compilation-minor-mode-map is a variable defined in `
Its value is shown
- This variable may be risky if used as a file-local variable.
Keymap for `compilation-minor-mode'.
(menu-bar keymap
(compilation "Errors" keymap
(compilation-next-error menu-item "Next Error" next-error :help "Visit next `next-error' message and corresponding source code")
(compilation-previous-error menu-item "Previous Error" previous-error :help "Visit previous `next-error' message and corresponding source code")
(compilation-first-error menu-item "First Error" first-error :help "Restart at the first error, visit corresponding source code")
(compilation-mode-separator2 "----")
(compilation-skip "Skip Less Important Messages" keymap
(compilation-skip-warning-and-info menu-item "Skip Warnings and Info"
(lambda nil
(customize-set-variable 'compilation-skip-threshold 2))
:help "Skip over Warnings and Info, stop for errors" :button
(:radio eq compilation-skip-threshold 2))
(compilation-skip-info menu-item "Skip Info"
(lambda nil
(customize-set-variable 'compilation-skip-threshold 1))
:help "Skip anything less than warning" :button
(:radio eq compilation-skip-threshold 1))
(compilation-skip-none menu-item "Don't Skip Any Messages"
(lambda nil
(customize-set-variable 'compilation-skip-threshold 0))
:help "Do not skip any type of messages" :button
(:radio eq compilation-skip-threshold 0))
(compilation-next-error-follow-minor-mode menu-item "Auto Error Display" next-error-follow-minor-mode :help "Display the error under cursor when moving the cursor" :button
(:toggle . next-error-follow-minor-mode))
(compilation-mode-separator3 "----")
(stop-subjob menu-item "Stop Compilation" kill-compilation :help "Kill the process made by the M-x compile or M-x grep commands")
(103 . recompile)
(27 keymap
(125 . compilation-next-file)
(123 . compilation-previous-file)
(112 . compilation-previous-error)
(110 . compilation-next-error))
(15 . compilation-display-error)
(13 . compile-goto-error)
(3 keymap
(11 . kill-compilation)
(3 . compile-goto-error))
(follow-link . mouse-face)
(mouse-2 . compile-goto-error)
(103 . revert-buffer)
(60 . beginning-of-buffer)
(62 . end-of-buffer)
(104 . describe-mode)
(63 . describe-mode)
(127 . scroll-down-command)
(33554464 . scroll-down-command)
(32 . scroll-up-command)
(113 . quit-window)
(57 . digit-argument)
(56 . digit-argument)
(55 . digit-argument)
(54 . digit-argument)
(53 . digit-argument)
(52 . digit-argument)
(51 . digit-argument)
(50 . digit-argument)
(49 . digit-argument)
(48 . digit-argument)
(45 . negative-argument)
(remap keymap
(self-insert-command . undefined)))