auto-coding-alist is a variable defined in `
Its value is
(("\\.\\(arc\\|zip\\|lzh\\|lha\\|zoo\\|[jew]ar\\|xpi\\|rar\\|7z\\|ARC\\|ZIP\\|LZH\\|LHA\\|ZOO\\|[JEW]AR\\|XPI\\|RAR\\|7Z\\)\\'" . no-conversion-multibyte)
("\\.\\(exe\\|EXE\\)\\'" . no-conversion)
("\\.\\(sx[dmicw]\\|odt\\|tar\\|t[bg]z\\)\\'" . no-conversion)
("\\.\\(gz\\|Z\\|bz\\|bz2\\|xz\\|gpg\\)\\'" . no-conversion)
("\\.\\(jpe?g\\|png\\|gif\\|tiff?\\|p[bpgn]m\\)\\'" . no-conversion)
("\\.pdf\\'" . no-conversion)
("/#[^/]+#\\'" . utf-8-emacs-unix))
Alist of filename patterns vs corresponding coding systems.
Each element looks like (REGEXP . CODING-SYSTEM).
A file whose name matches REGEXP is decoded by CODING-SYSTEM on reading.
The settings in this alist take priority over `coding:' tags
in the file (see the function `set-auto-coding')
and the contents of `file-coding-system-alist'.
You can customize this variable.
This variable was introduced, or its default value was changed, in
version 24.1 of Emacs.