
custom-magic-alist is a variable defined in `cus-edit.el'.
Its value is shown below.
  • This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.

Alist of customize option states.
Each entry is of the form (STATE MAGIC FACE ITEM-DESC [ GROUP-DESC ]), where

STATE is one of the following symbols:

For internal use, should never occur.
For internal use, should never occur.
This item is not being displayed.
This item is modified, but has an invalid form.
This item is modified, and has a valid form.
This item has been set but not saved.
The current value of this item has been changed outside Customize.
This item is marked for saving.
This item has no customization information.
This item was set by an enabled Custom theme.
This item is unchanged from the standard setting.

MAGIC is a string used to present that state.

FACE is a face used to present the state.

ITEM-DESC is a string describing the state for options.

GROUP-DESC is a string describing the state for groups. If this is
left out, ITEM-DESC will be used.

The string %c in either description will be replaced with the
category of the item. These are `group', `option', and `face'.

The list should be sorted most significant first.


((nil "#" underline "UNINITIALIZED, you should not see this.") (unknown "?" italic "UNKNOWN, you should not see this.") (hidden "-" default "HIDDEN, invoke \"Show\" in the previous line to show." "group now hidden, invoke \"Show\", above, to show contents.") (invalid "x" custom-invalid "INVALID, the displayed value cannot be set.") (modified "*" custom-modified "EDITED, shown value does not take effect until you set or save it." "something in this group has been edited but not set.") (set "+" custom-set "SET for current session only." "something in this group has been set but not saved.") (changed ":" custom-changed "CHANGED outside Customize." "something in this group has been changed outside customize.") (saved "!" custom-saved "SAVED and set." "something in this group has been set and saved.") (themed "o" custom-themed "THEMED." "visible group members are set by enabled themes.") (rogue "@" custom-rogue "NO CUSTOMIZATION DATA; not intended to be customized." "something in this group is not prepared for customization.") (standard " " nil "STANDARD." "visible group members are all at standard values."))