-entry-family)
(Select menu-item "Select" ada-select)
(Accept menu-item "Accept" ada-accept)
(Or\ accept menu-item "Or accept" ada-or-accept)
(Or\ delay menu-item "Or delay" ada-or-delay)
(Or\ terminate menu-item "Or terminate" ada-or-terminate)
(--- menu-item "---" nil :enable 'nil)
(Type menu-item "Type" ada-type)
(Private menu-item "Private" ada-private)
(Subtype menu-item "Subtype" ada-subtype)
(Record menu-item "Record" ada-record)
(Array menu-item "Array" ada-array)
(---- menu-item "----" nil :enable 'nil)
(If menu-item "If" ada-if)
(Else menu-item "Else" ada-else)
(Elsif menu-item "Elsif" ada-elsif)
(Case menu-item "Case" ada-case)
(----- menu-item "-----" nil :enable 'nil)
(While\ Loop menu-item "While Loop" ada-while-loop)
(For\ Loop menu-item "For Loop" ada-for-loop)
(Loop menu-item "Loop" ada-loop)
(------ menu-item "------" nil :enable 'nil)
(Exception menu-item "Exception" ada-exception)
(Exit menu-item "Exit" ada-exit)
(When menu-item "When" ada-when))
(derived-mode-p 'ada-mode))
("Insert File Option" :filter
[x antlr-options-menu-filter 1]
(Insert\ File\ Option menu-item "Insert File Option" nil :filter
#[257 "\302\301!\300\"\207"
["Insert File Option"
[x antlr-options-menu-filter 1]
4 "\n\n(fn MENU)"])
("Insert Grammar Option" :filter
[x antlr-options-menu-filter 2]
(Insert\ Grammar\ Option menu-item "Insert Grammar Option" nil :filter
#[257 "\302\301!\300\"\207"
["Insert Grammar Option"
[x antlr-options-menu-filter 2]
4 "\n\n(fn MENU)"])
("Insert Rule Option" :filter
[x antlr-options-menu-filter 3]
(Insert\ Rule\ Option menu-item "Insert Rule Option" nil :filter
#[257 "\302\301!\300\"\207"
["Insert Rule Option"
[x antlr-options-menu-filter 3]
4 "\n\n(fn MENU)"])
("Insert Subrule Option" :filter
[x antlr-options-menu-filter 4]
(Insert\ Subrule\ Option menu-item "Insert Subrule Option" nil :filter
#[257 "\302\301!\300\"\207"
["Insert Subrule Option"
[x antlr-options-menu-filter 4]
4 "\n\n(fn MENU)"])
["Backward Rule" antlr-beginning-of-rule t]
(Backward\ Rule menu-item "Backward Rule" antlr-beginning-of-rule)
["Forward Rule" antlr-end-of-rule t]
(Forward\ Rule menu-item "Forward Rule" antlr-end-of-rule)
["Start of Rule Body" antlr-beginning-of-body :active
(Start\ of\ Rule\ Body menu-item "Start of Rule Body" antlr-beginning-of-body :enable
["End of Rule Body" antlr-end-of-body :active
(End\ of\ Rule\ Body menu-item "End of Rule Body" antlr-end-of-body :enable
["Backward Into Nomencl." c-backward-into-nomenclature t]
(Backward\ Into\ Nomencl\. menu-item "Backward Into Nomencl." c-backward-into-nomenclature)
["Forward Into Nomencl." c-forward-into-nomenclature t]
(Forward\ Into\ Nomencl\. menu-item "Forward Into Nomencl." c-forward-into-nomenclature)
["Backward Rule" antlr-beginning-of-rule t]
["Forward Rule" antlr-end-of-rule t]
["Start of Rule Body" antlr-beginning-of-body :active
["End of Rule Body" antlr-end-of-body :active
["Backward Statement" c-beginning-of-statement t]
["Forward Statement" c-end-of-statement t]
["Backward Into Nomencl." c-backward-into-nomenclature t]
["Forward Into Nomencl." c-forward-into-nomenclature t])
(Forward/Backward menu-item "Forward/Backward"
(keymap "Forward/Backward"
(Backward\ Rule menu-item "Backward Rule" antlr-beginning-of-rule)
(Forward\ Rule menu-item "Forward Rule" antlr-end-of-rule)
(Start\ of\ Rule\ Body menu-item "Start of Rule Body" antlr-beginning-of-body :enable
(End\ of\ Rule\ Body menu-item "End of Rule Body" antlr-end-of-body :enable
(nil-9 menu-item "---")
(Backward\ Statement menu-item "Backward Statement" c-beginning-of-statement)
(Forward\ Statement menu-item "Forward Statement" c-end-of-statement)
(Backward\ Into\ Nomencl\. menu-item "Backward Into Nomencl." c-backward-into-nomenclature)
(Forward\ Into\ Nomencl\. menu-item "Forward Into Nomencl." c-forward-into-nomenclature)))
["Indent Region" indent-region :active
(not buffer-read-only)
(Indent\ Region menu-item "Indent Region" indent-region :enable
(not buffer-read-only)
["Comment Out Region" comment-region :active
(not buffer-read-only)
(Comment\ Out\ Region menu-item "Comment Out Region" comment-region :enable
(not buffer-read-only)
["Uncomment Region"
(not buffer-read-only)
(Uncomment\ Region menu-item "Uncomment Region" menu-function-292 :key-sequence nil :enable
(not buffer-read-only)
["Hide Actions (incl. Args)" antlr-hide-actions t]
(Hide\ Actions\ \(incl\.\ Args\) menu-item "Hide Actions (incl. Args)" antlr-hide-actions)
["Hide Actions (excl. Args)"
(antlr-hide-actions 2)
(Hide\ Actions\ \(excl\.\ Args\) menu-item "Hide Actions (excl. Args)" menu-function-293 :key-sequence nil)
["Unhide All Actions"
(antlr-hide-actions 0)
(Unhide\ All\ Actions menu-item "Unhide All Actions" menu-function-294 :key-sequence nil)
["Run Tool on Grammar" antlr-run-tool t]
(Run\ Tool\ on\ Grammar menu-item "Run Tool on Grammar" antlr-run-tool)
["Show Makefile Rules" antlr-show-makefile-rules t]
(Show\ Makefile\ Rules menu-item "Show Makefile Rules" antlr-show-makefile-rules)
["Customize Antlr"
(customize-group 'antlr)
(Customize\ Antlr menu-item "Customize Antlr" menu-function-295 :key-sequence nil)
["Beginning of function" beginning-of-defun t]
(Beginning\ of\ function menu-item "Beginning of function" beginning-of-defun)
["End of function" end-of-defun t]
(End\ of\ function menu-item "End of function" end-of-defun)
["Mark function" mark-defun t]
(Mark\ function menu-item "Mark function" mark-defun)
["Indent expression" cperl-indent-exp t]
(Indent\ expression menu-item "Indent expression" cperl-indent-exp)
["Fill paragraph/comment" fill-paragraph t]
(Fill\ paragraph/comment menu-item "Fill paragraph/comment" fill-paragraph)
["Line up a construction" cperl-lineup
(Line\ up\ a\ construction menu-item "Line up a construction" cperl-lineup :enable
["Invert if/unless/while etc" cperl-invert-if-unless t]
(Invert\ if/unless/while\ etc menu-item "Invert if/unless/while etc" cperl-invert-if-unless)
["Beautify" cperl-beautify-regexp cperl-use-syntax-table-text-property]
(Beautify menu-item "Beautify" cperl-beautify-regexp :enable cperl-use-syntax-table-text-property)
["Beautify one level deep"
(cperl-beautify-regexp 1)
(Beautify\ one\ level\ deep menu-item "Beautify one level deep" menu-function-296 :key-sequence nil :enable cperl-use-syntax-table-text-property)
["Beautify a group" cperl-beautify-level cperl-use-syntax-table-text-property]
(Beautify\ a\ group menu-item "Beautify a group" cperl-beautify-level :enable cperl-use-syntax-table-text-property)
["Beautify a group one level deep"
(cperl-beautify-level 1)
(Beautify\ a\ group\ one\ level\ deep menu-item "Beautify a group one level deep" menu-function-297 :key-sequence nil :enable cperl-use-syntax-table-text-property)
["Contract a group" cperl-contract-level cperl-use-syntax-table-text-property]
(Contract\ a\ group menu-item "Contract a group" cperl-contract-level :enable cperl-use-syntax-table-text-property)
["Contract groups" cperl-contract-levels cperl-use-syntax-table-text-property]
(Contract\ groups menu-item "Contract groups" cperl-contract-levels :enable cperl-use-syntax-table-text-property)
["Find next interpolated" cperl-next-interpolated-REx
(Find\ next\ interpolated menu-item "Find next interpolated" cperl-next-interpolated-REx :enable
["Find next interpolated (no //o)" cperl-next-interpolated-REx-0
'REx-interpolated t)
'REx-interpolated 1))]
(Find\ next\ interpolated\ \(no\ //o\) menu-item "Find next interpolated (no //o)" cperl-next-interpolated-REx-0 :enable
'REx-interpolated t)
'REx-interpolated 1)))
["Find next interpolated (neither //o nor whole-REx)" cperl-next-interpolated-REx-1
'REx-interpolated t)]
(Find\ next\ interpolated\ \(neither\ //o\ nor\ whole-REx\) menu-item "Find next interpolated (neither //o nor whole-REx)" cperl-next-interpolated-REx-1 :enable
'REx-interpolated t))
["Beautify" cperl-beautify-regexp cperl-use-syntax-table-text-property]
["Beautify one level deep"
(cperl-beautify-regexp 1)
["Beautify a group" cperl-beautify-level cperl-use-syntax-table-text-property]
["Beautify a group one level deep"
(cperl-beautify-level 1)
["Contract a group" cperl-contract-level cperl-use-syntax-table-text-property]
["Contract groups" cperl-contract-levels cperl-use-syntax-table-text-property]
["Find next interpolated" cperl-next-interpolated-REx
["Find next interpolated (no //o)" cperl-next-interpolated-REx-0
'REx-interpolated t)
'REx-interpolated 1))]
["Find next interpolated (neither //o nor whole-REx)" cperl-next-interpolated-REx-1
'REx-interpolated t)])
(Regexp menu-item "Regexp"
(keymap "Regexp"
(Beautify menu-item "Beautify" cperl-beautify-regexp :enable cperl-use-syntax-table-text-property)
(Beautify\ one\ level\ deep menu-item "Beautify one level deep" menu-function-296 :key-sequence nil :enable cperl-use-syntax-table-text-property)
(Beautify\ a\ group menu-item "Beautify a group" cperl-beautify-level :enable cperl-use-syntax-table-text-property)
(Beautify\ a\ group\ one\ level\ deep menu-item "Beautify a group one level deep" menu-function-297 :key-sequence nil :enable cperl-use-syntax-table-text-property)
(Contract\ a\ group menu-item "Contract a group" cperl-contract-level :enable cperl-use-syntax-table-text-property)
(Contract\ groups menu-item "Contract groups" cperl-contract-levels :enable cperl-use-syntax-table-text-property)
(nil menu-item "----")
(Find\ next\ interpolated menu-item "Find next interpolated" cperl-next-interpolated-REx :enable
(Find\ next\ interpolated\ \(no\ //o\) menu-item "Find next interpolated (no //o)" cperl-next-interpolated-REx-0 :enable
'REx-interpolated t)
'REx-interpolated 1)))
(Find\ next\ interpolated\ \(neither\ //o\ nor\ whole-REx\) menu-item "Find next interpolated (neither //o nor whole-REx)" cperl-next-interpolated-REx-1 :enable
'REx-interpolated t))))
["Insert spaces if needed to fix style" cperl-find-bad-style t]
(Insert\ spaces\ if\ needed\ to\ fix\ style menu-item "Insert spaces if needed to fix style" cperl-find-bad-style)
["Refresh \"hard\" constructions" cperl-find-pods-heres t]
(Refresh\ \"hard\"\ constructions menu-item "Refresh \"hard\" constructions" cperl-find-pods-heres)
["Indent region" cperl-indent-region
(Indent\ region menu-item "Indent region" cperl-indent-region :enable
["Comment region" cperl-comment-region
(Comment\ region menu-item "Comment region" cperl-comment-region :enable
["Uncomment region" cperl-uncomment-region
(Uncomment\ region menu-item "Uncomment region" cperl-uncomment-region :enable
["Run" mode-compile
(fboundp 'mode-compile)]
(Run menu-item "Run" mode-compile :enable
(fboundp 'mode-compile))
["Kill" mode-compile-kill
(fboundp 'mode-compile-kill)
(get-buffer "*compilation*"))]
(Kill menu-item "Kill" mode-compile-kill :enable
(fboundp 'mode-compile-kill)
(get-buffer "*compilation*")))
["Next error" next-error
(get-buffer "*compilation*")]
(Next\ error menu-item "Next error" next-error :enable
(get-buffer "*compilation*"))
["Check syntax" cperl-check-syntax
(fboundp 'mode-compile)]
(Check\ syntax menu-item "Check syntax" cperl-check-syntax :enable
(fboundp 'mode-compile))
["Debugger" cperl-db t]
(Debugger menu-item "Debugger" cperl-db)
["Imenu" imenu
(fboundp 'imenu)]
(Imenu menu-item "Imenu" imenu :enable
(fboundp 'imenu))
["Imenu on Perl Info" cperl-imenu-on-info
(featurep 'imenu)]
(Imenu\ on\ Perl\ Info menu-item "Imenu on Perl Info" cperl-imenu-on-info :enable
(featurep 'imenu))
["Ispell PODs" cperl-pod-spell
(and cperl-syntaxify-for-menu
'in-pod nil
(Ispell\ PODs menu-item "Ispell PODs" cperl-pod-spell :enable
(and cperl-syntaxify-for-menu
'in-pod nil
["Ispell HERE-DOCs" cperl-here-doc-spell
(and cperl-syntaxify-for-menu
'here-doc-group nil
(Ispell\ HERE-DOCs menu-item "Ispell HERE-DOCs" cperl-here-doc-spell :enable
(and cperl-syntaxify-for-menu
'here-doc-group nil
["Narrow to this HERE-DOC" cperl-narrow-to-here-doc
(eq 'here-doc
(and cperl-syntaxify-for-menu
(Narrow\ to\ this\ HERE-DOC menu-item "Narrow to this HERE-DOC" cperl-narrow-to-here-doc :enable
(eq 'here-doc
(and cperl-syntaxify-for-menu
["Select this HERE-DOC or POD section" cperl-select-this-pod-or-here-doc
(and cperl-syntaxify-for-menu
'(here-doc pod))]
(Select\ this\ HERE-DOC\ or\ POD\ section menu-item "Select this HERE-DOC or POD section" cperl-select-this-pod-or-here-doc :enable
(and cperl-syntaxify-for-menu
'(here-doc pod)))
["CPerl pretty print (experimental)" cperl-ps-print
(fboundp 'ps-extend-face-list)]
(CPerl\ pretty\ print\ \(experimental\) menu-item "CPerl pretty print (experimental)" cperl-ps-print :enable
(fboundp 'ps-extend-face-list))
["Syntaxify region" cperl-find-pods-heres-region
(Syntaxify\ region menu-item "Syntaxify region" cperl-find-pods-heres-region :enable
["Profile syntaxification" cperl-time-fontification t]
(Profile\ syntaxification menu-item "Profile syntaxification" cperl-time-fontification)
["Debug errors in delayed fontification" cperl-emulate-lazy-lock t]
(Debug\ errors\ in\ delayed\ fontification menu-item "Debug errors in delayed fontification" cperl-emulate-lazy-lock)
["Debug unwind for syntactic scan" cperl-toggle-set-debug-unwind t]
(Debug\ unwind\ for\ syntactic\ scan menu-item "Debug unwind for syntactic scan" cperl-toggle-set-debug-unwind)
["Debug backtrace on syntactic scan (BEWARE!!!)"
(cperl-toggle-set-debug-unwind nil t)
(Debug\ backtrace\ on\ syntactic\ scan\ \(BEWARE!!!\) menu-item "Debug backtrace on syntactic scan (BEWARE!!!)" menu-function-298 :key-sequence nil)
["Class Hierarchy from TAGS" cperl-tags-hier-init t]
(Class\ Hierarchy\ from\ TAGS menu-item "Class Hierarchy from TAGS" cperl-tags-hier-init)
["Create tags for current file"
(cperl-write-tags nil t)
(Create\ tags\ for\ current\ file menu-item "Create tags for current file" menu-function-299 :key-sequence nil)
["Add tags for current file"
(Add\ tags\ for\ current\ file menu-item "Add tags for current file" menu-function-300 :key-sequence nil)
["Create tags for Perl files in directory"
(cperl-write-tags nil t nil t)
(Create\ tags\ for\ Perl\ files\ in\ directory menu-item "Create tags for Perl files in directory" menu-function-301 :key-sequence nil)
["Add tags for Perl files in directory"
(cperl-write-tags nil nil nil t)
(Add\ tags\ for\ Perl\ files\ in\ directory menu-item "Add tags for Perl files in directory" menu-function-302 :key-sequence nil)
["Create tags for Perl files in (sub)directories"
(cperl-write-tags nil t t t)
(Create\ tags\ for\ Perl\ files\ in\ \(sub\)directories menu-item "Create tags for Perl files in (sub)directories" menu-function-303 :key-sequence nil)
["Add tags for Perl files in (sub)directories"
(cperl-write-tags nil nil t t)
(Add\ tags\ for\ Perl\ files\ in\ \(sub\)directories menu-item "Add tags for Perl files in (sub)directories" menu-function-304 :key-sequence nil)
["Create tags for current file"
(cperl-write-tags nil t)
["Add tags for current file"
["Create tags for Perl files in directory"
(cperl-write-tags nil t nil t)
["Add tags for Perl files in directory"
(cperl-write-tags nil nil nil t)
["Create tags for Perl files in (sub)directories"
(cperl-write-tags nil t t t)
["Add tags for Perl files in (sub)directories"
(cperl-write-tags nil nil t t)
(Tags menu-item "Tags"
(keymap "Tags"
(Create\ tags\ for\ current\ file menu-item "Create tags for current file" menu-function-299 :key-sequence nil)
(Add\ tags\ for\ current\ file menu-item "Add tags for current file" menu-function-300 :key-sequence nil)
(Create\ tags\ for\ Perl\ files\ in\ directory menu-item "Create tags for Perl files in directory" menu-function-301 :key-sequence nil)
(Add\ tags\ for\ Perl\ files\ in\ directory menu-item "Add tags for Perl files in directory" menu-function-302 :key-sequence nil)
(Create\ tags\ for\ Perl\ files\ in\ \(sub\)directories menu-item "Create tags for Perl files in (sub)directories" menu-function-303 :key-sequence nil)
(Add\ tags\ for\ Perl\ files\ in\ \(sub\)directories menu-item "Add tags for Perl files in (sub)directories" menu-function-304 :key-sequence nil)))
["Imenu" imenu
(fboundp 'imenu)]
["Imenu on Perl Info" cperl-imenu-on-info
(featurep 'imenu)]
["Ispell PODs" cperl-pod-spell
(and cperl-syntaxify-for-menu
'in-pod nil
["Ispell HERE-DOCs" cperl-here-doc-spell
(and cperl-syntaxify-for-menu
'here-doc-group nil
["Narrow to this HERE-DOC" cperl-narrow-to-here-doc
(eq 'here-doc
(and cperl-syntaxify-for-menu
["Select this HERE-DOC or POD section" cperl-select-this-pod-or-here-doc
(and cperl-syntaxify-for-menu
'(here-doc pod))]
["CPerl pretty print (experimental)" cperl-ps-print
(fboundp 'ps-extend-face-list)]
["Syntaxify region" cperl-find-pods-heres-region
["Profile syntaxification" cperl-time-fontification t]
["Debug errors in delayed fontification" cperl-emulate-lazy-lock t]
["Debug unwind for syntactic scan" cperl-toggle-set-debug-unwind t]
["Debug backtrace on syntactic scan (BEWARE!!!)"
(cperl-toggle-set-debug-unwind nil t)
["Class Hierarchy from TAGS" cperl-tags-hier-init t]
["Create tags for current file"
(cperl-write-tags nil t)
["Add tags for current file"
["Create tags for Perl files in directory"
(cperl-write-tags nil t nil t)
["Add tags for Perl files in directory"
(cperl-write-tags nil nil nil t)
["Create tags for Perl files in (sub)directories"
(cperl-write-tags nil t t t)
["Add tags for Perl files in (sub)directories"
(cperl-write-tags nil nil t t)
(Tools menu-item "Tools"
(keymap "Tools"
(Imenu menu-item "Imenu" imenu :enable
(fboundp 'imenu))
(Imenu\ on\ Perl\ Info menu-item "Imenu on Perl Info" cperl-imenu-on-info :enable
(featurep 'imenu))
(nil menu-item "----")
(Ispell\ PODs menu-item "Ispell PODs" cperl-pod-spell :enable
(and cperl-syntaxify-for-menu
'in-pod nil
(Ispell\ HERE-DOCs menu-item "Ispell HERE-DOCs" cperl-here-doc-spell :enable
(and cperl-syntaxify-for-menu
'here-doc-group nil
(Narrow\ to\ this\ HERE-DOC menu-item "Narrow to this HERE-DOC" cperl-narrow-to-here-doc :enable
(eq 'here-doc
(and cperl-syntaxify-for-menu
(Select\ this\ HERE-DOC\ or\ POD\ section menu-item "Select this HERE-DOC or POD section" cperl-select-this-pod-or-here-doc :enable
(and cperl-syntaxify-for-menu
'(here-doc pod)))
(nil-7 menu-item "----")
(CPerl\ pretty\ print\ \(experimental\) menu-item "CPerl pretty print (experimental)" cperl-ps-print :enable
(fboundp 'ps-extend-face-list))
(nil-9 menu-item "----")
(Syntaxify\ region menu-item "Syntaxify region" cperl-find-pods-heres-region :enable
(Profile\ syntaxification menu-item "Profile syntaxification" cperl-time-fontification)
(Debug\ errors\ in\ delayed\ fontification menu-item "Debug errors in delayed fontification" cperl-emulate-lazy-lock)
(Debug\ unwind\ for\ syntactic\ scan menu-item "Debug unwind for syntactic scan" cperl-toggle-set-debug-unwind)
(Debug\ backtrace\ on\ syntactic\ scan\ \(BEWARE!!!\) menu-item "Debug backtrace on syntactic scan (BEWARE!!!)" menu-function-298 :key-sequence nil)
(nil-15 menu-item "----")
(Class\ Hierarchy\ from\ TAGS menu-item "Class Hierarchy from TAGS" cperl-tags-hier-init)
(Tags menu-item "Tags"
(keymap "Tags"
(Create\ tags\ for\ current\ file menu-item "Create tags for current file" menu-function-299 :key-sequence nil)
(Add\ tags\ for\ current\ file menu-item "Add tags for current file" menu-function-300 :key-sequence nil)
(Create\ tags\ for\ Perl\ files\ in\ directory menu-item "Create tags for Perl files in directory" menu-function-301 :key-sequence nil)
(Add\ tags\ for\ Perl\ files\ in\ directory menu-item "Add tags for Perl files in directory" menu-function-302 :key-sequence nil)
(Create\ tags\ for\ Perl\ files\ in\ \(sub\)directories menu-item "Create tags for Perl files in (sub)directories" menu-function-303 :key-sequence nil)
(Add\ tags\ for\ Perl\ files\ in\ \(sub\)directories menu-item "Add tags for Perl files in (sub)directories" menu-function-304 :key-sequence nil)))))
["Define word at point" imenu-go-find-at-position
(fboundp 'imenu-go-find-at-position)]
(Define\ word\ at\ point menu-item "Define word at point" imenu-go-find-at-position :enable
(fboundp 'imenu-go-find-at-position))
["Help on function" cperl-info-on-command t]
(Help\ on\ function menu-item "Help on function" cperl-info-on-command)
["Help on function at point" cperl-info-on-current-command t]
(Help\ on\ function\ at\ point menu-item "Help on function at point" cperl-info-on-current-command)
["Help on symbol at point" cperl-get-help t]
(Help\ on\ symbol\ at\ point menu-item "Help on symbol at point" cperl-get-help)
["Perldoc" cperl-perldoc t]
(Perldoc menu-item "Perldoc" cperl-perldoc)
["Perldoc on word at point" cperl-perldoc-at-point t]
(Perldoc\ on\ word\ at\ point menu-item "Perldoc on word at point" cperl-perldoc-at-point)
["View manpage of POD in this file" cperl-build-manpage t]
(View\ manpage\ of\ POD\ in\ this\ file menu-item "View manpage of POD in this file" cperl-build-manpage)
["Auto-help on" cperl-lazy-install
(fboundp 'run-with-idle-timer)
(not cperl-lazy-installed))]
(Auto-help\ on menu-item "Auto-help on" cperl-lazy-install :enable
(fboundp 'run-with-idle-timer)
(not cperl-lazy-installed)))
["Auto-help off" cperl-lazy-unstall
(fboundp 'run-with-idle-timer)
(Auto-help\ off menu-item "Auto-help off" cperl-lazy-unstall :enable
(fboundp 'run-with-idle-timer)
("Perl docs"
["Define word at point" imenu-go-find-at-position
(fboundp 'imenu-go-find-at-position)]
["Help on function" cperl-info-on-command t]
["Help on function at point" cperl-info-on-current-command t]
["Help on symbol at point" cperl-get-help t]
["Perldoc" cperl-perldoc t]
["Perldoc on word at point" cperl-perldoc-at-point t]
["View manpage of POD in this file" cperl-build-manpage t]
["Auto-help on" cperl-lazy-install
(fboundp 'run-with-idle-timer)
(not cperl-lazy-installed))]
["Auto-help off" cperl-lazy-unstall
(fboundp 'run-with-idle-timer)
(Perl\ docs menu-item "Perl docs"
(keymap "Perl docs"
(Define\ word\ at\ point menu-item "Define word at point" imenu-go-find-at-position :enable
(fboundp 'imenu-go-find-at-position))
(Help\ on\ function menu-item "Help on function" cperl-info-on-command)
(Help\ on\ function\ at\ point menu-item "Help on function at point" cperl-info-on-current-command)
(Help\ on\ symbol\ at\ point menu-item "Help on symbol at point" cperl-get-help)
(Perldoc menu-item "Perldoc" cperl-perldoc)
(Perldoc\ on\ word\ at\ point menu-item "Perldoc on word at point" cperl-perldoc-at-point)
(View\ manpage\ of\ POD\ in\ this\ file menu-item "View manpage of POD in this file" cperl-build-manpage)
(Auto-help\ on menu-item "Auto-help on" cperl-lazy-install :enable
(fboundp 'run-with-idle-timer)
(not cperl-lazy-installed)))
(Auto-help\ off menu-item "Auto-help off" cperl-lazy-unstall :enable
(fboundp 'run-with-idle-timer)
["Auto newline" cperl-toggle-auto-newline t]
(Auto\ newline menu-item "Auto newline" cperl-toggle-auto-newline)
["Electric parens" cperl-toggle-electric t]
(Electric\ parens menu-item "Electric parens" cperl-toggle-electric)
["Electric keywords" cperl-toggle-abbrev t]
(Electric\ keywords menu-item "Electric keywords" cperl-toggle-abbrev)
["Fix whitespace on indent" cperl-toggle-construct-fix t]
(Fix\ whitespace\ on\ indent menu-item "Fix whitespace on indent" cperl-toggle-construct-fix)
["Auto-help on Perl constructs" cperl-toggle-autohelp t]
(Auto-help\ on\ Perl\ constructs menu-item "Auto-help on Perl constructs" cperl-toggle-autohelp)
["Auto fill" auto-fill-mode t]
(Auto\ fill menu-item "Auto fill" auto-fill-mode)
["Auto newline" cperl-toggle-auto-newline t]
["Electric parens" cperl-toggle-electric t]
["Electric keywords" cperl-toggle-abbrev t]
["Fix whitespace on indent" cperl-toggle-construct-fix t]
["Auto-help on Perl constructs" cperl-toggle-autohelp t]
["Auto fill" auto-fill-mode t])
(Toggle\.\.\. menu-item "Toggle..."
(keymap "Toggle..."
(Auto\ newline menu-item "Auto newline" cperl-toggle-auto-newline)
(Electric\ parens menu-item "Electric parens" cperl-toggle-electric)
(Electric\ keywords menu-item "Electric keywords" cperl-toggle-abbrev)
(Fix\ whitespace\ on\ indent menu-item "Fix whitespace on indent" cperl-toggle-construct-fix)
(Auto-help\ on\ Perl\ constructs menu-item "Auto-help on Perl constructs" cperl-toggle-autohelp)
(Auto\ fill menu-item "Auto fill" auto-fill-mode)))
(cperl-set-style "CPerl")
(CPerl menu-item "CPerl" menu-function-305 :key-sequence nil)
(cperl-set-style "PerlStyle")
(PerlStyle menu-item "PerlStyle" menu-function-306 :key-sequence nil)
(cperl-set-style "GNU")
(GNU menu-item "GNU" menu-function-307 :key-sequence nil)
(cperl-set-style "C++")
(C++ menu-item "C++" menu-function-308 :key-sequence nil)
(cperl-set-style "K&R")
(K&R menu-item "K&R" menu-function-309 :key-sequence nil)
(cperl-set-style "BSD")
(BSD menu-item "BSD" menu-function-310 :key-sequence nil)
(cperl-set-style "Whitesmith")
(Whitesmith menu-item "Whitesmith" menu-function-311 :key-sequence nil)
["Memorize Current"
(cperl-set-style "Current")
(Memorize\ Current menu-item "Memorize Current" menu-function-312 :key-sequence nil)
(Memorized menu-item "Memorized" menu-function-313 :key-sequence nil :enable cperl-old-style)
("Indent styles..."
(cperl-set-style "CPerl")
(cperl-set-style "PerlStyle")
(cperl-set-style "GNU")
(cperl-set-style "C++")
(cperl-set-style "K&R")
(cperl-set-style "BSD")
(cperl-set-style "Whitesmith")
["Memorize Current"
(cperl-set-style "Current")
(Indent\ styles\.\.\. menu-item "Indent styles..."
(keymap "Indent styles..."
(CPerl menu-item "CPerl" menu-function-305 :key-sequence nil)
(PerlStyle menu-item "PerlStyle" menu-function-306 :key-sequence nil)
(GNU menu-item "GNU" menu-function-307 :key-sequence nil)
(C++ menu-item "C++" menu-function-308 :key-sequence nil)
(K&R menu-item "K&R" menu-function-309 :key-sequence nil)
(BSD menu-item "BSD" menu-function-310 :key-sequence nil)
(Whitesmith menu-item "Whitesmith" menu-function-311 :key-sequence nil)
(Memorize\ Current menu-item "Memorize Current" menu-function-312 :key-sequence nil)
(Memorized menu-item "Memorized" menu-function-313 :key-sequence nil :enable cperl-old-style)))
(describe-variable 'cperl-tips)
(Tips menu-item "Tips" menu-function-314 :key-sequence nil)
(describe-variable 'cperl-problems)
(Problems menu-item "Problems" menu-function-315 :key-sequence nil)
(describe-variable 'cperl-speed)
(Speed menu-item "Speed" menu-function-316 :key-sequence nil)
(describe-variable 'cperl-praise)
(Praise menu-item "Praise" menu-function-317 :key-sequence nil)
(describe-variable 'cperl-tips-faces)
(Faces menu-item "Faces" menu-function-318 :key-sequence nil)
["CPerl mode"
(describe-function 'cperl-mode)
(CPerl\ mode menu-item "CPerl mode" menu-function-319 :key-sequence nil)
["CPerl version"
(message "The version of master-file for this CPerl is %s-Emacs" cperl-version)
(CPerl\ version menu-item "CPerl version" menu-function-320 :key-sequence nil)
(describe-variable 'cperl-tips)
(describe-variable 'cperl-problems)
(describe-variable 'cperl-speed)
(describe-variable 'cperl-praise)
(describe-variable 'cperl-tips-faces)
["CPerl mode"
(describe-function 'cperl-mode)
["CPerl version"
(message "The version of master-file for this CPerl is %s-Emacs" cperl-version)
(Micro-docs menu-item "Micro-docs"
(keymap "Micro-docs"
(Tips menu-item "Tips" menu-function-314 :key-sequence nil)
(Problems menu-item "Problems" menu-function-315 :key-sequence nil)
(Speed menu-item "Speed" menu-function-316 :key-sequence nil)
(Praise menu-item "Praise" menu-function-317 :key-sequence nil)
(Faces menu-item "Faces" menu-function-318 :key-sequence nil)
(CPerl\ mode menu-item "CPerl mode" menu-function-319 :key-sequence nil)
(CPerl\ version menu-item "CPerl version" menu-function-320 :key-sequence nil)))
["Functions" ebrowse-display-function-member-list :help "Show the list of member functions" :style radio :selected
(eq ebrowse--accessor 'ebrowse-ts-member-functions)
:active t]
(Functions menu-item "Functions" ebrowse-display-function-member-list :button
(:radio eq ebrowse--accessor 'ebrowse-ts-member-functions)
:help "Show the list of member functions")
["Variables" ebrowse-display-variables-member-list :help "Show the list of member variables" :style radio :selected
(eq ebrowse--accessor 'ebrowse-ts-member-variables)
:active t]
(Variables menu-item "Variables" ebrowse-display-variables-member-list :button
(:radio eq ebrowse--accessor 'ebrowse-ts-member-variables)
:help "Show the list of member variables")
["Static Functions" ebrowse-display-static-functions-member-list :help "Show the list of static member functions" :style radio :selected
(eq ebrowse--accessor 'ebrowse-ts-static-functions)
:active t]
(Static\ Functions menu-item "Static Functions" ebrowse-display-static-functions-member-list :button
(:radio eq ebrowse--accessor 'ebrowse-ts-static-functions)
:help "Show the list of static member functions")
["Static Variables" ebrowse-display-static-variables-member-list :help "Show the list of static member variables" :style radio :selected
(eq ebrowse--accessor 'ebrowse-ts-static-variables)
:active t]
(Static\ Variables menu-item "Static Variables" ebrowse-display-static-variables-member-list :button
(:radio eq ebrowse--accessor 'ebrowse-ts-static-variables)
:help "Show the list of static member variables")
["Types" ebrowse-display-types-member-list :help "Show the list of nested types" :style radio :selected
(eq ebrowse--accessor 'ebrowse-ts-types)
:active t]
(Types menu-item "Types" ebrowse-display-types-member-list :button
(:radio eq ebrowse--accessor 'ebrowse-ts-types)
:help "Show the list of nested types")
["Friends/Defines" ebrowse-display-friends-member-list :help "Show the list of friends or defines" :style radio :selected
(eq ebrowse--accessor 'ebrowse-ts-friends)
:active t]
(Friends/Defines menu-item "Friends/Defines" ebrowse-display-friends-member-list :button
(:radio eq ebrowse--accessor 'ebrowse-ts-friends)
:help "Show the list of friends or defines")
("Members List"
["Functions" ebrowse-display-function-member-list :help "Show the list of member functions" :style radio :selected
(eq ebrowse--accessor 'ebrowse-ts-member-functions)
:active t]
["Variables" ebrowse-display-variables-member-list :help "Show the list of member variables" :style radio :selected
(eq ebrowse--accessor 'ebrowse-ts-member-variables)
:active t]
["Static Functions" ebrowse-display-static-functions-member-list :help "Show the list of static member functions" :style radio :selected
(eq ebrowse--accessor 'ebrowse-ts-static-functions)
:active t]
["Static Variables" ebrowse-display-static-variables-member-list :help "Show the list of static member variables" :style radio :selected
(eq ebrowse--accessor 'ebrowse-ts-static-variables)
:active t]
["Types" ebrowse-display-types-member-list :help "Show the list of nested types" :style radio :selected
(eq ebrowse--accessor 'ebrowse-ts-types)
:active t]
["Friends/Defines" ebrowse-display-friends-member-list :help "Show the list of friends or defines" :style radio :selected
(eq ebrowse--accessor 'ebrowse-ts-friends)
:active t])
(Members\ List menu-item "Members List"
(keymap "Members List"
(Functions menu-item "Functions" ebrowse-display-function-member-list :button
(:radio eq ebrowse--accessor 'ebrowse-ts-member-functions)
:help "Show the list of member functions")
(Variables menu-item "Variables" ebrowse-display-variables-member-list :button
(:radio eq ebrowse--accessor 'ebrowse-ts-member-variables)
:help "Show the list of member variables")
(Static\ Functions menu-item "Static Functions" ebrowse-display-static-functions-member-list :button
(:radio eq ebrowse--accessor 'ebrowse-ts-static-functions)
:help "Show the list of static member functions")
(Static\ Variables menu-item "Static Variables" ebrowse-display-static-variables-member-list :button
(:radio eq ebrowse--accessor 'ebrowse-ts-static-variables)
:help "Show the list of static member variables")
(Types menu-item "Types" ebrowse-display-types-member-list :button
(:radio eq ebrowse--accessor 'ebrowse-ts-types)
:help "Show the list of nested types")
(Friends/Defines menu-item "Friends/Defines" ebrowse-display-friends-member-list :button
(:radio eq ebrowse--accessor 'ebrowse-ts-friends)
:help "Show the list of friends or defines")))
["Up" ebrowse-switch-member-buffer-to-base-class :help "Show the base class of this class" :active t]
(Up menu-item "Up" ebrowse-switch-member-buffer-to-base-class :help "Show the base class of this class")
["Down" ebrowse-switch-member-buffer-to-derived-class :help "Show a derived class class of this class" :active t]
(Down menu-item "Down" ebrowse-switch-member-buffer-to-derived-class :help "Show a derived class class of this class")
["Next Sibling" ebrowse-switch-member-buffer-to-next-sibling-class :help "Show the next sibling class" :active t]
(Next\ Sibling menu-item "Next Sibling" ebrowse-switch-member-buffer-to-next-sibling-class :help "Show the next sibling class")
["Previous Sibling" ebrowse-switch-member-buffer-to-previous-sibling-class :help "Show the previous sibling class" :active t]
(Previous\ Sibling menu-item "Previous Sibling" ebrowse-switch-member-buffer-to-previous-sibling-class :help "Show the previous sibling class")
["Up" ebrowse-switch-member-buffer-to-base-class :help "Show the base class of this class" :active t]
["Down" ebrowse-switch-member-buffer-to-derived-class :help "Show a derived class class of this class" :active t]
["Next Sibling" ebrowse-switch-member-buffer-to-next-sibling-class :help "Show the next sibling class" :active t]
["Previous Sibling" ebrowse-switch-member-buffer-to-previous-sibling-class :help "Show the previous sibling class" :active t])
(Class menu-item "Class"
(keymap "Class"
(Up menu-item "Up" ebrowse-switch-member-buffer-to-base-class :help "Show the base class of this class")
(Down menu-item "Down" ebrowse-switch-member-buffer-to-derived-class :help "Show a derived class class of this class")
(Next\ Sibling menu-item "Next Sibling" ebrowse-switch-member-buffer-to-next-sibling-class :help "Show the next sibling class")
(Previous\ Sibling menu-item "Previous Sibling" ebrowse-switch-member-buffer-to-previous-sibling-class :help "Show the previous sibling class")))
["Show in Tree" ebrowse-show-displayed-class-in-tree :help "Show this class in the class tree" :active t]
(Show\ in\ Tree menu-item "Show in Tree" ebrowse-show-displayed-class-in-tree :help "Show this class in the class tree")
["Find in this Class" ebrowse-goto-visible-member :help "Search for a member of this class" :active t]
(Find\ in\ this\ Class menu-item "Find in this Class" ebrowse-goto-visible-member :help "Search for a member of this class")
["Find in Tree" ebrowse-goto-visible-member/all-member-lists :help "Search for a member in any class" :active t]
(Find\ in\ Tree menu-item "Find in Tree" ebrowse-goto-visible-member/all-member-lists :help "Search for a member in any class")
["Show in Tree" ebrowse-show-displayed-class-in-tree :help "Show this class in the class tree" :active t]
["Find in this Class" ebrowse-goto-visible-member :help "Search for a member of this class" :active t]
["Find in Tree" ebrowse-goto-visible-member/all-member-lists :help "Search for a member in any class" :active t])
(Member menu-item "Member"
(keymap "Member"
(Show\ in\ Tree menu-item "Show in Tree" ebrowse-show-displayed-class-in-tree :help "Show this class in the class tree")
(Find\ in\ this\ Class menu-item "Find in this Class" ebrowse-goto-visible-member :help "Search for a member of this class")
(Find\ in\ Tree menu-item "Find in Tree" ebrowse-goto-visible-member/all-member-lists :help "Search for a member in any class")))
["Inherited" ebrowse-toggle-base-class-display :help "Toggle display of inherited members" :style toggle :selected ebrowse--show-inherited-flag :active t]
(Inherited menu-item "Inherited" ebrowse-toggle-base-class-display :button
(:toggle . ebrowse--show-inherited-flag)
:help "Toggle display of inherited members")
["Attributes" ebrowse-toggle-member-attributes-display :help "Show member attributes" :style toggle :selected ebrowse--attributes-flag :active t]
(Attributes menu-item "Attributes" ebrowse-toggle-member-attributes-display :button
(:toggle . ebrowse--attributes-flag)
:help "Show member attributes")
["Long Display" ebrowse-toggle-long-short-display :help "Toggle the member display format" :style toggle :selected ebrowse--long-display-flag :active t]
(Long\ Display menu-item "Long Display" ebrowse-toggle-long-short-display :button
(:toggle . ebrowse--long-display-flag)
:help "Toggle the member display format")
["Column Width" ebrowse-set-member-buffer-column-width :help "Set the display's column width" :active t]
(Column\ Width menu-item "Column Width" ebrowse-set-member-buffer-column-width :help "Set the display's column width")
["Inherited" ebrowse-toggle-base-class-display :help "Toggle display of inherited members" :style toggle :selected ebrowse--show-inherited-flag :active t]
["Attributes" ebrowse-toggle-member-attributes-display :help "Show member attributes" :style toggle :selected ebrowse--attributes-flag :active t]
["Long Display" ebrowse-toggle-long-short-display :help "Toggle the member display format" :style toggle :selected ebrowse--long-display-flag :active t]
["Column Width" ebrowse-set-member-buffer-column-width :help "Set the display's column width" :active t])
(Display menu-item "Display"
(keymap "Display"
(Inherited menu-item "Inherited" ebrowse-toggle-base-class-display :button
(:toggle . ebrowse--show-inherited-flag)
:help "Toggle display of inherited members")
(Attributes menu-item "Attributes" ebrowse-toggle-member-attributes-display :button
(:toggle . ebrowse--attributes-flag)
:help "Show member attributes")
(Long\ Display menu-item "Long Display" ebrowse-toggle-long-short-display :button
(:toggle . ebrowse--long-display-flag)
:help "Toggle the member display format")
(Column\ Width menu-item "Column Width" ebrowse-set-member-buffer-column-width :help "Set the display's column width")))
["Public" ebrowse-toggle-public-member-filter :help "Toggle the visibility of public members" :style toggle :selected
(aref ebrowse--filters 0))
:active t]
(Public menu-item "Public" ebrowse-toggle-public-member-filter :button
(:toggle not
(aref ebrowse--filters 0))
:help "Toggle the visibility of public members")
["Protected" ebrowse-toggle-protected-member-filter :help "Toggle the visibility of protected members" :style toggle :selected
(aref ebrowse--filters 1))
:active t]
(Protected menu-item "Protected" ebrowse-toggle-protected-member-filter :button
(:toggle not
(aref ebrowse--filters 1))
:help "Toggle the visibility of protected members")
["Private" ebrowse-toggle-private-member-filter :help "Toggle the visibility of private members" :style toggle :selected
(aref ebrowse--filters 2))
:active t]
(Private menu-item "Private" ebrowse-toggle-private-member-filter :button
(:toggle not
(aref ebrowse--filters 2))
:help "Toggle the visibility of private members")
["Virtual" ebrowse-toggle-virtual-member-filter :help "Toggle the visibility of virtual members" :style toggle :selected ebrowse--virtual-display-flag :active t]
(Virtual menu-item "Virtual" ebrowse-toggle-virtual-member-filter :button
(:toggle . ebrowse--virtual-display-flag)
:help "Toggle the visibility of virtual members")
["Inline" ebrowse-toggle-inline-member-filter :help "Toggle the visibility of inline members" :style toggle :selected ebrowse--inline-display-flag :active t]
(Inline menu-item "Inline" ebrowse-toggle-inline-member-filter :button
(:toggle . ebrowse--inline-display-flag)
:help "Toggle the visibility of inline members")
["Const" ebrowse-toggle-const-member-filter :help "Toggle the visibility of const members" :style toggle :selected ebrowse--const-display-flag :active t]
(Const menu-item "Const" ebrowse-toggle-const-member-filter :button
(:toggle . ebrowse--const-display-flag)
:help "Toggle the visibility of const members")
["Pure" ebrowse-toggle-pure-member-filter :help "Toggle the visibility of pure virtual members" :style toggle :selected ebrowse--pure-display-flag :active t]
(Pure menu-item "Pure" ebrowse-toggle-pure-member-filter :button
(:toggle . ebrowse--pure-display-flag)
:help "Toggle the visibility of pure virtual members")
(nil menu-item "-----------------")
["Show all" ebrowse-remove-all-member-filters :help "Remove any display filters" :active t]
(Show\ all menu-item "Show all" ebrowse-remove-all-member-filters :help "Remove any display filters")
["Public" ebrowse-toggle-public-member-filter :help "Toggle the visibility of public members" :style toggle :selected
(aref ebrowse--filters 0))
:active t]
["Protected" ebrowse-toggle-protected-member-filter :help "Toggle the visibility of protected members" :style toggle :selected
(aref ebrowse--filters 1))
:active t]
["Private" ebrowse-toggle-private-member-filter :help "Toggle the visibility of private members" :style toggle :selected
(aref ebrowse--filters 2))
:active t]
["Virtual" ebrowse-toggle-virtual-member-filter :help "Toggle the visibility of virtual members" :style toggle :selected ebrowse--virtual-display-flag :active t]
["Inline" ebrowse-toggle-inline-member-filter :help "Toggle the visibility of inline members" :style toggle :selected ebrowse--inline-display-flag :active t]
["Const" ebrowse-toggle-const-member-filter :help "Toggle the visibility of const members" :style toggle :selected ebrowse--const-display-flag :active t]
["Pure" ebrowse-toggle-pure-member-filter :help "Toggle the visibility of pure virtual members" :style toggle :selected ebrowse--pure-display-flag :active t]
["Show all" ebrowse-remove-all-member-filters :help "Remove any display filters" :active t])
(Filter menu-item "Filter"
(keymap "Filter"
(Public menu-item "Public" ebrowse-toggle-public-member-filter :button
(:toggle not
(aref ebrowse--filters 0))
:help "Toggle the visibility of public members")
(Protected menu-item "Protected" ebrowse-toggle-protected-member-filter :button
(:toggle not
(aref ebrowse--filters 1))
:help "Toggle the visibility of protected members")
(Private menu-item "Private" ebrowse-toggle-private-member-filter :button
(:toggle not
(aref ebrowse--filters 2))
:help "Toggle the visibility of private members")
(Virtual menu-item "Virtual" ebrowse-toggle-virtual-member-filter :button
(:toggle . ebrowse--virtual-display-flag)
:help "Toggle the visibility of virtual members")
(Inline menu-item "Inline" ebrowse-toggle-inline-member-filter :button
(:toggle . ebrowse--inline-display-flag)
:help "Toggle the visibility of inline members")
(Const menu-item "Const" ebrowse-toggle-const-member-filter :button
(:toggle . ebrowse--const-display-flag)
:help "Toggle the visibility of const members")
(Pure menu-item "Pure" ebrowse-toggle-pure-member-filter :button
(:toggle . ebrowse--pure-display-flag)
:help "Toggle the visibility of pure virtual members")
(nil menu-item "-----------------")
(Show\ all menu-item "Show all" ebrowse-remove-all-member-filters :help "Remove any display filters")))
["Tree" ebrowse-pop-from-member-to-tree-buffer :help "Pop to the class tree buffer" :active t]
(Tree menu-item "Tree" ebrowse-pop-from-member-to-tree-buffer :help "Pop to the class tree buffer")
["Next Member Buffer" ebrowse-switch-to-next-member-buffer :help "Switch to the next member buffer of this class tree" :active t]
(Next\ Member\ Buffer menu-item "Next Member Buffer" ebrowse-switch-to-next-member-buffer :help "Switch to the next member buffer of this class tree")
["Freeze" ebrowse-freeze-member-buffer :help "Freeze (do not reuse) this member buffer" :active t]
(Freeze menu-item "Freeze" ebrowse-freeze-member-buffer :help "Freeze (do not reuse) this member buffer")
["Tree" ebrowse-pop-from-member-to-tree-buffer :help "Pop to the class tree buffer" :active t]
["Next Member Buffer" ebrowse-switch-to-next-member-buffer :help "Switch to the next member buffer of this class tree" :active t]
["Freeze" ebrowse-freeze-member-buffer :help "Freeze (do not reuse) this member buffer" :active t])
(Buffer menu-item "Buffer"
(keymap "Buffer"
(Tree menu-item "Tree" ebrowse-pop-from-member-to-tree-buffer :help "Pop to the class tree buffer")
(Next\ Member\ Buffer menu-item "Next Member Buffer" ebrowse-switch-to-next-member-buffer :help "Switch to the next member buffer of this class tree")
(Freeze menu-item "Freeze" ebrowse-freeze-member-buffer :help "Freeze (do not reuse) this member buffer")))
["Find" ebrowse-find-member-definition :help "Find this class in the source files" :active
(Find menu-item "Find" ebrowse-find-member-definition :enable
:help "Find this class in the source files")
["View" ebrowse-view-member-definition :help "View this class in the source files" :active
(View menu-item "View" ebrowse-view-member-definition :enable
:help "View this class in the source files")
["Find Definition" ebrowse-find-member-definition :help "Find this member's definition in the source files" :active
(Find\ Definition menu-item "Find Definition" ebrowse-find-member-definition :enable
:help "Find this member's definition in the source files")
["Find Declaration" ebrowse-find-member-declaration :help "Find this member's declaration in the source files" :active
(Find\ Declaration menu-item "Find Declaration" ebrowse-find-member-declaration :enable
:help "Find this member's declaration in the source files")
["View Definition" ebrowse-view-member-definition :help "View this member's definition in the source files" :active
(View\ Definition menu-item "View Definition" ebrowse-view-member-definition :enable
:help "View this member's definition in the source files")
["View Declaration" ebrowse-view-member-declaration :help "View this member's declaration in the source files" :active
(View\ Declaration menu-item "View Declaration" ebrowse-view-member-declaration :enable
:help "View this member's declaration in the source files")
["Functions" ebrowse-tree-command:show-member-functions :help "Display a list of member functions" :active t]
(Functions menu-item "Functions" ebrowse-tree-command:show-member-functions :help "Display a list of member functions")
["Variables" ebrowse-tree-command:show-member-variables :help "Display a list of member variables" :active t]
(Variables menu-item "Variables" ebrowse-tree-command:show-member-variables :help "Display a list of member variables")
["Static Functions" ebrowse-tree-command:show-static-member-functions :help "Display a list of static member functions" :active t]
(Static\ Functions menu-item "Static Functions" ebrowse-tree-command:show-static-member-functions :help "Display a list of static member functions")
["Static Variables" ebrowse-tree-command:show-static-member-variables :help "Display a list of static member variables" :active t]
(Static\ Variables menu-item "Static Variables" ebrowse-tree-command:show-static-member-variables :help "Display a list of static member variables")
["Friends/ Defines" ebrowse-tree-command:show-friends :help "Display a list of friends of a class" :active t]
(Friends/\ Defines menu-item "Friends/ Defines" ebrowse-tree-command:show-friends :help "Display a list of friends of a class")
["Types" ebrowse-tree-command:show-types :help "Display a list of types defined in a class" :active t]
(Types menu-item "Types" ebrowse-tree-command:show-types :help "Display a list of types defined in a class")
["View" ebrowse-view-class-declaration :help "View class declaration" :active
(View menu-item "View" ebrowse-view-class-declaration :enable
:help "View class declaration")
["Find" ebrowse-find-class-declaration :help "Find class declaration in file" :active
(Find menu-item "Find" ebrowse-find-class-declaration :enable
:help "Find class declaration in file")
["Mark" ebrowse-toggle-mark-at-point :help "Mark class point is on" :active
(Mark menu-item "Mark" ebrowse-toggle-mark-at-point :enable
:help "Mark class point is on")
["Collapse" ebrowse-collapse-branch :help "Collapse subtree under class point is on" :active
(Collapse menu-item "Collapse" ebrowse-collapse-branch :enable
:help "Collapse subtree under class point is on")
["Expand" ebrowse-expand-branch :help "Expand subtree under class point is on" :active
(Expand menu-item "Expand" ebrowse-expand-branch :enable
:help "Expand subtree under class point is on")
["Filename Display" ebrowse-toggle-file-name-display :help "Toggle display of source files names" :style toggle :selected ebrowse--show-file-names-flag :active t]
(Filename\ Display menu-item "Filename Display" ebrowse-toggle-file-name-display :button
(:toggle . ebrowse--show-file-names-flag)
:help "Toggle display of source files names")
["Tree Indentation" ebrowse-set-tree-indentation :help "Set the tree's indentation" :active t]
(Tree\ Indentation menu-item "Tree Indentation" ebrowse-set-tree-indentation :help "Set the tree's indentation")
["Unmark All Classes" ebrowse-mark-all-classes :help "Unmark all classes in the class tree" :active t]
(Unmark\ All\ Classes menu-item "Unmark All Classes" ebrowse-mark-all-classes :help "Unmark all classes in the class tree")
["Expand All" ebrowse-expand-all :help "Expand all subtrees in the class tree" :active t]
(Expand\ All menu-item "Expand All" ebrowse-expand-all :help "Expand all subtrees in the class tree")
["Statistics" ebrowse-statistics :help "Show a buffer with class hierarchy statistics" :active t]
(Statistics menu-item "Statistics" ebrowse-statistics :help "Show a buffer with class hierarchy statistics")
["Find Class" ebrowse-read-class-name-and-go :help "Find a class in the tree" :active t]
(Find\ Class menu-item "Find Class" ebrowse-read-class-name-and-go :help "Find a class in the tree")
["Member Buffer" ebrowse-pop/switch-to-member-buffer-for-same-tree :help "Show a member buffer for this class tree" :active t]
(Member\ Buffer menu-item "Member Buffer" ebrowse-pop/switch-to-member-buffer-for-same-tree :help "Show a member buffer for this class tree")
(customize-group 'f90)
(F90\.\.\. menu-item "F90..." menu-function-321 :key-sequence nil)
("F90 Indent" :filter
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'f90-indent)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
(F90\ Indent menu-item "F90 Indent" nil :filter
#[257 "\302\301!\300\"\207"
["F90 Indent"
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'f90-indent)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
4 "\n\n(fn MENU)"])
["F90 Beginning Ampersand..."
(customize-variable 'f90-beginning-ampersand)
:style toggle :selected f90-beginning-ampersand]
(F90\ Beginning\ Ampersand\.\.\. menu-item "F90 Beginning Ampersand..." menu-function-323 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . f90-beginning-ampersand))
["F90 Smart End..."
(customize-variable 'f90-smart-end)
(F90\ Smart\ End\.\.\. menu-item "F90 Smart End..." menu-function-324 :key-sequence nil)
["F90 Smart End Names..."
(customize-variable 'f90-smart-end-names)
:style toggle :selected f90-smart-end-names]
(F90\ Smart\ End\ Names\.\.\. menu-item "F90 Smart End Names..." menu-function-325 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . f90-smart-end-names))
["F90 Break Delimiters..."
(customize-variable 'f90-break-delimiters)
(F90\ Break\ Delimiters\.\.\. menu-item "F90 Break Delimiters..." menu-function-326 :key-sequence nil)
["F90 Break Before Delimiters..."
(customize-variable 'f90-break-before-delimiters)
:style toggle :selected f90-break-before-delimiters]
(F90\ Break\ Before\ Delimiters\.\.\. menu-item "F90 Break Before Delimiters..." menu-function-327 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . f90-break-before-delimiters))
["F90 Auto Keyword Case..."
(customize-variable 'f90-auto-keyword-case)
(F90\ Auto\ Keyword\ Case\.\.\. menu-item "F90 Auto Keyword Case..." menu-function-328 :key-sequence nil)
["F90 Leave Line No..."
(customize-variable 'f90-leave-line-no)
:style toggle :selected f90-leave-line-no]
(F90\ Leave\ Line\ No\.\.\. menu-item "F90 Leave Line No..." menu-function-329 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . f90-leave-line-no))
["F90 Mode Hook..."
(customize-variable 'f90-mode-hook)
(F90\ Mode\ Hook\.\.\. menu-item "F90 Mode Hook..." menu-function-330 :key-sequence nil)
(customize-group 'f90)
("F90 Indent" :filter
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'f90-indent)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
["F90 Beginning Ampersand..."
(customize-variable 'f90-beginning-ampersand)
:style toggle :selected f90-beginning-ampersand]
["F90 Smart End..."
(customize-variable 'f90-smart-end)
["F90 Smart End Names..."
(customize-variable 'f90-smart-end-names)
:style toggle :selected f90-smart-end-names]
["F90 Break Delimiters..."
(customize-variable 'f90-break-delimiters)
["F90 Break Before Delimiters..."
(customize-variable 'f90-break-before-delimiters)
:style toggle :selected f90-break-before-delimiters]
["F90 Auto Keyword Case..."
(customize-variable 'f90-auto-keyword-case)
["F90 Leave Line No..."
(customize-variable 'f90-leave-line-no)
:style toggle :selected f90-leave-line-no]
["F90 Mode Hook..."
(customize-variable 'f90-mode-hook)
(F90 menu-item "F90"
(keymap "F90"
(F90\.\.\. menu-item "F90..." menu-function-321 :key-sequence nil)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(F90\ Indent menu-item "F90 Indent" nil :filter
#[257 "\302\301!\300\"\207"
["F90 Indent"
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'f90-indent)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
4 "\n\n(fn MENU)"])
(F90\ Beginning\ Ampersand\.\.\. menu-item "F90 Beginning Ampersand..." menu-function-323 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . f90-beginning-ampersand))
(F90\ Smart\ End\.\.\. menu-item "F90 Smart End..." menu-function-324 :key-sequence nil)
(F90\ Smart\ End\ Names\.\.\. menu-item "F90 Smart End Names..." menu-function-325 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . f90-smart-end-names))
(F90\ Break\ Delimiters\.\.\. menu-item "F90 Break Delimiters..." menu-function-326 :key-sequence nil)
(F90\ Break\ Before\ Delimiters\.\.\. menu-item "F90 Break Before Delimiters..." menu-function-327 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . f90-break-before-delimiters))
(F90\ Auto\ Keyword\ Case\.\.\. menu-item "F90 Auto Keyword Case..." menu-function-328 :key-sequence nil)
(F90\ Leave\ Line\ No\.\.\. menu-item "F90 Leave Line No..." menu-function-329 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . f90-leave-line-no))
(F90\ Mode\ Hook\.\.\. menu-item "F90 Mode Hook..." menu-function-330 :key-sequence nil)))
(customize-group 'f90)
("F90 Indent" :filter
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'f90-indent)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
["F90 Beginning Ampersand..."
(customize-variable 'f90-beginning-ampersand)
:style toggle :selected f90-beginning-ampersand]
["F90 Smart End..."
(customize-variable 'f90-smart-end)
["F90 Smart End Names..."
(customize-variable 'f90-smart-end-names)
:style toggle :selected f90-smart-end-names]
["F90 Break Delimiters..."
(customize-variable 'f90-break-delimiters)
["F90 Break Before Delimiters..."
(customize-variable 'f90-break-before-delimiters)
:style toggle :selected f90-break-before-delimiters]
["F90 Auto Keyword Case..."
(customize-variable 'f90-auto-keyword-case)
["F90 Leave Line No..."
(customize-variable 'f90-leave-line-no)
:style toggle :selected f90-leave-line-no]
["F90 Mode Hook..."
(customize-variable 'f90-mode-hook)
["Set" Custom-set :active t :help "Set current value of all edited settings in the buffer"]
["Save" Custom-save :active t :help "Set and save all edited settings"]
["Reset to Current" Custom-reset-current :active t :help "Reset all edited settings to current"]
["Reset to Saved" Custom-reset-saved :active t :help "Reset all edited or set settings to saved"]
["Reset to Standard Settings" Custom-reset-standard :active t :help "Erase all customizations in buffer"])
(Customization menu-item "Customization"
(keymap "Customization"
(F90 menu-item "F90"
(keymap "F90"
(F90\.\.\. menu-item "F90..." menu-function-321 :key-sequence nil)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(F90\ Indent menu-item "F90 Indent" nil :filter
#[257 "\302\301!\300\"\207"
["F90 Indent"
(&rest junk)
(custom-menu-create 'f90-indent)))
(consp menu)
(cdr menu)
4 "\n\n(fn MENU)"])
(F90\ Beginning\ Ampersand\.\.\. menu-item "F90 Beginning Ampersand..." menu-function-323 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . f90-beginning-ampersand))
(F90\ Smart\ End\.\.\. menu-item "F90 Smart End..." menu-function-324 :key-sequence nil)
(F90\ Smart\ End\ Names\.\.\. menu-item "F90 Smart End Names..." menu-function-325 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . f90-smart-end-names))
(F90\ Break\ Delimiters\.\.\. menu-item "F90 Break Delimiters..." menu-function-326 :key-sequence nil)
(F90\ Break\ Before\ Delimiters\.\.\. menu-item "F90 Break Before Delimiters..." menu-function-327 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . f90-break-before-delimiters))
(F90\ Auto\ Keyword\ Case\.\.\. menu-item "F90 Auto Keyword Case..." menu-function-328 :key-sequence nil)
(F90\ Leave\ Line\ No\.\.\. menu-item "F90 Leave Line No..." menu-function-329 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . f90-leave-line-no))
(F90\ Mode\ Hook\.\.\. menu-item "F90 Mode Hook..." menu-function-330 :key-sequence nil)))
(Set menu-item "Set" Custom-set :help "Set current value of all edited settings in the buffer")
(Save menu-item "Save" Custom-save :help "Set and save all edited settings")
(Reset\ to\ Current menu-item "Reset to Current" Custom-reset-current :help "Reset all edited settings to current")
(Reset\ to\ Saved menu-item "Reset to Saved" Custom-reset-saved :help "Reset all edited or set settings to saved")
(Reset\ to\ Standard\ Settings menu-item "Reset to Standard Settings" Custom-reset-standard :help "Erase all customizations in buffer")))
["Indent Subprogram" f90-indent-subprogram t]
(Indent\ Subprogram menu-item "Indent Subprogram" f90-indent-subprogram)
["Mark Subprogram" f90-mark-subprogram :active t :help "Mark the end of the current subprogram, move point to the start"]
(Mark\ Subprogram menu-item "Mark Subprogram" f90-mark-subprogram :help "Mark the end of the current subprogram, move point to the start")
["Beginning of Subprogram" f90-beginning-of-subprogram :active t :help "Move point to the start of the current subprogram"]
(Beginning\ of\ Subprogram menu-item "Beginning of Subprogram" f90-beginning-of-subprogram :help "Move point to the start of the current subprogram")
["End of Subprogram" f90-end-of-subprogram :active t :help "Move point to the end of the current subprogram"]
(End\ of\ Subprogram menu-item "End of Subprogram" f90-end-of-subprogram :help "Move point to the end of the current subprogram")
["(Un)Comment Region" f90-comment-region :active mark-active :help "Comment or uncomment the region"]
(\(Un\)Comment\ Region menu-item "(Un)Comment Region" f90-comment-region :enable mark-active :help "Comment or uncomment the region")
["Indent Region" f90-indent-region :active mark-active]
(Indent\ Region menu-item "Indent Region" f90-indent-region :enable mark-active)
["Fill Region" f90-fill-region :active mark-active :help "Fill long lines in the region"]
(Fill\ Region menu-item "Fill Region" f90-fill-region :enable mark-active :help "Fill long lines in the region")
["Break Line at Point" f90-break-line :active t :help "Break the current line at point"]
(Break\ Line\ at\ Point menu-item "Break Line at Point" f90-break-line :help "Break the current line at point")
["Join with Previous Line" f90-join-lines :active t :help "Join the current line to the previous one"]
(Join\ with\ Previous\ Line menu-item "Join with Previous Line" f90-join-lines :help "Join the current line to the previous one")
["Insert Block End" f90-insert-end :active t :help "Insert an end statement for the current code block"]
(Insert\ Block\ End menu-item "Insert Block End" f90-insert-end :help "Insert an end statement for the current code block")
["Toggle font-lock-mode" font-lock-mode :selected font-lock-mode :style toggle :help "Fontify text in this buffer"]
(Toggle\ font-lock-mode menu-item "Toggle font-lock-mode" font-lock-mode :button
(:toggle . font-lock-mode)
:help "Fontify text in this buffer")
["Light highlighting (level 1)" f90-font-lock-1 t]
(Light\ highlighting\ \(level\ 1\) menu-item "Light highlighting (level 1)" f90-font-lock-1)
["Moderate highlighting (level 2)" f90-font-lock-2 t]
(Moderate\ highlighting\ \(level\ 2\) menu-item "Moderate highlighting (level 2)" f90-font-lock-2)
["Heavy highlighting (level 3)" f90-font-lock-3 t]
(Heavy\ highlighting\ \(level\ 3\) menu-item "Heavy highlighting (level 3)" f90-font-lock-3)
["Maximum highlighting (level 4)" f90-font-lock-4 t]
(Maximum\ highlighting\ \(level\ 4\) menu-item "Maximum highlighting (level 4)" f90-font-lock-4)
("Highlighting" :help "Fontify this buffer to varying degrees"
["Toggle font-lock-mode" font-lock-mode :selected font-lock-mode :style toggle :help "Fontify text in this buffer"]
["Light highlighting (level 1)" f90-font-lock-1 t]
["Moderate highlighting (level 2)" f90-font-lock-2 t]
["Heavy highlighting (level 3)" f90-font-lock-3 t]
["Maximum highlighting (level 4)" f90-font-lock-4 t])
(Highlighting menu-item "Highlighting"
(keymap "Highlighting"
(Toggle\ font-lock-mode menu-item "Toggle font-lock-mode" font-lock-mode :button
(:toggle . font-lock-mode)
:help "Fontify text in this buffer")
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Light\ highlighting\ \(level\ 1\) menu-item "Light highlighting (level 1)" f90-font-lock-1)
(Moderate\ highlighting\ \(level\ 2\) menu-item "Moderate highlighting (level 2)" f90-font-lock-2)
(Heavy\ highlighting\ \(level\ 3\) menu-item "Heavy highlighting (level 3)" f90-font-lock-3)
(Maximum\ highlighting\ \(level\ 4\) menu-item "Maximum highlighting (level 4)" f90-font-lock-4))
:help "Fontify this buffer to varying degrees")
["Upcase Keywords (buffer)" f90-upcase-keywords t]
(Upcase\ Keywords\ \(buffer\) menu-item "Upcase Keywords (buffer)" f90-upcase-keywords)
["Capitalize Keywords (buffer)" f90-capitalize-keywords t]
(Capitalize\ Keywords\ \(buffer\) menu-item "Capitalize Keywords (buffer)" f90-capitalize-keywords)
["Downcase Keywords (buffer)" f90-downcase-keywords t]
(Downcase\ Keywords\ \(buffer\) menu-item "Downcase Keywords (buffer)" f90-downcase-keywords)
["Upcase Keywords (region)" f90-upcase-region-keywords mark-active]
(Upcase\ Keywords\ \(region\) menu-item "Upcase Keywords (region)" f90-upcase-region-keywords :enable mark-active)
["Capitalize Keywords (region)" f90-capitalize-region-keywords mark-active]
(Capitalize\ Keywords\ \(region\) menu-item "Capitalize Keywords (region)" f90-capitalize-region-keywords :enable mark-active)
["Downcase Keywords (region)" f90-downcase-region-keywords mark-active]
(Downcase\ Keywords\ \(region\) menu-item "Downcase Keywords (region)" f90-downcase-region-keywords :enable mark-active)
("Change Keyword Case" :help "Change the case of keywords in the buffer or region"
["Upcase Keywords (buffer)" f90-upcase-keywords t]
["Capitalize Keywords (buffer)" f90-capitalize-keywords t]
["Downcase Keywords (buffer)" f90-downcase-keywords t]
["Upcase Keywords (region)" f90-upcase-region-keywords mark-active]
["Capitalize Keywords (region)" f90-capitalize-region-keywords mark-active]
["Downcase Keywords (region)" f90-downcase-region-keywords mark-active])
(Change\ Keyword\ Case menu-item "Change Keyword Case"
(keymap "Change Keyword Case"
(Upcase\ Keywords\ \(buffer\) menu-item "Upcase Keywords (buffer)" f90-upcase-keywords)
(Capitalize\ Keywords\ \(buffer\) menu-item "Capitalize Keywords (buffer)" f90-capitalize-keywords)
(Downcase\ Keywords\ \(buffer\) menu-item "Downcase Keywords (buffer)" f90-downcase-keywords)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Upcase\ Keywords\ \(region\) menu-item "Upcase Keywords (region)" f90-upcase-region-keywords :enable mark-active)
(Capitalize\ Keywords\ \(region\) menu-item "Capitalize Keywords (region)" f90-capitalize-region-keywords :enable mark-active)
(Downcase\ Keywords\ \(region\) menu-item "Downcase Keywords (region)" f90-downcase-region-keywords :enable mark-active))
:help "Change the case of keywords in the buffer or region")
["Add Imenu Menu" f90-add-imenu-menu :active
[menu-bar index]))
(fboundp 'imenu-add-to-menubar)
:help "Add an index menu to the menu-bar"]
(Add\ Imenu\ Menu menu-item "Add Imenu Menu" f90-add-imenu-menu :enable
[menu-bar index]))
(fboundp 'imenu-add-to-menubar)
:help "Add an index menu to the menu-bar")
["Hide Block" hs-hide-block :help "Hide the code or comment block at point"]
(Hide\ Block menu-item "Hide Block" hs-hide-block :help "Hide the code or comment block at point")
["Show Block" hs-show-block :help "Show the code or comment block at point"]
(Show\ Block menu-item "Show Block" hs-show-block :help "Show the code or comment block at point")
["Hide All" hs-hide-all :help "Hide all the blocks in the buffer"]
(Hide\ All menu-item "Hide All" hs-hide-all :help "Hide all the blocks in the buffer")
["Show All" hs-show-all :help "Show all the blocks in the buffer"]
(Show\ All menu-item "Show All" hs-show-all :help "Show all the blocks in the buffer")
["Hide Level" hs-hide-level :help "Hide all block at levels below the current block"]
(Hide\ Level menu-item "Hide Level" hs-hide-level :help "Hide all block at levels below the current block")
["Toggle Hiding" hs-toggle-hiding :help "Toggle the hiding state of the current block"]
(Toggle\ Hiding menu-item "Toggle Hiding" hs-toggle-hiding :help "Toggle the hiding state of the current block")
["Hide comments when hiding all"
(setq hs-hide-comments-when-hiding-all
(not hs-hide-comments-when-hiding-all))
:help "If t also hide comment blocks when doing `hs-hide-all'" :style toggle :selected hs-hide-comments-when-hiding-all]
(Hide\ comments\ when\ hiding\ all menu-item "Hide comments when hiding all" menu-function-333 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . hs-hide-comments-when-hiding-all)
:help "If t also hide comment blocks when doing `hs-hide-all'")
["Code blocks"
(setq hs-isearch-open 'code)
:help "Show hidden code blocks when isearch matches inside them" :active t :style radio :selected
(eq hs-isearch-open 'code)]
(Code\ blocks menu-item "Code blocks" menu-function-334 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq hs-isearch-open 'code)
:help "Show hidden code blocks when isearch matches inside them")
["Comment blocks"
(setq hs-isearch-open 'comment)
:help "Show hidden comment blocks when isearch matches inside them" :active t :style radio :selected
(eq hs-isearch-open 'comment)]
(Comment\ blocks menu-item "Comment blocks" menu-function-335 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq hs-isearch-open 'comment)
:help "Show hidden comment blocks when isearch matches inside them")
["Code and Comment blocks"
(setq hs-isearch-open t)
:help "Show both hidden code and comment blocks when isearch matches inside them" :active t :style radio :selected
(eq hs-isearch-open t)]
(Code\ and\ Comment\ blocks menu-item "Code and Comment blocks" menu-function-336 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq hs-isearch-open t)
:help "Show both hidden code and comment blocks when isearch matches inside them")
(setq hs-isearch-open nil)
:help "Do not hidden code or comment blocks when isearch matches inside them" :active t :style radio :selected
(eq hs-isearch-open nil)]
(None menu-item "None" menu-function-337 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq hs-isearch-open nil)
:help "Do not hidden code or comment blocks when isearch matches inside them")
("Reveal on isearch"
["Code blocks"
(setq hs-isearch-open 'code)
:help "Show hidden code blocks when isearch matches inside them" :active t :style radio :selected
(eq hs-isearch-open 'code)]
["Comment blocks"
(setq hs-isearch-open 'comment)
:help "Show hidden comment blocks when isearch matches inside them" :active t :style radio :selected
(eq hs-isearch-open 'comment)]
["Code and Comment blocks"
(setq hs-isearch-open t)
:help "Show both hidden code and comment blocks when isearch matches inside them" :active t :style radio :selected
(eq hs-isearch-open t)]
(setq hs-isearch-open nil)
:help "Do not hidden code or comment blocks when isearch matches inside them" :active t :style radio :selected
(eq hs-isearch-open nil)])
(Reveal\ on\ isearch menu-item "Reveal on isearch"
(keymap "Reveal on isearch"
(Code\ blocks menu-item "Code blocks" menu-function-334 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq hs-isearch-open 'code)
:help "Show hidden code blocks when isearch matches inside them")
(Comment\ blocks menu-item "Comment blocks" menu-function-335 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq hs-isearch-open 'comment)
:help "Show hidden comment blocks when isearch matches inside them")
(Code\ and\ Comment\ blocks menu-item "Code and Comment blocks" menu-function-336 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq hs-isearch-open t)
:help "Show both hidden code and comment blocks when isearch matches inside them")
(None menu-item "None" menu-function-337 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio eq hs-isearch-open nil)
:help "Do not hidden code or comment blocks when isearch matches inside them")))
["Select New Mozilla Context..." js-set-js-context
(fboundp #'inferior-moz-process)]
(Select\ New\ Mozilla\ Context\.\.\. menu-item "Select New Mozilla Context..." js-set-js-context :enable
(fboundp #'inferior-moz-process))
["Evaluate Expression in Mozilla Context..." js-eval
(fboundp #'inferior-moz-process)]
(Evaluate\ Expression\ in\ Mozilla\ Context\.\.\. menu-item "Evaluate Expression in Mozilla Context..." js-eval :enable
(fboundp #'inferior-moz-process))
["Send Current Function to Mozilla..." js-eval-defun
(fboundp #'inferior-moz-process)]
(Send\ Current\ Function\ to\ Mozilla\.\.\. menu-item "Send Current Function to Mozilla..." js-eval-defun :enable
(fboundp #'inferior-moz-process))
["Forward Environment" meta-beginning-of-defun t]
(Forward\ Environment menu-item "Forward Environment" meta-beginning-of-defun)
["Backward Environment" meta-end-of-defun t]
(Backward\ Environment menu-item "Backward Environment" meta-end-of-defun)
["Indent Line" meta-indent-line t]
(Indent\ Line menu-item "Indent Line" meta-indent-line)
["Indent Environment" meta-indent-defun t]
(Indent\ Environment menu-item "Indent Environment" meta-indent-defun)
["Indent Region" meta-indent-region :active
(Indent\ Region menu-item "Indent Region" meta-indent-region :enable
["Indent Buffer" meta-indent-buffer t]
(Indent\ Buffer menu-item "Indent Buffer" meta-indent-buffer)
["Comment Out Environment" meta-comment-defun t]
(Comment\ Out\ Environment menu-item "Comment Out Environment" meta-comment-defun)
["Uncomment Environment" meta-uncomment-defun t]
(Uncomment\ Environment menu-item "Uncomment Environment" meta-uncomment-defun)
["Comment Out Region" meta-comment-region :active
(Comment\ Out\ Region menu-item "Comment Out Region" meta-comment-region :enable
["Uncomment Region" meta-uncomment-region :active
(Uncomment\ Region menu-item "Uncomment Region" meta-uncomment-region :enable
["Complete Symbol" completion-at-point t]
(Complete\ Symbol menu-item "Complete Symbol" completion-at-point)
["On predicate" prolog-help-on-predicate prolog-help-function-i]
(On\ predicate menu-item "On predicate" prolog-help-on-predicate :enable prolog-help-function-i)
["Apropos" prolog-help-apropos
(eq prolog-system 'swi)]
(Apropos menu-item "Apropos" prolog-help-apropos :enable
(eq prolog-system 'swi))
["Describe mode" describe-mode t]
(Describe\ mode menu-item "Describe mode" describe-mode)
["Consult file" prolog-consult-file :included
(eq prolog-system 'mercury))]
(Consult\ file menu-item "Consult file" prolog-consult-file :visible
(eq prolog-system 'mercury)))
["Consult buffer" prolog-consult-buffer :included
(eq prolog-system 'mercury))]
(Consult\ buffer menu-item "Consult buffer" prolog-consult-buffer :visible
(eq prolog-system 'mercury)))
["Consult region" prolog-consult-region :active
(eq prolog-system 'mercury))]
(Consult\ region menu-item "Consult region" prolog-consult-region :enable
(eq prolog-system 'mercury)))
["Consult predicate" prolog-consult-predicate :included
(eq prolog-system 'mercury))]
(Consult\ predicate menu-item "Consult predicate" prolog-consult-predicate :visible
(eq prolog-system 'mercury)))
["---" nil :included
(eq prolog-system 'sicstus)]
(--- menu-item "---" nil :visible
(eq prolog-system 'sicstus))
["Compile file" prolog-compile-file :included
(eq prolog-system 'sicstus)]
(Compile\ file menu-item "Compile file" prolog-compile-file :visible
(eq prolog-system 'sicstus))
["Compile buffer" prolog-compile-buffer :included
(eq prolog-system 'sicstus)]
(Compile\ buffer menu-item "Compile buffer" prolog-compile-buffer :visible
(eq prolog-system 'sicstus))
["Compile region" prolog-compile-region :active
(eq prolog-system 'sicstus)]
(Compile\ region menu-item "Compile region" prolog-compile-region :enable
(eq prolog-system 'sicstus))
["Compile predicate" prolog-compile-predicate :included
(eq prolog-system 'sicstus)]
(Compile\ predicate menu-item "Compile predicate" prolog-compile-predicate :visible
(eq prolog-system 'sicstus))
["---" nil :included
(eq prolog-system 'mercury))]
(----9 menu-item "---" nil :visible
(eq prolog-system 'mercury)))
["Debug" prolog-debug-on :included
(eq prolog-system 'mercury))]
(Debug menu-item "Debug" prolog-debug-on :visible
(eq prolog-system 'mercury)))
["Debug off" prolog-debug-off :included
(memq prolog-system
'(mercury sicstus)))]
(Debug\ off menu-item "Debug off" prolog-debug-off :visible
(memq prolog-system
'(mercury sicstus))))
["Trace" prolog-trace-on :included
(eq prolog-system 'mercury))]
(Trace menu-item "Trace" prolog-trace-on :visible
(eq prolog-system 'mercury)))
["Trace off" prolog-trace-off :included
(memq prolog-system
'(mercury sicstus)))]
(Trace\ off menu-item "Trace off" prolog-trace-off :visible
(memq prolog-system
'(mercury sicstus))))
["Zip" prolog-zip-on :included
(eq prolog-system 'sicstus)
'(3 . 7)))]
(Zip menu-item "Zip" prolog-zip-on :visible
(eq prolog-system 'sicstus)
'(3 . 7))))
["All debug off" prolog-debug-off :included
(eq prolog-system 'sicstus)]
(All\ debug\ off menu-item "All debug off" prolog-debug-off :visible
(eq prolog-system 'sicstus))
["Source level debugging" prolog-toggle-sicstus-sd :included
(eq prolog-system 'sicstus)
'(3 . 7)))
:style toggle :selected prolog-use-sicstus-sd]
(Source\ level\ debugging menu-item "Source level debugging" prolog-toggle-sicstus-sd :visible
(eq prolog-system 'sicstus)
'(3 . 7)))
(:toggle . prolog-use-sicstus-sd))
["Run" run-prolog :suffix
((eq prolog-system 'eclipse)
((eq prolog-system 'mercury)
(t "Prolog"))]
(Run menu-item
(concat "Run "
((eq prolog-system 'eclipse)
((eq prolog-system 'mercury)
(t "Prolog")))
["Comment region" comment-region
(Comment\ region menu-item "Comment region" comment-region :enable
["Uncomment region" prolog-uncomment-region
(Uncomment\ region menu-item "Uncomment region" prolog-uncomment-region :enable
["Add comment/move to comment" indent-for-comment t]
(Add\ comment/move\ to\ comment menu-item "Add comment/move to comment" indent-for-comment)
["Convert variables in region to '_'" prolog-variables-to-anonymous :active
(eq prolog-system 'mercury))]
(Convert\ variables\ in\ region\ to\ \'_\' menu-item "Convert variables in region to '_'" prolog-variables-to-anonymous :enable
(eq prolog-system 'mercury)))
["Insert predicate template" prolog-insert-predicate-template t]
(Insert\ predicate\ template menu-item "Insert predicate template" prolog-insert-predicate-template)
["Insert next clause head" prolog-insert-next-clause t]
(Insert\ next\ clause\ head menu-item "Insert next clause head" prolog-insert-next-clause)
["Insert predicate spec" prolog-insert-predspec t]
(Insert\ predicate\ spec menu-item "Insert predicate spec" prolog-insert-predspec)
["Insert module modeline" prolog-insert-module-modeline t]
(Insert\ module\ modeline menu-item "Insert module modeline" prolog-insert-module-modeline)
["Beginning of clause" prolog-beginning-of-clause t]
(Beginning\ of\ clause menu-item "Beginning of clause" prolog-beginning-of-clause)
["End of clause" prolog-end-of-clause t]
(End\ of\ clause menu-item "End of clause" prolog-end-of-clause)
["Beginning of predicate" prolog-beginning-of-predicate t]
(Beginning\ of\ predicate menu-item "Beginning of predicate" prolog-beginning-of-predicate)
["End of predicate" prolog-end-of-predicate t]
(End\ of\ predicate menu-item "End of predicate" prolog-end-of-predicate)
["Indent line" indent-according-to-mode t]
(Indent\ line menu-item "Indent line" indent-according-to-mode)
["Indent region" indent-region
(Indent\ region menu-item "Indent region" indent-region :enable
["Indent predicate" prolog-indent-predicate t]
(Indent\ predicate menu-item "Indent predicate" prolog-indent-predicate)
["Indent buffer" prolog-indent-buffer t]
(Indent\ buffer menu-item "Indent buffer" prolog-indent-buffer)
["Align region" align
(Align\ region menu-item "Align region" align :enable
["Mark clause" prolog-mark-clause t]
(Mark\ clause menu-item "Mark clause" prolog-mark-clause)
["Mark predicate" prolog-mark-predicate t]
(Mark\ predicate menu-item "Mark predicate" prolog-mark-predicate)
["Mark paragraph" mark-paragraph t]
(Mark\ paragraph menu-item "Mark paragraph" mark-paragraph)
["Interrupt Prolog" comint-interrupt-subjob t]
(Interrupt\ Prolog menu-item "Interrupt Prolog" comint-interrupt-subjob)
["Quit Prolog" comint-quit-subjob t]
(Quit\ Prolog menu-item "Quit Prolog" comint-quit-subjob)
["Kill Prolog" comint-kill-subjob t]
(Kill\ Prolog menu-item "Kill Prolog" comint-kill-subjob)
["Beginning of Block" ruby-beginning-of-block t]
(Beginning\ of\ Block menu-item "Beginning of Block" ruby-beginning-of-block)
["End of Block" ruby-end-of-block t]
(End\ of\ Block menu-item "End of Block" ruby-end-of-block)
["Toggle Block" ruby-toggle-block t]
(Toggle\ Block menu-item "Toggle Block" ruby-toggle-block)
["Toggle String Quotes" ruby-toggle-string-quotes t]
(Toggle\ String\ Quotes menu-item "Toggle String Quotes" ruby-toggle-string-quotes)
["Backward Sexp" ruby-backward-sexp :visible
(not ruby-use-smie)]
(Backward\ Sexp menu-item "Backward Sexp" ruby-backward-sexp :visible
(not ruby-use-smie))
["Backward Sexp" backward-sexp :visible ruby-use-smie]
(Backward\ Sexp-7 menu-item "Backward Sexp" backward-sexp :visible ruby-use-smie)
["Forward Sexp" ruby-forward-sexp :visible
(not ruby-use-smie)]
(Forward\ Sexp menu-item "Forward Sexp" ruby-forward-sexp :visible
(not ruby-use-smie))
["Forward Sexp" forward-sexp :visible ruby-use-smie]
(Forward\ Sexp-9 menu-item "Forward Sexp" forward-sexp :visible ruby-use-smie)
["Indent Sexp" ruby-indent-exp :visible
(not ruby-use-smie)]
(Indent\ Sexp menu-item "Indent Sexp" ruby-indent-exp :visible
(not ruby-use-smie))
["Indent Sexp" prog-indent-sexp :visible ruby-use-smie]
(Indent\ Sexp-11 menu-item "Indent Sexp" prog-indent-sexp :visible ruby-use-smie)
["Indent region" indent-region
(mark t)]
(Indent\ region menu-item "Indent region" indent-region :enable
(mark t))
["Comment region" comment-region
(mark t)]
(Comment\ region menu-item "Comment region" comment-region :enable
(mark t))
["Uncomment region" uncomment-region
(mark t)]
(Uncomment\ region menu-item "Uncomment region" uncomment-region :enable
(mark t))
["Show Tcl process buffer" inferior-tcl t]
(Show\ Tcl\ process\ buffer menu-item "Show Tcl process buffer" inferior-tcl)
["Send function to Tcl process" tcl-eval-defun
(and inferior-tcl-buffer
(get-buffer inferior-tcl-buffer))]
(Send\ function\ to\ Tcl\ process menu-item "Send function to Tcl process" tcl-eval-defun :enable
(and inferior-tcl-buffer
(get-buffer inferior-tcl-buffer)))
["Send region to Tcl process" tcl-eval-region
(and inferior-tcl-buffer
(get-buffer inferior-tcl-buffer))]
(Send\ region\ to\ Tcl\ process menu-item "Send region to Tcl process" tcl-eval-region :enable
(and inferior-tcl-buffer
(get-buffer inferior-tcl-buffer)))
["Send file to Tcl process" tcl-load-file
(and inferior-tcl-buffer
(get-buffer inferior-tcl-buffer))]
(Send\ file\ to\ Tcl\ process menu-item "Send file to Tcl process" tcl-load-file :enable
(and inferior-tcl-buffer
(get-buffer inferior-tcl-buffer)))
["Restart Tcl process with file" tcl-restart-with-file t]
(Restart\ Tcl\ process\ with\ file menu-item "Restart Tcl process with file" tcl-restart-with-file)
["Tcl help" tcl-help-on-word tcl-help-directory-list]
(Tcl\ help menu-item "Tcl help" tcl-help-on-word :enable tcl-help-directory-list)
["(Un)Comment Out Region" vera-comment-uncomment-region
(\(Un\)Comment\ Out\ Region menu-item "(Un)Comment Out Region" vera-comment-uncomment-region :enable
["Move Forward Statement" vera-forward-statement t]
(Move\ Forward\ Statement menu-item "Move Forward Statement" vera-forward-statement)
["Move Backward Statement" vera-backward-statement t]
(Move\ Backward\ Statement menu-item "Move Backward Statement" vera-backward-statement)
["Move Forward Same Indent" vera-forward-same-indent t]
(Move\ Forward\ Same\ Indent menu-item "Move Forward Same Indent" vera-forward-same-indent)
["Move Backward Same Indent" vera-backward-same-indent t]
(Move\ Backward\ Same\ Indent menu-item "Move Backward Same Indent" vera-backward-same-indent)
["Indent Line" indent-according-to-mode t]
(Indent\ Line menu-item "Indent Line" indent-according-to-mode)
["Indent Region" vera-indent-region
(Indent\ Region menu-item "Indent Region" vera-indent-region :enable
["Indent Buffer" vera-indent-buffer t]
(Indent\ Buffer menu-item "Indent Buffer" vera-indent-buffer)
["Documentation" describe-mode]
(Documentation menu-item "Documentation" describe-mode)
["Version" vera-version t]
(Version menu-item "Version" vera-version)
["Bug Report..." vera-submit-bug-report t]
(Bug\ Report\.\.\. menu-item "Bug Report..." vera-submit-bug-report)
["Indentation Offset..."
(customize-option 'vera-basic-offset)
(Indentation\ Offset\.\.\. menu-item "Indentation Offset..." menu-function-340 :key-sequence nil)
["Underscore is Part of Word"
(customize-set-variable 'vera-underscore-is-part-of-word
(not vera-underscore-is-part-of-word))
:style toggle :selected vera-underscore-is-part-of-word]
(Underscore\ is\ Part\ of\ Word menu-item "Underscore is Part of Word" menu-function-341 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . vera-underscore-is-part-of-word))
["Use Intelligent Tab"
(customize-set-variable 'vera-intelligent-tab
(not vera-intelligent-tab))
:style toggle :selected vera-intelligent-tab]
(Use\ Intelligent\ Tab menu-item "Use Intelligent Tab" menu-function-342 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . vera-intelligent-tab))
["Save Options" customize-save-customized t]
(Save\ Options menu-item "Save Options" customize-save-customized)
["Customize..." vera-customize t]
(Customize\.\.\. menu-item "Customize..." vera-customize)
["Indentation Offset..."
(customize-option 'vera-basic-offset)
["Underscore is Part of Word"
(customize-set-variable 'vera-underscore-is-part-of-word
(not vera-underscore-is-part-of-word))
:style toggle :selected vera-underscore-is-part-of-word]
["Use Intelligent Tab"
(customize-set-variable 'vera-intelligent-tab
(not vera-intelligent-tab))
:style toggle :selected vera-intelligent-tab]
["Save Options" customize-save-customized t]
["Customize..." vera-customize t])
(Options menu-item "Options"
(keymap "Options"
(Indentation\ Offset\.\.\. menu-item "Indentation Offset..." menu-function-340 :key-sequence nil)
(Underscore\ is\ Part\ of\ Word menu-item "Underscore is Part of Word" menu-function-341 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . vera-underscore-is-part-of-word))
(Use\ Intelligent\ Tab menu-item "Use Intelligent Tab" menu-function-342 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . vera-intelligent-tab))
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Save\ Options menu-item "Save Options" customize-save-customized)
(nil-7-5 menu-item "--")
(Customize\.\.\. menu-item "Customize..." vera-customize)))
["Copy Headerline Tag" senator-copy-tag :active
:help "Copy the current tag to the tag ring"]
(Copy\ Headerline\ Tag menu-item "Copy Headerline Tag" senator-copy-tag :enable
:help "Copy the current tag to the tag ring")
["Kill Headerline Tag" senator-kill-tag :active
:help "Kill tag text to the kill ring, and copy the tag to the tag ring"]
(Kill\ Headerline\ Tag menu-item "Kill Headerline Tag" senator-kill-tag :enable
:help "Kill tag text to the kill ring, and copy the tag to the tag ring")
["Copy Headerline Tag to Register" senator-copy-tag-to-register :active
:help "Copy the current tag to a register"]
(Copy\ Headerline\ Tag\ to\ Register menu-item "Copy Headerline Tag to Register" senator-copy-tag-to-register :enable
:help "Copy the current tag to a register")
["Narrow To Headerline Tag" senator-narrow-to-defun :active
:help "Narrow to the bounds of the current tag"]
(Narrow\ To\ Headerline\ Tag menu-item "Narrow To Headerline Tag" senator-narrow-to-defun :enable
:help "Narrow to the bounds of the current tag")
["Fold Headerline Tag" senator-fold-tag-toggle :active
:style toggle :selected
(and tag
(semantic-tag-folded-p tag)))
:help "Fold the current tag to one line"]
(Fold\ Headerline\ Tag menu-item "Fold Headerline Tag" senator-fold-tag-toggle :enable
(:toggle let
(and tag
(semantic-tag-folded-p tag)))
:help "Fold the current tag to one line")
["About This Header Line"
(lambda nil
(describe-function 'semantic-stickyfunc-mode))
(About\ This\ Header\ Line menu-item "About This Header Line" menu-function-343 :key-sequence nil)
["Copy Tag" senator-copy-tag :active
:help "Copy the current tag to the tag ring"]
(Copy\ Tag menu-item "Copy Tag" senator-copy-tag :enable
:help "Copy the current tag to the tag ring")
["Kill Tag" senator-kill-tag :active
:help "Kill tag text to the kill ring, and copy the tag to the tag ring"]
(Kill\ Tag menu-item "Kill Tag" senator-kill-tag :enable
:help "Kill tag text to the kill ring, and copy the tag to the tag ring")
["Copy Tag to Register" senator-copy-tag-to-register :active
:help "Copy the current tag to a register"]
(Copy\ Tag\ to\ Register menu-item "Copy Tag to Register" senator-copy-tag-to-register :enable
:help "Copy the current tag to a register")
["Narrow To Tag" senator-narrow-to-defun :active
:help "Narrow to the bounds of the current tag"]
(Narrow\ To\ Tag menu-item "Narrow To Tag" senator-narrow-to-defun :enable
:help "Narrow to the bounds of the current tag")
["Fold Tag" senator-fold-tag-toggle :active
:style toggle :selected
(and tag
(semantic-tag-folded-p tag)))
:help "Fold the current tag to one line"]
(Fold\ Tag menu-item "Fold Tag" senator-fold-tag-toggle :enable
(:toggle let
(and tag
(semantic-tag-folded-p tag)))
:help "Fold the current tag to one line")
["About This Tag" semantic-describe-tag t]
(About\ This\ Tag menu-item "About This Tag" semantic-describe-tag)
["Connect to server..." erc t]
(Connect\ to\ server\.\.\. menu-item "Connect to server..." erc)
["Disconnect from server..." erc-quit-server erc-server-connected]
(Disconnect\ from\ server\.\.\. menu-item "Disconnect from server..." erc-quit-server :enable erc-server-connected)
["List channels..." erc-list-channels
(and erc-server-connected
(fboundp 'erc-list-channels))]
(List\ channels\.\.\. menu-item "List channels..." erc-list-channels :enable
(and erc-server-connected
(fboundp 'erc-list-channels)))
["Join channel..." erc-join-channel erc-server-connected]
(Join\ channel\.\.\. menu-item "Join channel..." erc-join-channel :enable erc-server-connected)
["Start a query..." erc-cmd-QUERY erc-server-connected]
(Start\ a\ query\.\.\. menu-item "Start a query..." erc-cmd-QUERY :enable erc-server-connected)
["Input action..." erc-input-action
(Input\ action\.\.\. menu-item "Input action..." erc-input-action :enable
["List users in channel" erc-channel-names erc-channel-users]
(List\ users\ in\ channel menu-item "List users in channel" erc-channel-names :enable erc-channel-users)
["List channel operators" erc-cmd-OPS erc-channel-users]
(List\ channel\ operators menu-item "List channel operators" erc-cmd-OPS :enable erc-channel-users)
["Set topic..." erc-set-topic
(member "t" erc-channel-modes))
(Set\ topic\.\.\. menu-item "Set topic..." erc-set-topic :enable
(member "t" erc-channel-modes))
["Change mode..." erc-insert-mode-command
(Change\ mode\.\.\. menu-item "Change mode..." erc-insert-mode-command :enable
["No external send"
(erc-toggle-channel-mode "n")
:style toggle :selected
(member "n" erc-channel-modes)]
(No\ external\ send menu-item "No external send" menu-function-346 :key-sequence nil :enable
(:toggle member "n" erc-channel-modes))
["Topic set by channel operator"
(erc-toggle-channel-mode "t")
:style toggle :selected
(member "t" erc-channel-modes)
(Topic\ set\ by\ channel\ operator menu-item "Topic set by channel operator" menu-function-347 :key-sequence nil :enable
(:toggle member "t" erc-channel-modes))
["Invite only"
(erc-toggle-channel-mode "i")
:style toggle :selected
(member "i" erc-channel-modes)
(Invite\ only menu-item "Invite only" menu-function-348 :key-sequence nil :enable
(:toggle member "i" erc-channel-modes))
(erc-toggle-channel-mode "p")
:style toggle :selected
(member "p" erc-channel-modes)
(Private menu-item "Private" menu-function-349 :key-sequence nil :enable
(:toggle member "p" erc-channel-modes))
(erc-toggle-channel-mode "s")
:style toggle :selected
(member "s" erc-channel-modes)
(Secret menu-item "Secret" menu-function-350 :key-sequence nil :enable
(:toggle member "s" erc-channel-modes))
(erc-toggle-channel-mode "m")
:style toggle :selected
(member "m" erc-channel-modes)
(Moderated menu-item "Moderated" menu-function-351 :key-sequence nil :enable
(:toggle member "m" erc-channel-modes))
["Set a limit..." erc-set-channel-limit
(Set\ a\ limit\.\.\. menu-item "Set a limit..." erc-set-channel-limit :enable
["Set a key..." erc-set-channel-key
(Set\ a\ key\.\.\. menu-item "Set a key..." erc-set-channel-key :enable
("Channel modes"
["Change mode..." erc-insert-mode-command
["No external send"
(erc-toggle-channel-mode "n")
:style toggle :selected
(member "n" erc-channel-modes)]
["Topic set by channel operator"
(erc-toggle-channel-mode "t")
:style toggle :selected
(member "t" erc-channel-modes)
["Invite only"
(erc-toggle-channel-mode "i")
:style toggle :selected
(member "i" erc-channel-modes)
(erc-toggle-channel-mode "p")
:style toggle :selected
(member "p" erc-channel-modes)
(erc-toggle-channel-mode "s")
:style toggle :selected
(member "s" erc-channel-modes)
(erc-toggle-channel-mode "m")
:style toggle :selected
(member "m" erc-channel-modes)
["Set a limit..." erc-set-channel-limit
["Set a key..." erc-set-channel-key
(Channel\ modes menu-item "Channel modes"
(keymap "Channel modes"
(Change\ mode\.\.\. menu-item "Change mode..." erc-insert-mode-command :enable
(No\ external\ send menu-item "No external send" menu-function-346 :key-sequence nil :enable
(:toggle member "n" erc-channel-modes))
(Topic\ set\ by\ channel\ operator menu-item "Topic set by channel operator" menu-function-347 :key-sequence nil :enable
(:toggle member "t" erc-channel-modes))
(Invite\ only menu-item "Invite only" menu-function-348 :key-sequence nil :enable
(:toggle member "i" erc-channel-modes))
(Private menu-item "Private" menu-function-349 :key-sequence nil :enable
(:toggle member "p" erc-channel-modes))
(Secret menu-item "Secret" menu-function-350 :key-sequence nil :enable
(:toggle member "s" erc-channel-modes))
(Moderated menu-item "Moderated" menu-function-351 :key-sequence nil :enable
(:toggle member "m" erc-channel-modes))
(Set\ a\ limit\.\.\. menu-item "Set a limit..." erc-set-channel-limit :enable
(Set\ a\ key\.\.\. menu-item "Set a key..." erc-set-channel-key :enable
["Leave this channel..." erc-part-from-channel erc-channel-users]
(Leave\ this\ channel\.\.\. menu-item "Leave this channel..." erc-part-from-channel :enable erc-channel-users)
("Current channel"
["List users in channel" erc-channel-names erc-channel-users]
["List channel operators" erc-cmd-OPS erc-channel-users]
["Set topic..." erc-set-topic
(member "t" erc-channel-modes))
("Channel modes"
["Change mode..." erc-insert-mode-command
["No external send"
(erc-toggle-channel-mode "n")
:style toggle :selected
(member "n" erc-channel-modes)]
["Topic set by channel operator"
(erc-toggle-channel-mode "t")
:style toggle :selected
(member "t" erc-channel-modes)
["Invite only"
(erc-toggle-channel-mode "i")
:style toggle :selected
(member "i" erc-channel-modes)
(erc-toggle-channel-mode "p")
:style toggle :selected
(member "p" erc-channel-modes)
(erc-toggle-channel-mode "s")
:style toggle :selected
(member "s" erc-channel-modes)
(erc-toggle-channel-mode "m")
:style toggle :selected
(member "m" erc-channel-modes)
["Set a limit..." erc-set-channel-limit
["Set a key..." erc-set-channel-key
["Leave this channel..." erc-part-from-channel erc-channel-users])
(Current\ channel menu-item "Current channel"
(keymap "Current channel"
(List\ users\ in\ channel menu-item "List users in channel" erc-channel-names :enable erc-channel-users)
(List\ channel\ operators menu-item "List channel operators" erc-cmd-OPS :enable erc-channel-users)
(Set\ topic\.\.\. menu-item "Set topic..." erc-set-topic :enable
(member "t" erc-channel-modes))
(Channel\ modes menu-item "Channel modes"
(keymap "Channel modes"
(Change\ mode\.\.\. menu-item "Change mode..." erc-insert-mode-command :enable
(No\ external\ send menu-item "No external send" menu-function-346 :key-sequence nil :enable
(:toggle member "n" erc-channel-modes))
(Topic\ set\ by\ channel\ operator menu-item "Topic set by channel operator" menu-function-347 :key-sequence nil :enable
(:toggle member "t" erc-channel-modes))
(Invite\ only menu-item "Invite only" menu-function-348 :key-sequence nil :enable
(:toggle member "i" erc-channel-modes))
(Private menu-item "Private" menu-function-349 :key-sequence nil :enable
(:toggle member "p" erc-channel-modes))
(Secret menu-item "Secret" menu-function-350 :key-sequence nil :enable
(:toggle member "s" erc-channel-modes))
(Moderated menu-item "Moderated" menu-function-351 :key-sequence nil :enable
(:toggle member "m" erc-channel-modes))
(Set\ a\ limit\.\.\. menu-item "Set a limit..." erc-set-channel-limit :enable
(Set\ a\ key\.\.\. menu-item "Set a key..." erc-set-channel-key :enable
(Leave\ this\ channel\.\.\. menu-item "Leave this channel..." erc-part-from-channel :enable erc-channel-users)))
["Add pal..." erc-add-pal]
(Add\ pal\.\.\. menu-item "Add pal..." erc-add-pal)
["Delete pal..." erc-delete-pal]
(Delete\ pal\.\.\. menu-item "Delete pal..." erc-delete-pal)
["Add fool..." erc-add-fool]
(Add\ fool\.\.\. menu-item "Add fool..." erc-add-fool)
["Delete fool..." erc-delete-fool]
(Delete\ fool\.\.\. menu-item "Delete fool..." erc-delete-fool)
["Add keyword..." erc-add-keyword]
(Add\ keyword\.\.\. menu-item "Add keyword..." erc-add-keyword)
["Delete keyword..." erc-delete-keyword]
(Delete\ keyword\.\.\. menu-item "Delete keyword..." erc-delete-keyword)
["Add dangerous host..." erc-add-dangerous-host]
(Add\ dangerous\ host\.\.\. menu-item "Add dangerous host..." erc-add-dangerous-host)
["Delete dangerous host..." erc-delete-dangerous-host]
(Delete\ dangerous\ host\.\.\. menu-item "Delete dangerous host..." erc-delete-dangerous-host)
("Pals, fools and other keywords"
["Add pal..." erc-add-pal]
["Delete pal..." erc-delete-pal]
["Add fool..." erc-add-fool]
["Delete fool..." erc-delete-fool]
["Add keyword..." erc-add-keyword]
["Delete keyword..." erc-delete-keyword]
["Add dangerous host..." erc-add-dangerous-host]
["Delete dangerous host..." erc-delete-dangerous-host])
(Pals\,\ fools\ and\ other\ keywords menu-item "Pals, fools and other keywords"
(keymap "Pals, fools and other keywords"
(Add\ pal\.\.\. menu-item "Add pal..." erc-add-pal)
(Delete\ pal\.\.\. menu-item "Delete pal..." erc-delete-pal)
(Add\ fool\.\.\. menu-item "Add fool..." erc-add-fool)
(Delete\ fool\.\.\. menu-item "Delete fool..." erc-delete-fool)
(Add\ keyword\.\.\. menu-item "Add keyword..." erc-add-keyword)
(Delete\ keyword\.\.\. menu-item "Delete keyword..." erc-delete-keyword)
(Add\ dangerous\ host\.\.\. menu-item "Add dangerous host..." erc-add-dangerous-host)
(Delete\ dangerous\ host\.\.\. menu-item "Delete dangerous host..." erc-delete-dangerous-host)))
["Identify to NickServ..." erc-nickserv-identify
(and erc-server-connected
(functionp 'erc-nickserv-identify))]
(Identify\ to\ NickServ\.\.\. menu-item "Identify to NickServ..." erc-nickserv-identify :enable
(and erc-server-connected
(functionp 'erc-nickserv-identify)))
("IRC services"
["Identify to NickServ..." erc-nickserv-identify
(and erc-server-connected
(functionp 'erc-nickserv-identify))])
(IRC\ services menu-item "IRC services"
(keymap "IRC services"
(Identify\ to\ NickServ\.\.\. menu-item "Identify to NickServ..." erc-nickserv-identify :enable
(and erc-server-connected
(functionp 'erc-nickserv-identify)))))
["Save buffer in log" erc-save-buffer-in-logs
(fboundp 'erc-save-buffer-in-logs)]
(Save\ buffer\ in\ log menu-item "Save buffer in log" erc-save-buffer-in-logs :enable
(fboundp 'erc-save-buffer-in-logs))
["Truncate buffer" erc-truncate-buffer
(fboundp 'erc-truncate-buffer)]
(Truncate\ buffer menu-item "Truncate buffer" erc-truncate-buffer :enable
(fboundp 'erc-truncate-buffer))
["Customize ERC"
(customize-group 'erc)
(Customize\ ERC menu-item "Customize ERC" menu-function-352 :key-sequence nil)
["Enable/Disable ERC Modules"
(customize-variable 'erc-modules)
(Enable/Disable\ ERC\ Modules menu-item "Enable/Disable ERC Modules" menu-function-353 :key-sequence nil)
["Show ERC version" erc-version t]
(Show\ ERC\ version menu-item "Show ERC version" erc-version)
["Insert Template" srecode-insert :active t :help "Insert a template by name."]
(Insert\ Template menu-item "Insert Template" srecode-insert :help "Insert a template by name.")
["Insert Template Again" srecode-insert-again :active t :help "Run the same template as last time again."]
(Insert\ Template\ Again menu-item "Insert Template Again" srecode-insert-again :help "Run the same template as last time again.")
["Edit Template" srecode-edit :active t :help "Edit a template for this language by name."]
(Edit\ Template menu-item "Edit Template" srecode-edit :help "Edit a template for this language by name.")
("Insert ..." :filter srecode-minor-mode-templates-menu)
(Insert\ \.\.\. menu-item "Insert ..." nil :filter
#[257 "\302\301!\300\"\207"
["Insert ..." srecode-minor-mode-templates-menu easy-menu-filter-return]
4 "\n\n(fn MENU)"])
("Generate ..." :filter srecode-minor-mode-generate-menu)
(Generate\ \.\.\. menu-item "Generate ..." nil :filter
#[257 "\302\301!\300\"\207"
["Generate ..." srecode-minor-mode-generate-menu easy-menu-filter-return]
4 "\n\n(fn MENU)"])
(customize-group "srecode")
:active t :help "Customize SRecode options"]
(Customize\.\.\. menu-item "Customize..." menu-function-356 :key-sequence nil :help "Customize SRecode options")
["Dump Template MAP" srecode-get-maps :active t :help "Calculate (if needed) and display the current template file map."]
(Dump\ Template\ MAP menu-item "Dump Template MAP" srecode-get-maps :help "Calculate (if needed) and display the current template file map.")
["Dump Tables" srecode-dump-templates :active t :help "Dump the current template table."]
(Dump\ Tables menu-item "Dump Tables" srecode-dump-templates :help "Dump the current template table.")
["Dump Dictionary" srecode-dictionary-dump :active t :help "Calculate and dump a dictionary for point."]
(Dump\ Dictionary menu-item "Dump Dictionary" srecode-dictionary-dump :help "Calculate and dump a dictionary for point.")
["Show Macro Help" srecode-macro-help :active t :help "Display the different types of macros available."]
(Show\ Macro\ Help menu-item "Show Macro Help" srecode-macro-help :help "Display the different types of macros available.")
("Debugging Tools..."
["Dump Template MAP" srecode-get-maps :active t :help "Calculate (if needed) and display the current template file map."]
["Dump Tables" srecode-dump-templates :active t :help "Dump the current template table."]
["Dump Dictionary" srecode-dictionary-dump :active t :help "Calculate and dump a dictionary for point."]
["Show Macro Help" srecode-macro-help :active t :help "Display the different types of macros available."])
(Debugging\ Tools\.\.\. menu-item "Debugging Tools..."
(keymap "Debugging Tools..."
(Dump\ Template\ MAP menu-item "Dump Template MAP" srecode-get-maps :help "Calculate (if needed) and display the current template file map.")
(Dump\ Tables menu-item "Dump Tables" srecode-dump-templates :help "Dump the current template table.")
(Dump\ Dictionary menu-item "Dump Dictionary" srecode-dictionary-dump :help "Calculate and dump a dictionary for point.")
(Show\ Macro\ Help menu-item "Show Macro Help" srecode-macro-help :help "Display the different types of macros available.")))
["Toggle Display" gnus-article-press-button :active t]
(Toggle\ Display menu-item "Toggle Display" gnus-article-press-button)
["View Interactively..." gnus-mime-view-part :active t]
(View\ Interactively\.\.\. menu-item "View Interactively..." gnus-mime-view-part)
["View As Type..." gnus-mime-view-part-as-type :active t]
(View\ As\ Type\.\.\. menu-item "View As Type..." gnus-mime-view-part-as-type)
["View As charset..." gnus-mime-view-part-as-charset :active t]
(View\ As\ charset\.\.\. menu-item "View As charset..." gnus-mime-view-part-as-charset)
["Save..." gnus-mime-save-part :active t]
(Save\.\.\. menu-item "Save..." gnus-mime-save-part)
["Save and Strip" gnus-mime-save-part-and-strip :active t]
(Save\ and\ Strip menu-item "Save and Strip" gnus-mime-save-part-and-strip)
["Replace part" gnus-mime-replace-part :active t]
(Replace\ part menu-item "Replace part" gnus-mime-replace-part)
["Delete part" gnus-mime-delete-part :active t]
(Delete\ part menu-item "Delete part" gnus-mime-delete-part)
["View As Text, In Other Buffer" gnus-mime-copy-part :active t]
(View\ As\ Text\,\ In\ Other\ Buffer menu-item "View As Text, In Other Buffer" gnus-mime-copy-part)
["View As Text, In This Buffer" gnus-mime-inline-part :active t]
(View\ As\ Text\,\ In\ This\ Buffer menu-item "View As Text, In This Buffer" gnus-mime-inline-part)
["View Internally" gnus-mime-view-part-internally :active t]
(View\ Internally menu-item "View Internally" gnus-mime-view-part-internally)
["View Externally" gnus-mime-view-part-externally :active t]
(View\ Externally menu-item "View Externally" gnus-mime-view-part-externally)
["Print" gnus-mime-print-part :active t]
(Print menu-item "Print" gnus-mime-print-part)
["Pipe To Command..." gnus-mime-pipe-part :active t]
(Pipe\ To\ Command\.\.\. menu-item "Pipe To Command..." gnus-mime-pipe-part)
["Take action on the part..." gnus-mime-action-on-part :active t]
(Take\ action\ on\ the\ part\.\.\. menu-item "Take action on the part..." gnus-mime-action-on-part)
["Copy URL to kill ring" gnus-article-copy-string :active t]
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(Fetch\ To menu-item "Fetch To" message-insert-to)
["Body" message-goto-body t]
(Body menu-item "Body" message-goto-body)
["Signature" message-goto-signature t]
(Signature menu-item "Signature" message-goto-signature)
["Show Detail" gnus-article-press-button :active t]
(Show\ Detail menu-item "Show Detail" gnus-article-press-button)
["Save..." gnus-mime-security-save-part :active t]
(Save\.\.\. menu-item "Save..." gnus-mime-security-save-part)
["Pipe To Command..." gnus-mime-security-pipe-part :active t]
(Pipe\ To\ Command\.\.\. menu-item "Pipe To Command..." gnus-mime-security-pipe-part)
["Goto section A-Z"
(message "To go to a section, just press any of: !%s" reftex-index-section-letters)
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(Show\ Entry menu-item "Show Entry" reftex-index-view-entry)
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(Table\ of\ Contents menu-item "Table of Contents" reftex-index-goto-toc)
["Quit" reftex-index-quit t]
(Quit menu-item "Quit" reftex-index-quit)
["Rebuilt *Index* Buffer" revert-buffer t]
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["Rebuilt *Index* Buffer" revert-buffer t]
["Rescan One File" reftex-index-rescan reftex-enable-partial-scans]
["Rescan Entire Document" reftex-index-Rescan t])
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(Rebuilt\ *Index*\ Buffer menu-item "Rebuilt *Index* Buffer" revert-buffer)
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(Rescan\ One\ File menu-item "Rescan One File" reftex-index-rescan :enable reftex-enable-partial-scans)
(Rescan\ Entire\ Document menu-item "Rescan Entire Document" reftex-index-Rescan)))
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["Previous Section" reftex-index-restriction-backward reftex-index-restriction-indicator])
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(Previous\ Section menu-item "Previous Section" reftex-index-restriction-backward :enable reftex-index-restriction-indicator)))
["Edit Entry" reftex-index-edit t]
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["Remove Parentkey " reftex-index-level-up t]
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["Make End-of-Range" reftex-index-toggle-range-end t]
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["Kill Entry" reftex-index-kill nil]
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["Undo" reftex-index-undo nil]
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["Edit Entry" reftex-index-edit t]
["Edit Key" reftex-index-edit-key t]
["Edit Attribute" reftex-index-edit-attribute t]
["Edit Visual" reftex-index-edit-visual t]
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["Remove Parentkey " reftex-index-level-up t]
["Make Start-of-Range" reftex-index-toggle-range-beginning t]
["Make End-of-Range" reftex-index-toggle-range-end t]
["Kill Entry" reftex-index-kill nil]
["Undo" reftex-index-undo nil])
(Edit menu-item "Edit"
(keymap "Edit"
(Edit\ Entry menu-item "Edit Entry" reftex-index-edit)
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(Edit\ Attribute menu-item "Edit Attribute" reftex-index-edit-attribute)
(Edit\ Visual menu-item "Edit Visual" reftex-index-edit-visual)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Add\ Parentkey menu-item "Add Parentkey" reftex-index-level-down)
(Remove\ Parentkey\ menu-item "Remove Parentkey " reftex-index-level-up)
(nil-7-7 menu-item "--")
(Make\ Start-of-Range menu-item "Make Start-of-Range" reftex-index-toggle-range-beginning)
(Make\ End-of-Range menu-item "Make End-of-Range" reftex-index-toggle-range-end)
(nil-7-10 menu-item "--")
(Kill\ Entry menu-item "Kill Entry" reftex-index-kill :enable 'nil)
(nil-7-12 menu-item "--")
(Undo menu-item "Undo" reftex-index-undo :enable 'nil)))
["Context" reftex-index-toggle-context :style toggle :selected reftex-index-include-context]
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["Follow Mode" reftex-index-toggle-follow :style toggle :selected reftex-index-follow-mode]
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["Context" reftex-index-toggle-context :style toggle :selected reftex-index-include-context]
["Follow Mode" reftex-index-toggle-follow :style toggle :selected reftex-index-follow-mode])
(Options menu-item "Options"
(keymap "Options"
(Context menu-item "Context" reftex-index-toggle-context :button
(:toggle . reftex-index-include-context))
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Follow\ Mode menu-item "Follow Mode" reftex-index-toggle-follow :button
(:toggle . reftex-index-follow-mode))))
["Help" reftex-index-show-help t]
(Help menu-item "Help" reftex-index-show-help)
["New Phrase" reftex-index-new-phrase t]
(New\ Phrase menu-item "New Phrase" reftex-index-new-phrase)
["Set Phrase Macro" reftex-index-phrases-set-macro-key t]
(Set\ Phrase\ Macro menu-item "Set Phrase Macro" reftex-index-phrases-set-macro-key)
["Recreate File Header" reftex-index-initialize-phrases-buffer t]
(Recreate\ File\ Header menu-item "Recreate File Header" reftex-index-initialize-phrases-buffer)
["Sort" reftex-index-sort-phrases t]
(Sort menu-item "Sort" reftex-index-sort-phrases)
"Sort Options"
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["by Search Phrase"
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(not reftex-index-phrases-sort-prefers-entry)]
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["by Index Entry"
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["in Blocks"
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(:toggle . reftex-index-phrases-sort-in-blocks))
("Sort Phrases"
["Sort" reftex-index-sort-phrases t]
"--" "Sort Options"
["by Search Phrase"
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(not reftex-index-phrases-sort-prefers-entry)]
["by Index Entry"
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["in Blocks"
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:style toggle :selected reftex-index-phrases-sort-in-blocks])
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(keymap "Sort Phrases"
(Sort menu-item "Sort" reftex-index-sort-phrases)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(nil menu-item "Sort Options")
(by\ Search\ Phrase menu-item "by Search Phrase" menu-function-358 :key-sequence nil :button
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(by\ Index\ Entry menu-item "by Index Entry" menu-function-359 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio . reftex-index-phrases-sort-prefers-entry))
(in\ Blocks menu-item "in Blocks" menu-function-360 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . reftex-index-phrases-sort-in-blocks))))
["Describe Phrase" reftex-index-phrases-info t]
(Describe\ Phrase menu-item "Describe Phrase" reftex-index-phrases-info)
["Next Phrase Conflict" reftex-index-find-next-conflict-phrase t]
(Next\ Phrase\ Conflict menu-item "Next Phrase Conflict" reftex-index-find-next-conflict-phrase)
["Current Phrase" reftex-index-this-phrase t]
(Current\ Phrase menu-item "Current Phrase" reftex-index-this-phrase)
["Next Phrase" reftex-index-next-phrase t]
(Next\ Phrase menu-item "Next Phrase" reftex-index-next-phrase)
["Current and Following" reftex-index-remaining-phrases t]
(Current\ and\ Following menu-item "Current and Following" reftex-index-remaining-phrases)
["Region Phrases" reftex-index-region-phrases t]
(Region\ Phrases menu-item "Region Phrases" reftex-index-region-phrases)
["All Phrases" reftex-index-all-phrases t]
(All\ Phrases menu-item "All Phrases" reftex-index-all-phrases)
(nil menu-item "Options")
["Match Whole Words"
(setq reftex-index-phrases-search-whole-words
(not reftex-index-phrases-search-whole-words))
:style toggle :selected reftex-index-phrases-search-whole-words]
(Match\ Whole\ Words menu-item "Match Whole Words" menu-function-361 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . reftex-index-phrases-search-whole-words))
["Case Sensitive Search"
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(not reftex-index-phrases-case-fold-search))
:style toggle :selected
(not reftex-index-phrases-case-fold-search)]
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["Wrap Long Lines"
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["Skip Indexed Matches"
(setq reftex-index-phrases-skip-indexed-matches
(not reftex-index-phrases-skip-indexed-matches))
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(:toggle . reftex-index-phrases-skip-indexed-matches))
("Find and Index in Document"
["Current Phrase" reftex-index-this-phrase t]
["Next Phrase" reftex-index-next-phrase t]
["Current and Following" reftex-index-remaining-phrases t]
["Region Phrases" reftex-index-region-phrases t]
["All Phrases" reftex-index-all-phrases t]
"--" "Options"
["Match Whole Words"
(setq reftex-index-phrases-search-whole-words
(not reftex-index-phrases-search-whole-words))
:style toggle :selected reftex-index-phrases-search-whole-words]
["Case Sensitive Search"
(setq reftex-index-phrases-case-fold-search
(not reftex-index-phrases-case-fold-search))
:style toggle :selected
(not reftex-index-phrases-case-fold-search)]
["Wrap Long Lines"
(setq reftex-index-phrases-wrap-long-lines
(not reftex-index-phrases-wrap-long-lines))
:style toggle :selected reftex-index-phrases-wrap-long-lines]
["Skip Indexed Matches"
(setq reftex-index-phrases-skip-indexed-matches
(not reftex-index-phrases-skip-indexed-matches))
:style toggle :selected reftex-index-phrases-skip-indexed-matches])
(Find\ and\ Index\ in\ Document menu-item "Find and Index in Document"
(keymap "Find and Index in Document"
(Current\ Phrase menu-item "Current Phrase" reftex-index-this-phrase)
(Next\ Phrase menu-item "Next Phrase" reftex-index-next-phrase)
(Current\ and\ Following menu-item "Current and Following" reftex-index-remaining-phrases)
(Region\ Phrases menu-item "Region Phrases" reftex-index-region-phrases)
(All\ Phrases menu-item "All Phrases" reftex-index-all-phrases)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(nil menu-item "Options")
(Match\ Whole\ Words menu-item "Match Whole Words" menu-function-361 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . reftex-index-phrases-search-whole-words))
(Case\ Sensitive\ Search menu-item "Case Sensitive Search" menu-function-362 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle not reftex-index-phrases-case-fold-search))
(Wrap\ Long\ Lines menu-item "Wrap Long Lines" menu-function-363 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . reftex-index-phrases-wrap-long-lines))
(Skip\ Indexed\ Matches menu-item "Skip Indexed Matches" menu-function-364 :key-sequence nil :button
(:toggle . reftex-index-phrases-skip-indexed-matches))))
["Save and Return" reftex-index-phrases-save-and-return t]
(Save\ and\ Return menu-item "Save and Return" reftex-index-phrases-save-and-return)
("Agenda Files")
(Agenda\ Files menu-item "Agenda Files"
(keymap "Agenda Files"))
["Goto Today" org-agenda-goto-today
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)]
(Goto\ Today menu-item "Goto Today" org-agenda-goto-today :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline))
["Next Dates" org-agenda-later
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)]
(Next\ Dates menu-item "Next Dates" org-agenda-later :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda))
["Previous Dates" org-agenda-earlier
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)]
(Previous\ Dates menu-item "Previous Dates" org-agenda-earlier :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda))
["Jump to date" org-agenda-goto-date
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)]
(Jump\ to\ date menu-item "Jump to date" org-agenda-goto-date :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda))
("Agenda Dates"
["Goto Today" org-agenda-goto-today
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)]
["Next Dates" org-agenda-later
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)]
["Previous Dates" org-agenda-earlier
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)]
["Jump to date" org-agenda-goto-date
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)])
(Agenda\ Dates menu-item "Agenda Dates"
(keymap "Agenda Dates"
(Goto\ Today menu-item "Goto Today" org-agenda-goto-today :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline))
(Next\ Dates menu-item "Next Dates" org-agenda-later :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda))
(Previous\ Dates menu-item "Previous Dates" org-agenda-earlier :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda))
(Jump\ to\ date menu-item "Jump to date" org-agenda-goto-date :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda))))
["Day View" org-agenda-day-view :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
:style radio :selected
(eq org-agenda-current-span 'day)
:keys "v d (or just d)"]
(Day\ View menu-item "Day View" org-agenda-day-view :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
:keys "v d (or just d)" :button
(:radio eq org-agenda-current-span 'day))
["Week View" org-agenda-week-view :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
:style radio :selected
(eq org-agenda-current-span 'week)
:keys "v w"]
(Week\ View menu-item "Week View" org-agenda-week-view :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
:keys "v w" :button
(:radio eq org-agenda-current-span 'week))
["Fortnight View" org-agenda-fortnight-view :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
:style radio :selected
(eq org-agenda-current-span 'fortnight)
:keys "v f"]
(Fortnight\ View menu-item "Fortnight View" org-agenda-fortnight-view :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
:keys "v f" :button
(:radio eq org-agenda-current-span 'fortnight))
["Month View" org-agenda-month-view :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
:style radio :selected
(eq org-agenda-current-span 'month)
:keys "v m"]
(Month\ View menu-item "Month View" org-agenda-month-view :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
:keys "v m" :button
(:radio eq org-agenda-current-span 'month))
["Year View" org-agenda-year-view :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
:style radio :selected
(eq org-agenda-current-span 'year)
:keys "v y"]
(Year\ View menu-item "Year View" org-agenda-year-view :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
:keys "v y" :button
(:radio eq org-agenda-current-span 'year))
["Include Diary" org-agenda-toggle-diary :style toggle :selected org-agenda-include-diary :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)]
(Include\ Diary menu-item "Include Diary" org-agenda-toggle-diary :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
(:toggle . org-agenda-include-diary))
["Include Deadlines" org-agenda-toggle-deadlines :style toggle :selected org-agenda-include-deadlines :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)]
(Include\ Deadlines menu-item "Include Deadlines" org-agenda-toggle-deadlines :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
(:toggle . org-agenda-include-deadlines))
["Use Time Grid" org-agenda-toggle-time-grid :style toggle :selected org-agenda-use-time-grid :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)]
(Use\ Time\ Grid menu-item "Use Time Grid" org-agenda-toggle-time-grid :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
(:toggle . org-agenda-use-time-grid))
["Show clock report" org-agenda-clockreport-mode :style toggle :selected org-agenda-clockreport-mode :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)]
(Show\ clock\ report menu-item "Show clock report" org-agenda-clockreport-mode :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
(:toggle . org-agenda-clockreport-mode))
["Show some entry text" org-agenda-entry-text-mode :style toggle :selected org-agenda-entry-text-mode :active t]
(Show\ some\ entry\ text menu-item "Show some entry text" org-agenda-entry-text-mode :button
(:toggle . org-agenda-entry-text-mode))
["Show Logbook entries" org-agenda-log-mode :style toggle :selected org-agenda-show-log :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)
:keys "v l (or just l)"]
(Show\ Logbook\ entries menu-item "Show Logbook entries" org-agenda-log-mode :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)
:keys "v l (or just l)" :button
(:toggle . org-agenda-show-log))
["Include archived trees" org-agenda-archives-mode :style toggle :selected org-agenda-archives-mode :active t :keys "v a"]
(Include\ archived\ trees menu-item "Include archived trees" org-agenda-archives-mode :keys "v a" :button
(:toggle . org-agenda-archives-mode))
["Include archive files"
(org-agenda-archives-mode t)
:style toggle :selected
(eq org-agenda-archives-mode t)
:active t :keys "v A"]
(Include\ archive\ files menu-item "Include archive files" menu-function-365 :keys "v A" :button
(:toggle eq org-agenda-archives-mode t))
["Remove Restriction" org-agenda-remove-restriction-lock org-agenda-restrict]
(Remove\ Restriction menu-item "Remove Restriction" org-agenda-remove-restriction-lock :enable org-agenda-restrict)
["Day View" org-agenda-day-view :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
:style radio :selected
(eq org-agenda-current-span 'day)
:keys "v d (or just d)"]
["Week View" org-agenda-week-view :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
:style radio :selected
(eq org-agenda-current-span 'week)
:keys "v w"]
["Fortnight View" org-agenda-fortnight-view :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
:style radio :selected
(eq org-agenda-current-span 'fortnight)
:keys "v f"]
["Month View" org-agenda-month-view :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
:style radio :selected
(eq org-agenda-current-span 'month)
:keys "v m"]
["Year View" org-agenda-year-view :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
:style radio :selected
(eq org-agenda-current-span 'year)
:keys "v y"]
["Include Diary" org-agenda-toggle-diary :style toggle :selected org-agenda-include-diary :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)]
["Include Deadlines" org-agenda-toggle-deadlines :style toggle :selected org-agenda-include-deadlines :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)]
["Use Time Grid" org-agenda-toggle-time-grid :style toggle :selected org-agenda-use-time-grid :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)]
["Show clock report" org-agenda-clockreport-mode :style toggle :selected org-agenda-clockreport-mode :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)]
["Show some entry text" org-agenda-entry-text-mode :style toggle :selected org-agenda-entry-text-mode :active t]
["Show Logbook entries" org-agenda-log-mode :style toggle :selected org-agenda-show-log :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)
:keys "v l (or just l)"]
["Include archived trees" org-agenda-archives-mode :style toggle :selected org-agenda-archives-mode :active t :keys "v a"]
["Include archive files"
(org-agenda-archives-mode t)
:style toggle :selected
(eq org-agenda-archives-mode t)
:active t :keys "v A"]
["Remove Restriction" org-agenda-remove-restriction-lock org-agenda-restrict])
(View menu-item "View"
(keymap "View"
(Day\ View menu-item "Day View" org-agenda-day-view :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
:keys "v d (or just d)" :button
(:radio eq org-agenda-current-span 'day))
(Week\ View menu-item "Week View" org-agenda-week-view :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
:keys "v w" :button
(:radio eq org-agenda-current-span 'week))
(Fortnight\ View menu-item "Fortnight View" org-agenda-fortnight-view :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
:keys "v f" :button
(:radio eq org-agenda-current-span 'fortnight))
(Month\ View menu-item "Month View" org-agenda-month-view :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
:keys "v m" :button
(:radio eq org-agenda-current-span 'month))
(Year\ View menu-item "Year View" org-agenda-year-view :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
:keys "v y" :button
(:radio eq org-agenda-current-span 'year))
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Include\ Diary menu-item "Include Diary" org-agenda-toggle-diary :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
(:toggle . org-agenda-include-diary))
(Include\ Deadlines menu-item "Include Deadlines" org-agenda-toggle-deadlines :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
(:toggle . org-agenda-include-deadlines))
(Use\ Time\ Grid menu-item "Use Time Grid" org-agenda-toggle-time-grid :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
(:toggle . org-agenda-use-time-grid))
(nil-7-9 menu-item "--")
(Show\ clock\ report menu-item "Show clock report" org-agenda-clockreport-mode :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda)
(:toggle . org-agenda-clockreport-mode))
(Show\ some\ entry\ text menu-item "Show some entry text" org-agenda-entry-text-mode :button
(:toggle . org-agenda-entry-text-mode))
(nil-7-12 menu-item "--")
(Show\ Logbook\ entries menu-item "Show Logbook entries" org-agenda-log-mode :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)
:keys "v l (or just l)" :button
(:toggle . org-agenda-show-log))
(Include\ archived\ trees menu-item "Include archived trees" org-agenda-archives-mode :keys "v a" :button
(:toggle . org-agenda-archives-mode))
(Include\ archive\ files menu-item "Include archive files" menu-function-365 :keys "v A" :button
(:toggle eq org-agenda-archives-mode t))
(nil-7-16 menu-item "--")
(Remove\ Restriction menu-item "Remove Restriction" org-agenda-remove-restriction-lock :enable org-agenda-restrict)))
["Write view to file" org-agenda-write t]
(Write\ view\ to\ file menu-item "Write view to file" org-agenda-write)
["Rebuild buffer" org-agenda-redo t]
(Rebuild\ buffer menu-item "Rebuild buffer" org-agenda-redo)
["Save all Org-mode Buffers" org-save-all-org-buffers t]
(Save\ all\ Org-mode\ Buffers menu-item "Save all Org-mode Buffers" org-save-all-org-buffers)
["Show original entry" org-agenda-show t]
(Show\ original\ entry menu-item "Show original entry" org-agenda-show)
["Go To (other window)" org-agenda-goto t]
(Go\ To\ \(other\ window\) menu-item "Go To (other window)" org-agenda-goto)
["Go To (this window)" org-agenda-switch-to t]
(Go\ To\ \(this\ window\) menu-item "Go To (this window)" org-agenda-switch-to)
["Capture with cursor date" org-agenda-capture t]
(Capture\ with\ cursor\ date menu-item "Capture with cursor date" org-agenda-capture)
["Follow Mode" org-agenda-follow-mode :style toggle :selected org-agenda-follow-mode :active t]
(Follow\ Mode menu-item "Follow Mode" org-agenda-follow-mode :button
(:toggle . org-agenda-follow-mode))
["Cycle TODO" org-agenda-todo t]
(Cycle\ TODO menu-item "Cycle TODO" org-agenda-todo)
["Next TODO set" org-agenda-todo-nextset t]
(Next\ TODO\ set menu-item "Next TODO set" org-agenda-todo-nextset)
["Previous TODO set" org-agenda-todo-previousset t]
(Previous\ TODO\ set menu-item "Previous TODO set" org-agenda-todo-previousset)
["Add note" org-agenda-add-note t]
(Add\ note menu-item "Add note" org-agenda-add-note)
["Cycle TODO" org-agenda-todo t]
["Next TODO set" org-agenda-todo-nextset t]
["Previous TODO set" org-agenda-todo-previousset t]
["Add note" org-agenda-add-note t])
(TODO menu-item "TODO"
(keymap "TODO"
(Cycle\ TODO menu-item "Cycle TODO" org-agenda-todo)
(Next\ TODO\ set menu-item "Next TODO set" org-agenda-todo-nextset)
(Previous\ TODO\ set menu-item "Previous TODO set" org-agenda-todo-previousset)
(Add\ note menu-item "Add note" org-agenda-add-note)))
["Archive default" org-agenda-archive-default t]
(Archive\ default menu-item "Archive default" org-agenda-archive-default)
["Archive default" org-agenda-archive-default-with-confirmation t]
(Archive\ default-1 menu-item "Archive default" org-agenda-archive-default-with-confirmation)
["Toggle ARCHIVE tag" org-agenda-toggle-archive-tag t]
(Toggle\ ARCHIVE\ tag menu-item "Toggle ARCHIVE tag" org-agenda-toggle-archive-tag)
["Move to archive sibling" org-agenda-archive-to-archive-sibling t]
(Move\ to\ archive\ sibling menu-item "Move to archive sibling" org-agenda-archive-to-archive-sibling)
["Archive subtree" org-agenda-archive t]
(Archive\ subtree menu-item "Archive subtree" org-agenda-archive)
["Refile" org-agenda-refile t]
(Refile menu-item "Refile" org-agenda-refile)
["Delete subtree" org-agenda-kill t]
(Delete\ subtree menu-item "Delete subtree" org-agenda-kill)
["Archive default" org-agenda-archive-default t]
["Archive default" org-agenda-archive-default-with-confirmation t]
["Toggle ARCHIVE tag" org-agenda-toggle-archive-tag t]
["Move to archive sibling" org-agenda-archive-to-archive-sibling t]
["Archive subtree" org-agenda-archive t]
["Refile" org-agenda-refile t]
["Delete subtree" org-agenda-kill t])
(Archive/Refile/Delete menu-item "Archive/Refile/Delete"
(keymap "Archive/Refile/Delete"
(Archive\ default menu-item "Archive default" org-agenda-archive-default)
(Archive\ default-1 menu-item "Archive default" org-agenda-archive-default-with-confirmation)
(Toggle\ ARCHIVE\ tag menu-item "Toggle ARCHIVE tag" org-agenda-toggle-archive-tag)
(Move\ to\ archive\ sibling menu-item "Move to archive sibling" org-agenda-archive-to-archive-sibling)
(Archive\ subtree menu-item "Archive subtree" org-agenda-archive)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Refile menu-item "Refile" org-agenda-refile)
(nil-7-7 menu-item "--")
(Delete\ subtree menu-item "Delete subtree" org-agenda-kill)))
["Mark entry" org-agenda-bulk-mark t]
(Mark\ entry menu-item "Mark entry" org-agenda-bulk-mark)
["Mark all" org-agenda-bulk-mark-all t]
(Mark\ all menu-item "Mark all" org-agenda-bulk-mark-all)
["Unmark entry" org-agenda-bulk-unmark t]
(Unmark\ entry menu-item "Unmark entry" org-agenda-bulk-unmark)
["Unmark all" org-agenda-bulk-unmark-all :active t :keys "U"]
(Unmark\ all menu-item "Unmark all" org-agenda-bulk-unmark-all :keys "U")
["Toggle mark" org-agenda-bulk-toggle t]
(Toggle\ mark menu-item "Toggle mark" org-agenda-bulk-toggle)
["Toggle all" org-agenda-bulk-toggle-all t]
(Toggle\ all menu-item "Toggle all" org-agenda-bulk-toggle-all)
["Mark regexp" org-agenda-bulk-mark-regexp t]
(Mark\ regexp menu-item "Mark regexp" org-agenda-bulk-mark-regexp)
("Bulk action"
["Mark entry" org-agenda-bulk-mark t]
["Mark all" org-agenda-bulk-mark-all t]
["Unmark entry" org-agenda-bulk-unmark t]
["Unmark all" org-agenda-bulk-unmark-all :active t :keys "U"]
["Toggle mark" org-agenda-bulk-toggle t]
["Toggle all" org-agenda-bulk-toggle-all t]
["Mark regexp" org-agenda-bulk-mark-regexp t])
(Bulk\ action menu-item "Bulk action"
(keymap "Bulk action"
(Mark\ entry menu-item "Mark entry" org-agenda-bulk-mark)
(Mark\ all menu-item "Mark all" org-agenda-bulk-mark-all)
(Unmark\ entry menu-item "Unmark entry" org-agenda-bulk-unmark)
(Unmark\ all menu-item "Unmark all" org-agenda-bulk-unmark-all :keys "U")
(Toggle\ mark menu-item "Toggle mark" org-agenda-bulk-toggle)
(Toggle\ all menu-item "Toggle all" org-agenda-bulk-toggle-all)
(Mark\ regexp menu-item "Mark regexp" org-agenda-bulk-mark-regexp)))
["Act on all marked" org-agenda-bulk-action t]
(Act\ on\ all\ marked menu-item "Act on all marked" org-agenda-bulk-action)
["Show all Tags" org-agenda-show-tags t]
(Show\ all\ Tags menu-item "Show all Tags" org-agenda-show-tags)
["Set Tags current line" org-agenda-set-tags
(Set\ Tags\ current\ line menu-item "Set Tags current line" org-agenda-set-tags :enable
["Change tag in region" org-agenda-set-tags
(Change\ tag\ in\ region menu-item "Change tag in region" org-agenda-set-tags :enable
["Column View" org-columns t]
(Column\ View menu-item "Column View" org-columns)
("Tags and Properties"
["Show all Tags" org-agenda-show-tags t]
["Set Tags current line" org-agenda-set-tags
["Change tag in region" org-agenda-set-tags
["Column View" org-columns t])
(Tags\ and\ Properties menu-item "Tags and Properties"
(keymap "Tags and Properties"
(Show\ all\ Tags menu-item "Show all Tags" org-agenda-show-tags)
(Set\ Tags\ current\ line menu-item "Set Tags current line" org-agenda-set-tags :enable
(Change\ tag\ in\ region menu-item "Change tag in region" org-agenda-set-tags :enable
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Column\ View menu-item "Column View" org-columns)))
["Schedule" org-agenda-schedule t]
(Schedule menu-item "Schedule" org-agenda-schedule)
["Set Deadline" org-agenda-deadline t]
(Set\ Deadline menu-item "Set Deadline" org-agenda-deadline)
["Change Date +1 day" org-agenda-date-later
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)]
(Change\ Date\ +1\ day menu-item "Change Date +1 day" org-agenda-date-later :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline))
["Change Date -1 day" org-agenda-date-earlier
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)]
(Change\ Date\ -1\ day menu-item "Change Date -1 day" org-agenda-date-earlier :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline))
["Change Time +1 hour" org-agenda-do-date-later :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)
:keys "C-u S-right"]
(Change\ Time\ +1\ hour menu-item "Change Time +1 hour" org-agenda-do-date-later :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)
:keys "C-u S-right")
["Change Time -1 hour" org-agenda-do-date-earlier :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)
:keys "C-u S-left"]
(Change\ Time\ -1\ hour menu-item "Change Time -1 hour" org-agenda-do-date-earlier :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)
:keys "C-u S-left")
["Change Time + min" org-agenda-date-later :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)
:keys "C-u C-u S-right"]
(Change\ Time\ +\ \ min menu-item "Change Time + min" org-agenda-date-later :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)
:keys "C-u C-u S-right")
["Change Time - min" org-agenda-date-earlier :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)
:keys "C-u C-u S-left"]
(Change\ Time\ -\ \ min menu-item "Change Time - min" org-agenda-date-earlier :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)
:keys "C-u C-u S-left")
["Change Date to ..." org-agenda-date-prompt
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)]
(Change\ Date\ to\ \.\.\. menu-item "Change Date to ..." org-agenda-date-prompt :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline))
["Schedule" org-agenda-schedule t]
["Set Deadline" org-agenda-deadline t]
["Change Date +1 day" org-agenda-date-later
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)]
["Change Date -1 day" org-agenda-date-earlier
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)]
["Change Time +1 hour" org-agenda-do-date-later :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)
:keys "C-u S-right"]
["Change Time -1 hour" org-agenda-do-date-earlier :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)
:keys "C-u S-left"]
["Change Time + min" org-agenda-date-later :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)
:keys "C-u C-u S-right"]
["Change Time - min" org-agenda-date-earlier :active
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)
:keys "C-u C-u S-left"]
["Change Date to ..." org-agenda-date-prompt
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)])
(Deadline/Schedule menu-item "Deadline/Schedule"
(keymap "Deadline/Schedule"
(Schedule menu-item "Schedule" org-agenda-schedule)
(Set\ Deadline menu-item "Set Deadline" org-agenda-deadline)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Change\ Date\ +1\ day menu-item "Change Date +1 day" org-agenda-date-later :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline))
(Change\ Date\ -1\ day menu-item "Change Date -1 day" org-agenda-date-earlier :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline))
(Change\ Time\ +1\ hour menu-item "Change Time +1 hour" org-agenda-do-date-later :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)
:keys "C-u S-right")
(Change\ Time\ -1\ hour menu-item "Change Time -1 hour" org-agenda-do-date-earlier :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)
:keys "C-u S-left")
(Change\ Time\ +\ \ min menu-item "Change Time + min" org-agenda-date-later :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)
:keys "C-u C-u S-right")
(Change\ Time\ -\ \ min menu-item "Change Time - min" org-agenda-date-earlier :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)
:keys "C-u C-u S-left")
(Change\ Date\ to\ \.\.\. menu-item "Change Date to ..." org-agenda-date-prompt :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline))))
["Clock in" org-agenda-clock-in t]
(Clock\ in menu-item "Clock in" org-agenda-clock-in)
["Clock out" org-agenda-clock-out t]
(Clock\ out menu-item "Clock out" org-agenda-clock-out)
["Clock cancel" org-agenda-clock-cancel t]
(Clock\ cancel menu-item "Clock cancel" org-agenda-clock-cancel)
["Set Effort" org-agenda-set-effort t]
(Set\ Effort menu-item "Set Effort" org-agenda-set-effort)
["Change clocked effort" org-clock-modify-effort-estimate
(Change\ clocked\ effort menu-item "Change clocked effort" org-clock-modify-effort-estimate :enable
("Clock and Effort"
["Clock in" org-agenda-clock-in t]
["Clock out" org-agenda-clock-out t]
["Clock cancel" org-agenda-clock-cancel t]
["Goto running clock" org-clock-goto t]
["Set Effort" org-agenda-set-effort t]
["Change clocked effort" org-clock-modify-effort-estimate
(Clock\ and\ Effort menu-item "Clock and Effort"
(keymap "Clock and Effort"
(Clock\ in menu-item "Clock in" org-agenda-clock-in)
(Clock\ out menu-item "Clock out" org-agenda-clock-out)
(Clock\ cancel menu-item "Clock cancel" org-agenda-clock-cancel)
(Goto\ running\ clock menu-item "Goto running clock" org-clock-goto)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Set\ Effort menu-item "Set Effort" org-agenda-set-effort)
(Change\ clocked\ effort menu-item "Change clocked effort" org-clock-modify-effort-estimate :enable
["Set Priority" org-agenda-priority t]
(Set\ Priority menu-item "Set Priority" org-agenda-priority)
["Increase Priority" org-agenda-priority-up t]
(Increase\ Priority menu-item "Increase Priority" org-agenda-priority-up)
["Decrease Priority" org-agenda-priority-down t]
(Decrease\ Priority menu-item "Decrease Priority" org-agenda-priority-down)
["Show Priority" org-show-priority t]
(Show\ Priority menu-item "Show Priority" org-show-priority)
["Set Priority" org-agenda-priority t]
["Increase Priority" org-agenda-priority-up t]
["Decrease Priority" org-agenda-priority-down t]
["Show Priority" org-show-priority t])
(Priority menu-item "Priority"
(keymap "Priority"
(Set\ Priority menu-item "Set Priority" org-agenda-priority)
(Increase\ Priority menu-item "Increase Priority" org-agenda-priority-up)
(Decrease\ Priority menu-item "Decrease Priority" org-agenda-priority-down)
(Show\ Priority menu-item "Show Priority" org-show-priority)))
["New Diary Entry" org-agenda-diary-entry
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)]
(New\ Diary\ Entry menu-item "New Diary Entry" org-agenda-diary-entry :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline))
["Goto Calendar" org-agenda-goto-calendar
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)]
(Goto\ Calendar menu-item "Goto Calendar" org-agenda-goto-calendar :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline))
["Phases of the Moon" org-agenda-phases-of-moon
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)]
(Phases\ of\ the\ Moon menu-item "Phases of the Moon" org-agenda-phases-of-moon :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline))
["Sunrise/Sunset" org-agenda-sunrise-sunset
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)]
(Sunrise/Sunset menu-item "Sunrise/Sunset" org-agenda-sunrise-sunset :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline))
["Holidays" org-agenda-holidays
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)]
(Holidays menu-item "Holidays" org-agenda-holidays :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline))
["Convert" org-agenda-convert-date
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)]
(Convert menu-item "Convert" org-agenda-convert-date :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline))
["Create iCalendar File" org-icalendar-combine-agenda-files t]
(Create\ iCalendar\ File menu-item "Create iCalendar File" org-icalendar-combine-agenda-files)
["New Diary Entry" org-agenda-diary-entry
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)]
["Goto Calendar" org-agenda-goto-calendar
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)]
["Phases of the Moon" org-agenda-phases-of-moon
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)]
["Sunrise/Sunset" org-agenda-sunrise-sunset
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)]
["Holidays" org-agenda-holidays
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)]
["Convert" org-agenda-convert-date
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline)]
["Create iCalendar File" org-icalendar-combine-agenda-files t])
(Calendar/Diary menu-item "Calendar/Diary"
(keymap "Calendar/Diary"
(New\ Diary\ Entry menu-item "New Diary Entry" org-agenda-diary-entry :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline))
(Goto\ Calendar menu-item "Goto Calendar" org-agenda-goto-calendar :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline))
(Phases\ of\ the\ Moon menu-item "Phases of the Moon" org-agenda-phases-of-moon :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline))
(Sunrise/Sunset menu-item "Sunrise/Sunset" org-agenda-sunrise-sunset :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline))
(Holidays menu-item "Holidays" org-agenda-holidays :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline))
(Convert menu-item "Convert" org-agenda-convert-date :enable
(org-agenda-check-type nil 'agenda 'timeline))
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Create\ iCalendar\ File menu-item "Create iCalendar File" org-icalendar-combine-agenda-files)))
["Undo Remote Editing" org-agenda-undo org-agenda-undo-list]
(Undo\ Remote\ Editing menu-item "Undo Remote Editing" org-agenda-undo :enable org-agenda-undo-list)
["Show note / unflag" org-agenda-show-the-flagging-note t]
(Show\ note\ /\ unflag menu-item "Show note / unflag" org-agenda-show-the-flagging-note)
["Push Files and Views" org-mobile-push t]
["Get Captured and Flagged" org-mobile-pull t]
["Find FLAGGED Tasks"
(org-agenda nil "?")
:active t :keys "C-c a ?"]
["Show note / unflag" org-agenda-show-the-flagging-note t]
(require 'org-mobile)
(customize-group 'org-mobile))
(MobileOrg menu-item "MobileOrg"
(keymap "MobileOrg"
(Push\ Files\ and\ Views menu-item "Push Files and Views" org-mobile-push)
(Get\ Captured\ and\ Flagged menu-item "Get Captured and Flagged" org-mobile-pull)
(Find\ FLAGGED\ Tasks menu-item "Find FLAGGED Tasks" menu-function-264 :keys "C-c a ?")
(Show\ note\ /\ unflag menu-item "Show note / unflag" org-agenda-show-the-flagging-note)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(Setup menu-item "Setup" menu-function-265 :key-sequence nil)))
["Quit" org-agenda-quit t]
(Quit menu-item "Quit" org-agenda-quit)
["Exit and Release Buffers" org-agenda-exit t]
(Exit\ and\ Release\ Buffers menu-item "Exit and Release Buffers" org-agenda-exit)
["Finish and Install" org-table-fedit-finish t]
(Finish\ and\ Install menu-item "Finish and Install" org-table-fedit-finish)
["Finish, Install, and Apply"
(org-table-fedit-finish t)
:keys "C-u C-c C-c"]
(Finish\,\ Install\,\ and\ Apply menu-item "Finish, Install, and Apply" menu-function-366 :keys "C-u C-c C-c")
["Abort" org-table-fedit-abort t]
(Abort menu-item "Abort" org-table-fedit-abort)
["Pretty-Print Lisp Formula" org-table-fedit-lisp-indent t]
(Pretty-Print\ Lisp\ Formula menu-item "Pretty-Print Lisp Formula" org-table-fedit-lisp-indent)
["Complete Lisp Symbol" lisp-complete-symbol t]
(Complete\ Lisp\ Symbol menu-item "Complete Lisp Symbol" lisp-complete-symbol)
"Shift Reference at Point"
(nil menu-item "Shift Reference at Point")
["Up" org-table-fedit-ref-up t]
(Up menu-item "Up" org-table-fedit-ref-up)
["Down" org-table-fedit-ref-down t]
(Down menu-item "Down" org-table-fedit-ref-down)
["Left" org-table-fedit-ref-left t]
(Left menu-item "Left" org-table-fedit-ref-left)
["Right" org-table-fedit-ref-right t]
(Right menu-item "Right" org-table-fedit-ref-right)
"Change Test Row for Column Formulas"
(nil-13 menu-item "Change Test Row for Column Formulas")
["Up" org-table-fedit-line-up t]
(Up-14 menu-item "Up" org-table-fedit-line-up)
["Down" org-table-fedit-line-down t]
(Down-15 menu-item "Down" org-table-fedit-line-down)
["Scroll Table Window" org-table-fedit-scroll t]
(Scroll\ Table\ Window menu-item "Scroll Table Window" org-table-fedit-scroll)
["Scroll Table Window down" org-table-fedit-scroll-down t]
(Scroll\ Table\ Window\ down menu-item "Scroll Table Window down" org-table-fedit-scroll-down)
["Show Table Grid" org-table-fedit-toggle-coordinates :style toggle :selected
(marker-buffer org-pos)
(Show\ Table\ Grid menu-item "Show Table Grid" org-table-fedit-toggle-coordinates :button
(:toggle with-current-buffer
(marker-buffer org-pos)
["Standard Refs (B3 instead of @3$2)" org-table-fedit-toggle-ref-type :style toggle :selected org-table-buffer-is-an]
(Standard\ Refs\ \(B3\ instead\ of\ @3$2\) menu-item "Standard Refs (B3 instead of @3$2)" org-table-fedit-toggle-ref-type :button
(:toggle . org-table-buffer-is-an))
["Add Message to Sequence..." mh-put-msg-in-seq
(mh-get-msg-num nil)]
(Add\ Message\ to\ Sequence\.\.\. menu-item "Add Message to Sequence..." mh-put-msg-in-seq :enable
(mh-get-msg-num nil))
["List Sequences for Message" mh-msg-is-in-seq
(mh-get-msg-num nil)]
(List\ Sequences\ for\ Message menu-item "List Sequences for Message" mh-msg-is-in-seq :enable
(mh-get-msg-num nil))
["Delete Message from Sequence..." mh-delete-msg-from-seq
(mh-get-msg-num nil)]
(Delete\ Message\ from\ Sequence\.\.\. menu-item "Delete Message from Sequence..." mh-delete-msg-from-seq :enable
(mh-get-msg-num nil))
["List Sequences in Folder..." mh-list-sequences t]
(List\ Sequences\ in\ Folder\.\.\. menu-item "List Sequences in Folder..." mh-list-sequences)
["Delete Sequence..." mh-delete-seq t]
(Delete\ Sequence\.\.\. menu-item "Delete Sequence..." mh-delete-seq)
["Narrow to Sequence..." mh-narrow-to-seq t]
(Narrow\ to\ Sequence\.\.\. menu-item "Narrow to Sequence..." mh-narrow-to-seq)
["Widen from Sequence" mh-widen mh-folder-view-stack]
(Widen\ from\ Sequence menu-item "Widen from Sequence" mh-widen :enable mh-folder-view-stack)
["Narrow to Subject Sequence" mh-narrow-to-subject t]
(Narrow\ to\ Subject\ Sequence menu-item "Narrow to Subject Sequence" mh-narrow-to-subject)
["Narrow to Tick Sequence" mh-narrow-to-tick
(and mh-tick-seq
(mh-find-seq mh-tick-seq)))]
(Narrow\ to\ Tick\ Sequence menu-item "Narrow to Tick Sequence" mh-narrow-to-tick :enable
(and mh-tick-seq
(mh-find-seq mh-tick-seq))))
["Delete Rest of Same Subject" mh-delete-subject t]
(Delete\ Rest\ of\ Same\ Subject menu-item "Delete Rest of Same Subject" mh-delete-subject)
["Toggle Tick Mark" mh-toggle-tick t]
(Toggle\ Tick\ Mark menu-item "Toggle Tick Mark" mh-toggle-tick)
["Push State Out to MH" mh-update-sequences t]
(Push\ State\ Out\ to\ MH menu-item "Push State Out to MH" mh-update-sequences)
["Show Message" mh-show
(mh-get-msg-num nil)]
(Show\ Message menu-item "Show Message" mh-show :enable
(mh-get-msg-num nil))
["Show Message with Header" mh-header-display
(mh-get-msg-num nil)]
(Show\ Message\ with\ Header menu-item "Show Message with Header" mh-header-display :enable
(mh-get-msg-num nil))
["Show Message with Preferred Alternative" mh-show-preferred-alternative
(mh-get-msg-num nil)]
(Show\ Message\ with\ Preferred\ Alternative menu-item "Show Message with Preferred Alternative" mh-show-preferred-alternative :enable
(mh-get-msg-num nil))
["Next Message" mh-next-undeleted-msg t]
(Next\ Message menu-item "Next Message" mh-next-undeleted-msg)
["Previous Message" mh-previous-undeleted-msg t]
(Previous\ Message menu-item "Previous Message" mh-previous-undeleted-msg)
["Go to First Message" mh-first-msg t]
(Go\ to\ First\ Message menu-item "Go to First Message" mh-first-msg)
["Go to Last Message" mh-last-msg t]
(Go\ to\ Last\ Message menu-item "Go to Last Message" mh-last-msg)
["Go to Message by Number..." mh-goto-msg t]
(Go\ to\ Message\ by\ Number\.\.\. menu-item "Go to Message by Number..." mh-goto-msg)
["Modify Message" mh-modify t]
(Modify\ Message menu-item "Modify Message" mh-modify)
["Refile Message" mh-refile-msg
(mh-get-msg-num nil)]
(Refile\ Message menu-item "Refile Message" mh-refile-msg :enable
(mh-get-msg-num nil))
["Delete Message" mh-delete-msg
(mh-get-msg-num nil)]
(Delete\ Message menu-item "Delete Message" mh-delete-msg :enable
(mh-get-msg-num nil))
["Undo Delete/Refile/Junk" mh-undo
(Undo\ Delete/Refile/Junk menu-item "Undo Delete/Refile/Junk" mh-undo :enable
["Execute Delete/Refile" mh-execute-commands
(Execute\ Delete/Refile menu-item "Execute Delete/Refile" mh-execute-commands :enable
["Compose a New Message" mh-send t]
(Compose\ a\ New\ Message menu-item "Compose a New Message" mh-send)
["Reply to Message..." mh-reply
(mh-get-msg-num nil)]
(Reply\ to\ Message\.\.\. menu-item "Reply to Message..." mh-reply :enable
(mh-get-msg-num nil))
["Forward Message..." mh-forward
(mh-get-msg-num nil)]
(Forward\ Message\.\.\. menu-item "Forward Message..." mh-forward :enable
(mh-get-msg-num nil))
["Redistribute Message..." mh-redistribute
(mh-get-msg-num nil)]
(Redistribute\ Message\.\.\. menu-item "Redistribute Message..." mh-redistribute :enable
(mh-get-msg-num nil))
["Edit Message Again" mh-edit-again
(mh-get-msg-num nil)]
(Edit\ Message\ Again menu-item "Edit Message Again" mh-edit-again :enable
(mh-get-msg-num nil))
["Re-edit a Bounced Message" mh-extract-rejected-mail t]
(Re-edit\ a\ Bounced\ Message menu-item "Re-edit a Bounced Message" mh-extract-rejected-mail)
["Copy Message to Folder..." mh-copy-msg
(mh-get-msg-num nil)]
(Copy\ Message\ to\ Folder\.\.\. menu-item "Copy Message to Folder..." mh-copy-msg :enable
(mh-get-msg-num nil))
["Print Message" mh-print-msg
(mh-get-msg-num nil)]
(Print\ Message menu-item "Print Message" mh-print-msg :enable
(mh-get-msg-num nil))
["Write Message to File..." mh-write-msg-to-file
(mh-get-msg-num nil)]
(Write\ Message\ to\ File\.\.\. menu-item "Write Message to File..." mh-write-msg-to-file :enable
(mh-get-msg-num nil))
["Pipe Message to Command..." mh-pipe-msg
(mh-get-msg-num nil)]
(Pipe\ Message\ to\ Command\.\.\. menu-item "Pipe Message to Command..." mh-pipe-msg :enable
(mh-get-msg-num nil))
["Unpack Uuencoded Message..." mh-store-msg
(mh-get-msg-num nil)]
(Unpack\ Uuencoded\ Message\.\.\. menu-item "Unpack Uuencoded Message..." mh-store-msg :enable
(mh-get-msg-num nil))
["Burst Digest Message" mh-burst-digest
(mh-get-msg-num nil)]
(Burst\ Digest\ Message menu-item "Burst Digest Message" mh-burst-digest :enable
(mh-get-msg-num nil))
["Incorporate New Mail" mh-inc-folder t]
(Incorporate\ New\ Mail menu-item "Incorporate New Mail" mh-inc-folder)
["Toggle Show/Folder" mh-toggle-showing t]
(Toggle\ Show/Folder menu-item "Toggle Show/Folder" mh-toggle-showing)
["Rescan Folder" mh-rescan-folder t]
(Rescan\ Folder menu-item "Rescan Folder" mh-rescan-folder)
["Thread Folder" mh-toggle-threads
(memq 'unthread mh-view-ops))]
(Thread\ Folder menu-item "Thread Folder" mh-toggle-threads :enable
(memq 'unthread mh-view-ops)))
["Pack Folder" mh-pack-folder t]
(Pack\ Folder menu-item "Pack Folder" mh-pack-folder)
["Sort Folder" mh-sort-folder t]
(Sort\ Folder menu-item "Sort Folder" mh-sort-folder)
["List Folders" mh-list-folders t]
(List\ Folders menu-item "List Folders" mh-list-folders)
["Visit a Folder..." mh-visit-folder t]
(Visit\ a\ Folder\.\.\. menu-item "Visit a Folder..." mh-visit-folder)
["View New Messages" mh-index-new-messages t]
(View\ New\ Messages menu-item "View New Messages" mh-index-new-messages)
["Search..." mh-search t]
(Search\.\.\. menu-item "Search..." mh-search)
["Quit MH-E" mh-quit t]
(Quit\ MH-E menu-item "Quit MH-E" mh-quit)
["Add Message to Sequence..." mh-show-put-msg-in-seq t]
(Add\ Message\ to\ Sequence\.\.\. menu-item "Add Message to Sequence..." mh-show-put-msg-in-seq)
["List Sequences for Message" mh-show-msg-is-in-seq t]
(List\ Sequences\ for\ Message menu-item "List Sequences for Message" mh-show-msg-is-in-seq)
["Delete Message from Sequence..." mh-show-delete-msg-from-seq t]
(Delete\ Message\ from\ Sequence\.\.\. menu-item "Delete Message from Sequence..." mh-show-delete-msg-from-seq)
["List Sequences in Folder..." mh-show-list-sequences t]
(List\ Sequences\ in\ Folder\.\.\. menu-item "List Sequences in Folder..." mh-show-list-sequences)
["Delete Sequence..." mh-show-delete-seq t]
(Delete\ Sequence\.\.\. menu-item "Delete Sequence..." mh-show-delete-seq)
["Narrow to Sequence..." mh-show-narrow-to-seq t]
(Narrow\ to\ Sequence\.\.\. menu-item "Narrow to Sequence..." mh-show-narrow-to-seq)
["Widen from Sequence" mh-show-widen t]
(Widen\ from\ Sequence menu-item "Widen from Sequence" mh-show-widen)
["Narrow to Subject Sequence" mh-show-narrow-to-subject t]
(Narrow\ to\ Subject\ Sequence menu-item "Narrow to Subject Sequence" mh-show-narrow-to-subject)
["Narrow to Tick Sequence" mh-show-narrow-to-tick
(with-current-buffer mh-show-folder-buffer
(and mh-tick-seq
(mh-find-seq mh-tick-seq))))]
(Narrow\ to\ Tick\ Sequence menu-item "Narrow to Tick Sequence" mh-show-narrow-to-tick :enable
(with-current-buffer mh-show-folder-buffer
(and mh-tick-seq
(mh-find-seq mh-tick-seq)))))
["Delete Rest of Same Subject" mh-show-delete-subject t]
(Delete\ Rest\ of\ Same\ Subject menu-item "Delete Rest of Same Subject" mh-show-delete-subject)
["Toggle Tick Mark" mh-show-toggle-tick t]
(Toggle\ Tick\ Mark menu-item "Toggle Tick Mark" mh-show-toggle-tick)
["Push State Out to MH" mh-show-update-sequences t]
(Push\ State\ Out\ to\ MH menu-item "Push State Out to MH" mh-show-update-sequences)
["Show Message" mh-show-show t]
(Show\ Message menu-item "Show Message" mh-show-show)
["Show Message with Header" mh-show-header-display t]
(Show\ Message\ with\ Header menu-item "Show Message with Header" mh-show-header-display)
["Show Message with Preferred Alternative" mh-show-show-preferred-alternative t]
(Show\ Message\ with\ Preferred\ Alternative menu-item "Show Message with Preferred Alternative" mh-show-show-preferred-alternative)
["Next Message" mh-show-next-undeleted-msg t]
(Next\ Message menu-item "Next Message" mh-show-next-undeleted-msg)
["Previous Message" mh-show-previous-undeleted-msg t]
(Previous\ Message menu-item "Previous Message" mh-show-previous-undeleted-msg)
["Go to First Message" mh-show-first-msg t]
(Go\ to\ First\ Message menu-item "Go to First Message" mh-show-first-msg)
["Go to Last Message" mh-show-last-msg t]
(Go\ to\ Last\ Message menu-item "Go to Last Message" mh-show-last-msg)
["Go to Message by Number..." mh-show-goto-msg t]
(Go\ to\ Message\ by\ Number\.\.\. menu-item "Go to Message by Number..." mh-show-goto-msg)
["Modify Message" mh-show-modify t]
(Modify\ Message menu-item "Modify Message" mh-show-modify)
["Delete Message" mh-show-delete-msg t]
(Delete\ Message menu-item "Delete Message" mh-show-delete-msg)
["Refile Message" mh-show-refile-msg t]
(Refile\ Message menu-item "Refile Message" mh-show-refile-msg)
["Undo Delete/Refile" mh-show-undo t]
(Undo\ Delete/Refile menu-item "Undo Delete/Refile" mh-show-undo)
["Process Delete/Refile" mh-show-execute-commands t]
(Process\ Delete/Refile menu-item "Process Delete/Refile" mh-show-execute-commands)
["Reply to Message..." mh-show-reply t]
(Reply\ to\ Message\.\.\. menu-item "Reply to Message..." mh-show-reply)
["Forward Message..." mh-show-forward t]
(Forward\ Message\.\.\. menu-item "Forward Message..." mh-show-forward)
["Redistribute Message..." mh-show-redistribute t]
(Redistribute\ Message\.\.\. menu-item "Redistribute Message..." mh-show-redistribute)
["Edit Message Again" mh-show-edit-again t]
(Edit\ Message\ Again menu-item "Edit Message Again" mh-show-edit-again)
["Re-edit a Bounced Message" mh-show-extract-rejected-mail t]
(Re-edit\ a\ Bounced\ Message menu-item "Re-edit a Bounced Message" mh-show-extract-rejected-mail)
["Copy Message to Folder..." mh-show-copy-msg t]
(Copy\ Message\ to\ Folder\.\.\. menu-item "Copy Message to Folder..." mh-show-copy-msg)
["Print Message" mh-show-print-msg t]
(Print\ Message menu-item "Print Message" mh-show-print-msg)
["Write Message to File..." mh-show-write-msg-to-file t]
(Write\ Message\ to\ File\.\.\. menu-item "Write Message to File..." mh-show-write-msg-to-file)
["Pipe Message to Command..." mh-show-pipe-msg t]
(Pipe\ Message\ to\ Command\.\.\. menu-item "Pipe Message to Command..." mh-show-pipe-msg)
["Unpack Uuencoded Message..." mh-show-store-msg t]
(Unpack\ Uuencoded\ Message\.\.\. menu-item "Unpack Uuencoded Message..." mh-show-store-msg)
["Burst Digest Message" mh-show-burst-digest t]
(Burst\ Digest\ Message menu-item "Burst Digest Message" mh-show-burst-digest)
["Incorporate New Mail" mh-show-inc-folder t]
(Incorporate\ New\ Mail menu-item "Incorporate New Mail" mh-show-inc-folder)
["Toggle Show/Folder" mh-show-toggle-showing t]
(Toggle\ Show/Folder menu-item "Toggle Show/Folder" mh-show-toggle-showing)
["Execute Delete/Refile" mh-show-execute-commands t]
(Execute\ Delete/Refile menu-item "Execute Delete/Refile" mh-show-execute-commands)
["Rescan Folder" mh-show-rescan-folder t]
(Rescan\ Folder menu-item "Rescan Folder" mh-show-rescan-folder)
["Thread Folder" mh-show-toggle-threads t]
(Thread\ Folder menu-item "Thread Folder" mh-show-toggle-threads)
["Pack Folder" mh-show-pack-folder t]
(Pack\ Folder menu-item "Pack Folder" mh-show-pack-folder)
["Sort Folder" mh-show-sort-folder t]
(Sort\ Folder menu-item "Sort Folder" mh-show-sort-folder)
["List Folders" mh-show-list-folders t]
(List\ Folders menu-item "List Folders" mh-show-list-folders)
["Visit a Folder..." mh-show-visit-folder t]
(Visit\ a\ Folder\.\.\. menu-item "Visit a Folder..." mh-show-visit-folder)
["View New Messages" mh-show-index-new-messages t]
(View\ New\ Messages menu-item "View New Messages" mh-show-index-new-messages)
["Perform Search" mh-index-do-search t]
(Perform\ Search menu-item "Perform Search" mh-index-do-search)
["Search with pick" mh-pick-do-search t]
(Search\ with\ pick menu-item "Search with pick" mh-pick-do-search)
["Send This Draft" mh-send-letter t]
(Send\ This\ Draft menu-item "Send This Draft" mh-send-letter)
["Split Current Line" mh-open-line t]
(Split\ Current\ Line menu-item "Split Current Line" mh-open-line)
["Check Recipient" mh-check-whom t]
(Check\ Recipient menu-item "Check Recipient" mh-check-whom)
["Yank Current Message" mh-yank-cur-msg t]
(Yank\ Current\ Message menu-item "Yank Current Message" mh-yank-cur-msg)
["Insert a Message..." mh-insert-letter t]
(Insert\ a\ Message\.\.\. menu-item "Insert a Message..." mh-insert-letter)
["Insert Signature" mh-insert-signature t]
(Insert\ Signature menu-item "Insert Signature" mh-insert-signature)
["Sign Message" mh-mml-secure-message-sign mh-pgp-support-flag]
(Sign\ Message menu-item "Sign Message" mh-mml-secure-message-sign :enable mh-pgp-support-flag)
["Encrypt Message" mh-mml-secure-message-encrypt mh-pgp-support-flag]
(Encrypt\ Message menu-item "Encrypt Message" mh-mml-secure-message-encrypt :enable mh-pgp-support-flag)
["Sign+Encrypt Message" mh-mml-secure-message-signencrypt mh-pgp-support-flag]
(Sign+Encrypt\ Message menu-item "Sign+Encrypt Message" mh-mml-secure-message-signencrypt :enable mh-pgp-support-flag)
["Disable Security" mh-mml-unsecure-message mh-pgp-support-flag]
(Disable\ Security menu-item "Disable Security" mh-mml-unsecure-message :enable mh-pgp-support-flag)
"Security Method"
(nil menu-item "Security Method")
(setq mh-mml-method-default "pgpmime")
:style radio :selected
(equal mh-mml-method-default "pgpmime")]
(PGP\ \(MIME\) menu-item "PGP (MIME)" menu-function-367 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio equal mh-mml-method-default "pgpmime"))
(setq mh-mml-method-default "pgp")
:style radio :selected
(equal mh-mml-method-default "pgp")]
(PGP menu-item "PGP" menu-function-368 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio equal mh-mml-method-default "pgp"))
(setq mh-mml-method-default "smime")
:style radio :selected
(equal mh-mml-method-default "smime")]
(S/MIME menu-item "S/MIME" menu-function-369 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio equal mh-mml-method-default "smime"))
["Save Method as Default"
(customize-save-variable 'mh-mml-method-default mh-mml-method-default)
(Save\ Method\ as\ Default menu-item "Save Method as Default" menu-function-370 :key-sequence nil)
("Encrypt/Sign Message"
["Sign Message" mh-mml-secure-message-sign mh-pgp-support-flag]
["Encrypt Message" mh-mml-secure-message-encrypt mh-pgp-support-flag]
["Sign+Encrypt Message" mh-mml-secure-message-signencrypt mh-pgp-support-flag]
["Disable Security" mh-mml-unsecure-message mh-pgp-support-flag]
"--" "Security Method"
(setq mh-mml-method-default "pgpmime")
:style radio :selected
(equal mh-mml-method-default "pgpmime")]
(setq mh-mml-method-default "pgp")
:style radio :selected
(equal mh-mml-method-default "pgp")]
(setq mh-mml-method-default "smime")
:style radio :selected
(equal mh-mml-method-default "smime")]
["Save Method as Default"
(customize-save-variable 'mh-mml-method-default mh-mml-method-default)
(Encrypt/Sign\ Message menu-item "Encrypt/Sign Message"
(keymap "Encrypt/Sign Message"
(Sign\ Message menu-item "Sign Message" mh-mml-secure-message-sign :enable mh-pgp-support-flag)
(Encrypt\ Message menu-item "Encrypt Message" mh-mml-secure-message-encrypt :enable mh-pgp-support-flag)
(Sign+Encrypt\ Message menu-item "Sign+Encrypt Message" mh-mml-secure-message-signencrypt :enable mh-pgp-support-flag)
(Disable\ Security menu-item "Disable Security" mh-mml-unsecure-message :enable mh-pgp-support-flag)
(nil-7 menu-item "--")
(nil menu-item "Security Method")
(PGP\ \(MIME\) menu-item "PGP (MIME)" menu-function-367 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio equal mh-mml-method-default "pgpmime"))
(PGP menu-item "PGP" menu-function-368 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio equal mh-mml-method-default "pgp"))
(S/MIME menu-item "S/MIME" menu-function-369 :key-sequence nil :button
(:radio equal mh-mml-method-default "smime"))
(nil-7-9 menu-item "--")
(Save\ Method\ as\ Default menu-item "Save Method as Default" menu-function-370 :key-sequence nil)))
["Compose Insertion..." mh-compose-insertion t]
(Compose\ Insertion\.\.\. menu-item "Compose Insertion..." mh-compose-insertion)
["Compose Compressed tar (MH)..." mh-mh-compose-external-compressed-tar t]
(Compose\ Compressed\ tar\ \(MH\)\.\.\. menu-item "Compose Compressed tar (MH)..." mh-mh-compose-external-compressed-tar)
["Compose Get File (MH)..." mh-mh-compose-anon-ftp t]
(Compose\ Get\ File\ \(MH\)\.\.\. menu-item "Compose Get File (MH)..." mh-mh-compose-anon-ftp)
["Compose Forward..." mh-compose-forward t]
(Compose\ Forward\.\.\. menu-item "Compose Forward..." mh-compose-forward)
["Pull in All Compositions (MH)" mh-mh-to-mime
(Pull\ in\ All\ Compositions\ \(MH\) menu-item "Pull in All Compositions (MH)" mh-mh-to-mime :enable
["Pull in All Compositions (MML)" mh-mml-to-mime
(Pull\ in\ All\ Compositions\ \(MML\) menu-item "Pull in All Compositions (MML)" mh-mml-to-mime :enable
["Revert to Non-MIME Edit (MH)" mh-mh-to-mime-undo
(equal mh-compose-insertion 'mh)]
(Revert\ to\ Non-MIME\ Edit\ \(MH\) menu-item "Revert to Non-MIME Edit (MH)" mh-mh-to-mime-undo :enable
(equal mh-compose-insertion 'mh))
["Kill This Draft" mh-fully-kill-draft t]
(Kill\ This\ Draft menu-item "Kill This Draft" mh-fully-kill-draft)
["Find Files" dired-do-find-marked-files :help "Find current or marked files"]
(Find\ Files menu-item "Find Files" dired-do-find-marked-files :help "Find current or marked files")
["Relative Symlink to..." dired-do-relsymlink :visible
(fboundp 'make-symbolic-link)
:help "Make relative symbolic links for current or marked files"]
(Relative\ Symlink\ to\.\.\. menu-item "Relative Symlink to..." dired-do-relsymlink :visible
(fboundp 'make-symbolic-link)
:help "Make relative symbolic links for current or marked files")
["Flag Extension..." dired-flag-extension :help "Flag files with a certain extension for deletion"]
(Flag\ Extension\.\.\. menu-item "Flag Extension..." dired-flag-extension :help "Flag files with a certain extension for deletion")
["Mark Extension..." dired-mark-extension :help "Mark files with a certain extension"]
(Mark\ Extension\.\.\. menu-item "Mark Extension..." dired-mark-extension :help "Mark files with a certain extension")
["Mark Omitted" dired-mark-omitted :help "Mark files matching `dired-omit-files' and `dired-omit-extensions'"]
(Mark\ Omitted menu-item "Mark Omitted" dired-mark-omitted :help "Mark files matching `dired-omit-files' and `dired-omit-extensions'")
["Relative Symlink..." dired-do-relsymlink-regexp :visible
(fboundp 'make-symbolic-link)
:help "Make relative symbolic links for files matching regexp"]
(Relative\ Symlink\.\.\. menu-item "Relative Symlink..." dired-do-relsymlink-regexp :visible
(fboundp 'make-symbolic-link)
:help "Make relative symbolic links for files matching regexp")
["Omit Mode" dired-omit-mode :style toggle :selected dired-omit-mode :help "Enable or disable omitting \"uninteresting\" files"]
(Omit\ Mode menu-item "Omit Mode" dired-omit-mode :button
(:toggle . dired-omit-mode)
:help "Enable or disable omitting \"uninteresting\" files")))