
compilation-error-regexp-alist is a variable defined in `compile.el'.
Its value is

(absoft ada aix ant bash borland python-tracebacks-and-caml comma cucumber msft edg-1 edg-2 epc ftnchek iar ibm irix java jikes-file maven jikes-line gcc-include ruby-Test::Unit gnu lcc makepp mips-1 mips-2 msft omake oracle perl php rxp sparc-pascal-file sparc-pascal-line sparc-pascal-example sun sun-ada watcom 4bsd gcov-file gcov-header gcov-nomark gcov-called-line gcov-never-called perl--Pod::Checker perl--Test perl--Test2 perl--Test::Harness weblint guile-file guile-line)

Alist that specifies how to match errors in compiler output.
On GNU and Unix, any string is a valid filename, so these
matchers must make some common sense assumptions, which catch
normal cases. A shorter list will be lighter on resource usage.

Instead of an alist element, you can use a symbol, which is
looked up in `compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist'. You can see
the predefined symbols and their effects in the file
`etc/compilation.txt' (linked below if you are customizing this).

HIGHLIGHT...]). If REGEXP matches, the FILE'th subexpression
gives the file name, and the LINE'th subexpression gives the line
number. The COLUMN'th subexpression gives the column number on
that line.

If FILE, LINE or COLUMN are nil or that index didn't match, that
information is not present on the matched line. In that case the
file name is assumed to be the same as the previous one in the
buffer, line number defaults to 1 and column defaults to
beginning of line's indentation.

FILE can also have the form (FILE FORMAT...), where the FORMATs
(e.g. "%s.c") will be applied in turn to the recognized file
name, until a file of that name is found. Or FILE can also be a
function that returns (FILENAME) or (RELATIVE-FILENAME . DIRNAME).
In the former case, FILENAME may be relative or absolute.

LINE can also be of the form (LINE . END-LINE) meaning a range
of lines. COLUMN can also be of the form (COLUMN . END-COLUMN)
meaning a range of columns starting on LINE and ending on
END-LINE, if that matched.

TYPE is 2 or nil for a real error or 1 for warning or 0 for info.
TYPE can also be of the form (WARNING . INFO). In that case this
will be equivalent to 1 if the WARNING'th subexpression matched
or else equivalent to 0 if the INFO'th subexpression matched.
See `compilation-error-face', `compilation-warning-face',
`compilation-info-face' and `compilation-skip-threshold'.

What matched the HYPERLINK'th subexpression has `mouse-face' and
`compilation-message-face' applied. If this is nil, the text
matched by the whole REGEXP becomes the hyperlink.

Additional HIGHLIGHTs take the shape (SUBMATCH FACE), where
SUBMATCH is the number of a submatch and FACE is an expression
which evaluates to a face name (a symbol or string).
Alternatively, FACE can evaluate to a property list of the
form (face FACE PROP1 VAL1 PROP2 VAL2 ...), in which case all the
listed text properties PROP# are given values VAL# as well.

You can customize this variable.