
bibtex-biblatex-field-alist is a variable defined in `bibtex.el'.
Its value is shown below.

Alist of biblatex fields.
It has the same format as `bibtex-BibTeX-entry-alist'.

You can customize this variable.

This variable was introduced, or its default value was changed, in version 24.1 of Emacs.


(("abstract" "Abstract of the work") ("addendum" "Miscellaneous bibliographic data") ("afterword" "Author(s) of an afterword to the work") ("annotation" "Annotation") ("annotator" "Author(s) of annotations to the work") ("author" "Author(s) of the title") ("bookauthor" "Author(s) of the booktitle.") ("bookpagination" "Pagination scheme of the enclosing work") ("booksubtitle" "Subtitle related to the booktitle") ("booktitle" "Title of the book") ("booktitleaddon" "Annex to the booktitle") ("chapter" "Chapter, section, or any other unit of a work") ("commentator" "Author(s) of a commentary to the work") ("date" "Publication date") ("doi" "Digital Object Identifier") ("edition" "Edition of a printed publication") ("editor" "Editor(s) of the title, booktitle, or maintitle") ("editora" "Secondary editor") ("editorb" "Secondary editor") ("editorc" "Secondary editor") ("editortype" "Type of editorial role performed by the editor") ("editoratype" "Type of editorial role performed by editora") ("editorbtype" "Type of editorial role performed by editorb") ("editorctype" "Type of editorial role performed by editorc") ("eid" "Electronic identifier of an article") ("eprint" "Electronic identifier of an online publication") ("eprintclass" "Additional information related to the eprinttype") ("eprinttype" "Type of eprint identifier") ("eventdate" "Date of a conference or some other event") ("eventtitle" "Title of a conference or some other event") ("file" "Local link to an electronic version of the work") ("foreword" "Author(s) of a foreword to the work") ("holder" "Holder(s) of a patent") ("howpublished" "Publication notice for unusual publications") ("indextitle" "Title to use for indexing instead of the regular title") ("institution" "Name of a university or some other institution") ("introduction" "Author(s) of an introduction to the work") ("isan" "International Standard Audiovisual Number of an audiovisual work") ("isbn" "International Standard Book Number of a book.") ("ismn" "International Standard Music Number for printed music") ("isrn" "International Standard Technical Report Number") ("issn" "International Standard Serial Number of a periodical.") ("issue" "Issue of a journal") ("issuesubtitle" "Subtitle of a specific issue of a journal or other periodical.") ("issuetitle" "Title of a specific issue of a journal or other periodical.") ("iswc" "International Standard Work Code of a musical work") ("journalsubtitle" "Subtitle of a journal, a newspaper, or some other periodical.") ("journaltitle" "Name of a journal, a newspaper, or some other periodical.") ("label" "Substitute for the regular label to be used by the citation style") ("language" "Language(s) of the work") ("library" "Library name and a call number") ("location" "Place(s) of publication") ("mainsubtitle" "Subtitle related to the maintitle") ("maintitle" "Main title of a multi-volume book, such as Collected Works") ("maintitleaddon" "Annex to the maintitle") ("month" "Publication month") ("nameaddon" "Addon to be printed immediately after the author name") ("note" "Miscellaneous bibliographic data") ("number" "Number of a journal or the volume/number of a book in a series") ("organization" "Organization(s) that published a work") ("origdate" "Publication date of the original edition") ("origlanguage" "Original publication language of a translated edition") ("origlocation" "Location of the original edition") ("origpublisher" "Publisher of the original edition") ("origtitle" "Title of the original work") ("pages" "Page number(s) or page range(s)") ("pagetotal" "Total number of pages of the work.") ("pagination" "Pagination of the work") ("part" "Number of a partial volume") ("publisher" "Name(s) of the publisher(s)") ("pubstate" "Publication state of the work, e. g.,'in press'") ("reprinttitle" "Title of a reprint of the work") ("series" "Name of a publication series") ("shortauthor" "Author(s) of the work, given in an abbreviated form") ("shorteditor" "Editor(s) of the work, given in an abbreviated form") ("shortjournal" "Short version or an acronym of the journal title") ("shortseries" "Short version or an acronym of the series field") ("shorttitle" "Title in an abridged form") ("subtitle" "Subtitle of the work") ("title" "Title of the work") ("titleaddon" "Annex to the title") ("translator" "Translator(s) of the work") ("type" "Type of a manual, patent, report, or thesis") ("url" " URL of an online publication.") ("urldate" "Access date of the address specified in the url field") ("venue" "Location of a conference, a symposium, or some other event") ("version" "Revision number of a piece of software, a manual, etc.") ("volume" "Volume of a multi-volume book or a periodical") ("volumes" "Total number of volumes of a multi-volume work") ("year" "Year of publication"))